diff --git a/Manuals/Tcar-ug/Repository.docbook b/Manuals/Tcar-ug/Repository.docbook
index ea8dd86..739870e 100644
--- a/Manuals/Tcar-ug/Repository.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Tcar-ug/Repository.docbook
@@ -2,6 +2,87 @@
+ Welcome to &TCARUG;, the official documentation of &TCAR;.
+ This book describes the corporate visual identity of &TCP; and
+ the way it is produced. If you are interested in making &TCP;
+ a more beautiful project, this book is definitly for you.
+ To make the information in this book managable, it has been
+ organized in the following parts:
+ describes the convenctions you should
+ follow to keep everything organized and consistent inside the
+ repository directory structure, how to to install and
+ configure a working copy inside your workstation. At the end
+ of this part you will find a history of most relevant changes
+ committed to the repository along the years.
+ describes the corporate visual
+ identity of the organization known as &TCP; and the production
+ tasks related to image rendition inside &TCAR;. If you are a
+ graphic designer, this part of the book might result
+ interesting to you.
+ describes production tasks related to
+ content internationalization and localization inside &TCAR;.
+ If you are a translator, this part of the book might result
+ interesting to you.
+ describes production tasks related
+ to content documentation inside &TCAR;. If you are a
+ documentor, this part of the book might result interesting to
+ you.
+ describes automation of production
+ tasks inside &TCAR;. If you are a programmer, this part of the
+ book might result interesting to you.
+ organizes the licenses mentioned
+ in this book.
+ This book assumes you have a basic understanding of &TCD;. If
+ you need help with it, go to the Help page inside
+ &TCWIKI; for or a list of different places you can find help.