diff --git a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg.sh b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg.sh
index 24a6acb..c7978cf 100755
--- a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg.sh
+++ b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg.sh
@@ -31,12 +31,18 @@ function svg {
     # Define list of scalable vector graphic files to process using
     # option value as reference.
     if [[ -d $OPTIONVAL ]];then
-        FILES=$(find $OPTIONVAL -regextype posix-egrep -type f -regex '.*/*.svg$')
-    elif [[ -f $OPTIONVAL ]];then
+        FILES=$(find $OPTIONVAL -regextype posix-egrep -type f -regex "^${REGEX}\.svg$")
+    # Check list of files to process. If list of files is empty there
+    # is nothing to do except to print a message and end script
+    # execution.
+    if [[ $FILES == '' ]];then
+        cli_printMessage "`gettext "There is no file to process."`"
+        cli_printMessage "$(caller)" 'AsToKnowMoreLine'
+    fi
     # Define command line interface for svg-based actions.
-    svg_getActions 
+    svg_getActions
diff --git a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg_updateMetadata.sh b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg_updateMetadata.sh
index 35b8084..2ce5fd5 100755
--- a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg_updateMetadata.sh
+++ b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/svg_updateMetadata.sh
@@ -1,18 +1,10 @@
-# svg_updateMetadata.sh -- This function replaces metadata section
-# inside scalable vector graphic (SVG) files with one of pre-defined
-# metadata templates available. Use this function to maintain metadata
-# information inside repository.
-#   Usage:
-#   centos-art svg --update-metadata=path/to/dir --filter=filename
-# In the above usage example `path/to/dir' represents the parent
-# directory where scalable vector graphics you want to update metadata
-# information are. The `--filter=filename' is optional and if provided
-# just the file specificed is affected. Otherwise all files ending in
-# `.svg' are massively modified.
+# svg_updateMetadata.sh -- This function updates metadata values
+# inside scalable vector graphic (SVG) files. First, we ask user to
+# provide the information. If user doesn't provide the information,
+# centos-art.sh script uses autogenerated values as default ---when
+# possible--- taking as reference SVG file path. 
 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Alain Reguera Delgado
@@ -37,88 +29,186 @@
 function svg_updateMetadata {
-    local TITLE=''
-    local DATE=''
-    local CREATOR=''
-    local RIGHTS=''
-    local PUBLISHER=''
-    local COVERAGE=''
     local TEMPLATES=''
-    local KEYWORDS=''
     local INSTANCE=''
+    local COUNT=0
+    local NAM=''
+    local URL=''
+    local KEYS=''
+    local -a TITLE
+    local -a VALUE
+    local -a PATTERN
-    # Define absolute path to metadata templates parent directory.
-    # This is the place where we store metadata template files.
-    TEMPLATES=~/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/Tpl
-    # Define metadata template file we want to apply. More than one
-    # metadata template file may exist, so let choosing which one to
-    # use.
-    cli_printMessage "`gettext "Select the metadata template you want to apply:"`"
-    select TEMPLATE in $(ls $TEMPLATES);do
-       break
-    done
+    # Define metadata template file name.
+    TEMPLATE="/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg/Config/tpl_forMetadata.sed"
     # Check metadata template file existence.
     cli_checkFiles $TEMPLATE 'f'
-    # Define metadata template instance.
+    # Define file name to metadata template instance.
     INSTANCE=$(cli_getTemporalFile $TEMPLATE)
-    # Define svg document date.
-    DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
+    # Define metadata titles using Inkscape 0.46 metadata definition
+    # as reference.
+    TITLE[0]="`gettext "Title"`"
+    TITLE[1]="`gettext "Date"`"
+    TITLE[2]="`gettext "Creator"`"
+    TITLE[3]="`gettext "Rights"`"
+    TITLE[4]="`gettext "Publisher"`"
+    TITLE[5]="`gettext "Identifier"`"
+    TITLE[6]="`gettext "Source"`"
+    TITLE[7]="`gettext "Relation"`"
+    TITLE[8]="`gettext "Language"`"
+    TITLE[9]="`gettext "Keywords"`"
+    TITLE[10]="`gettext "Coverage"`"
+    TITLE[11]="`gettext "Description"`"
+    TITLE[12]="`gettext "Contributor"`"
+    # Define metadata pattern. These values are used as regular
+    # expression patterns for user's input further verification.
+    PATTERN[0]='^([[:alnum:] _-.]+)?$'
+    PATTERN[1]='^([0-9]{4}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-([0-2][1-9]|3[0-1]))?$'
+    PATTERN[2]=${PATTERN[0]}
+    PATTERN[3]=${PATTERN[0]}
+    PATTERN[4]=${PATTERN[0]}
+    PATTERN[5]='^(https://projects.centos.org/svn/artwork/[[:alnum:]/._-]+)?$'
+    PATTERN[6]=${PATTERN[5]}
+    PATTERN[7]=${PATTERN[5]}
+    PATTERN[8]='^([a-z]{2}(_[A-Z]{2})?)?$'
+    PATTERN[9]=${PATTERN[0]}
+    PATTERN[10]=${PATTERN[0]}
+    PATTERN[11]=${PATTERN[0]}
+    PATTERN[12]=${PATTERN[0]}
+    # Define metadata pattern message. These values are used as output
+    # message when user's input doesn't match the related pattern.
+    PATTERN_MSG[0]="`gettext "Try using alphanumeric characters."`"
+    PATTERN_MSG[1]="`gettext "Try using 'YYYY-MM-DD' date format."`"
+    PATTERN_MSG[5]="`gettext "Only locations under https://projects.centos.ort/svn/artwork are supported."`"
+    PATTERN_MSG[8]="`gettext "Try using 'LL' or 'LL_CC' locale format."`"
+    # Define metadata common default values.
