SHARED DIRECTORY The CentOS Artwork ********************************************************************** The `Shared' directory is use to store common images that are shared among different sections of the artwork environment. In order to build some images, like those in anaconda slides section, it is needed to have some images already rendered in a proper dimension so they could be included before the final rendering of the image, the anaconda slide in this case. These kind of images are organized here in the shared directory. Generally the content of this directory are icons and graphical representations of actions, applications, mime-types and so on. Event default dimensions of these images may vary, it is recommend to use an standard dimension for svg templates designs (ex. width=150px) and then vary the size of final rendered image through the ./ script. The syntax is as following: ./ filename dimension These images are rendered inside img directory. img directory is organized in subdirectories with a number as name, that number is equivalent to images' width inside it. Those are the subdirectories used by different artwork sections to retrive the needed image for its own purpose. ********************************************************************** The CentOS Artwork