f19466 Update cli functionality:

Authored and Committed by areguera 13 years ago
    Update cli functionality:
        - Replace ACTION variable to FUNCNAM variable.
        - Replace `option name' and `option value' strings with `action
          name' and `action value' to represent ACTIONNAM and ACTIONVAL
        - Update the `The option provided is not valid.' message output
          using `AsErrorLine' output style.
        - Add centos-art.sh personal information by means of CLINAME,
        - Add ARGUMENTS variable. We use the ARGUMENTS variable to store
          command-line arguments passed to centos-art.sh script. Once
          first and second argument are processed, the ARGUMENTS variable
          is redefined to store arguments from third position on. Later,
          the value of ARGUMENTS variable is interpreted by getopt(1) to
          control the second argument action behaviour. For example: to
          reduce the amount of files to process using a `--filter' option.
        - Start using cli_doParseArgumentsReDef and cli_getActionArgument
          functionalities. These functions encapsulate the first and
          second argument interpretation.
file modified
+29 -76