diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent
index 789a9d6..88dad24 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
     This file defines entities for words and phrases frequently used
     inside The CentOS Artwork Repository User's Guide.  It is a way of
     normalizing the use of concepts inside the documentation and make
     their maintainance easier to realize.
+<!ENTITY COPYRIGHT "Copyright &copy; 2009, 2010, 2011 &TCAS;">
 <!-- About Corporate Identity -->
 <!ENTITY CI         "Corporate Identity">
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs.docbook
index a942cf8..0e7873b 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs.docbook
@@ -2,28 +2,6 @@
     <title>Repository Convenctions</title>
-    <para>
-        &TCAR; is supported by <ulink
-        url="http://subversion.tigris.org/">Subversion</ulink>, a
-        version control system which allows you to keep old versions
-        of files and directories (usually source code), keep a log of
-        who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., like CVS, RCS or
-        SCCS.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        When using Subversion there is one <quote>source
-        repository</quote> and many <quote>working copies</quote> of
-        that source repository. The working copies are independent one
-        another, can be distributed all around the world and provide a
-        local place for designers, documentors, translators and
-        programmers to perform their work in a descentralized way.
-        The source repository, on the other hand, provides a central
-        place for all independent working copies to interchange data
-        and provides the information required to permit extracting
-        previous versions of files at any time.
-    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/copying.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/copying.docbook
index ba5fce6..1d4508f 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/copying.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/copying.docbook
@@ -3,26 +3,23 @@
     <title>Copying Conditions</title>
-        Copyright &copy; 2009, 2010, 2011 The CentOS Artwork SIG
+        &COPYRIGHT;
-        &TCAR; organizes files in a very specific way to implement
-        &TCPCVI;. This very specific organization of files is
-        considered part of <command>centos-art.sh</command> script, a
-        bash script that automate the most frequent tasks inside the
-        repository.
+        &TCAS; uses &TCAR; to implement &TCPCVI;. The implementation
+        itself is controlled by the <command>centos-art.sh</command>
+        script.
-        Both the <command>centos-art.sh</command> script and the
-        organization of files it needs to work with, are not in the
-        public domain; they are copyrighted and there are restrictions
-        on their distribution, but these restrictions are designed to
-        permit everything that a good cooperating citizen would want
-        to do.  What is not allowed is to try to prevent others from
-        further sharing any version of this program that they might
-        get from you.
+        Both the <command>centos-art.sh</command> script and &TCAR;,
+        are not in the public domain; they are copyrighted and there
+        are restrictions on their distribution, but these restrictions
+        are designed to permit everything that a good cooperating
+        citizen would want to do.  What is not allowed is to try to
+        prevent others from further sharing any version of this work
+        that they might get from you.
@@ -30,8 +27,8 @@
         give away copies of <command>centos-art.sh</command> script
         and the organization of files it needs to work, that you
         receive source code or else can get it if you want it, that
-        you can change this program or use pieces of it in new free
-        programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+        you can change this work or use pieces of it in new free
+        works, and that you know you can do these things.
@@ -46,7 +43,7 @@
         Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that
         everyone finds out that there is no warranty for the
-        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script.  If this program is
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script.  If this work is
         modified by someone else and passed on, we want their
         recipients to know that what they have is not what we
         distributed, so that any problems introduced by others will
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/extending.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/extending.docbook
index e33074e..afc2859 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/extending.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/extending.docbook
@@ -3,30 +3,29 @@
     <title>Extending Repository Organization</title>
-        Occasionly, you may find that new components of The
-        CentOS Project corporate visual identity need to be added to
-        the repository in order to work them out. If that is the case,
-        the first question we need to ask ourselves, before start to
-        create directories blindly all over, is: <emphasis>What is the
-        right place to store it?</emphasis>
+        Occasionly, you may find that new components of &TCP;
+        corporate visual identity need to be added to the repository
+        in order to work them out. If that is the case, the first
+        question we need to ask ourselves, before start to create
+        directories blindly all over, is: <emphasis>What is the right
+        place to store it?</emphasis>
-        The best place to find answers is in The CentOS Community (see
-        page http://wiki.centos.org/Help), but going there with hands
-        empty is not good idea. It may give the impression you don't
-        really care about. Instead, consider the following suggestions
+        The best place to find answers is in &TCC; (see page
+        http://wiki.centos.org/Help), but going there with hands empty
+        is not good idea. It may give the impression you don't really
+        care about. Instead, consider the following suggestions
         to find your own comprehension in order to make your own
         propositions based on it.
         When extending respository structure it is very useful to bear
-        in mind The CentOS Project corporate visual identity
-        structure, The CentOS Mission and The CentOS Release Schema.
-        The rest is a matter of choosing appropriate names. It is also
-        worth to know that each directory in the repository responds
-        to a conceptual idea that justifies its existence.
+        in mind &TCPCVIS;, &TCM; and &TCDRS;.  The rest is a matter of
+        choosing appropriate names.  It is also worth to know that
+        each directory in the repository responds to a conceptual idea
+        that justifies its existence.
