From cec889f429d00d7164dbd32399db9d838c054e66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alain Reguera Delgado Date: Jan 09 2014 20:21:06 +0000 Subject: Update tcar directory structure and files. - Previously, documentation files and relate localization files were stored in tcar-scripts-docs directory. This update moves documentation files related to tcar scripts from tcar-scripts-docs directory to Scripts/Documentation directory. - Previously, localization files related to automation scripts were stored in the tcar-scripts/Locales directory. This update moves localization files related to automation scripts from tcar-scripts/Locales to Scripts/Locales directory. - Remove the COPYING file from this branch to avoid duplication of it. --- diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index a43ea21..0000000 --- a/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) 19yy - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Manpages/Locales/en_US/tcar.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Manpages/Locales/en_US/tcar.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4daf2be --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Manpages/Locales/en_US/tcar.po @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "The CentOS artwork repository automation tool." +msgstr "The CentOS artwork repository automation tool." + +msgid "" +" [--help|--version]" +msgstr "" +" [--help|--version]" + +msgid "" +"Print information about " +"script itself." +msgstr "" +"Print information about " +"script itself." + +msgid "" +"centos-art.shMODULE [--help|--version]" +msgstr "" +"centos-art.shMODULE [--help|--version]" + +msgid "" +"Print information about the specified module. See below to see which modules script supports." +msgstr "" +"Print information about the specified module. See below to see which modules script supports." + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "" +" exists to standardize " +"frequent tasks inside the CentOS artwork repository. Inside script, frequent tasks are organized " +"inside modules." +msgstr "" +" exists to standardize " +"frequent tasks inside the CentOS artwork repository. Inside script, frequent tasks are organized " +"inside modules." + +msgid "" +"When you execute the " +"script in a terminal, it requests you to enter the absolute path of CentOS " +"artwork repository in your workstation. This information is required in " +"order for to know where " +"the repository directory structure you want to work with is stored in. " +"Later, once knows where " +"your copy of CentOS artwork repository is stored in, it initializes " +"configuration variables and global functions. At this point, it continues " +"reading the command-line arguments to retrieve the module's name, process " +"common options next to it, store module-specific options and initiates the " +"module's environment by executing the module's initialization script, based " +"on the module's name retrieved from the command-line." +msgstr "" +"When you execute the " +"script in a terminal, it requests you to enter the absolute path of CentOS " +"artwork repository in your workstation. This information is required in " +"order for to know where " +"the repository directory structure you want to work with is stored in. " +"Later, once knows where " +"your copy of CentOS artwork repository is stored in, it initializes " +"configuration variables and global functions. At this point, it continues " +"reading the command-line arguments to retrieve the module's name, process " +"common options next to it, store module-specific options and initiates the " +"module's environment by executing the module's initialization script, based " +"on the module's name retrieved from the command-line." + +msgid "Modules" +msgstr "Modules" + +msgid "" +"The script supports the " +"following modules:" +msgstr "" +"The script supports the " +"following modules:" + +msgid "prepare" +msgstr "prepare" + +msgid "" +"Standardize configuration tasks needed by your working copy (e.g., verify " +"whether required packages are installed or not in your workstation, calls " +"render module to produce images and manuals in the correct order). This is " +"the first task you should run in your workstation, just after downloading a " +"fresh working copy of CentOS artwork repository." +msgstr "" +"Standardize configuration tasks needed by your working copy (e.g., verify " +"whether required packages are installed or not in your workstation, calls " +"render module to produce images and manuals in the correct order). This is " +"the first task you should run in your workstation, just after downloading a " +"fresh working copy of CentOS artwork repository." + +msgid "render" +msgstr "render" + +msgid "" +"Standardize the way content is produced inside the repository. This function " +"relies on configuration files to do its work. Whenever you need to produce " +"images, documentation or localized content this is the module you'll need to " +"use." +msgstr "" +"Standardize the way content is produced inside the repository. This function " +"relies on configuration files to do its work. Whenever you need to produce " +"images, documentation or localized content this is the module you'll need to " +"use." + +msgid "locale" +msgstr "locale" + +msgid "" +"Standardize the way translatable strings are retrieved from source files and " +"put into portable objects for you to edit. Portable objects produced by this " +"module are used by render module to " +"produce localized content. Whenever you need to produce the intermediate " +"files holding the translatable strings required to produce localized " +"content, use this module." +msgstr "" +"Standardize the way translatable strings are retrieved from source files and " +"put into portable objects for you to edit. Portable objects produced by this " +"module are used by render module to " +"produce localized content. Whenever you need to produce the intermediate " +"files holding the translatable strings required to produce localized " +"content, use this module." + +msgid "tuneup" +msgstr "tuneup" + +msgid "" +"Standardize maintenance tasks frequently run inside the repository (e.g., " +"reset written by, copyright and license information inside shell script's " +"top-comments; transform probably malformed HTML documents into valid " +"documents, and remove unused tags inside SVG documents.)." +msgstr "" +"Standardize maintenance tasks frequently run inside the repository (e.g., " +"reset written by, copyright and license information inside shell script's " +"top-comments; transform probably malformed HTML documents into valid " +"documents, and remove unused tags inside SVG documents.)." + +msgid "Options" +msgstr "Options" + +msgid "" +"The script supports the " +"following options:" +msgstr "" +"The script supports the " +"following options:" + +msgid "--help" +msgstr "--help" + +msgid "Print script documentation." +msgstr "Print script documentation." + +msgid "--version" +msgstr "--version" + +msgid "Print script version." +msgstr "Print script version." + +msgid "--debug" +msgstr "--debug" + +msgid "" +"Run the script in debugging mode. This option is very useful if you want to " +"get a closer look to the way modules are opened and closed inside script." +msgstr "" +"Run the script in debugging mode. This option is very useful if you want to " +"get a closer look to the way modules are opened and closed inside script." + +msgid "--quiet" +msgstr "--quiet" + +msgid "" +"Run the script quietly. This option reduces the amount of information the " +" script prints out when " +"processing source files." +msgstr "" +"Run the script quietly. This option reduces the amount of information the " +" script prints out when " +"processing source files." + +msgid "--yes" +msgstr "--yes" + +msgid "" +"Run the script in affirmative mode. This is answering “yes” to all “yes or " +"no” questions. This option is useful when you run with the --quiet option." +msgstr "" +"Run the script in affirmative mode. This is answering “yes” to all “yes or " +"no” questions. This option is useful when you run with the --quiet option." + +msgid "Exit Status" +msgstr "Exit Status" + +msgid "0 — Exit successfully without errors." +msgstr "0 — Exit successfully without errors." + +msgid "1 — Exit with errors." +msgstr "1 — Exit with errors." + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Author" +msgstr "Author" + +msgid "" +"The script has received " +"contribution from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The script has received " +"contribution from the following people:" + +msgid "" +"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." +">, 2009-2013" +msgstr "" +"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." +">, 2009-2013" + +msgid "Copyright" +msgstr "Copyright" + +msgid "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" +msgstr "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Manpages/tcar.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Manpages/tcar.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0650d8d --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Manpages/tcar.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +tcar(1) +======= + +Name +---- + +tcar - The CentOS artwork repository automation tool. + +Synopsis +-------- + +*tcar* [*--help*|*--version*]:: + Print information about *tcar* script itself. + +*tcar* *MODULE* [*--help|--version*]:: + Print information about the specified module. See <> + below to see which modules *tcar* script supports. + +Description +----------- + +*tcar* exists to standardize frequent tasks inside the CentOS artwork +repository. Inside *tcar* script, frequent tasks are organized inside +modules. + +When you execute the *tcar* script in a terminal, it requests you to +enter the absolute path of CentOS artwork repository in your +workstation. This information is required in order for *tcar* to know +where the repository directory structure you want to work with is +stored in. Later, once *tcar* knows where your copy of CentOS artwork +repository is stored in, it initializes configuration variables and +global functions. At this point, it continues reading the command-line +arguments to retrieve the module's name, process common options next +to it, store module-specific options and initiates the module's +environment by executing the module's initialization script, based on +the module's name retrieved from the command-line. + +[[modules]] +Modules +------- + +The *tcar* script supports the following modules: + +*prepare*:: + Standardize configuration tasks needed by your working copy (e.g., + verify whether required packages are installed or not in your + workstation, calls render module to produce images and manuals in + the correct order). This is the first task you should run in your + workstation, just after downloading a fresh working copy of CentOS + artwork repository. + +*render*:: + Standardize the way content is produced inside the repository. + This function relies on configuration files to do its work. + Whenever you need to produce images, documentation or localized + content this is the module you'll need to use. + +*locale*:: + Standardize the way translatable strings are retrieved from source + files and put into portable objects for you to edit. Portable + objects produced by this module are used by *render* module to + produce localized content. Whenever you need to produce the + intermediate files holding the translatable strings required to + produce localized content, use this module. + +*tuneup*:: + Standardize maintenance tasks frequently run inside the repository + (e.g., reset written by, copyright and license information inside + shell script's top-comments; transform probably malformed HTML + documents into valid documents, and remove unused tags inside SVG + documents.). + +[[options]] +Options +------- + +The *tcar* script supports the following options: + +*--help*:: + Print script documentation. + +*--version*:: + Print script version. + +*--debug*:: + Run the script in debugging mode. This option is very useful if + you want to get a closer look to the way modules are opened and + closed inside *tcar* script. + +*--quiet*:: + Run the script quietly. This option reduces the amount of + information the *tcar* script prints out when processing + source files. + +*--yes*:: + Run the script in affirmative mode. This is answering ``yes'' to + all ``yes or no'' questions. This option is useful when you run + *tcar* with the *--quiet* option. + +[[exit-status]] +Exit Status +----------- + +* 0 -- Exit successfully without errors. +* 1 -- Exit with errors. + +[[bugs]] +Bugs +---- + +*[] + +Author +------ + +The *tcar* script has received contribution from the following people: + +* Alain Reguera Delgado , 2009-2013 + +Copyright +--------- + +Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_checkFiles.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_checkFiles.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..585629d --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_checkFiles.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "tcar_checkfiles" +msgstr "tcar_checkfiles" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "tcar_checkFiles" +msgstr "tcar_checkFiles" + +msgid "Standardize constructions for file verifications." +msgstr "Standardize constructions for file verifications." + +msgid "cli_checkFiles [-d|-e|-f|-h|-x] LOCATION" +msgstr "cli_checkFiles [-d|-e|-f|-h|-x] LOCATION" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "" +"The cli_checkFiles exists to answer " +"basic questions like “Is LOCATION is a regular file?” and " +"“Is LOCATION a directory?”. The answer to such questions " +"affects the script execution flow in the following way: when the answer " +"positive (e.g., LOCATION is a regular file), the script " +"passes the test silently and continues its execution. When the answer is " +"negative(e.g., LOCATION is not a regular file), the " +"script finishes its execution immediately with an error message." +msgstr "" +"The cli_checkFiles exists to answer " +"basic questions like “Is LOCATION is a regular file?” and " +"“Is LOCATION a directory?”. The answer to such questions " +"affects the script execution flow in the following way: when the answer " +"positive (e.g., LOCATION is a regular file), the script " +"passes the test silently and continues its execution. When the answer is " +"negative(e.g., LOCATION is not a regular file), the " +"script finishes its execution immediately with an error message." + +msgid "" +"The cli_checkFiles function is exported " +"to script environment in " +"the very beginning of its execution and will be available all along its " +"execution lifetime. You can use this function inside common and specific " +"functions whenever you need to verify files inside the The CentOS Artwork " +"Repository." +msgstr "" +"The cli_checkFiles function is exported " +"to script environment in " +"the very beginning of its execution and will be available all along its " +"execution lifetime. You can use this function inside common and specific " +"functions whenever you need to verify files inside the The CentOS Artwork " +"Repository." + +msgid "" +"The cli_checkFiles function is " +"available inside the " +"script only as part of its execution environment. This function is exported " +"to script just after " +"executing the script from the command-line and will be available all along " +"the script lifetime. So, you can use this function both in common and " +"specific functionalities of script." +msgstr "" +"The cli_checkFiles function is " +"available inside the " +"script only as part of its execution environment. This function is exported " +"to script just after " +"executing the script from the command-line and will be available all along " +"the script lifetime. So, you can use this function both in common and " +"specific functionalities of script." + +msgid "" +"The cli_checkFiles function doesn't " +"create subsequent execution environments." +msgstr "" +"The cli_checkFiles function doesn't " +"create subsequent execution environments." + +msgid "Usage" +msgstr "Usage" + +msgid "" +"Use the cli_checkFiles function inside " +" script whenever you need " +"to control the script execution flow based on file type (e.g., regular " +"files, directories, links, etc.) verifications." +msgstr "" +"Use the cli_checkFiles function inside " +" script whenever you need " +"to control the script execution flow based on file type (e.g., regular " +"files, directories, links, etc.) verifications." + +msgid "Options" +msgstr "Options" + +msgid "" +"The cli_checkFiles function accepts the " +"following options:" +msgstr "" +"The cli_checkFiles function accepts the " +"following options:" + +msgid "-d" +msgstr "-d" + +msgid "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a directory. If " +"it doesn't exists or isn't a directory, an error message is printed and the " +"script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a directory, " +"the script continues its execution normally." +msgstr "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a directory. If " +"it doesn't exists or isn't a directory, an error message is printed and the " +"script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a directory, " +"the script continues its execution normally." + +msgid "-e" +msgstr "-e" + +msgid "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists or not. If it doesn't " +"exist, an error message is printed and the script finishes its execution. " +"Otherwise, if it does exists, the script continues its execution normally." +msgstr "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists or not. If it doesn't " +"exist, an error message is printed and the script finishes its execution. " +"Otherwise, if it does exists, the script continues its execution normally." + +msgid "-f" +msgstr "-f" + +msgid "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a regular file. " +"If it doesn't exists or isn't a regular file, an error message is printed " +"and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a " +"regular file, the script continues its execution normally." +msgstr "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a regular file. " +"If it doesn't exists or isn't a regular file, an error message is printed " +"and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a " +"regular file, the script continues its execution normally." + +msgid "-h" +msgstr "-h" + +msgid "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a symbolic link. " +"If it doesn't exists or isn't a symbolic link, an error message is printed " +"and the script finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it does " +"exist and is a symbolic link, the script continue its execution normally." +msgstr "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a symbolic link. " +"If it doesn't exists or isn't a symbolic link, an error message is printed " +"and the script finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it does " +"exist and is a symbolic link, the script continue its execution normally." + +msgid "-x" +msgstr "-x" + +msgid "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and execution permission " +"is granted. If it doesn't exist or hasn't execution permission, the script " +"finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it exists and has " +"execution permissions, the script continues its execution normally." +msgstr "" +"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and execution permission " +"is granted. If it doesn't exist or hasn't execution permission, the script " +"finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it exists and has " +"execution permissions, the script continues its execution normally." + +msgid "" +"The value of the LOCATION argument must be an absolute " +"path to the file you want to verify. If such file doesn't exists in any " +"supported form, the script finishes its execution with an error message." +msgstr "" +"The value of the LOCATION argument must be an absolute " +"path to the file you want to verify. If such file doesn't exists in any " +"supported form, the script finishes its execution with an error message." + +msgid "Examples" +msgstr "Examples" + +msgid "" +"The following example was taken from centos-art." +"sh script initialization phase. Notice the position of cli_checkFiles function inside the loop. If some " +"of the function files we need to export doesn't have execution rights, " +"cli_checkFiles will finish the script " +"execution immediately with an error message." +msgstr "" +"The following example was taken from centos-art." +"sh script initialization phase. Notice the position of cli_checkFiles function inside the loop. If some " +"of the function files we need to export doesn't have execution rights, " +"cli_checkFiles will finish the script " +"execution immediately with an error message." + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"for FUNCFILE in ${FUNCFILES};do\n" +"\n" +" # Verify the execution rights for function file.