Repository Work Lines The content production inside &TCAR; has been divided into individual work lines that relate one another based on the idea of doing one thing well. In this model, the content produced individually by each work line is combined one another later to achieve higher purposes (e.g., corporate identity for &TCP;). The repository work lines, as conceived here, provide a relaible environment for people to work syncronized and descentralized. The action of combining work lines inside &TCAR; is known as the corporate identity production cycle. The rest of this section describes the work lines available in the repository and how they fit inside the corporate identity production cycle.
Visual Identity The visual identity is the first component we work out in order to produce a new corporate identity. Through this work line, graphic designers create models and motifs for all the visual manifestation &TCP; is made of. Once design models and artistic motifs are set in place, graphic designers use the render functionality described in to combine both design models and artistic motifs into final images. The main purposes of this work line is define all the visual manifestations the &TCP; is made of and provide design models and artistic motifs for them in order to render the set of images required to transmit the visual style that identifies &TCP; as unique organization. To know more about &TCPCVI;, read . The visual identity work line takes palce in the Identity directory.
Localization The content localization is the second component that must be worked out in the corporate identity production cycle. Through this work line translators localize source files (e.g., SVG, DocBook, Shell scripts) which are later use to produce localized images, localized documentation and localized automation scripts. To localize source files, translators use the locale functionality described in which takes care of retriving translatable strings from source files and provide a consistent localization interface based on GNU gettext multi-lingual message production tool set and xml2po command. The main purpose of this work line is extend the visual identity (produced in English language) to as many native languages as possible in order for people which doesn't understand English languague to feel more confortable with &TCP; and its messages. To know more about the specific localization process read . The localization work line takes palce in the Locales directory.
Documentation The documentation work line is the third component that must be worked out in the corporate identity production cycle. Through this work line documentors settle down the conceptual and practical used to edificate &TCAR;. To write documentation, documentors use the help functionality described in which provides a consistent interface for building documentation through different documentation backends (e.g., Texinfo, DocBook, LaTeX, etc.). The main purpose of this work line is describe the standard procedures &TCAR; realies on, as well as conceive a place to help you understand what &TCAR; is and what can you do with it. The documentation work line takes palce in the Manuals directory.
Packaging The packaging work line is the fourth component that must be worked out in the corporate identity production cycle. Through this work line packager gather final images, final translations and final documentation related to art works and put all together inside RPM packages. For this purpose, packagers use the pack describe in which provides a consistent interface for building packages inside the repository. The main purpose of this work line is pack all the information &TCP; requires to rebrand &TCD; according Red Hat redistribution guidelines. The packaging work line takes palce in the Packages directory.
Automation The automation work line is the fifth and last component that must be worked out in the corporate identity production cycle. This work line closes the production cycle and provides the production standards graphic designers, documentors, translators and packagers need to make their work consistent and reusable. For this purpose, programmers develop the script described in . The main purpose of this work line is standardize the interaction of work lines in a reliable way. The automation work line takes palce in the Scripts directory.