<?cs include "header.cs"?> <div id="ctxtnav" class="nav"></div> <div id="content" class="error"> <?cs if error.type == "TracError" ?> <h1><?cs var:error.title ?></h1> <p class="message"><?cs var:error.message ?></p> <?cs elif error.type == "internal" ?> <h1>Oops…</h1> <div class="message"> <strong>Trac detected an internal error:</strong> <pre><?cs var:error.message ?></pre> </div> <p>If you think this really should work and you can reproduce it, you should consider reporting this problem to the Trac team.</p> <p>Go to <a href="<?cs var:trac.href.homepage ?>"><?cs var:trac.href.homepage ?></a> and create a new ticket where you describe the problem, how to reproduce it. Don't forget to include the Python traceback found below.</p> <?cs /if ?> <p> <a href="<?cs var:trac.href.wiki ?>/TracGuide">TracGuide</a> — The Trac User and Administration Guide </p> <?cs if:error.traceback ?> <h4>Python Traceback</h4> <pre><?cs var:error.traceback ?></pre> <?cs /if ?> </div> <?cs include "footer.cs"?>