+    DEFAULT[1]=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
+    DEFAULT[2]="The CentOS Project"
+    DEFAULT[3]=${DEFAULT[2]}
+    DEFAULT[4]=${DEFAULT[2]}
+    DEFAULT[8]=$(cli_getCurrentLocale)
+    DEFAULT[10]=${DEFAULT[2]}
+    # Initialize metadata values using user's input.
+    cli_printMessage "`gettext "Enter metadata you want to apply:"`"
+    while [[ $COUNT -ne ${#TITLE[*]} ]];do
+        # Request metadata value.
+        cli_printMessage "${TITLE[$COUNT]}" 'AsRequestLine'
+        read VALUE[$COUNT]
+        # Sanitate metadata values to exclude characters that could
+        # introduce possible markup malformations to final SVG files.
+        until [[ ${VALUE[$COUNT]} =~ ${PATTERN[$COUNT]} ]];do
+            cli_printMessage "${PATTERN_MSG[$COUNT]}"
+            cli_printMessage "${TITLE[$COUNT]}" 'AsRequestLine'
+            read VALUE[$COUNT]
+        done
+        # Set default value to metadata empty values. 
+        if [[ ${VALUE[$COUNT]} == '' ]];then
+            VALUE[$COUNT]=${DEFAULT[$COUNT]}
+        fi
+        # Increase counter.
+        COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1))
-    # Define svg document creator.
-    CREATOR='CentOS Artwork SIG'
-    # Define svg document rights.
+    done
-    # Define svg document publisher.
-    PUBLISHER='The CentOS Project'
+    for FILE in $FILES;do
-    # Define svg document coverage.
+        # Output action message.
+        cli_printMessage $FILE 'AsUpdatingLine'
-    for FILE in $FILES;do
+        # Build title from file path.
+        NAM=$(basename $FILE)
-        # Define svg document title.
-        TITLE=$(basename $FILE)
+        # Build url from file path.
+        URL=$(echo $FILE | sed 's!/home/centos!https://projects.centos.org/svn!')
-        # Define svg document keywords.
-        KEYWORDS=$(echo $FILE | cut -d/ -f6- | tr '/' '\n')
+        # Build keywords from file path. Do not include filename, it
+        # is already on title.
+        KEYS=$(dirname $FILE | cut -d/ -f6- | tr '/' '\n')
-        # Redifine keywords using SVG standard format. Note that this
+        # Build keywords using SVG standard format. Note that this
         # information is inserted inside metadata template file. The
         # metadata template file is a replacement set of sed commands
         # so we need to escape the new line of each line using one
         # backslash (\). As we are doing this inside bash, it is
         # required to escape the backslash with another backslash so
-        # it passes literally.
-        KEYWORDS=$(\
-           for KEY in $KEYWORDS;do
-              echo "            <rdf:li>$KEY</rdf:li>\\"
-           done)
+        # one of them passes literally to metadata template file.
+        KEYS=$(\
+            for KEY in $KEYS;do
+                echo "            <rdf:li>$KEY</rdf:li>\\"
+            done)
         # Create metadata template instance.
-        sed -r \
-            -e "s!=TITLE=!$TITLE!" \
-            -e "s!=DATE=!$DATE!" \
-            -e "s!=CREATOR=!$CREATOR!" \
-            -e "s!=RIGHTS=!$RIGHTS!" \
-            -e "s!=PUBLISHER=!$PUBLISHER!" \
-            -e "s!=COVERAGE=!$COVERAGE!" \
-            -e "/=KEYWORDS=/c\\${KEYWORDS}" \
-            $TEMPLATE > $INSTANCE
+        # Check metadata template instance. We cannot continue if
+        # template instance couldn't be created.
+        cli_checkFiles $INSTANCE 'f'
+        # Reset metadata counter.
+        COUNT=0
+        while [[ $COUNT -ne ${#TITLE[*]} ]];do
+            # Redefine file-specific metadata values.
+            if [[ $COUNT -eq 0 ]];then
+                VALUE[$COUNT]=$NAM
+            elif [[ $COUNT -eq 5 ]];then
+                VALUE[$COUNT]=$URL
+            elif [[ $COUNT -eq 6 ]];then
+                VALUE[$COUNT]=$URL
+            elif [[ $COUNT -eq 7 ]];then
+                VALUE[$COUNT]=$URL
+            elif [[ $COUNT -eq 9 ]];then
+                VALUE[$COUNT]=$KEYS
+            fi
+            # Define translation marker pattern.
+            PATTERN[$COUNT]=$(echo ${TITLE[$COUNT]} | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+            # Apply translation marker replacement.
+            if [[ $COUNT -eq 9 ]];then
+                sed -i -r "/=${PATTERN[$COUNT]}=/c\\${VALUE[$COUNT]}" $INSTANCE
+            else
+                sed -i -r "s!=${PATTERN[$COUNT]}=!${VALUE[$COUNT]}!g" $INSTANCE
+            fi
+            # Increase metadata counter.
+            COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1))
+        done
+        # Sanitate metadata template instance.
         sed -i -r -e 's/>$/>\\/g' $INSTANCE
         # Apply metadata template instance to scalable vector graphic
         # file.
         sed -i -f $INSTANCE $FILE
+        # Sanitate scalable vector graphic.
+        sed -i -r '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' $FILE
         # Remove metadata template instance.
-        cli_checkFiles $INSTANCE 'f'
+        cli_checkFiles "${INSTANCE}" 'f'
         rm $INSTANCE
     done \