db0971 Update cli_printMessage.sh.

Authored and Committed by areguera 14 years ago
    Update cli_printMessage.sh.
        - Start using standard error (/dev/stderr) to output information.
        - Reduce FLAG_QUIET verifications and use of awk to base printing
          options only.  Base printing options are reused by other
          printing options. So, there is no need to duplicate FLAG_QUIET
          verifications in all of them independently, doing so in base
          printing option will also apply all options that use base
          One exception is the AsSeparatorLine option. If we use base
          printing here, the construction of separator line is too much
          evident to the human eye (at least mine at this moment). Instead
          use printf and echo to draw the separator and enclose the
          drawing inside a FLAG_QUIET verification.
        - Remove AsHeadingLine, AsWarningLine and AsNoteLine. They haven't
          been used since a long time now and it seems there is no need to
          use them in the future either. So, clean up.