Repository File Names
Regular Files Inside &TCAR;, file names are always written in lowercase. Digits (e.g., 0, 1, 2), hyphen (-), dot (.) and low line (_) characters are also accepted. In case you use hyphen and dot characters, don't use them as first character in the file name.
Files Written Correctly The following file names are written correctly: 01-welcome.png splash.png anaconda_header.png
Files Written Incorrectly The following file names are written incorrectly: 01-Welcome.png -welcome.png Splash.png AnacondaHeader.png
Exceptions When you name files, consider the following exceptions: In the very specific case of repository documentation entries written in Texinfo format, file names follow the directory structure naming convenction. This is because they are documenting directories and that is something we want to remark. So, to better describe what we are documenting, files related to documentation entries follow the name convenction used by the item they document.
Symbolic Links Inside &TCAR;, symbolic link names follow the same convenctions described in .
Directories Inside &TCAR;, directory names are all written capitalized and sometimes in cammel case. Digits (e.g., 0, 1, 2), hyphen (-), dot (.) and low line (_) characters are also accepted. In case you use hyphen and dot characters, don't use them as first character in the directory name.
Directories Written Correctly The following directory names are written correctly: Identity, Themes, Motifs, TreeFlower Tcar-ug 0.0.1, 0.0.1-35
Directories Written Incorrectly The following directory names are written incorrectly: identitY, theMes, MOTIFS, treeFlower tcar-ug .0.1, .0.1-35
Exceptions When you name directories, consider the following exceptions: No one so far.