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/layout.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/layout.docbook
index 911ec7d..c186014 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/layout.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/layout.docbook
@@ -3,6 +3,28 @@
+        &TCAR; is supported by <ulink
+        url="http://subversion.tigris.org/">Subversion</ulink>, a
+        version control system which allows you to keep old versions
+        of files and directories (usually source code), keep a log of
+        who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., like CVS, RCS or
+        SCCS.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        When using Subversion there is one <quote>source
+        repository</quote> and many <quote>working copies</quote> of
+        that source repository. The working copies are independent one
+        another, can be distributed all around the world and provide a
+        local place for designers, documentors, translators and
+        programmers to perform their work in a descentralized way.
+        The source repository, on the other hand, provides a central
+        place for all independent working copies to interchange data
+        and provides the information required to permit extracting
+        previous versions of files at any time.
+    </para>
+    <para>
         &TCAR; is organized through a convenctional
         <quote>trunk</quote>, <quote>branches</quote> and
         <quote>tags</quote> layout.
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/policy.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/policy.docbook
index 21f336f..eafdfa6 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/policy.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/policy.docbook
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
-        The CentOS Artwork Repository is a collaborative tool that
-        anyone can have access to. However, changing that tool in any
-        form is something that should be requested in &TCDML;.
-        Generally, people download working copies of &TCAR; to study
-        its organization, make local changes, test the changes really
-        work the way expected and finally, request access to commit
-        them up to &TCAR; for others to benefit from them.
+        &TCAR; is a collaborative tool that anyone can have access to.
+        However, changing that tool in any form is something that
+        should be requested in &TCDML;.  Generally, people download
+        working copies of &TCAR; to study its organization, make local
+        changes, test the changes really work the way expected and
+        finally, request access to commit them up to &TCAR; for others
+        to benefit from them.
@@ -46,20 +46,20 @@
-        The content produced inside &TCAR; is copyright of &TCAS;.
-        This way, we (&TCAS;) can say that all content produced inside
-        &TCAR; must comply the terms of <xref linkend="licenses-gpl"
-        /> or <xref linkend="licenses-gfdl" /> in order for them to
-        remain inside the repository. With this disposition set, the
-        bases of our community are founded to provide you, as author,
-        the greatest benefit possible for creating and sharing your
-        work in freedoom.
+        The content produced inside &TCAR; is copyright of &TCAS; and
+        this is something you, as author, need to be aware of because
+        you are giving part of your creation's rights to someone else;
+        &TCAS; for this matter.  In this case, your work is
+        distributed using &TCAS; as copyright holder not your name.
+        Because &TCAS; is the copyright holder, is the license chosen
+        by &TCAS; the one applied to your work, so it is the one you
+        need to agree with before making a creation inside &TCAR;. 
-        Finally, we believe that working together is far better than
-        working alone; eventhough somtimes, working alone is the only
-        possible way of reaching that state of glory which is to work
+        We belive that working together is far better than working
+        alone; eventhough somtimes, working alone is the only possible
+        way of reaching the state of glory which is to work
         syncronized all together in freedom.
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/relbdirs.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/relbdirs.docbook
index 36d72eb..1109bc1 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/relbdirs.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/relbdirs.docbook
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
         In order for automation scripts to produce content inside a
-        working copy of CentOS Artwork Repository, it is required that
-        all work lines be related somehow.  The relation is used by
-        automation scripts to know where to retrive the information
-        they need to work with (e.g., design model, translation
-        messages, output locations, etc.).  This kind of relation is
-        built using two path constructions named <emphasis>master
-        paths</emphasis> and <emphasis>auxiliar
-        paths</emphasis>.
+        working copy of &TCAR;, it is required that all work lines be
+        related somehow.  The relation is used by automation scripts
+        to know where to retrive the information they need to work
+        with (e.g., design model, translation messages, output
+        locations, etc.).  This kind of relation is built using two
+        path constructions named <emphasis>master paths</emphasis> and
+        <emphasis>auxiliar paths</emphasis>.
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/worklines.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/worklines.docbook
index 4d243f3..02bd6f8 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/worklines.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Repoconvs/worklines.docbook
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
         The documentation work line exists to describe what each
-        directory inside the CentOS Artwork Repository is for, the
-        conceptual ideas behind them and, if possible, how automation
-        scripts make use of them.  The documentation work line is
-        organized in the <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Manuals</filename> directory.
+        directory inside &TCAR; is for, the conceptual ideas behind
+        them and, if possible, how automation scripts make use of
+        them.  The documentation work line is organized in the
+        <filename class="directory">trunk/Manuals</filename>
+        directory.
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Scripts/Bash.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Scripts/Bash.docbook
index 903a882..52df4f4 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Scripts/Bash.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Scripts/Bash.docbook
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<chapter id="scripts-bash" xreflabel="The centos-art.sh script">
+<chapter id="scripts-bash">
     <title>The <command>centos-art.sh</command> script</title>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/repository.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/repository.docbook
index 67682b6..d83e220 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/repository.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/repository.docbook
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-            <holder>The CentOS Artwork SIG</holder>
+            <holder>&TCAS;</holder>
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
               This manuals documents relevant information regarding
               the deployment, organization, and administration of
-              CentOS Artwork Repository.
+              &TCAR;