diff --git a/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Introduction.docbook b/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Introduction.docbook
index 9efe8c2..82ff07e 100644
--- a/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Introduction.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Introduction.docbook
@@ -14,6 +14,42 @@
+        This manual is divided in the following categories:
+    </para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        Repository
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        Corporate Identity
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        Localization
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        Documentation
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        Automation
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+    <para>
         This manual discusses the following topics:
@@ -27,8 +63,9 @@
-        &TCP; as organization. Here we dig in the ground and climb up
-        to the sky, looking for the roots, flowers and thorns &TCP; is
+        &TCP; as organization and the components that define its
+        visual identity.  Here we dig in the ground and climb up to
+        the sky, looking for the roots, flowers and thorns &TCP; is
         made of.
diff --git a/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/config.docbook b/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/config.docbook
index 2afdab5..629550c 100644
--- a/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/config.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/config.docbook
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ centos  ALL=(ALL)       ALL
         Once you've installed and configured the workstation, it is
         ready to receive the working copy of &TCAR;. In this step, you
         use Subversion's client to communicate the source repository
-        of &TCAR; and download the files that make a working copy of
-        it so you can change and receive changes from others.
+        of &TCAR;  and download all the files that make a working copy
+        of it.
@@ -353,33 +353,40 @@ centos  ALL=(ALL)       ALL
         class="directory">/home/centos/artwork</filename> directory.
+    <note>
         If the Subversion's client wasn't installed by default, you
         need to install it using the following command:
     <screen>sudo yum install subversion</screen>
+    </note>
+    <para>
+        Once your working copy of &TCAR; has been downloaded, you
+        should notice that there is no image files, nor documentation,
+        or localized content inside it. This is because all the files
+        provided in the working copy are source files (e.g., the files
+        needed to produce other files) and it is up to you the action
+        of render them to produce the final files (e.g., images and
+        documentation) we use to implement &TCPCVI;. 
+    </para>
-        Once your working copy of &TCAR; has been downloaded, the
-        first thing you need to do with it is preparing it. In this
-        step you prepare the working copy to start working with it. By
-        default the working copy only provides the source files used
-        to produce documentation translations, and images. So it is
-        necessary that you render all this content in order to have
-        something to work with. Additionally, it is also necessary to
-        verify software packages and create the symbolic links that
-        connect the content produced inside the working copy to
-        applications outside it (e.g., to make available patterns,
-        brushes, and palettes produced inside the working copy in
-        GIMP, the application used to manipulate images).
+        Another consideration to be aware of at this point, is the
+        need of verifying the software installed in the workstation,
+        as well as the creation of symbolic links to connect the
+        content produced inside the working copy to applications
+        outside it (e.g., to make available patterns, brushes, and
+        palettes produced inside the working copy in GIMP, the
+        application used to manipulate images).
-        In order to standardize all these preparation stuff, the
-        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script provides the
-        <function>prepare</function> functionality as described in
-        <xref linkend="scripts-bash-prepare" />. Execute it right now,
+        These final preparation stuff is automated by the
+        <function>prepare</function> functionality of the
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script, as described in <xref
+        linkend="scripts-bash-prepare" />. Execute it right now,
         to be sure your workstation and your working copy are both
         ready to be used.
diff --git a/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/overview.docbook b/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/overview.docbook
index ca68a42..b410d20 100644
--- a/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/overview.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/TCAR-UG/Docbook/Repository/Workstation/overview.docbook
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
         The workstation is the machine you use to store your working
         copy of &TCAR;.  The working copy is an ordinary directory
         tree on your workstation, containing a collection of files
-        that you can edit however you wish. It is your own private
-        work area related to &TCAR;. It is the place where you perform
+        that you can edit however you wish. The working copy is your
+        own private work area related to &TCAR; where you perform
         changes and receive changes from others.