e7414c Update `texinfo' documentation backend inside `help' functionality:

Authored and Committed by areguera 12 years ago
19 files changed. 410 lines added. 265 lines removed.
    Update `texinfo' documentation backend inside `help' functionality:
        - Update `help.sh'. Move initial syncronization of changes out of
          non-option arguments interpretation loop. Start using manual's
          top-level directory structure (MANUAL_TLDIR) as source location
          to syncronize changes.
          The initial syncronization of changes must always be after
          `texinfo_getOptions' functionality, in order for
          `--dont-commit-changes' to take effect over it.
          Using MANUAL_TLDIR as source location for changes syncronization
          has its benefits and drawbacks. As benefit, it is possible to
          commit changes related to manual renaming using the last commit
          of changes of help functionality to prevent, that way, the new
          manual from being used as source location and the old manual
          remaining marked to be deleted but not included in the final
          commit of changes. As possible drawback, some time will be
          consumed to syncronize changes from other manuals, different to
          that one you are currently passing action names for.
        - Update `Texinfo/texinfo_searchNode.sh'. Don't use absolute path
          to `info' command, just the command name (i.e., `info').
        - Add `texinfo_renameEntrySection.sh'
        - Add `texinfo_renameEntryChapter.sh'
        - Add `texinfo_renameEntryManual.sh'
        - Reorganize interpretation of action names inside `texinfo.sh'
          and comment it out.
        - Remove action of committing changes from
          `texinfo_deleteEntryManual.sh' as well as the script
        - Update `texinfo_renameCrossReferences.sh'. Start using
          MANUAL_ENTRY_SRC and MANUAL_ENTRY_DST to build the documentation
          entry which in turn is used to build the node information used
          inside patter and replacement. Start using NODE_SRC and NODE_DST
          array variables to define source and target node information,
        - Update `texinfo_getNode.sh'. Be sure chapter definition files
          (e.g., `chapter.texinfo', `chapter-menu.texifo' and
          `chapter-node.texinfo') won't be ever match as part of node
        - Update `texinfo_updateStructureSection.sh'. Start defining
          MANUAL_ENTRIES based on pattern and comment out the two possible
          combinations supported by now (e.g., when pattern can be found
          as file inside the working copy and when it cannot).
        - Update `texinfo_renameEntry.sh'. Initialize MANUAL_ENTRY_SRC and
          MANUAL_ENTRY_DST variables here and reorganize the way used to
          determine whether the entry being renamed is a section, a
          chapter, or a manual. Each condition available is commentted
        - Update `texinfo_deleteEntryChapter.sh'. Change source location,
          used for deletion, from MANUAL_ENTRY to MANUAL_CHAPTER_DIR.
        - Update `texinfo_copyEntry.sh'. Reorganize the way used to
          determine whether the entry being copied is a section, a
          chapter, or a manual. Section specific verifications were moved
          into `texinfo_copyEntrySection'.
        - Update `texinfo_deleteCrossReferences.sh'. Redefine regular
          expression patterns and their respective replacements.
        - Update `texinfo_copyEntrySection.sh'. Add section specific
          verifications from `texinfo_copyEntry'. Make source and target
          verification clearer. Redefine manual information locally to
          start using target information as source.  Specifically, the
          MANUAL_CHAPTER_NAME and MANUAL_CHAPTER_DIR variables are
          redifined in order for `texinfo_updateChapterMenu' and
          `texinfo_updateSectionMenu' functionalities to update the target
          chapter where the section entry was copied to, not the source
          chapter where the section entry was copied from. This is
          particularly useful when section entries are copied from one
          chapter into another different.
        - Update `texinfo_createStructure.sh'. The
          MANUAL_FIRSTTIME_CREATED variable is no longer used, nor the
          action of committing changes from the workgin copy to the
          central repository.
        - Update `texinfo_updateOutputFiles.sh'. Prevent to update output
          files when manual's main texinfo definition file doesn't exist.
        - Update `texinfo_copyEntryManual.sh'. Don't build the list of
          chapters using MANUAL_BASEDIR but MANUAL_BASEDIR_L10N instead.
          Redefine manual variables as local to start using manual target
          information as source. This is required in order for
          `texinfo_updateChapterMenu' and `texinfo_updateChapterNodes' to
          update menu and node definitions on target chapter, not the
          source one.
        - Update `texinfo_copyEntryChapter.sh'. Don't redefine
          MANUAL_ENTRY_SRC and MANUAL_ENTRY_DST as local variables here,
          they are already defined in `texinfo_copyEntry.sh' and we need
          to keep that scope. Update pattern used to build list of source
          chapters. Update pattern used to build list of sections inside
          target chapter. Update target section menu, nodes and cross
          references first and target chapter menu and nodes later.