f2cc86 Update cli_printMessage.sh:

Authored and Committed by areguera 13 years ago
    Update cli_printMessage.sh:
        - Remove the verification about "first argument required". There
          is no specific order when retriving non-option arguments from
          the positional parameters because we are using getopt to retrive
        - On the `--as-response-line' option, do not use
          `cli_printMessage' to print the message line. Here, the message
          string contains the character `-' which is used by getopt to
          identify option arguments. Using any `-' sign in the message
          itself may confuse getopt or provoke centos-art.sh to report an
          error.  This is a limitation we are facing right now. 
          It is not possible to use `-' in the message side because the
          whole ARGUMENT string is passed to getopt and we cannot escape
          them either (as we did with the apostrophe character) because
          that would escape real options too and would suppress the whole
          idea of using getopt.
          To workaround this issue, use `echo' command instead of
          cli_printMessage to print `--as-response-line' messages and
          redirect the `echo' output to the standard error output.