Work Lines Content production inside the repository is organized by work lines. There are three major work lines of production inside The CentOS Artwork Repository, which are: Graphic design, Documentation and Localization. The specific way of producing content inside each specific work line is standardized by mean of script (which in turn, can be considered a work line by itself [e.g., the Automation work line]). The script provides one specific functionality for automating each major work line of content production (e.g., render for producing images, help for manage documentation, and locale for localizing contents). The graphic design work line exists to cover brand design, typography design and themes design mainly. Additionally, some auxiliar areas like icon design, illustration design, brushes design, patterns designs and palettes of colors are also included here for completeness. The graphic design work line is organized in the trunk/Identity directory. The documentation work line exists to describe what each directory inside the CentOS Artwork Repository is for, the conceptual ideas behind them and, if possible, how automation scripts make use of them. The documentation work line is organized in the trunk/Manuals directory. The localization work line exists to provide the translation messages required to produce content in different languages. Translation messages inside the repository are stored as portable objects (e.g., .po, .pot) and machine objects (.mo). The localization work line is organized in the trunk/Locales directory. The automation work line exists to standardize content production inside the working copies of CentOS Artwork Repository. Here is developed the script, a bash script specially designed to automate most frequent tasks (e.g., rendition, documentation and localization) inside the repository. There is no need to type several tasks, time after time, if they can be programmed into just one executable script. The automation work line is organized in the trunk/Scripts directory.