diff --git a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/render_doIdentityImageKsplash.sh b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/render_doIdentityImageKsplash.sh
index 13720eb..3110b53 100755
--- a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/render_doIdentityImageKsplash.sh
+++ b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/render_doIdentityImageKsplash.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# render_doIdentityImageKsplash.sh -- This function provides
-# post-rendering actions to render KSplash images.
+# render_doIdentityImageKsplash.sh -- This function renders 
+# KSplash Preview.png image. Use this function as last-rendering
+# function to KSplash base-rendering.  
 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Alain Reguera Delgado
@@ -26,11 +27,14 @@
 function render_doIdentityImageKsplash {
-    local FILE=$1
+    # Define variables as local to avoid conflicts outside.
+    local RELDIR=''
+    local KSPLASH_TOP=''
+    local KSPLASH_PREVIEW=''
+    local RELDIRS=$(find $OPTIONVAL -regextype posix-egrep -maxdepth 1 \
+        -type d -regex "^.*/$RELEASE_FORMAT$" | egrep $REGEX)
-    # Define names of files with dynamic store location.
-    local KSPLASH_TOP="$(dirname $FILE)/splash_top.png"
-    local KSPLASH_PREVIEW="$(dirname $FILE)/Preview.png"
+    # Define font file used to render Preview.png bottom text.
     local KSPLASH_PREVIEW_FONT=/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Fonts/Ttf/DejaVuLGCSans-Bold.ttf
     # Define relative location to splash_active_bar and splash_bottom
@@ -40,37 +44,39 @@ function render_doIdentityImageKsplash {
     local KSPLASH_ACTIVE_BAR="$OPTIONVAL/splash_active_bar.png"
     local KSPLASH_BOTTOM="$OPTIONVAL/splash_bottom.png"
-    # The Preview.png image is produced if the current file being
-    # rendered is the splash_top image. The splash_top image is the
-    # only file that is rendered for different versions.  The
-    # splash_top image is taken as reference to create the whole
-    # ksplash image preview.
-    if [ ! "$(basename $FILE).png" == "splash_top.png" ];then 
-        continue
-    fi
-    # Check required image files existence.
-    cli_checkFiles $KSPLASH_PREVIEW
+    # Check existence of non-release-specific required image files.
     cli_checkFiles $KSPLASH_ACTIVE_BAR
     cli_checkFiles $KSPLASH_BOTTOM
     cli_checkFiles $KSPLASH_PREVIEW_FONT
-    # Create Preview.png image.
-    convert -append \
-        $KSPLASH_TOP \
-        $KSPLASH_BOTTOM \
+    # Look for release specific directories.
+    for RELDIR in $RELDIRS;do
+        # Define release-specific files.
+        KSPLASH_TOP="${RELDIR}/splash_top.png"
+        KSPLASH_PREVIEW="${RELDIR}/Preview.png"
+        # Check existence of release-specific required image files.
+        cli_checkFiles $KSPLASH_TOP
+        # Create Preview.png image.
+        convert -append \
+            $KSPLASH_TOP \
+            $KSPLASH_ACTIVE_BAR \
+            $KSPLASH_BOTTOM \
+            $KSPLASH_PREVIEW
+        # Add bottom text to Preview.png image. The text position was
+        # set inside an image of 400x300 pixels. If you change the
+        # final preview image dimension, you need to change the text
+        # position too.
+        mogrify -draw 'text 6,295 "KDE is up and running."' \
+            -fill \#ffffff \
+            -font $KSPLASH_PREVIEW_FONT \
+            $KSPLASH_PREVIEW
-    # Add bottom text to Preview.png image. The text position was set
-    # inside an image of 400x300 pixels. If you change the final
-    # preview image dimension, you need to change the text position
-    # too.
-    mogrify -draw 'text 6,295 "KDE is up and running."' \
-        -fill \#ffffff \
-        -font $KSPLASH_PREVIEW_FONT \
+        cli_printMessage "$KSPLASH_PREVIEW" "AsSavedAsLine"
-    cli_printMessage "$KSPLASH_PREVIEW" "AsSavedAsLine"
+    done