diff --git a/Scripts/tcar.conf b/Scripts/tcar.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a281334 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/tcar.conf @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +#!/bin/bash +###################################################################### +# +# tcar.conf -- Configuration file for tcar automation script. +# +###################################################################### + +###################################################################### +# Repository (source files) +###################################################################### + +# Base directory where repository files are installed in. +declare -x TCAR_BASEDIR=/usr/share/tcar + +# Base directory where automation scripts are installed in. +declare -x TCAR_SCRIPT_BASEDIR=${TCAR_BASEDIR}/Scripts + +# Base directory where man pages are installed in. +declare -x TCAR_SCRIPT_MANUALS=/usr/share/man/man1 + +# Default text editor. +declare -x TCAR_SCRIPT_EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim + +# Base directory where automation script modules are installed in. +declare -x TCAR_SCRIPT_MODULES_BASEDIR=${TCAR_SCRIPT_BASEDIR}/Modules + +# Directory to store temporal files. +declare -x TCAR_SCRIPT_TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -p /tmp -d ${TCAR_SCRIPT_NAME}-XXXXXX) + +###################################################################### +# Workplace (final content) +###################################################################### + +# Base directory where final content is produced in. This value is +# also known as the "workplace" and can be customized later by the +# user, using its personal configuration file (e.g., ~/.tcar.conf). +# The value of this variable must point to a directory structure +# created by the prepare command of tcar script. +declare -x TCAR_WORKDIR=/tmp/${TCAR_SCRIPT_NAME}-workplace/ + +###################################################################### +# Internationalization +###################################################################### + +# Set the script text domain. This information is used by gettext +# system to retrieve translated strings from machine object (MO) files +# with this name. This variable is reset based on the common function +# or module in turn. +declare -x TEXTDOMAIN="${TCAR_SCRIPT_NAME}" + +# Set the script text domain directory. This information is used by +# gettext system to know where the machine object (MO) files are +# stored in. The value of variable is the same for both common +# functions and individual modules. +declare -x TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale + +###################################################################### +# Script Flags +###################################################################### + +# Set filter flag (-f|--filter). This flag is mainly used to reduce +# the number of files to process and is interpreted as egrep-posix +# regular expression. By default, when this flag is not provided, all +# paths in the working copy will match, except files inside hidden +# directories like `.svn' and `.git' that will be omitted. +declare -x TCAR_FLAG_FILTER='[[:alnum:]_/-]+' + +# Set verbosity flag (-q|--quiet). This flag controls whether tcar.sh +# script prints messages or not. By default, all messages are +# suppressed except those directed to standard error. +declare -x TCAR_FLAG_QUIET='false' + +# Set affirmative flag (-y|--yes). This flag controls whether tcar.sh +# script does or does not pass confirmation request points. By +# default, it doesn't. +declare -x TCAR_FLAG_YES='false' + +# Set debugger flag (-d|--debug). This flag controls whether tcar.sh +# script does or does not print debugging information. The tcar.sh +# script prints debug information to standard output. +declare -x TCAR_FLAG_DEBUG='false'