d19f18 Don't tag images the way I did in `tags/Identity/Images'. This schema

Authored and Committed by areguera 13 years ago
    Don't tag images the way I did in `tags/Identity/Images'. This schema
    consumes too much time to introduce updates to images (e.g., we need
    to create one directory for the update, copy the images inside, add
    the directory into the version control and then update the invocations
    to start using the new file in the new directory). Instead, use
    non-versioned images produced from versioned design models. In this
    configuration all we need is to update desing models and render them
    again in order to have the updated images.
        - Remove `tags/Identity/Images'. As said before this configuration
          isn't convenient.
        - Update all absolute paths to Webenv images to reflect the fact
          that its location has changed from `tags/Identity/Images/Webenv/...'
          to `trunk/Identity/Images/Webenv/' directory.
        - Remove all XCF files used to produce Webenv images and start
          using svg files instead. Files in XCF format cannot be rendered
          by centos-art.sh script so in order to have a straightforward
          preparation of images, once the working copy has been downloaded
          for the very first time, all XCF files used here were replaced
          by SVG instead.
        - Update look and feel of `note.svg' design model.
file modified
+188 -79