\n" +" cli_checkFiles -x ${FUNCFILE}\n" +"\n" +" # Initialize the function file.\n" +" . ${FUNCFILE}\n" +"\n" +" # Export the function names inside the file to current shell\n" +" # script environment.\n" +" export -f $(egrep \"${PATTERN}\" ${FUNCFILE} | gawk '{ print $2 }')\n" +"\n" +"done" +msgstr "" +"for FUNCFILE in ${FUNCFILES};do\n" +"\n" +" # Verify the execution rights for function file.\n" +" cli_checkFiles -x ${FUNCFILE}\n" +"\n" +" # Initialize the function file.\n" +" . ${FUNCFILE}\n" +"\n" +" # Export the function names inside the file to current shell\n" +" # script environment.\n" +" export -f $(egrep \"${PATTERN}\" ${FUNCFILE} | gawk '{ print $2 }')\n" +"\n" +"done" + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid "See" +msgstr "See" + +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Authors" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_checkFiles function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_checkFiles function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" + +msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" +msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" + +msgid "License" +msgstr "License" + +msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" +msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e3f609 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "tcar_checkRepoDirSource" +msgstr "tcar_checkRepoDirSource" + +msgid "Standardize the working copy's absolute path construction." +msgstr "Standardize the working copy's absolute path construction." + +msgid "tcar_checkRepoDirSource \"LOCATION\"" +msgstr "tcar_checkRepoDirSource \"LOCATION\"" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " +"standardizes the path construction to directories inside it the working " +"copy, using absolute paths. This function transforms relative paths passed " +"as non-option arguments to script command-line into absolute paths inside the working copy " +"and verifies whether they really exist as directories inside the working " +"copy or not. If the path provided doesn't exist as directory inside the " +"working copy, the script will finish its execution immediately with an error " +"message. Otherwise, if the directory exists, the variable " +"TCAR_ARGUMENTS is redefined with the related absolute " +"path for further use." +msgstr "" +"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " +"standardizes the path construction to directories inside it the working " +"copy, using absolute paths. This function transforms relative paths passed " +"as non-option arguments to script command-line into absolute paths inside the working copy " +"and verifies whether they really exist as directories inside the working " +"copy or not. If the path provided doesn't exist as directory inside the " +"working copy, the script will finish its execution immediately with an error " +"message. Otherwise, if the directory exists, the variable " +"TCAR_ARGUMENTS is redefined with the related absolute " +"path for further use." + +msgid "" +"Use the tcar_checkRepoDirSource " +"function whenever you need to be sure that non-option arguments passed to " +" script command-line will " +"always point to directories inside the working copy." +msgstr "" +"Use the tcar_checkRepoDirSource " +"function whenever you need to be sure that non-option arguments passed to " +" script command-line will " +"always point to directories inside the working copy." + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid "See" +msgstr "See" + +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Authors" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " +"has received contributions from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " +"has received contributions from the following people:" + +msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" +msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" + +msgid "License" +msgstr "License" + +msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" +msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_getConfigValue.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_getConfigValue.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..442eca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_getConfigValue.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "tcar_getConfigValue" +msgstr "tcar_getConfigValue" + +msgid "Standardize options retrieval from configuration files." +msgstr "Standardize options retrieval from configuration files." + +msgid "tcar_getConfigValue FILE SECTION OPTION" +msgstr "tcar_getConfigValue FILE SECTION OPTION" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_getConfigValue function " +"standardizes the way option values are retrieved from configuration files. " +"As convention, tcar_getConfigValue uses " +"the output produced by tcar_getConfigLines as input to retrieve the option values. As convention, in " +"option = \"value\" lines, the values retrieved are always " +"on the right side. The values retrieved are also output without quotation " +"and translation markers already expanded." +msgstr "" +"The tcar_getConfigValue function " +"standardizes the way option values are retrieved from configuration files. " +"As convention, tcar_getConfigValue uses " +"the output produced by tcar_getConfigLines as input to retrieve the option values. As convention, in " +"option = \"value\" lines, the values retrieved are always " +"on the right side. The values retrieved are also output without quotation " +"and translation markers already expanded." + +msgid "" +"The tcar_getConfigValue function " +"accepts the following arguments:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_getConfigValue function " +"accepts the following arguments:" + +msgid "FILE" +msgstr "FILE" + +msgid "" +"This argument specifies the absolute path to the configuration file you want " +"to retrieve the value from. For example," +msgstr "" +"This argument specifies the absolute path to the configuration file you want " +"to retrieve the value from. For example," + +msgid "SECTION" +msgstr "SECTION" + +msgid "" +"This argument specifies the name of the section related to the configuration " +"line you want to retrieve the value from. For example, “symbols” without " +"brackets." +msgstr "" +"This argument specifies the name of the section related to the configuration " +"line you want to retrieve the value from. For example, “symbols” without " +"brackets." + +msgid "OPTION" +msgstr "OPTION" + +msgid "" +"This argument specifies the name of the option you want to retrieve the " +"value from." +msgstr "" +"This argument specifies the name of the option you want to retrieve the " +"value from." + +msgid "" +"Use the tcar_getConfigValue function " +"whenever you want to retrieve values from configuration files in a " +"controlled way." +msgstr "" +"Use the tcar_getConfigValue function " +"whenever you want to retrieve values from configuration files in a " +"controlled way." + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid "See" +msgstr "See" + +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Authors" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_checkFiles function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_checkFiles function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" + +msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" +msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" + +msgid "License" +msgstr "License" + +msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" +msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_getFilesList.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_getFilesList.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba5bdfc --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_getFilesList.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "tcar_getFilesList" +msgstr "tcar_getFilesList" + +msgid "Create customized list of files for further processing." +msgstr "Create customized list of files for further processing." + +msgid "" +"tcar_getFilesList [--pattern|--mindepth|--maxdepth|--type|--uid] LOCATION" +msgstr "" +"tcar_getFilesList [--pattern|--mindepth|--maxdepth|--type|--uid] LOCATION" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_getFilesList standardizes the " +"way list of files are built inside the centos-art." +"sh script. This function outputs a sorted and unique list of " +"files based on the options and location provided as argument. This function " +"is an interface to the find command. " +"Don't use find command directly inside " +"the script. Instead, use the tcar_getFilesList function." +msgstr "" +"The tcar_getFilesList standardizes the " +"way list of files are built inside the centos-art." +"sh script. This function outputs a sorted and unique list of " +"files based on the options and location provided as argument. This function " +"is an interface to the find command. " +"Don't use find command directly inside " +"the script. Instead, use the tcar_getFilesList function." + +msgid "" +"The LOCATION arguments must be the absolute path to a " +"directory and specifies where the search of files in any form (e.g., " +"directories, links, etc.) will take place in. If LOCATION " +"isn't a directory, the script finishes its execution with an error message." +msgstr "" +"The LOCATION arguments must be the absolute path to a " +"directory and specifies where the search of files in any form (e.g., " +"directories, links, etc.) will take place in. If LOCATION " +"isn't a directory, the script finishes its execution with an error message." + +msgid "" +"The tcar_getFilesList accepts the " +"following options:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_getFilesList accepts the " +"following options:" + +msgid "--pattern=\"REGEX\"" +msgstr "--pattern=\"REGEX\"" + +msgid "" +"This option specifies a posix-egrep type regular expression as value. This " +"regular expression is applied to path specified in LOCATION argument. Only file paths that match this regular expression inside " +"LOCATION directory will be included in the final list of " +"files. By default, if this option is not provided, the “^/.*[[:" +"alnum:]_/-]$+” regular expression is used." +msgstr "" +"This option specifies a posix-egrep type regular expression as value. This " +"regular expression is applied to path specified in LOCATION argument. Only file paths that match this regular expression inside " +"LOCATION directory will be included in the final list of " +"files. By default, if this option is not provided, the “^/.*[[:" +"alnum:]_/-]$+” regular expression is used." + +msgid "" +"When you use the tcar_getFilesList you " +"don't need to specified the absolute path of files you want to look for. " +"This is something tcar_getFilesList " +"already does for you. When you use this function, the value you pass as " +"regular expression isn't the final regular expression used. Instead, the " +"regular expression you pass is used to build the final regular expression " +"passed to find command. The REGEX." +msgstr "" +"When you use the tcar_getFilesList you " +"don't need to specified the absolute path of files you want to look for. " +"This is something tcar_getFilesList " +"already does for you. When you use this function, the value you pass as " +"regular expression isn't the final regular expression used. Instead, the " +"regular expression you pass is used to build the final regular expression " +"passed to find command. The REGEX." + +msgid "--mindepth=\"NUMBER\"" +msgstr "--mindepth=\"NUMBER\"" + +msgid "" +"This option specifies the minimal NUMBER of levels deep " +"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " +"specified. For example, if you specify --mindepth=" +"\"2\" the search will start two levels deep considering the path " +"provided as section." +msgstr "" +"This option specifies the minimal NUMBER of levels deep " +"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " +"specified. For example, if you specify --mindepth=" +"\"2\" the search will start two levels deep considering the path " +"provided as section." + +msgid "--maxdepth=\"NUMBER\"" +msgstr "--maxdepth=\"NUMBER\"" + +msgid "" +"This option specifies the maximum NUMBER of levels deep " +"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " +"specified. For example, if you specify --maxdepth=" +"\"2\" the search will begin in the very same directory path you " +"provided as LOCATION and stop two levels deep using it as " +"section." +msgstr "" +"This option specifies the maximum NUMBER of levels deep " +"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " +"specified. For example, if you specify --maxdepth=" +"\"2\" the search will begin in the very same directory path you " +"provided as LOCATION and stop two levels deep using it as " +"section." + +msgid "--type=\"STRING\"" +msgstr "--type=\"STRING\"" + +msgid "" +"This option specifies the type of files being searched. This option accepts " +"the same values the find-type option does. However, the following " +"STRING values are the most used inside the script so far:" +msgstr "" +"This option specifies the type of files being searched. This option accepts " +"the same values the find-type option does. However, the following " +"STRING values are the most used inside the script so far:" + +msgid "d &mdash; directory." +msgstr "d &mdash; directory." + +msgid "f &mdash; regular file." +msgstr "f &mdash; regular file." + +msgid "--uid=\"NUMBER\"" +msgstr "--uid=\"NUMBER\"" + +msgid "" +"This option specifies the numeric user id of the files you want to search. " +"Only files that match this numeric user id will be added to the final list " +"of files." +msgstr "" +"This option specifies the numeric user id of the files you want to search. " +"Only files that match this numeric user id will be added to the final list " +"of files." + +msgid "" +"Use the tcar_getFilesList whenever you " +"need to build list of files for further processing." +msgstr "" +"Use the tcar_getFilesList whenever you " +"need to build list of files for further processing." + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid "See" +msgstr "See" + +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Authors" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_checkFiles function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_checkFiles function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" + +msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" +msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" + +msgid "License" +msgstr "License" + +msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" +msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_printMessage.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_printMessage.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ee9f19 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_printMessage.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Print customized messages in standard ways." +msgstr "Print customized messages in standard ways." + +msgid "" +"tcar_printMessage \"MESSAGE\" [--as-separator-line|--as-banner-line|--as-" +"cropping-line|--as-tuningup-line|--as-checking-line|--as-combining-line|--as-" +"creating-line|--as-reading-line|--as-savedas-line|--as-linkto-line|--as-" +"movedto-line|--as-validating-line|--as-template-line|--as-configuration-" +"line|--as-palette-line|--as-reponse-line|--as-request-line|--as-selection-" +"line|--as-error-line|--as-toknowmore-line|--as-yesornorequest-line|--as-" +"notrailingnew-line|--as-stdout-line|--as-stderr-line]" +msgstr "" +"tcar_printMessage \"MESSAGE\" [--as-separator-line|--as-banner-line|--as-" +"cropping-line|--as-tuningup-line|--as-checking-line|--as-combining-line|--as-" +"creating-line|--as-reading-line|--as-savedas-line|--as-linkto-line|--as-" +"movedto-line|--as-validating-line|--as-template-line|--as-configuration-" +"line|--as-palette-line|--as-reponse-line|--as-request-line|--as-selection-" +"line|--as-error-line|--as-toknowmore-line|--as-yesornorequest-line|--as-" +"notrailingnew-line|--as-stdout-line|--as-stderr-line]" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_printMessage function " +"standardizes the way scirpt prints messages. By default, " +" script prints all messages to the standard output with the " +"exception of those messages printed with the --as-" +"stderr-line option, which are printed to standard error output " +"instead." +msgstr "" +"The tcar_printMessage function " +"standardizes the way scirpt prints messages. By default, " +" script prints all messages to the standard output with the " +"exception of those messages printed with the --as-" +"stderr-line option, which are printed to standard error output " +"instead." + +msgid "" +"The tcar_printMessage function requires " +"two arguments. The first argument specifies the message you want to print " +"and the second argument specifies the format you'll use to print that " +"message. Because this function is so used inside the script, " +"it is convenient to provide localization to strings passed as " +"MESSAGE using gettext constructions when they aren't paths." +msgstr "" +"The tcar_printMessage function requires " +"two arguments. The first argument specifies the message you want to print " +"and the second argument specifies the format you'll use to print that " +"message. Because this function is so used inside the script, " +"it is convenient to provide localization to strings passed as " +"MESSAGE using gettext constructions when they aren't paths." + +msgid "Options" +msgstr "Options" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_printMessage function accepts " +"the following format options as second argument:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_printMessage function accepts " +"the following format options as second argument:" + +msgid "--as-separator-line" +msgstr "--as-separator-line" + +msgid "" +"This format takes the first character passed as MESSAGE " +"and repeats it horizontally to build a separator line. Use this format " +"whenever you need to create a logical separation between different actions." +msgstr "" +"This format takes the first character passed as MESSAGE " +"and repeats it horizontally to build a separator line. Use this format " +"whenever you need to create a logical separation between different actions." + +msgid "--as-banner-line" +msgstr "--as-banner-line" + +msgid "" +"This format takes the string passed as MESSAGE and puts " +"it inside two horizontal separator lines. Use this format whenever you need " +"to print header information for following lines." +msgstr "" +"This format takes the string passed as MESSAGE and puts " +"it inside two horizontal separator lines. Use this format whenever you need " +"to print header information for following lines." + +msgid "--as-cropping-line" +msgstr "--as-cropping-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been cropped." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been cropped." + +msgid "--as-tuningup-line" +msgstr "--as-tuningup-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been tuned-up." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been tuned-up." + +msgid "--as-checking-line" +msgstr "--as-checking-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been checked or verified (e." +"g., through tcar_checkFiles " +"functionality)." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been checked or verified (e." +"g., through tcar_checkFiles " +"functionality)." + +msgid "--as-combining-line" +msgstr "--as-combining-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been combined." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been combined." + +msgid "--as-creating-line" +msgstr "--as-creating-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been created." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been created." + +msgid "--as-reading-line" +msgstr "--as-reading-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been read." