e3b1b8 Update names for GDM component inside Flame 1 artistic motif.

Authored and Committed by areguera 14 years ago
    Update names for GDM component inside Flame 1 artistic motif.
        - Do no repeat the theme name in the tar.gz file name. It is
          already mentioned as part of the path the tar.gz file is stored
Identity/Themes/Motifs/Flame/1/Distro/5/Gdm/1360x768.tar.gz Identity/Themes/Motifs/Flame/1/Distro/5/Gdm/Flame-1360x768.tar.gz
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
Identity/Themes/Motifs/Flame/1/Distro/5/Gdm/800x600.tar.gz Identity/Themes/Motifs/Flame/1/Distro/5/Gdm/Flame-800x600.tar.gz
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file