# webenv.conf -- This file provides the configuration required by # Apache HTTP server in order for `webenv.cgi' script to be able of # running through it. # # The configuration provided by this file assumes that you've # installed the Apache HTTP server in your workstation and have also # configured it to public content inside the `public_html' directory # inside the user's home directory. This configuration is mainly for # developers whom have downloaded a working copy of `webenv.cgi' tree # into their worstation in order to on it in a way that it be possible # to test changes before commit them up to the central repository. # # To install this configuration, copy this file to # `/etc/httpd/conf.d/' and, after that, reload the httpd server deamon # (e.g., /sbin/service httpd reload). # # To test the changes you've made in your working copy directory, # related to `webenv.cgi' tree, open the address # `http://localhost/webenv/' in your web browser and explore the # application looking for them. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # $Id$ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define the CGI script location. Be sure to use the script file, not # the directory where the script file is stored in. This way, the # security issues are reduced to that CGI script you refered to. ScriptAliasMatch ^/webenv/(.*)$ "/home/centos/public_html/Webenv/webenv.cgi" # Define the CGI public location. This is the location where public # files (e.g., images and css files) are stored in. Alias /webenv-pub/ "/home/centos/public_html/Webenv/Public/"