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been read." + +msgid "--as-savedas-line" +msgstr "--as-savedas-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been saved." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been saved." + +msgid "--as-linkto-line" +msgstr "--as-linkto-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been linked." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been linked." + +msgid "--as-movedto-line" +msgstr "--as-movedto-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been moved." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been moved." + +msgid "--as-validating-line" +msgstr "--as-validating-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been validated." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been validated." + +msgid "--as-template-line" +msgstr "--as-template-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a template or design model." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a template or design model." + +msgid "--as-configuration-line" +msgstr "--as-configuration-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a configuration file." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a configuration file." + +msgid "--as-palette-line" +msgstr "--as-palette-line" + +msgid "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a palette of colors." +msgstr "" +"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " +"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " +"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a palette of colors." + +msgid "--as-response-line" +msgstr "--as-response-line" + +msgid "" +"This format adds --> at the beginning of the string " +"passed as MESSAGE. Use this format whenever you need to " +"imply the fact that certain file is considered part of a response. For " +"example, when you need to express that a group of files will take certain " +"action, you can use this option to doing so." +msgstr "" +"This format adds --> at the beginning of the string " +"passed as MESSAGE. Use this format whenever you need to " +"imply the fact that certain file is considered part of a response. For " +"example, when you need to express that a group of files will take certain " +"action, you can use this option to doing so." + +msgid "--as-request-line" +msgstr "--as-request-line" + +msgid "" +"This format prints MESSAGE without trailing new line. Use " +"this format whenever you need to imply a question or yes or no request." +msgstr "" +"This format prints MESSAGE without trailing new line. Use " +"this format whenever you need to imply a question or yes or no request." + +msgid "--as-selection-line" +msgstr "--as-selection-line" + +msgid "" +"This format uses each word in MESSAGE as item of a " +"selection list. Use this format whenever you need to select one of the items " +"provided as MESSAGE." +msgstr "" +"This format uses each word in MESSAGE as item of a " +"selection list. Use this format whenever you need to select one of the items " +"provided as MESSAGE." + +msgid "--as-error-line" +msgstr "--as-error-line" + +msgid "" +"This format prints error messages produced by script. It uses " +"the caller built-in command to display " +"the line number and the filename where such error was triggered. Later, it " +"prints where to find more information by using the --as-toknowmore-line option." +msgstr "" +"This format prints error messages produced by script. It uses " +"the caller built-in command to display " +"the line number and the filename where such error was triggered. Later, it " +"prints where to find more information by using the --as-toknowmore-line option." + +msgid "--as-toknowmore-line" +msgstr "--as-toknowmore-line" + +msgid "" +"This format takes a function name as MESSAGE and prints " +"the command you can use to find more information about it. When this option " +"is passed the script finishes its execution immediately. This option is used " +"in combination with --as-error-line to " +"finish the script execution after an error." +msgstr "" +"This format takes a function name as MESSAGE and prints " +"the command you can use to find more information about it. When this option " +"is passed the script finishes its execution immediately. This option is used " +"in combination with --as-error-line to " +"finish the script execution after an error." + +msgid "--as-yesornorequest-line" +msgstr "--as-yesornorequest-line" + +msgid "" +"This format takes a question as MESSAGE and reads a yes " +"or no answer. When answer is negative, the script finishes its execution " +"immediately. When answer is affirmative, the script continues its execution " +"normally." +msgstr "" +"This format takes a question as MESSAGE and reads a yes " +"or no answer. When answer is negative, the script finishes its execution " +"immediately. When answer is affirmative, the script continues its execution " +"normally." + +msgid "--as-notrailingnew-line" +msgstr "--as-notrailingnew-line" + +msgid "Print MESSAGE without any trailing newline." +msgstr "Print MESSAGE without any trailing newline." + +msgid "--as-stdout-line" +msgstr "--as-stdout-line" + +msgid "Print MESSAGE to standard output." +msgstr "Print MESSAGE to standard output." + +msgid "--as-stderr-line" +msgstr "--as-stderr-line" + +msgid "Print MESSAGE to standard error output." +msgstr "Print MESSAGE to standard error output." + +msgid "Examples" +msgstr "Examples" + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid ".." +msgstr ".." + +msgid "See" +msgstr "See" + +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Authors" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_printMessage function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_printMessage function has " +"received contributions from the following people:" + +msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" +msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" + +msgid "License" +msgstr "License" + +msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" +msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..286f0dc --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Initiate module environments." +msgstr "Initiate module environments." + +msgid "" +"tcar_setModuleEnvironment [-m \"MODULE_NAME\"] [-t \"MODULE_TYPE\"] [-g " +"MODULE_ARGUMENT] …" +msgstr "" +"tcar_setModuleEnvironment [-m \"MODULE_NAME\"] [-t \"MODULE_TYPE\"] [-g " +"MODULE_ARGUMENT] …" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "Options" +msgstr "Options" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function " +"accepts the following options:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function " +"accepts the following options:" + +msgid "-m" +msgstr "-m" + +msgid "This option specifies the name of the module you want to load." +msgstr "This option specifies the name of the module you want to load." + +msgid "-t" +msgstr "-t" + +msgid "" +"This option specifies the type of the module you want to load. Modules can " +"be one of the following types:" +msgstr "" +"This option specifies the type of the module you want to load. Modules can " +"be one of the following types:" + +msgid "top-module" +msgstr "top-module" + +msgid "" +"This modules are stored in the first level of Modules directory. This type " +"of modules initiate module environments for specific tasks so it can be " +"called from anywhere inside script." +msgstr "" +"This modules are stored in the first level of Modules directory. This type " +"of modules initiate module environments for specific tasks so it can be " +"called from anywhere inside script." + +msgid "sub-module" +msgstr "sub-module" + +msgid "" +"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " +"type of modules can be executed from top-modules, sub-modules, or sib-" +"modules but never the " +"file itself." +msgstr "" +"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " +"type of modules can be executed from top-modules, sub-modules, or sib-" +"modules but never the " +"file itself." + +msgid "sib-module" +msgstr "sib-module" + +msgid "" +"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " +"type of modules can be executed from sub-modules or sib-modules, but never " +"top-modules or the file " +"itself." +msgstr "" +"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " +"type of modules can be executed from sub-modules or sib-modules, but never " +"top-modules or the file " +"itself." + +msgid "-g" +msgstr "-g" + +msgid "" +"This option specifies the module-specific option you want to pass for " +"processing in the module environment you are about to execute. Generally, " +"module-specific options are passed through centos-" +" command-line but you may need to pass them internally in " +"some cases (e.g., you are executing a top-module from a sub-module). If you " +"need to pass more than one option, then you need to put the -g option before " +"each option you want to pass." +msgstr "" +"This option specifies the module-specific option you want to pass for " +"processing in the module environment you are about to execute. Generally, " +"module-specific options are passed through centos-" +" command-line but you may need to pass them internally in " +"some cases (e.g., you are executing a top-module from a sub-module). If you " +"need to pass more than one option, then you need to put the -g option before " +"each option you want to pass." + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid "" +"In the very beginning of tcar_setModuleEnvironment function, it used just non-array " +"variables and it worked fine for top-module and sub-module processing, " +"however when it was needed to do sibling processing, it didn't work as " +"expected. The failure was produced because a wrong variable assignment when " +"tried to set the path of the next module to load. There was not a clean way " +"to “remember” what was the base directory of the parent directory, so it " +"ended up using the last loaded module base directory which made impossible " +"to load a sibling module. The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function as implemented in version " +"0.5 of The CentOS Artwork Repository, fixes this issue replacing non-array " +"variables by array variables which can remember module information." +msgstr "" +"In the very beginning of tcar_setModuleEnvironment function, it used just non-array " +"variables and it worked fine for top-module and sub-module processing, " +"however when it was needed to do sibling processing, it didn't work as " +"expected. The failure was produced because a wrong variable assignment when " +"tried to set the path of the next module to load. There was not a clean way " +"to “remember” what was the base directory of the parent directory, so it " +"ended up using the last loaded module base directory which made impossible " +"to load a sibling module. The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function as implemented in version " +"0.5 of The CentOS Artwork Repository, fixes this issue replacing non-array " +"variables by array variables which can remember module information." + +msgid "" +"See also:" +"bugs/" +msgstr "" +"See also:" +"bugs/" + +msgid "Author" +msgstr "Author" + +msgid "" +"The script has received " +"contribution from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The script has received " +"contribution from the following people:" + +msgid "" +"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." +">, 2009-2013" +msgstr "" +"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." +">, 2009-2013" + +msgid "Copyright" +msgstr "Copyright" + +msgid "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" +msgstr "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adddc15 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/Locales/en_US/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,445 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "tcar_settranslationmarkers" +msgstr "tcar_settranslationmarkers" + +msgid "1" +msgstr "1" + +msgid "tcar_setTranslationMarkers" +msgstr "tcar_setTranslationMarkers" + +msgid "Expands translation markers." +msgstr "Expands translation markers." + +msgid "tcar_setTranslationMarkers \"FILE\"" +msgstr "tcar_setTranslationMarkers \"FILE\"" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + +msgid "" +"The cli_setTranslationMarkers " +"standardizes construction of translation markers and their related " +"expansion. As convention, translation markers are set inside source files (e." +"g., DocBook, SVG) and expanded inside temporal instances used to produce " +"final contents. The FILE argument should point to the " +"temporal file where translation markers expansion takes place in." +msgstr "" +"The cli_setTranslationMarkers " +"standardizes construction of translation markers and their related " +"expansion. As convention, translation markers are set inside source files (e." +"g., DocBook, SVG) and expanded inside temporal instances used to produce " +"final contents. The FILE argument should point to the " +"temporal file where translation markers expansion takes place in." + +msgid "" +"Translation markers written in source files must comply the " +"== regular expression pattern. For example, =UNKNOWN_MARKER= is a valid translation marker without any " +"replacement. To prevent " +"script from expanding translation markers, add a backslash (+) " +"between the first equal sign and the following letter. For example, +=...=+ " +"won't be expanded." +msgstr "" +"Translation markers written in source files must comply the " +"== regular expression pattern. For example, =UNKNOWN_MARKER= is a valid translation marker without any " +"replacement. To prevent " +"script from expanding translation markers, add a backslash (+) " +"between the first equal sign and the following letter. For example, +=...=+ " +"won't be expanded." + +msgid "" +"The cli_setTranslationMarkers supports " +"the following translation markers:" +msgstr "" +"The cli_setTranslationMarkers supports " +"the following translation markers:" + +msgid "" +"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=, =\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR=" +msgstr "" +"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=, =\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR=" + +msgid "" +"These translation markers expand to the last year used in copyright notes. " +"For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=." +msgstr "" +"These translation markers expand to the last year used in copyright notes. " +"For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=." + +msgid "" +"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=, =" +"\\COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=" +msgstr "" +"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=, =" +"\\COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=" + +msgid "" +"This translation markers expand to the list of years used in copyright " +"notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=. The first " +"year represents the time we began to work on The CentOS Artwork Repository." +msgstr "" +"This translation markers expand to the list of years used in copyright " +"notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=. The first " +"year represents the time we began to work on The CentOS Artwork Repository." + +msgid "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" +msgstr "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the holder used in copyright notes. For " +"example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the holder used in copyright notes. For " +"example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=." + +msgid "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=" +msgstr "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands both the holder and the predicate used in " +"copyright notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands both the holder and the predicate used in " +"copyright notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=." + +msgid "=\\BRAND=" +msgstr "=\\BRAND=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the brand name used on files names and " +"URLs inside The CentOS Artwork Repository. For example, =BRAND=." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the brand name used on files names and " +"URLs inside The CentOS Artwork Repository. For example, =BRAND=." + +msgid "=\\LICENSE=" +msgstr "=\\LICENSE=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the license information used in files " +"created by script. For " +"example, =LICENSE=." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the license information used in files " +"created by script. For " +"example, =LICENSE=." + +msgid "=\\LICENSE_URL=" +msgstr "=\\LICENSE_URL=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the license URL used in files created by " +" script. For example, " +"=LICENSE_URL=." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the license URL used in files created by " +" script. For example, " +"=LICENSE_URL=." + +msgid "=\\THEME=" +msgstr "=\\THEME=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the theme portion of path you are " +"producing through script. As consequence, this translation " +"marker should be used in situations where you are producing theme components " +"only. This translation marker expands its value by retrieving the theme part " +"of the path you provide as non-option argument to script. For example, if you provide the path " +"Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, this " +"translation will expand to the Modern/2/ value." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the theme portion of path you are " +"producing through script. As consequence, this translation " +"marker should be used in situations where you are producing theme components " +"only. This translation marker expands its value by retrieving the theme part " +"of the path you provide as non-option argument to script. For example, if you provide the path " +"Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, this " +"translation will expand to the Modern/2/ value." + +msgid "" +"In case you need to retrieve the theme name or version separately one " +"another, then you can use the =\\THEMENAME= and =" +"\\THEMERELEASE= translation markers, respectively. When you use " +"these translation markers, forward slashes are removed from result. So, if " +"you provide the path Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, =\\THEMENAME= will expand to Modern and =THEMERELEASE= will expand to 2." +msgstr "" +"In case you need to retrieve the theme name or version separately one " +"another, then you can use the =\\THEMENAME= and =" +"\\THEMERELEASE= translation markers, respectively. When you use " +"these translation markers, forward slashes are removed from result. So, if " +"you provide the path Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, =\\THEMENAME= will expand to Modern and =THEMERELEASE= will expand to 2." + +msgid "=\\RELEASE=" +msgstr "=\\RELEASE=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the current release information of your " +"CentOS distribution. By default this information is retrieved from /" +"etc/redhat-release. In case the option --" +"release be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the " +"default value and will be this the one used as section for this translation " +"marker to retrieve the release information. So, for example, if you are " +"running a CentOS-5.8 distribution and no --" +"release option is passed to centos-art." +"sh script, this translation marker expands to 5.8. On the other hand, if you are still running a CentOS-5.8 " +"distribution but provide the --release=6.3 option to " +"script, this translation marker expands to 6.3 instead." