Identifying Document Structure Once both the manual's title and the manual's directory name have been defined, it is time for you to plan the document structure through which the manual's content will be organized. The specific document structure you choose for a documentation manuals is affected by the documentation format you use to write documentation source files. Nevertheless, no matter what the documentation format be, the document structure produced from the functionality will always follow and upside-down tree configuration for document structures. In this configuration, documentation manuals can be organized through different structural levels (e.g., parts, chapters, sections, subsection, etc.) based on the support provided by the documentation format you chose. The The CentOS Artwork Repository File System documentation manual was conceived to document each directory structure &TCAR; is made of, using Texinfo as main documentation format. At this point we find that &TCAR; had more levels deep than sectioning commands available inside documentation format. This way it is not possible to use one sectioning command for each directory level inside the repository directory structure we need to document. Based on these issues, it is imperative to re-accommodate the document structure in order to be able of documenting every directory &TCAR; is made of, using the sectioning levels supported by that documentation format we chose, no matter how many levels deep the repository directory structure had. As consequence, The CentOS Artwork Repository File System ended up being organized through the following documentation structure: Chapter 1. The trunk Directory This chapter describes the trunk directory inside the repository and all subdirectories inside it. The first level of directories (i.e., the trunk directory itself) is described inside the chapter entry. Deeper directory levels are all documented through sections and have a file for their own. It is also possible to write subsections and subsubsections, however, they don't have a file for their own as sections do. Subsections and Subsubsections should be written as part of section files (i.e., when writting sections). Chapter 2. The branches Directory This chapter describes the branches directory and all directories inside it following the same structure described for trunk directory above. Chapter 3. The tags Directory This chapter describes the tags directory and all directories inside it following the same structure described for trunk directory above. Appendix A. Licenses This appendix is confined to organize licenses mentioned in the manual. The content of this appendix is out of documenatation manual scope itself and is shared among all documentation manuals written through the functionality. Index This chapter organizes links to those index definitions you defined inside the documentation manual. The index information displayed by this chapter is auto-generated each time the manual's output files are created so this chapter is not editable. The document structure illustrated above is also considered the default document structure used by the functionality of script when you produce new documentation manuals inside &TCAR;. In contrast with document structure illustrated above, the default document structure used by functionality doesn't include sectioning constructions like parts, chapters, sections, subsections and the like in the document structure created. Such structuring constructions should be specified by you when building the documentation manual. The only exceptions to this restriction are sectioning structures used to organize contents like Index and Licenses, which are considered inseparable components of documentation manuals stored inside &TCAR;.