Update distribution design models directory structure. The schema
Distro/$RELEASE/Component makes rendition difficult to control through
FLAG_FILTER. There are two nested loops (one to load pre-rendition
configuration scripts and other to load design models related to the
pre-rendition previously loaded) and we need to deside which one of
them does use the FLAG_FILTER.
- If we use FLAG_FILTER to customize the first loop (the one
loading pre-rendition configuration scripts) the best we can
customize is which component is rendered but not which file
inside the component because that is controlled by the second
- If we use FLAG_FILTER to customize the second loop (the one
loading design models, related to previously loaded
pre-rendition configuration scrtip), the best we can do is
customize which file names inside all components will be
rendered, but not which file in which component.
- If we use FLAG_FILTER in obth first and second loop makes no
much useful thing. In this case, we are trying to apply a common
search pattern to two different path informations which probably
get in conflict one another since the regular expression pattern
point of view.
So, go back to the previous configuration where release and
architecture information are set at the end of the path (e.g.,
Another point of this configuration is that release-specific
information can be supplied by means of `--release' option. There is
no need to have one release-specific directory inside design models to
produce design models on different artistic motifs. Nevertheless it
could be required if file names, of files produced, change from one
major release to another; or maybe not, since a tune up script could
be set to fix the name issue or something similar.