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the current release information of your " +"CentOS distribution. By default this information is retrieved from /" +"etc/redhat-release. In case the option --" +"release be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the " +"default value and will be this the one used as section for this translation " +"marker to retrieve the release information. So, for example, if you are " +"running a CentOS-5.8 distribution and no --" +"release option is passed to centos-art." +"sh script, this translation marker expands to 5.8. On the other hand, if you are still running a CentOS-5.8 " +"distribution but provide the --release=6.3 option to " +"script, this translation marker expands to 6.3 instead." + +msgid "" +"In case you need to retrieve minor and major release numbers separately one " +"another, then you can use the =\\MINOR_RELEASE= and " +"=\\MAJOR_RELEASE= translation makers, respectively." +msgstr "" +"In case you need to retrieve minor and major release numbers separately one " +"another, then you can use the =\\MINOR_RELEASE= and " +"=\\MAJOR_RELEASE= translation makers, respectively." + +msgid "=\\ARCH=" +msgstr "=\\ARCH=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the current architecture of your CentOS " +"Distribution. By default this information is retrieved from uname -i. In case the option --arch be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite " +"the default value and will be the one used as section. For example, if the " +"uname -i outputs the line <" +"computeroutput>i386</computeroutput>, this translation marker will " +"expand to i386. On the other hand, if you pass the " +"--arch=x86_64 option to script, this translation marker will " +"expand to x86_64 instead." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the current architecture of your CentOS " +"Distribution. By default this information is retrieved from uname -i. In case the option --arch be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite " +"the default value and will be the one used as section. For example, if the " +"uname -i outputs the line <" +"computeroutput>i386</computeroutput>, this translation marker will " +"expand to i386. On the other hand, if you pass the " +"--arch=x86_64 option to script, this translation marker will " +"expand to x86_64 instead." + +msgid "=\\URL=" +msgstr "=\\URL=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the URL which points to The CentOS " +"Project home page. For example, =URL=. In case you are " +"using the script in a different locale but English " +"(en_US.UTF-8), this translation marker expands as usual " +"but with the language information appended to the end of the string. For " +"example, if you are executing the centos-art.shscript for Spanish locale (e." +"g., es_ES.UTF-8), this translation marker expands to " +"=URL=es/." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the URL which points to The CentOS " +"Project home page. For example, =URL=. In case you are " +"using the script in a different locale but English " +"(en_US.UTF-8), this translation marker expands as usual " +"but with the language information appended to the end of the string. For " +"example, if you are executing the centos-art.shscript for Spanish locale (e." +"g., es_ES.UTF-8), this translation marker expands to " +"=URL=es/." + +msgid "" +"In case you need to expand other URL related to The CentOS Project domain, " +"use translation markers described in . Likewise =\\URL=, translation markers described in does append the current " +"language information to the end of the URL string based on the locale " +"information you are currently executing the centos-" +" script." +msgstr "" +"In case you need to expand other URL related to The CentOS Project domain, " +"use translation markers described in . Likewise =\\URL=, translation markers described in does append the current " +"language information to the end of the URL string based on the locale " +"information you are currently executing the centos-" +" script." + +msgid "URL-related translation markers" +msgstr "URL-related translation markers" + +msgid "-------------------`----------------- Translation Marker Expands To" +msgstr "-------------------`----------------- Translation Marker Expands To" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"=\\URL_WIKI= =URL_WIKI=\n" +"=\\URL_LISTS= =URL_LISTS=\n" +"=\\URL_FORUMS= =URL_FORUMS=\n" +"=\\URL_MIRRORS= =URL_MIRRORS=\n" +"=\\URL_DOCS= =URL_DOCS=\n" +"=\\URL_PROJECTS= =URL_PROJECTS=\n" +"=\\URL_SVN= =URL_SVN=\n" +"=\\URL_TRAC= =URL_TRAC=\n" +"=\\URL_PLANET= =URL_PLANET=" +msgstr "" +"=\\URL_WIKI= =URL_WIKI=\n" +"=\\URL_LISTS= =URL_LISTS=\n" +"=\\URL_FORUMS= =URL_FORUMS=\n" +"=\\URL_MIRRORS= =URL_MIRRORS=\n" +"=\\URL_DOCS= =URL_DOCS=\n" +"=\\URL_PROJECTS= =URL_PROJECTS=\n" +"=\\URL_SVN= =URL_SVN=\n" +"=\\URL_TRAC= =URL_TRAC=\n" +"=\\URL_PLANET= =URL_PLANET=" + +msgid "=\\MAIL_DOCS=" +msgstr "=\\MAIL_DOCS=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to CentOS documentation mailing list " +"address. For example, =MAIL_DOCS=." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to CentOS documentation mailing list " +"address. For example, =MAIL_DOCS=." + +msgid "=\\LOCALE=" +msgstr "=\\LOCALE=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the current locale information used by " +" script. This value is " +"retrieved from the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable and " +"should look like =LOCALE=. In case you need to retrieve " +"the language and country part separately one another, you can use the " +"=\\LOCALE_LL= and =\\LOCALE_CC=, " +"respectively." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the current locale information used by " +" script. This value is " +"retrieved from the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable and " +"should look like =LOCALE=. In case you need to retrieve " +"the language and country part separately one another, you can use the " +"=\\LOCALE_LL= and =\\LOCALE_CC=, " +"respectively." + +msgid "=\\REPO_TLDIR=" +msgstr "=\\REPO_TLDIR=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the absolute path to <filename class=" +"\"directory\"> directory inside your workstation. For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork/trunk+." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the absolute path to <filename class=" +"\"directory\"> directory inside your workstation. For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork/trunk+." + +msgid "=\\REPO_HOME=, =\\TCAR_WORKDIR=" +msgstr "=\\REPO_HOME=, =\\TCAR_WORKDIR=" + +msgid "" +"This translation marker expands to the absolute path of your working copy. " +"For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork." +msgstr "" +"This translation marker expands to the absolute path of your working copy. " +"For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork." + +msgid "Bugs" +msgstr "Bugs" + +msgid "See" +msgstr "See" + +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Authors" + +msgid "" +"The tcar_setTranslationMarkers function " +"has received contributions from the following people:" +msgstr "" +"The tcar_setTranslationMarkers function " +"has received contributions from the following people:" + +msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" +msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" + +msgid "License" +msgstr "License" + +msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" +msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" + +msgid "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." +msgstr "" +"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " +"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " +"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " +"any later version." + +msgid "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " +"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " +"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " +"more details." + +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +msgstr "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " +"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_checkFiles.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_checkFiles.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a0de6e --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_checkFiles.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +tcar_checkFiles(1) +================== + +== Name + +tcar_checkFiles - Standardize constructions for file verifications. + +== Synopsis + +*cli_checkFiles [-d|-e|-f|-h|-x] LOCATION* + +== Description + +The *cli_checkFiles* exists to answer basic questions like ``Is ++LOCATION+ is a regular file?'' and ``Is +LOCATION+ a directory?''. +The answer to such questions affects the script execution flow in the +following way: when the answer positive (e.g., +LOCATION+ is a regular +file), the script passes the test silently and continues its +execution. When the answer is negative(e.g., +LOCATION+ is not a +regular file), the script finishes its execution immediately with an +error message. + +The *cli_checkFiles* function is exported to ** script +environment in the very beginning of its execution and will be +available all along its execution lifetime. You can use this function +inside common and specific functions whenever you need to verify files +inside the The CentOS Artwork Repository. + +The *cli_checkFiles* function is available inside the ** +script only as part of its execution environment. This function is +exported to ** script just after executing the script +from the command-line and will be available all along the script +lifetime. So, you can use this function both in common and specific +functionalities of script. + +The *cli_checkFiles* function doesn't create +subsequent execution environments. + +== Usage + +Use the *cli_checkFiles* function inside ** script +whenever you need to control the script execution flow based on file +type (e.g., regular files, directories, links, etc.) verifications. + +== Options + +The *cli_checkFiles* function accepts the following options: + +-d:: + Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and is a directory. If it + doesn't exists or isn't a directory, an error message is printed + and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists + and is a directory, the script continues its execution normally. +-e:: + Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists or not. If it doesn't exist, an + error message is printed and the script finishes its execution. + Otherwise, if it does exists, the script continues its execution + normally. +-f:: + Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and is a regular file. If it + doesn't exists or isn't a regular file, an error message is + printed and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it + exists and is a regular file, the script continues its execution + normally. +-h:: + Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and is a symbolic link. If it + doesn't exists or isn't a symbolic link, an error message is + printed and the script finishes its execution immediately. + Otherwise, if it does exist and is a symbolic link, the script + continue its execution normally. +-x:: + Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and execution permission is + granted. If it doesn't exist or hasn't execution permission, the + script finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it exists + and has execution permissions, the script continues its execution + normally. + +The value of the +LOCATION+ argument must be an absolute path to the +file you want to verify. If such file doesn't exists in any supported +form, the script finishes its execution with an error message. + +== Examples + +The following example was taken from ** script +initialization phase. Notice the position of *cli_checkFiles* +function inside the loop. If some of the function files we need to +export doesn't have execution rights, *cli_checkFiles* will finish the +script execution immediately with an error message. + +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +for FUNCFILE in ${FUNCFILES};do + + # Verify the execution rights for function file. + cli_checkFiles -x ${FUNCFILE} + + # Initialize the function file. + . ${FUNCFILE} + + # Export the function names inside the file to current shell + # script environment. + export -f $(egrep "${PATTERN}" ${FUNCFILE} | gawk '{ print $2 }') + +done +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +== Bugs + +See + +== Authors + +The *tcar_checkFiles* function has received contributions from the +following people: + +- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= + +== License + +Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d26107 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +tcar_checkRepoDirSource(1) +========================== + +== Name + +tcar_checkRepoDirSource - Standardize the working copy's absolute path +construction. + +== Synopsis + +tcar_checkRepoDirSource "LOCATION" + +== Description + +The *tcar_checkRepoDirSource* function standardizes the path +construction to directories inside it the working copy, using absolute +paths. This function transforms relative paths passed as non-option +arguments to ** script command-line into absolute paths +inside the working copy and verifies whether they really exist as +directories inside the working copy or not. If the path provided +doesn't exist as directory inside the working copy, the script will +finish its execution immediately with an error message. Otherwise, if +the directory exists, the variable +TCAR_ARGUMENTS+ is redefined with +the related absolute path for further use. + +Use the *tcar_checkRepoDirSource* function whenever you need to be +sure that non-option arguments passed to ** script +command-line will always point to directories inside the working copy. + +== Bugs + +See + +== Authors + +The *tcar_checkRepoDirSource* function has received contributions from +the following people: + +- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= + +== License + +Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_getConfigValue.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_getConfigValue.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a596807 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_getConfigValue.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +tcar_getConfigValue(1) +====================== + +== Name + +tcar_getConfigValue - Standardize options retrieval from configuration +files. + +== Synopsis + +*tcar_getConfigValue FILE SECTION OPTION* + +== Description + +The *tcar_getConfigValue* function standardizes the way option values +are retrieved from configuration files. As convention, +*tcar_getConfigValue* uses the output produced by +*tcar_getConfigLines* as input to retrieve the option values. As +convention, in +option = "value"+ lines, the values retrieved are +always on the right side. The values retrieved are also output without +quotation and translation markers already expanded. + +The *tcar_getConfigValue* function accepts the +following arguments: + +FILE:: + This argument specifies the absolute path to the configuration + file you want to retrieve the value from. For example, + ``+${TCAR_WORKDIR}/Identity/Models/Themes/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda/branding.conf+''. + +SECTION:: + This argument specifies the name of the section related to the + configuration line you want to retrieve the value from. For + example, ``symbols'' without brackets. + +OPTION:: + This argument specifies the name of the option you want to + retrieve the value from. + +Use the *tcar_getConfigValue* function whenever you want to retrieve +values from configuration files in a controlled way. + +== Bugs + +See + +== Authors + +The *tcar_checkFiles* function has received contributions from the +following people: + +- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= + +== License + +Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_getFilesList.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_getFilesList.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3dbff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_getFilesList.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +tcar_getFilesList(1) +==================== + +== Name + +tcar_getFilesList - Create customized list of files for further +processing. + +== Synopsis + +*tcar_getFilesList [--pattern|--mindepth|--maxdepth|--type|--uid] LOCATION* + +== Description + +The *tcar_getFilesList* standardizes the way list of files are built +inside the ** script. This function outputs a sorted and +unique list of files based on the options and location provided as +argument. This function is an interface to the *find* command. Don't +use *find* command directly inside the script. Instead, +use the *tcar_getFilesList* function. + +The +LOCATION+ arguments must be the absolute path to a directory and +specifies where the search of files in any form (e.g., directories, +links, etc.) will take place in. If +LOCATION+ isn't a directory, the +script finishes its execution with an error message. + +The *tcar_getFilesList* accepts the following options: + +--pattern="REGEX":: + This option specifies a posix-egrep type regular expression as + value. This regular expression is applied to path specified in + +LOCATION+ argument. Only file paths that match this regular + expression inside +LOCATION+ directory will be included in the + final list of files. By default, if this option is not provided, + the ``+^/.*[[:alnum:]_/-]+$+'' regular expression + is used. ++ +When you use the *tcar_getFilesList* you don't need to specified the +absolute path of files you want to look for. This is something +*tcar_getFilesList* already does for you. When you use this function, +the value you pass as regular expression isn't the final regular +expression used. Instead, the regular expression you pass is used to +build the final regular expression passed to *find* command. The +final regular expression passed to find is ``+^/.*${PATTERN}$+'', +where +${PATTERN}+ is the value you passed to *--pattern* option as +REGEX. + +--mindepth="NUMBER":: + This option specifies the minimal +NUMBER+ of levels deep the + search should go under the directory +LOCATION+ specified. For + example, if you specify *--mindepth="2"* the search will start two + levels deep considering the path provided as section. + +--maxdepth="NUMBER":: + This option specifies the maximum +NUMBER+ of levels deep the + search should go under the directory +LOCATION+ specified. For + example, if you specify *--maxdepth="2"* the search will begin in + the very same directory path you provided as +LOCATION+ and stop + two levels deep using it as section. + +--type="STRING":: + This option specifies the type of files being searched. This + option accepts the same values the *find* *-type* option does. + However, the following +STRING+ values are the most used inside + the script so far: ++ +- d — directory. +- f — regular file. + +--uid="NUMBER":: + This option specifies the numeric user id of the files you want to + search. Only files that match this numeric user id will be added + to the final list of files. + +Use the *tcar_getFilesList* whenever you need to build list of files +for further processing. + +== Bugs + +See + +== Authors + +The *tcar_checkFiles* function has received contributions from the +following people: + +- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= + +== License + +Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_printMessage.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_printMessage.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b56bbe --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_printMessage.