Path Types
In order for automation scripts to produce content inside a
working copy of &TCAR;, it is required that all work lines be
related somehow. The relation between work lines is used by
automation scripts to know where to retrive the information
they need to work with (e.g., input files, translation
messages, output locations, etc.). This kind of relation is
built using two path constructions known as master
paths and auxiliar paths.
Master Paths
A master path refers to a directory inside the repository that
contain input files required to produce output files through
automation scripts. Examples of master paths inside the
repository include:
Auxiliar paths
An auxiliar path refers a directory inside the repository
considered auxiliar for the master path. Auxiliar path can be
either for output or localization. Assuming the master path
provides the input information, the auxiliar paths provide the
auxiliar information which describes how and where that input
information is rendered by automation scripts. Examples of
auxiliar paths inside the repository include:
The relationship between master and auxiliar paths is built by
combining the second directory level of master paths with
directories in the second directory level of repository
layout. In the second directory level of repository layout,
the Identity, Manuals and Scripts directories are always
used to create the master paths and the output auxiliar paths.
The Locales directory,
on the other hand, is always used to create localization
auxiliar paths for all the master paths available under
Identity, Manuals and Scripts directories.
For example, if the LANG environment variable
is set to es_ES.UTF-8 and you execute the
render functionality of script with the trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook
master path as argument, it will produce &TCARUG; in Spanish
language using translation messages from trunk/Locales/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES
auxiliar path and saving output files inside trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES
auxiliar path.