Implementing Document Structure This section describes the steps you should follow to implement document structures like that one described in . Creating Document Structure To create new documentation manuals inside &TCAR; you need to use the help functionality of script, as shown in the following command: centos-art help --edit "manual-name" The first time you execute this command, you will be prompted to enter manual specific information like document format, document title, document subtitle, document author, etc. Once this information has been collected the help functionality performs some repository verifications and creates the manual source files inside the manual's directory name you specified as manual-name. When you create new documentation manuals, take care of the locale information you are currently using. This information is generally set in the LANG environment variable and is used by the help functionality of script to define the language of new documentation manual and the document template used to build it, as well. Once the documentation structure has been created this way, the recently created documentation manual is ready to receive new chapters and sections as it is described in .