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +tcar_printMessage(1) +==================== + +== Name + - Print customized messages in standard ways. + +== Synopsis + +*tcar_printMessage "MESSAGE" [--as-separator-line|--as-banner-line|--as-cropping-line|--as-tuningup-line|--as-checking-line|--as-combining-line|--as-creating-line|--as-reading-line|--as-savedas-line|--as-linkto-line|--as-movedto-line|--as-validating-line|--as-template-line|--as-configuration-line|--as-palette-line|--as-reponse-line|--as-request-line|--as-selection-line|--as-error-line|--as-toknowmore-line|--as-yesornorequest-line|--as-notrailingnew-line|--as-stdout-line|--as-stderr-line]* + +== Description + +The *tcar_printMessage* function standardizes the way +scirpt prints messages. By default, script prints all +messages to the standard output with the exception of those messages +printed with the *--as-stderr-line* option, which are printed to +standard error output instead. + +The *tcar_printMessage* function requires two arguments. The first +argument specifies the message you want to print and the second +argument specifies the format you'll use to print that message. +Because this function is so used inside the script, it +is convenient to provide localization to strings passed as +MESSAGE+ +using *gettext* constructions when they aren't paths. + +== Options + +The *tcar_printMessage* function accepts the following format options +as second argument: + +--as-separator-line:: + This format takes the first character passed as +MESSAGE+ and + repeats it horizontally to build a separator line. Use this + format whenever you need to create a logical separation between + different actions. + +--as-banner-line:: + This format takes the string passed as +MESSAGE+ and puts it + inside two horizontal separator lines. Use this format whenever + you need to print header information for following lines. + +--as-cropping-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been cropped. + +--as-tuningup-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been tuned-up. + +--as-checking-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been checked or + verified (e.g., through *tcar_checkFiles* functionality). + +--as-combining-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been combined. + +--as-creating-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been created. + +--as-reading-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been read. + +--as-savedas-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been saved. + +--as-linkto-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been linked. + +--as-movedto-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been moved. + +--as-validating-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file has been validated. + +--as-template-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file is a template or + design model. + +--as-configuration-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file is a configuration + file. + +--as-palette-line:: + This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally + refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever + you need to imply the fact that certain file is a palette of + colors. + +--as-response-line:: + This format adds +-->+ at the beginning of the string passed as + +MESSAGE+. Use this format whenever you need to imply the fact + that certain file is considered part of a response. For example, + when you need to express that a group of files will take certain + action, you can use this option to doing so. + +--as-request-line:: + This format prints +MESSAGE+ without trailing new line. Use this + format whenever you need to imply a question or yes or no request. + +--as-selection-line:: + This format uses each word in +MESSAGE+ as item of a selection + list. Use this format whenever you need to select one of the items + provided as +MESSAGE+. + +--as-error-line:: + This format prints error messages produced by + script. It uses the *caller* built-in command to display the line + number and the filename where such error was triggered. Later, it + prints where to find more information by using the + *--as-toknowmore-line* option. + +--as-toknowmore-line:: + This format takes a function name as +MESSAGE+ and prints the + command you can use to find more information about it. When this + option is passed the script finishes its execution immediately. + This option is used in combination with *--as-error-line* to + finish the script execution after an error. + +--as-yesornorequest-line:: + This format takes a question as +MESSAGE+ and reads a yes or no + answer. When answer is negative, the script finishes its execution + immediately. When answer is affirmative, the script continues its + execution normally. + +--as-notrailingnew-line:: + Print +MESSAGE+ without any trailing + newline. + +--as-stdout-line:: + Print +MESSAGE+ to standard output. + +--as-stderr-line:: + Print +MESSAGE+ to standard error output. + +== Examples + +... + +== Bugs + +See + +== Authors + +The *tcar_printMessage* function has received contributions from the +following people: + +- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= + +== License + +Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a36633 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +tcar_setModuleEnvironment(1) +============================ + +Name +---- + - Initiate module environments. + +Synopsis +-------- + +*tcar_setModuleEnvironment [-m "MODULE_NAME"] [-t "MODULE_TYPE"] [-g MODULE_ARGUMENT] ...* + +Description +----------- + +[[options]] +Options +------- + +The *tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function accepts the following +options: + +-m :: + This option specifies the name of the module you want to load. +-t:: + This option specifies the type of the module you want to load. + Modules can be one of the following types: ++ +top-module;; + This modules are stored in the first level of Modules directory. + This type of modules initiate module environments for specific + tasks so it can be called from anywhere inside ** + script. +sub-module;; + This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory + on. This type of modules can be executed from top-modules, + sub-modules, or sib-modules but never the ** file + itself. +sib-module;; + This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory + on. This type of modules can be executed from sub-modules or + sib-modules, but never top-modules or the ** file + itself. +-g:: + This option specifies the module-specific option you want to pass + for processing in the module environment you are about to execute. + Generally, module-specific options are passed through + ** command-line but you may need to pass them + internally in some cases (e.g., you are executing a top-module + from a sub-module). If you need to pass more than one option, then + you need to put the -g option before each option you want to pass. + +Bugs +---- + +In the very beginning of *tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function, it used +just non-array variables and it worked fine for top-module and sub-module +processing, however when it was needed to do sibling processing, it +didn't work as expected. The failure was produced because a wrong +variable assignment when tried to set the path of the next module to +load. There was not a clean way to ``remember'' what was the base +directory of the parent directory, so it ended up using the last +loaded module base directory which made impossible to load a sibling +module. The *tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function as implemented in +version 0.5 of The CentOS Artwork Repository, fixes this issue +replacing non-array variables by array variables which can remember +module information. + +See also:[] + +Author +------ + +The ** script has received contribution from the +following people: + +* Alain Reguera Delgado , 2009-2013 + +Copyright +--------- + +Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3474df9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/Tcar/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +tcar_setTranslationMarkers(1) +============================= + +== Name + +tcar_setTranslationMarkers - Expands translation markers. + +== Synopsis + +*tcar_setTranslationMarkers "FILE"* + +== Description + +The *cli_setTranslationMarkers* standardizes construction of +translation markers and their related expansion. As convention, +translation markers are set inside source files (e.g., DocBook, SVG) +and expanded inside temporal instances used to produce final contents. +The +FILE+ argument should point to the temporal file where +translation markers expansion takes place in. + +Translation markers written in source files must comply the +++=[A-Z_]+=++ regular expression pattern. For example, ++=UNKNOWN_MARKER=+ is a valid translation marker without any +replacement. To prevent ** script from +expanding translation markers, add a backslash (+\+) between the first +equal sign and the following letter. For example, +=\...=+ won't be +expanded. + +The *cli_setTranslationMarkers* supports the following translation +markers: + ++=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=+, +=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR=+:: + These translation markers expand to the last year used in + copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=+. + ++=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=+, +=\COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=+:: + This translation markers expand to the list of years used in + copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=+. The first + year represents the time we began to work on The CentOS Artwork + Repository. + ++=\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=+:: + This translation marker expands to the holder used in copyright + notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=+. + ++=\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=+:: + This translation marker expands both the holder and the predicate + used in copyright notes. For example, + +=COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=+. + ++=\BRAND=+:: + This translation marker expands to the brand name used on files + names and URLs inside The CentOS Artwork Repository. For example, + +=BRAND=+. + ++=\LICENSE=+:: + This translation marker expands to the license information used in + files created by ** script. For + example, +=LICENSE=+. + ++=\LICENSE_URL=+:: + This translation marker expands to the license URL used in files + created by ** script. For example, + +=LICENSE_URL=+. + ++=\THEME=+:: + This translation marker expands to the theme portion of path you + are producing through script. As consequence, this + translation marker should be used in situations where you are + producing theme components only. This translation marker expands + its value by retrieving the theme part of the path you provide as + non-option argument to ** script. + For example, if you provide the path + +Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5+, + this translation will expand to the +Modern/2/+ value. ++ +In case you need to retrieve the theme name or version separately one +another, then you can use the +=\THEMENAME=+ and +=\THEMERELEASE=+ +translation markers, respectively. When you use these translation +markers, forward slashes are removed from result. So, if you provide +the path ++Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5+, ++=\THEMENAME=+ will expand to +Modern+ and +=THEMERELEASE=+ will +expand to +2+. + ++=\RELEASE=+:: + This translation marker expands to the current release information + of your CentOS distribution. By default this information is + retrieved from +/etc/redhat-release+. In case + the option *--release* be passed, the value specified with it will + overwrite the default value and will be this the one used as + section for this translation marker to retrieve the release + information. So, for example, if you are running a CentOS-5.8 + distribution and no *--release* option is passed to + ** script, this translation marker + expands to +5.8+. On the other hand, if you are still running a + CentOS-5.8 distribution but provide the *--release=6.3* option to + ** script, this translation marker + expands to +6.3+ instead. ++ +In case you need to retrieve minor and major release numbers +separately one another, then you can use the +=\MINOR_RELEASE=+ and ++=\MAJOR_RELEASE=+ translation makers, respectively. + ++=\ARCH=+:: + This translation marker expands to the current architecture of + your CentOS Distribution. By default this information is retrieved + from *uname -i*. In case the option *--arch* be + passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the default + value and will be the one used as section. For example, if the + *uname -i* outputs the line + i386, this translation marker + will expand to +i386+. On the other hand, if you pass the + *--arch=x86_64* option to ** script, + this translation marker will expand to +x86_64+ instead. + ++=\URL=+:: This translation marker expands to the URL which points to +The CentOS Project home page. For example, +=URL=+. In case you are +using the script in a different locale but English +(+en_US.UTF-8+), this translation marker expands as usual but with the +language information appended to the end of the string. For example, +if you are executing the centos-art.shscript for Spanish locale (e.g., ++es_ES.UTF-8+), this translation marker expands to +=URL=es/+. ++ +In case you need to expand other URL related to The CentOS Project +domain, use translation markers described in +<>. Likewise =\URL=, translation +markers described in <> does append +the current language information to the end of the URL string based on +the locale information you are currently executing the ** +script. + +[[url-related-translation-markers]] +.URL-related translation markers +-------------------`----------------- +Translation Marker Expands To +------------------------------------- +=\URL_WIKI= =URL_WIKI= +=\URL_LISTS= =URL_LISTS= +=\URL_FORUMS= =URL_FORUMS= +=\URL_MIRRORS= =URL_MIRRORS= +=\URL_DOCS= =URL_DOCS= +=\URL_PROJECTS= =URL_PROJECTS= +=\URL_SVN= =URL_SVN= +=\URL_TRAC= =URL_TRAC= +=\URL_PLANET= =URL_PLANET= +------------------------------------- + ++=\MAIL_DOCS=+:: + This translation marker expands to CentOS documentation mailing + list address. For example, +=MAIL_DOCS=+. + ++=\LOCALE=+:: + This translation marker expands to the current locale information + used by ** script. This value is + retrieved from the LANG environment variable and + should look like +=LOCALE=+. In case you need to retrieve the + language and country part separately one another, you can use the + +=\LOCALE_LL=+ and +=\LOCALE_CC=+, respectively. + ++=\REPO_TLDIR=+:: + This translation marker expands to the absolute path to + directory inside your workstation. For + example, +/home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork/trunk+. + ++=\REPO_HOME=+, +=\TCAR_WORKDIR=+:: + This translation marker expands to the absolute path of your + working copy. For example, +/home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork+. + +== Bugs + +See + +== Authors + +The *tcar_setTranslationMarkers* function has received contributions +from the following people: + +- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= + +== License + +Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/tcar.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/tcar.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e920ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Reference/tcar.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +tcar.asciidoc -- This file controls what documentation files related +to common functions are included in the main reference manual as well +as the order in which they are showed up. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +include::Tcar/tcar_checkFiles.asciidoc[] +include::Tcar/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.asciidoc[] +include::Tcar/tcar_getConfigValue.asciidoc[] +include::Tcar/tcar_getFilesList.asciidoc[] +include::Tcar/tcar_printMessage.asciidoc[] +include::Tcar/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.asciidoc[] +include::Tcar/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.asciidoc[] + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/Locales/en_US/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po b/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/Locales/en_US/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e5cef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/Locales/en_US/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po @@ -0,0 +1,2127 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: understanding_modules.asciidoc 0.6\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-07 14:18-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-07 14:18-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: English\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +msgid "Understanding Modules" +msgstr "Understanding Modules" + +msgid "Oct 2013" +msgstr "Oct 2013" + +msgid "Alain" +msgstr "Alain" + +msgid "Reguera" +msgstr "Reguera" + +msgid "Delgado" +msgstr "Delgado" + +msgid "" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ARD" +msgstr "ARD" + +msgid "0.1" +msgstr "0.1" + +msgid "Overview" +msgstr "Overview" + +msgid "" +"From version 0.5, the script introduces the idea of modules to its base design. " +"Modules are a collection of functions written in Bash that can call " +"one another to create individual execution environments. They may " +"be nested to achieve high levels of maintainability and " +"extensibility. This make possible for modules writers to divide " +"complicated tasks into smaller tasks that can be easier to debug, " +"maintain and share with other modules efficiently (e.g., instead of " +"loading modules all at once, they are only loaded at demand and " +"unset once they conclude their execution)." +msgstr "" +"From version 0.5, the script introduces the idea of modules to its base design. " +"Modules are a collection of functions written in Bash that can call " +"one another to create individual execution environments. They may " +"be nested to achieve high levels of maintainability and " +"extensibility. This make possible for modules writers to divide " +"complicated tasks into smaller tasks that can be easier to debug, " +"maintain and share with other modules efficiently (e.g., instead of " +"loading modules all at once, they are only loaded at demand and " +"unset once they conclude their execution)." + +msgid "" +"This article describes the modular design of script. It is a good place for you to " +"start if you are planning to contribute new module environments to " +" script or want " +"to know more about how it works. The next section delves into what " +"a module environment is, the three module types you can find in it " +"and the correct way of execute each one of them." +msgstr "" +"This article describes the modular design of script. It is a good place for you to " +"start if you are planning to contribute new module environments to " +" script or want " +"to know more about how it works. The next section delves into what " +"a module environment is, the three module types you can find in it " +"and the correct way of execute each one of them." + +msgid "Module Environment" +msgstr "Module Environment" + +msgid "" +"When you execute the script you create an execution environment in which " +"variables and functions are defined. The execution environment is " +"the higher environment inside centos-art." +"sh script. It is considered to have a “global” scope, so " +"variables and functions defined in it are always available for any " +"function execution made from it. You can control the execution " +"environment of " +"script through files and " +" These files don't provide " +"too much functionality so module environments are executed from " +", to extend its functionality." +msgstr "" +"When you execute the script you create an execution environment in which " +"variables and functions are defined. The execution environment is " +"the higher environment inside centos-art." +"sh script. It is considered to have a “global” scope, so " +"variables and functions defined in it are always available for any " +"function execution made from it. You can control the execution " +"environment of " +"script through files and " +" These files don't provide " +"too much functionality so module environments are executed from " +", to extend its functionality." + +msgid "" +"Module environments are made of small functions that perform small " +"tasks and can be further executed in a specific order to produce " +"the desired result. Module environments are executed and destroyed " +"at demand. Inside, module environments can be either “parent modules,” " +"“child modules,” or “sibling modules.”" +msgstr "" +"Module environments are made of small functions that perform small " +"tasks and can be further executed in a specific order to produce " +"the desired result. Module environments are executed and destroyed " +"at demand. Inside, module environments can be either “parent modules,” " +"“child modules,” or “sibling modules.”" + +msgid "Parent Modules" +msgstr "Parent Modules" + +msgid "" +"Parent modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " +"-t parent option set on it. " +"Parent modules are very simple in design and you can use them to " +"implement simple solutions quickly. Normally, when you execute a " +"parent module, you initiate the highest module environment possible " +"inside script. " +"Because of such high scope, parent modules are frequently used to " +"define module's global variables, interpret module-specific options " +"passed through the command-line and execute the appropriate actions " +"based on them." +msgstr "" +"Parent modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " +"-t parent option set on it. " +"Parent modules are very simple in design and you can use them to " +"implement simple solutions quickly. Normally, when you execute a " +"parent module, you initiate the highest module environment possible " +"inside script. " +"Because of such high scope, parent modules are frequently used to " +"define module's global variables, interpret module-specific options " +"passed through the command-line and execute the appropriate actions " +"based on them." + +msgid "" +"In , we have executed the " +"hello module with the " +"—greeting=hi and —debug options through the command-line. " +"In this example, " +"script executes a parent module named hello, processes the module-specific options passed " +"through the command-line, prints a greeting message to standard " +"output and exits successfully." +msgstr "" +"In , we have executed the " +"hello module with the " +"—greeting=hi and —debug options through the command-line. " +"In this example, " +"script executes a parent module named hello, processes the module-specific options passed " +"through the command-line, prints a greeting message to standard " +"output and exits successfully." + +msgid "Debugging execution of parent modules" +msgstr "Debugging execution of parent modules" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --greeting=hi\n" +"hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" +msgstr "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --greeting=hi\n" +"hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" + +msgid "" +" describes an entire module " +"environment in action. With this information you can create your " +"own module environment, already. However, when your module is " +"getting too much complicated you probably want to divide it in " +"smaller pieces that you can execute accordingly, based on the " +"purpose you defined for it. Such kind of division can be " +"implemented as described in ." +msgstr "" +" describes an entire module " +"environment in action. With this information you can create your " +"own module environment, already. However, when your module is " +"getting too much complicated you probably want to divide it in " +"smaller pieces that you can execute accordingly, based on the " +"purpose you defined for it. Such kind of division can be " +"implemented as described in ." + +msgid "Summary" +msgstr "Summary" + +msgid "" +"This section has covered basic concepts related to module " +"environment inside script. The next section takes these concepts and focuses " +"on the implementation of them. Once you finish it, you should be " +"able of writing your own module environments from scratch inside " +" script." +msgstr "" +"This section has covered basic concepts related to module " +"environment inside script. The next section takes these concepts and focuses " +"on the implementation of them. Once you finish it, you should be " +"able of writing your own module environments from scratch inside " +" script." + +msgid "Module Implementation" +msgstr "Module Implementation" + +msgid "" +"The script " +"implements module environments inside the “Modules” directory, as described in ." +msgstr "" +"The script " +"implements module environments inside the “Modules” directory, as described in ." + +msgid "" +"For example, consider the creation of a module named hello. The purpose of this module is to print " +"a greeting message to standard output and then exit successfully. " +"To create such a module, we need to create a directory named " +"“Hello” inside the “Modules” directory and put an initialization " +"file named “” inside it. Because we want to execute the " +"hello module from script command-line, we " +"put it in the first level of directories of Modules directory. See ." +msgstr "" +"For example, consider the creation of a module named hello. The purpose of this module is to print " +"a greeting message to standard output and then exit successfully. " +"To create such a module, we need to create a directory named " +"“Hello” inside the “Modules” directory and put an initialization " +"file named “” inside it. Because we want to execute the " +"hello module from script command-line, we " +"put it in the first level of directories of Modules directory. See ." + +msgid "Directory layout used by parent modules" +msgstr "Directory layout used by parent modules" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +".\n" +"|-- COPYING \n" +"|-- Locales/ \n" +"|-- Manuals/ \n" +"|-- Modules/ \n" +"| `-- Hello/ \n" +"| |-- \n" +"| `-- \n" +"|-- Scripts/ \n" +"|-- \n" +"`-- " +msgstr "" +".\n" +"|-- COPYING \n" +"|-- Locales/ \n" +"|-- Manuals/ \n" +"|-- Modules/ \n" +"| `-- Hello/ \n" +"| |-- \n" +"| `-- \n" +"|-- Scripts/ \n" +"|-- \n" +"`-- " + +msgid "Script's copying conditions." +msgstr "Script's copying conditions." + +msgid "Script's localization files." +msgstr "Script's localization files." + +msgid "Script's documentation files." +msgstr "Script's documentation files." + +msgid "Script's modules. Here is where you store parent modules." +msgstr "Script's modules. Here is where you store parent modules." + +msgid "Parent directory of module named hello." +msgstr "Parent directory of module named hello." + +msgid "Initialization file of module named hello." +msgstr "Initialization file of module named hello." + +msgid "Function related to module named hello." +msgstr "Function related to module named hello." + +msgid "Script's global functions." +msgstr "Script's global functions." + +msgid "Script's configuration file." +msgstr "Script's configuration file." + +msgid "Script's initialization file." +msgstr "Script's initialization file." + +msgid "" +" presents a complete module " +"layout you can use as reference to create your own module " +"implementations. However, it is not complete yet. At this point, " +"when you execute, it is able to find out hello module's initialization file and execute it but that " +"prints an error message because the initialization file doesn't " +"have a function definition inside. It is completely empty. In order " +"for script to do " +"something useful, you need to write a function definition inside " +"the initialization file, as described in ." +msgstr "" +" presents a complete module " +"layout you can use as reference to create your own module " +"implementations. However, it is not complete yet. At this point, " +"when you execute, it is able to find out hello module's initialization file and execute it but that " +"prints an error message because the initialization file doesn't " +"have a function definition inside. It is completely empty. In order " +"for script to do " +"something useful, you need to write a function definition inside " +"the initialization file, as described in ." + +msgid "The Initialization File" +msgstr "The Initialization File" + +msgid "" +"The module's initialization file contains the module's main " +"function definition and a comment describing what it does on top of " +"it. This comment includes a small description about what the " +"function does, a written by section, the copyright note and the " +"legal status of the file. The function definition is set later and " +"must be written using the long definition format (i.e., it must " +"begin with the word “function,” then the " +"function name, and finally the “{” character). " +"The name of the function is exactly the same of the initialization " +"file but without the .sh extension. These " +"conditions are required in order for script to execute the function " +"definition and destroy it when it is no longer used. See ." +msgstr "" +"The module's initialization file contains the module's main " +"function definition and a comment describing what it does on top of " +"it. This comment includes a small description about what the " +"function does, a written by section, the copyright note and the " +"legal status of the file. The function definition is set later and " +"must be written using the long definition format (i.e., it must " +"begin with the word “function,” then the " +"function name, and finally the “{” character). " +"The name of the function is exactly the same of the initialization " +"file but without the .sh extension. These " +"conditions are required in order for script to execute the function " +"definition and destroy it when it is no longer used. See ." + +msgid "" +"The function definition is where you write all the commands you " +"want the module runs, once executed. The function definition can be " +"as simple as just one single line of code or as complex as you can " +"imagine. It is the place where you express your solutions. However, " +"when writing initialization files, it is considered a good practice " +"to avoid any sort of complexity. Instead, try to write small and " +"simple initialization files. In case you notice the initialization " +"file is growing up inevitably, you can reduce its code by " +"refactoring it. To do this, you can use resources like module " +"related functions and child modules. These resources are described " +"in , and they help you to " +"keep the initialization file in a clean state, easy to understand, " +"maintain and debug." +msgstr "" +"The function definition is where you write all the commands you " +"want the module runs, once executed. The function definition can be " +"as simple as just one single line of code or as complex as you can " +"imagine. It is the place where you express your solutions. However, " +"when writing initialization files, it is considered a good practice " +"to avoid any sort of complexity. Instead, try to write small and " +"simple initialization files. In case you notice the initialization " +"file is growing up inevitably, you can reduce its code by " +"refactoring it. To do this, you can use resources like module " +"related functions and child modules. These resources are described " +"in , and they help you to " +"keep the initialization file in a clean state, easy to understand, " +"maintain and debug." + +msgid "Initialization file used by hello module" +msgstr "Initialization file used by hello module" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"#!/bin/bash\n" +"######################################################################\n" +"#\n" +"# -- Print out greetings to standard output and exit\n" +"# successfully.\n" +"#\n" +"# Written by:\n" +"# * Alain Reguera Delgado <>, 2013\n" +"#\n" +"# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG\n" +"#\n" +"# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" +"# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" +"# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at\n" +"# your option) any later version.\n" +"#\n" +"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n" +"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" +"# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n" +"# General Public License for more details.\n" +"#\n" +"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" +"# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" +"# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n" +"#\n" +"######################################################################\n" +"\n" +"function hello {\n" +"\n" +" tcar_printMessage \"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\" --as-stdout-line\n" +"\n" +"}" +msgstr "" +"#!/bin/bash\n" +"######################################################################\n" +"#\n" +"# -- Print out greetings to standard output and exit\n" +"# successfully.\n" +"#\n" +"# Written by:\n" +"# * Alain Reguera Delgado <>, 2013\n" +"#\n" +"# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG\n" +"#\n" +"# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" +"# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" +"# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at\n" +"# your option) any later version.\n" +"#\n" +"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n" +"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" +"# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n" +"# General Public License for more details.\n" +"#\n" +"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" +"# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" +"# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n" +"#\n" +"######################################################################\n" +"\n" +"function hello {\n" +"\n" +" tcar_printMessage \"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\" --as-stdout-line\n" +"\n" +"}" + +msgid "" +"The function definition described in uses the tcar_printMessage global function to print localized versions of the string " +"“Hello, World!” to standard output. Because there isn't no other " +"command in the function definition, when the greeting message is " +"printed out, " +"destroys the hello module and " +"exit successfully. This process is more visible when also pass the " +"—debug option. See ." +msgstr "" +"The function definition described in uses the tcar_printMessage global function to print localized versions of the string " +"“Hello, World!” to standard output. Because there isn't no other " +"command in the function definition, when the greeting message is " +"printed out, " +"destroys the hello module and " +"exit successfully. This process is more visible when also pass the " +"—debug option. See ." + +msgid "" +"Congratulations! You've implemented a module environment inside " +" script. With the " +"information you have so far, you are able to create your own module " +"environment implementations. The next section delves into available " +"resources you can use to simplify module environments when the " +"initialization file starts growing inevitably and complexity " +"daemons begin hammering your head." +msgstr "" +"Congratulations! You've implemented a module environment inside " +" script. With the " +"information you have so far, you are able to create your own module " +"environment implementations. The next section delves into available " +"resources you can use to simplify module environments when the " +"initialization file starts growing inevitably and complexity " +"daemons begin hammering your head." + +msgid "Module Optimization" +msgstr "Module Optimization" + +msgid "" +"The script " +"provides four resources you can use to optimize your module " +"implementations. These resources are “related functions,” “child " +"modules,” “sibling modules” and “recursive modules”." +msgstr "" +"The script " +"provides four resources you can use to optimize your module " +"implementations. These resources are “related functions,” “child " +"modules,” “sibling modules” and “recursive modules”." + +msgid "Related Functions" +msgstr "Related Functions" + +msgid "" +"Related functions are very useful when you need to simplify the " +"function definition of one initialization file. For example, " +"consider extending the hello " +"module so it is able to interpret arguments passed through the " +"command-line. Now, inside the initialization file, we have some " +"variable definitions, one function call to a module related " +"function named hello_getOptions, and a decision on how the greeting message must be " +"printed out based on the collected actions. See ." +msgstr "" +"Related functions are very useful when you need to simplify the " +"function definition of one initialization file. For example, " +"consider extending the hello " +"module so it is able to interpret arguments passed through the " +"command-line. Now, inside the initialization file, we have some " +"variable definitions, one function call to a module related " +"function named hello_getOptions, and a decision on how the greeting message must be " +"printed out based on the collected actions. See ." + +msgid "Initialization file used by hello module (extended)" +msgstr "Initialization file used by hello module (extended)" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"function hello {\n" +"\n" +" # Define default greeting message.\n" +" local HELLO_WORLD=\"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\"\n" +"\n" +" # Define actions variable. Here is where actions related to\n" +" # module-specific options are stored in for further processing.\n" +" local ACTIONS=''\n" +"\n" +" # Interpret module-specific options and store related actions.\n" +" hello_getOptions\n" +"\n" +" # Print greeting message\n" +" if [[ -z ${ACTIONS} ]];then\n" +" # Using parent module.\n" +" tcar_printMessage \"${HELLO_WORLD}\" --as-stdout-line\n" +" else\n" +" # Using child module.\n" +" tcar_setModuleEnvironment -m 'output' -t 'child'\n" +" fi\n" +"\n" +"}" +msgstr "" +"function hello {\n" +"\n" +" # Define default greeting message.\n" +" local HELLO_WORLD=\"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\"\n" +"\n" +" # Define actions variable. Here is where actions related to\n" +" # module-specific options are stored in for further processing.\n" +" local ACTIONS=''\n" +"\n" +" # Interpret module-specific options and store related actions.\n" +" hello_getOptions\n" +"\n" +" # Print greeting message\n" +" if [[ -z ${ACTIONS} ]];then\n" +" # Using parent module.\n" +" tcar_printMessage \"${HELLO_WORLD}\" --as-stdout-line\n" +" else\n" +" # Using child module.\n" +" tcar_setModuleEnvironment -m 'output' -t 'child'\n" +" fi\n" +"\n" +"}" + +msgid "" +"When you execute the command centos-art." +"sh hello with the —" +"greeting=hi argument, centos-" +" stores module-specific arguments inside the " +"TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable, creates a list of " +"all function definitions inside the module directory and exports " +"them. This includes the function definition of the initialization " +"file itself. Then executes the function definition set inside the " +"initialization file and leaves all other function definitions, " +"already in memory, waiting for further execution. At this point, " +"the hello initialization " +"function sets some default values and execute the hello_getOptions function to parse all the " +"arguments passed through the command-line and redefines the " +"ACTIONS variable based on them. Using the " +"ACTIONS variables it decides whether to print " +"the greeting message immediately or execute the child modules named " +"output so it decides what to " +"do with the information collected so far." +msgstr "" +"When you execute the command centos-art." +"sh hello with the —" +"greeting=hi argument, centos-" +" stores module-specific arguments inside the " +"TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable, creates a list of " +"all function definitions inside the module directory and exports " +"them. This includes the function definition of the initialization " +"file itself. Then executes the function definition set inside the " +"initialization file and leaves all other function definitions, " +"already in memory, waiting for further execution. At this point, " +"the hello initialization " +"function sets some default values and execute the hello_getOptions function to parse all the " +"arguments passed through the command-line and redefines the " +"ACTIONS variable based on them. Using the " +"ACTIONS variables it decides whether to print " +"the greeting message immediately or execute the child modules named " +"output so it decides what to " +"do with the information collected so far." + +msgid "" +" defines the options " +"you can pass to hello module " +"and the associated actions they must perform for each of them. " +"Actions aren't immediately executed here. Instead, they are stored " +"in the ACTIONS variable for further processing " +"(e.g., we store the names of the modules we want to execute later). " +"The ACTIONS variable was defined in the " +"initialization file so it has a global scope inside the module " +"environment and is reachable from any related function executed " +"inside it. Storing the actions this way lets the hello module to collect information about " +"different actions and execute them all in just one command. When " +"all options have been parsed, only non-option arguments remain in " +"the TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable." +msgstr "" +" defines the options " +"you can pass to hello module " +"and the associated actions they must perform for each of them. " +"Actions aren't immediately executed here. Instead, they are stored " +"in the ACTIONS variable for further processing " +"(e.g., we store the names of the modules we want to execute later). " +"The ACTIONS variable was defined in the " +"initialization file so it has a global scope inside the module " +"environment and is reachable from any related function executed " +"inside it. Storing the actions this way lets the hello module to collect information about " +"different actions and execute them all in just one command. When " +"all options have been parsed, only non-option arguments remain in " +"the TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable." + +msgid "Related function definition (hello_getOptions)" +msgstr "Related function definition (hello_getOptions)" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"function hello_getOptions {\n" +"\n" +" # Define short options we want to support.\n" +" local ARGSS=\"h::,v,g:,l,u,c,r\"\n" +"\n" +" # Define long options we want to support.\n" +" local ARGSL=\"help::,version,greeting:,lower,upper,camel,random\"\n" +"\n" +" # Redefine arguments using getopt(1) command parser.\n" +" tcar_setModuleArguments\n" +"\n" +" # Reset positional parameters on this function, using output\n" +" # produced from (getopt) arguments parser.\n" +" eval set -- \"${TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT}\"\n" +"\n" +" # Look for options passed through command-line.\n" +" while true; do\n" +" case \"${1}\" in\n" +"\n" +" -h | --help )\n" +" tcar_printHelp \"${2}\"\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -v | --version )\n" +" tcar_printVersion \"${TCAR_MODULE_NAME}\"\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -g | --greeting )\n" +" HELLO_WORLD=\"${2:-${HELLO_WORLD}}\"\n" +" shift 2\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -l | --lower )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"lower ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -u | --upper )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"upper ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -c | --camel )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"camel ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -r | --random )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"random ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -- )\n" +" shift 1\n" +" break\n" +" ;;\n" +" esac\n" +" done\n" +"\n" +" # Redefine arguments using current positional parameters. Only\n" +" # paths should remain as arguments, at this point.\n" +" TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT=\"${@}\"\n" +"\n" +"}" +msgstr "" +"function hello_getOptions {\n" +"\n" +" # Define short options we want to support.\n" +" local ARGSS=\"h::,v,g:,l,u,c,r\"\n" +"\n" +" # Define long options we want to support.\n" +" local ARGSL=\"help::,version,greeting:,lower,upper,camel,random\"\n" +"\n" +" # Redefine arguments using getopt(1) command parser.\n" +" tcar_setModuleArguments\n" +"\n" +" # Reset positional parameters on this function, using output\n" +" # produced from (getopt) arguments parser.\n" +" eval set -- \"${TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT}\"\n" +"\n" +" # Look for options passed through command-line.\n" +" while true; do\n" +" case \"${1}\" in\n" +"\n" +" -h | --help )\n" +" tcar_printHelp \"${2}\"\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -v | --version )\n" +" tcar_printVersion \"${TCAR_MODULE_NAME}\"\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -g | --greeting )\n" +" HELLO_WORLD=\"${2:-${HELLO_WORLD}}\"\n" +" shift 2\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -l | --lower )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"lower ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -u | --upper )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"upper ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -c | --camel )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"camel ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -r | --random )\n" +" ACTIONS=\"random ${ACTIONS}\"\n" +" shift 1\n" +" ;;\n" +"\n" +" -- )\n" +" shift 1\n" +" break\n" +" ;;\n" +" esac\n" +" done\n" +"\n" +" # Redefine arguments using current positional parameters. Only\n" +" # paths should remain as arguments, at this point.\n" +" TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT=\"${@}\"\n" +"\n" +"}" + +msgid "" +" presents the " +"standard construction we use inside script for parsing arguments passed " +"through the command-line in a per-module basis. As convention, all " +"the parent modules you write must be able to interpret the " +"—help and —version options using the construction " +"described here." +msgstr "" +" presents the " +"standard construction we use inside script for parsing arguments passed " +"through the command-line in a per-module basis. As convention, all " +"the parent modules you write must be able to interpret the " +"—help and —version options using the construction " +"described here." + +msgid "" +"Related functions are very useful when you are refactoring the " +"initialization file of a module. However, they aren't so efficient " +"when you need to execute them at demand (e.g., based on specific " +"conditions). When a module is executed, related functions are " +"exported to " +"script execution environment. They remain there, consuming memory, " +"until the module they belong to is destroyed. If you create a " +"related function and never execute it, it will consume memory, as " +"well. So, use related functions when you are absolutely sure they " +"will be executed at some point, in one single iteration of " +" script. If you " +"need to execute functions at demand, use child modules, instead." +msgstr "" +"Related functions are very useful when you are refactoring the " +"initialization file of a module. However, they aren't so efficient " +"when you need to execute them at demand (e.g., based on specific " +"conditions). When a module is executed, related functions are " +"exported to " +"script execution environment. They remain there, consuming memory, " +"until the module they belong to is destroyed. If you create a " +"related function and never execute it, it will consume memory, as " +"well. So, use related functions when you are absolutely sure they " +"will be executed at some point, in one single iteration of " +" script. If you " +"need to execute functions at demand, use child modules, instead." + +msgid "Child Modules" +msgstr "Child Modules" + +msgid "" +"Child modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the -t child option set on it. Child modules " +"have the characteristic of being nested modules. They cannot be " +"executed from the command-line. Normally, child modules are " +"executed from parent modules but they can be executed from other " +"child modules, too. When several child modules are executed in one " +"single iteration of, they create a chain of modules. A chain of modules is " +"very useful in situations where you want to divide one large task " +"into smaller tasks and also control which of these smaller tasks is " +"executed based on specific conditions (e.g., you may want to render " +"images or documentation, but not both, in one single iteration of " +" script). In a " +"chain of modules, lower modules in the chain (those started last) " +"have access to information set by modules higher in the chain " +"(those started first), but not the opposite. When processing " +"information this way, modules aren't destroyed until the last " +"module executed in the chain has finished its work (e.g., all the " +"commands inside it have been executed). At that point, child " +"modules are destroyed in the reverse order they were executed." +msgstr "" +"Child modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the -t child option set on it. Child modules " +"have the characteristic of being nested modules. They cannot be " +"executed from the command-line. Normally, child modules are " +"executed from parent modules but they can be executed from other " +"child modules, too. When several child modules are executed in one " +"single iteration of, they create a chain of modules. A chain of modules is " +"very useful in situations where you want to divide one large task " +"into smaller tasks and also control which of these smaller tasks is " +"executed based on specific conditions (e.g., you may want to render " +"images or documentation, but not both, in one single iteration of " +" script). In a " +"chain of modules, lower modules in the chain (those started last) " +"have access to information set by modules higher in the chain " +"(those started first), but not the opposite. When processing " +"information this way, modules aren't destroyed until the last " +"module executed in the chain has finished its work (e.g., all the " +"commands inside it have been executed). At that point, child " +"modules are destroyed in the reverse order they were executed." + +msgid "" +"For example, when you execute the hello module with both —debug and —upper option, " +" script creates a " +"chain of three modules to produce the greeting message. Firstly, it " +"begins by executing the parent module named hello, then it continues with the child module named " +"output which in turn executes " +"the child module name lower to " +"finally print the expected greeting message. In this example, the " +"module named lower is the last " +"module in the chain of executed modules. It has access to all " +"information defined by earlier modules (e.g., in hello and output modules) and none of its earlier modules will be " +"destroyed until it has finished its work. This process becomes more " +"visible when you take a look at ." +msgstr "" +"For example, when you execute the hello module with both —debug and —upper option, " +" script creates a " +"chain of three modules to produce the greeting message. Firstly, it " +"begins by executing the parent module named hello, then it continues with the child module named " +"output which in turn executes " +"the child module name lower to " +"finally print the expected greeting message. In this example, the " +"module named lower is the last " +"module in the chain of executed modules. It has access to all " +"information defined by earlier modules (e.g., in hello and output modules) and none of its earlier modules will be " +"destroyed until it has finished its work. This process becomes more " +"visible when you take a look at ." + +msgid "Debugging execution of child modules" +msgstr "Debugging execution of child modules" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --upper --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --upper --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT export -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" +"HI\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" +msgstr "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --upper --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --upper --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT export -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" +"HI\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" + +msgid "" +"The module environment described in shows the child modules' ability of reducing scope as " +"they get deeper in the chain of executed modules. However, child " +"modules lack the possibility of nest modules that share the same " +"scope. For example, in the hello module described above, you cannot execute the modules " +"lower or upper from camel module, as if they were child modules of it. That is not " +"possible because they all have the same scope, which is, to print " +"the greeting message to standard output. Child modules are " +"conceived to reduce the module scope as new child modules are " +"executed. When you need to execute new module environments and, " +"also, retain the last scope from which the new module is executed, " +"you need to use “sibling modules,” instead." +msgstr "" +"The module environment described in shows the child modules' ability of reducing scope as " +"they get deeper in the chain of executed modules. However, child " +"modules lack the possibility of nest modules that share the same " +"scope. For example, in the hello module described above, you cannot execute the modules " +"lower or upper from camel module, as if they were child modules of it. That is not " +"possible because they all have the same scope, which is, to print " +"the greeting message to standard output. Child modules are " +"conceived to reduce the module scope as new child modules are " +"executed. When you need to execute new module environments and, " +"also, retain the last scope from which the new module is executed, " +"you need to use “sibling modules,” instead." + +msgid "Sibling Modules" +msgstr "Sibling Modules" + +msgid "" +"Sibling modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " +"-t sibling option set on it. " +"Sibling modules are another type of nested modules but, in contrast " +"with child modules, sibling modules cannot be executed from parent " +"modules. Normally, sibling modules are executed from other sibling " +"modules but, considering the context, they can be executed from " +"child module too, to initiate sibling processing. When several " +"siblings modules are executed, they also build a chain of modules. " +"In contrast with the chain of child modules, the chain of sibling " +"modules destroys the last sibling module executed before executing " +"the next sibling module. This make the chain to stop its growing at " +"sibling module processing, unless you call a child module from a " +"sibling module. In this case, the chain expansion would continue as " +"long as the number of child modules you execute. This process " +"becomes more visible when you take a look at ." +msgstr "" +"Sibling modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " +"-t sibling option set on it. " +"Sibling modules are another type of nested modules but, in contrast " +"with child modules, sibling modules cannot be executed from parent " +"modules. Normally, sibling modules are executed from other sibling " +"modules but, considering the context, they can be executed from " +"child module too, to initiate sibling processing. When several " +"siblings modules are executed, they also build a chain of modules. " +"In contrast with the chain of child modules, the chain of sibling " +"modules destroys the last sibling module executed before executing " +"the next sibling module. This make the chain to stop its growing at " +"sibling module processing, unless you call a child module from a " +"sibling module. In this case, the chain expansion would continue as " +"long as the number of child modules you execute. This process " +"becomes more visible when you take a look at ." + +msgid "" +"In , we've executed the " +"hello module with the " +"—greeting=hi, —camel, and —debug options. In this example, script executes the hello module then the output module which in turn executes the camel module. At this point, can " +"appreciate how the chain of modules stop growing. Observe that " +"camel module has gained the " +"position 2 in the chain of modules and executes the upper module which takes the position 3, as " +"expected. Now, when upper " +"module finishes its work it is destroyed and the module's counter " +"is reset to its previous value which is 2 (the one set by camel module). Then, camel executes the lower module which take position 3 at the chain of " +"modules until it finishes. When it finishes, the camel module finishes its work and is " +"destroyed, then output, then " +"hello." +msgstr "" +"In , we've executed the " +"hello module with the " +"—greeting=hi, —camel, and —debug options. In this example, script executes the hello module then the output module which in turn executes the camel module. At this point, can " +"appreciate how the chain of modules stop growing. Observe that " +"camel module has gained the " +"position 2 in the chain of modules and executes the upper module which takes the position 3, as " +"expected. Now, when upper " +"module finishes its work it is destroyed and the module's counter " +"is reset to its previous value which is 2 (the one set by camel module). Then, camel executes the lower module which take position 3 at the chain of " +"modules until it finishes. When it finishes, the camel module finishes its work and is " +"destroyed, then output, then " +"hello." + +msgid "Debugging execution of sibling modules" +msgstr "Debugging execution of sibling modules" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --camel --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --camel --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT export -f lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT -------------------------> lower\n" +"i\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" +msgstr "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --camel --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --camel --greeting=hi\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT export -f lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT -------------------------> lower\n" +"i\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f lower\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f camel\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" + +msgid "" +" shows a single iteration " +"of script " +"executing different types of modules. Normally, one module is " +"executed at some point and destroyed at the same point when it has " +"finished its work, however, what if the next immediate module you " +"are about to execute is the same module you are about to destroyed? " +"This is, you need to execute the last module in the chain of " +"executed modules again, but, this time, from itself. In cases like " +"this, the script " +"doesn't destroy the last module. It cannot, because you are " +"certainly executing a new module from itself, so it has to wait for " +"this new call to finish in order to be destroyed. This kind of " +"processing is known as processing modules recursively." +msgstr "" +" shows a single iteration " +"of script " +"executing different types of modules. Normally, one module is " +"executed at some point and destroyed at the same point when it has " +"finished its work, however, what if the next immediate module you " +"are about to execute is the same module you are about to destroyed? " +"This is, you need to execute the last module in the chain of " +"executed modules again, but, this time, from itself. In cases like " +"this, the script " +"doesn't destroy the last module. It cannot, because you are " +"certainly executing a new module from itself, so it has to wait for " +"this new call to finish in order to be destroyed. This kind of " +"processing is known as processing modules recursively." + +msgid "Recursive Modules" +msgstr "Recursive Modules" + +msgid "" +"When one module environment executes itself we are in presence of a " +"recursive module execution. The execution of modules recursively " +"doesn't destroy the last module in the chain of executed modules " +"and doesn't increment or decrement the module counter either. The " +"module counter is somehow frozen until a different module " +"environment is executed. In these cases, the last module " +"environment remains in memory for the new module execution to make " +"use of. This process becomes more visible when you take a look at " +"." +msgstr "" +"When one module environment executes itself we are in presence of a " +"recursive module execution. The execution of modules recursively " +"doesn't destroy the last module in the chain of executed modules " +"and doesn't increment or decrement the module counter either. The " +"module counter is somehow frozen until a different module " +"environment is executed. In these cases, the last module " +"environment remains in memory for the new module execution to make " +"use of. This process becomes more visible when you take a look at " +"." + +msgid "" +"When you execute modules recursively, you should be very careful " +"not to get trapped into an endless loop." +msgstr "" +"When you execute modules recursively, you should be very careful " +"not to get trapped into an endless loop." + +msgid "" +"In , we've executed the " +"hello module with the " +"—greeting=hello, —random, and —" +"debug options. In this example, script executes a parent module named " +"hello which in turn executes a " +"child module named output " +"which in turn executes a child module named random. At this point, the random modules executes itself five times (the number " +"of characters passed as value to greeting option) to print out " +"random letters from the greeting message. The output may have no " +"much sense on itself but the related debugging information helps to " +"understand the execution of modules recursively." +msgstr "" +"In , we've executed the " +"hello module with the " +"—greeting=hello, —random, and —" +"debug options. In this example, script executes a parent module named " +"hello which in turn executes a " +"child module named output " +"which in turn executes a child module named random. At this point, the random modules executes itself five times (the number " +"of characters passed as value to greeting option) to print out " +"random letters from the greeting message. The output may have no " +"much sense on itself but the related debugging information helps to " +"understand the execution of modules recursively." + +msgid "Processing execution of modules recursively" +msgstr "Processing execution of modules recursively" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --random --greeting=Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --random --greeting=Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> random\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"l\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"l\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT unset -f random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" +msgstr "" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --random --greeting=Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --random --greeting=Hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Modules\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Manuals\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Configs\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> random\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"l\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"l\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" +"H\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT unset -f random\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f output\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" +"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" + +msgid "" +"Recursive execution of modules occurs only when the module you are " +"executing is considered sibling of the last module executed in the " +"chain of executed modules and they both have the same name. The " +"fact that no variable name is printed out in means that they were not created. The arrows " +"change from -> to ~>, " +"means that module's related functions weren't exported for the new " +"module execution either. It also means that the initialization " +"script is reusing both related functions and variables from the " +"last module environment in the chain of executed modules. In this " +"case the random module." +msgstr "" +"Recursive execution of modules occurs only when the module you are " +"executing is considered sibling of the last module executed in the " +"chain of executed modules and they both have the same name. The " +"fact that no variable name is printed out in means that they were not created. The arrows " +"change from -> to ~>, " +"means that module's related functions weren't exported for the new " +"module execution either. It also means that the initialization " +"script is reusing both related functions and variables from the " +"last module environment in the chain of executed modules. In this " +"case the random module." + +msgid "" +"This section covered the resources you can use to optimize module " +"environments inside script. The next section summarizes the base files and " +"directories you might find inside one module environment." +msgstr "" +"This section covered the resources you can use to optimize module " +"environments inside script. The next section summarizes the base files and " +"directories you might find inside one module environment." + +msgid "Module Structure" +msgstr "Module Structure" + +msgid "" +"The module structure takes place at the root location of script, specifically, in a " +"directory named Modules. The Modules directory at root location is the highest level which you can store " +"modules in. Modules stored in this location are known as parent " +"modules. Parent modules can optimize their structure by using " +"related functions, child modules, sibling modules and recursive " +"modules. Basically, all these types of modules share the same " +"structure. They all have function files and, optionally, module " +"related stuff like locales, documentation, configuration and " +"dependent modules. See ." +msgstr "" +"The module structure takes place at the root location of script, specifically, in a " +"directory named Modules. The Modules directory at root location is the highest level which you can store " +"modules in. Modules stored in this location are known as parent " +"modules. Parent modules can optimize their structure by using " +"related functions, child modules, sibling modules and recursive " +"modules. Basically, all these types of modules share the same " +"structure. They all have function files and, optionally, module " +"related stuff like locales, documentation, configuration and " +"dependent modules. See ." + +msgid "" +"From version 0.7 on, child modules no longer have Locales, Manuals and Configs " +"directories inside. Only initialization files, related functions " +"and Modules directory are supported inside child " +"modules. See Bug 114." +msgstr "" +"From version 0.7 on, child modules no longer have Locales, Manuals and Configs " +"directories inside. Only initialization files, related functions " +"and Modules directory are supported inside child " +"modules. See Bug 114." + +msgid "The directory structure of hello module" +msgstr "The directory structure of hello module" + +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +".\n" +"|-- COPYING\n" +"|-- Locales/\n" +"|-- Manuals/\n" +"|-- Modules/\n" +"| `-- Hello/ \n" +"| |-- Locales\n" +"| | |-- es_ES\n" +"| | | |-- LC_MESSAGES\n" +"| | | | `-- \n" +"| | | `--\n" +"| | `--\n" +"| |-- Manuals\n" +"| | |-- hello.asciidoc\n" +"| | |-- man1\n" +"| | | `-- hello.1 \n" +"| | `-- render.conf \n" +"| |-- Modules\n" +"| | `-- Output \n" +"| | |-- Modules\n" +"| | | |-- Camel\n" +"| | | | `--\n" +"| | | |-- Lower \n" +"| | | | `-- \n" +"| | | |-- Random\n" +"| | | | `--\n" +"| | | `-- Upper\n" +"| | | `--\n" +"| | `-- \n" +"| |-- \n" +"| `-- \n" +"|-- Scripts/\n" +"|--\n" +"`--" +msgstr "" +".\n" +"|-- COPYING\n" +"|-- Locales/\n" +"|-- Manuals/\n" +"|-- Modules/\n" +"| `-- Hello/ \n" +"| |-- Locales\n" +"| | |-- es_ES\n" +"| | | |-- LC_MESSAGES\n" +"| | | | `-- \n" +"| | | `--\n" +"| | `--\n" +"| |-- Manuals\n" +"| | |-- hello.asciidoc\n" +"| | |-- man1\n" +"| | | `-- hello.1 \n" +"| | `-- render.conf \n" +"| |-- Modules\n" +"| | `-- Output \n" +"| | |-- Modules\n" +"| | | |-- Camel\n" +"| | | | `--\n" +"| | | |-- Lower \n" +"| | | | `-- \n" +"| | | |-- Random\n" +"| | | | `--\n" +"| | | `-- Upper\n" +"| | | `--\n" +"| | `-- \n" +"| |-- \n" +"| `-- \n" +"|-- Scripts/\n" +"|--\n" +"`--" + +msgid "" +"Child module of " +"script and parent module of output module." +msgstr "" +"Child module of " +"script and parent module of output module." + +msgid "" +"Spanish translated strings of hello module." +msgstr "" +"Spanish translated strings of hello module." + +msgid "" +"Manpage shown when you request help of hello module." +msgstr "" +"Manpage shown when you request help of hello module." + +msgid "" +"Configuration file used to produce the manpage of hello module." +msgstr "" +"Configuration file used to produce the manpage of hello module." + +msgid "" +"Child module of hello module " +"and parent module of camel,lower,random and upper modules." +msgstr "" +"Child module of hello module " +"and parent module of camel,lower,random and upper modules." + +msgid "" +"Child module of output module " +"and sibling module of camel,random and upper module." +msgstr "" +"Child module of output module " +"and sibling module of camel,random and upper module." + +msgid "" +"Initialization file of lower " +"module." +msgstr "" +"Initialization file of lower " +"module." + +msgid "" +"Initialization file of output " +"module." +msgstr "" +"Initialization file of output " +"module." + +msgid "" +"Initialization file of hello " +"module." +msgstr "" +"Initialization file of hello " +"module." + +msgid "" +"Function file related to hello " +"module." +msgstr "" +"Function file related to hello " +"module." + +msgid "" +" presents a complete " +"structure for module environments you can use as reference for " +"writing your own modules. It begins with a parent module directory " +"named “Hello” which contains an initialization file (“”) " +"and one related function file (“”). These files " +"work together with a child module named output which in turn has four child modules inside " +"named camel,lower,random, and upper. The " +"Locales directory contains the required " +"information to print hello " +"messages in different languages (e.g., it only supports Spanish " +"language in our example, but it can be extended to other languages " +"as needed). The Manuals directory contains all " +"the files required to produce documentation for the hello module (e.g., the information you read " +"when provide the —help option " +"in the command-line)." +msgstr "" +" presents a complete " +"structure for module environments you can use as reference for " +"writing your own modules. It begins with a parent module directory " +"named “Hello” which contains an initialization file (“”) " +"and one related function file (“”). These files " +"work together with a child module named output which in turn has four child modules inside " +"named camel,lower,random, and upper. The " +"Locales directory contains the required " +"information to print hello " +"messages in different languages (e.g., it only supports Spanish " +"language in our example, but it can be extended to other languages " +"as needed). The Manuals directory contains all " +"the files required to produce documentation for the hello module (e.g., the information you read " +"when provide the —help option " +"in the command-line)." + +msgid "The Function Files" +msgstr "The Function Files" + +msgid "" +"The function files are used to create the initialization file of a " +"module and the related functions of it. As convention, both " +"initialization file and related function files are stored in the " +"module's directory, see ." +msgstr "" +"The function files are used to create the initialization file of a " +"module and the related functions of it. As convention, both " +"initialization file and related function files are stored in the " +"module's directory, see ." + +msgid "" +"At execution time, the definition of related function are exported " +"to execution " +"environment before executing the function definition set inside the " +"initialization file, so related functions are always available for " +"you to use in the initialization file file and other related " +"functions as well. This is rather useful when you are refactoring " +"your initialization scripts and probably related functions as well." +msgstr "" +"At execution time, the definition of related function are exported " +"to execution " +"environment before executing the function definition set inside the " +"initialization file, so related functions are always available for " +"you to use in the initialization file file and other related " +"functions as well. This is rather useful when you are refactoring " +"your initialization scripts and probably related functions as well." + +msgid "" +"As naming convention, related function files are written using the " +"module's name, then an underscore (“_”), then a descriptive name " +"and, finally, the “.sh” extension. The function " +"definition inside the function file also follows this convention " +"but excludes the “.sh” extension from name (e." +"g., the function file “” has " +"a function definition named “hello_getOptions” " +"inside). The " +"script relays in these conventions to export and destroy related " +"functions when new module environments are created and destroyed. " +"If you create related function files with a pattern different from " +"that described here, they will not be executed nor available inside " +"the initialization file of the module environment being currently " +"executed." +msgstr "" +"As naming convention, related function files are written using the " +"module's name, then an underscore (“_”), then a descriptive name " +"and, finally, the “.sh” extension. The function " +"definition inside the function file also follows this convention " +"but excludes the “.sh” extension from name (e." +"g., the function file “” has " +"a function definition named “hello_getOptions” " +"inside). The " +"script relays in these conventions to export and destroy related " +"functions when new module environments are created and destroyed. " +"If you create related function files with a pattern different from " +"that described here, they will not be executed nor available inside " +"the initialization file of the module environment being currently " +"executed." + +msgid "" +"See also: and ." +msgstr "" +"See also: and ." + +msgid "The Modules Directory" +msgstr "The Modules Directory" + +msgid "" +"This directory contains nested modules (e.g., child modules) and is " +"used for extending the current module functionality in a modular " +"way. There isn't a visible limitation in the number of " +"Modules directory you can nest inside one module " +"to achieve certain functionality so, you can create as many levels " +"of Modules directories as you need." +msgstr "" +"This directory contains nested modules (e.g., child modules) and is " +"used for extending the current module functionality in a modular " +"way. There isn't a visible limitation in the number of " +"Modules directory you can nest inside one module " +"to achieve certain functionality so, you can create as many levels " +"of Modules directories as you need." + +msgid "The Locales Directory" +msgstr "The Locales Directory" + +msgid "" +"This directory contains module-specific localization files. The " +"content of this directory is automatically generated by locale module of script, when you execute it using the " +"initialization file as source and the —" +"update —sibling options. Once the localization files " +"have been created, you need to edit PO files to translate the " +"strings from English to your preferred language. If the " +"translatable strings inside the module's source files change, you " +"need to run the locale module " +"again to update the PO files and repeat the localization process " +"all over again." +msgstr "" +"This directory contains module-specific localization files. The " +"content of this directory is automatically generated by locale module of script, when you execute it using the " +"initialization file as source and the —" +"update —sibling options. Once the localization files " +"have been created, you need to edit PO files to translate the " +"strings from English to your preferred language. If the " +"translatable strings inside the module's source files change, you " +"need to run the locale module " +"again to update the PO files and repeat the localization process " +"all over again." + +msgid "The Manuals Directory" +msgstr "The Manuals Directory" + +msgid "" +"This directory contains module-specific documentation. " +"Documentation in this directory is written in asciidoc format and " +"produced through the render " +"module of script " +"to different formats, including man pages and html." +msgstr "" +"This directory contains module-specific documentation. " +"Documentation in this directory is written in asciidoc format and " +"produced through the render " +"module of script " +"to different formats, including man pages and html." + +msgid "The Configs Directory" +msgstr "The Configs Directory" + +msgid "" +"This directory contains module-specific configuration. Some modules " +"(e.g., “tuneup”) need to store auxiliary files required to achieve " +"its main goal (e.g., the “tuneup” module uses sed files to " +"transform the top-comment of scripts each time it is executed, the " +"sed file itself is stored in this directory). Whenever you need to " +"make reference to a file inside this directory, use the " +"“TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS” variable. This variable provides the " +"absolute path of module-related configuration file." +msgstr "" +"This directory contains module-specific configuration. Some modules " +"(e.g., “tuneup”) need to store auxiliary files required to achieve " +"its main goal (e.g., the “tuneup” module uses sed files to " +"transform the top-comment of scripts each time it is executed, the " +"sed file itself is stored in this directory). Whenever you need to " +"make reference to a file inside this directory, use the " +"“TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS” variable. This variable provides the " +"absolute path of module-related configuration file." + +msgid "" +"This section has covered the directories and files a module is made " +"of inside the " +"script." +msgstr "" +"This section has covered the directories and files a module is made " +"of inside the " +"script." + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/render.conf b/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/render.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..046b3dd --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/render.conf @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[understanding_modules.html] +render-type = "asciidoc" +render-flow = "article" +render-from = "understanding_modules.asciidoc" +locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po" +images-from = "${TCAR_BASEDIR}/Artworks/Icons/Webenv/Final" +styles-from = "${TCAR_BASEDIR}/Artworks/Webenv/Docbook/1.69.1/Css" +formats = "xhtml" +render-page = "single chunks" diff --git a/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/understanding_modules.asciidoc b/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/understanding_modules.asciidoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b2f156 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Documentation/Understanding_Modules/understanding_modules.asciidoc @@ -0,0 +1,994 @@ +Understanding Modules +===================== +Alain Reguera Delgado +v0.1, Oct 2013 + +Overview +-------- + +From version 0.5, ** script implements the idea of +modules to its base design. Modules are a collection of functions +written in Bash that can call themselves one another to create +individual execution environments. They may be nested to achieve high +levels of maintainability and extensibility. This make possible for +modules writers to divide complicated tasks into smaller tasks that +can be easier to debug, maintain and share with other modules +efficiently (e.g., instead of loading modules all at once, they are +only loaded at demand and unset once they conclude their execution). + +This article describes the modular design of ** script. +It is a good place for you to start if you are planning to contribute +new module environments to ** script or want to know more +about how they work. The next section delves into what a module +environment is, the three module types you can find in it and the +correct way of execute each one of them. + +[[module-environment]] +Module Environment +------------------ + +When you execute the ** script you create an execution +environment in which variables and functions are defined. This +execution environment is the higher environment inside ** +script. It is considered to have a ``global'' scope, so variables and +functions defined inside it are always available for any function +execution made from it. You can control the execution environment of +** script through and files. These files don't provide too much +functionality so specific module environments are executed from at demand, to extend its functionality. + +Module environments are made of small functions that perform small +tasks and can be further executed in a specific order to produce a +desired result. Module environments are executed and destroyed at +demand. Inside **, module environments can be either +``parent modules,'' ``child modules,'' or ``sibling modules.'' + +[[parent-modules-environment]] +Parent Modules +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Parent modules are initiated by executing the +*tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function with the *-t parent* option set +on it. Parent modules are very simple in design and you can use them +to implement simple solutions quickly. Normally, when you execute a +parent module, you initiate the highest module environment possible +inside ** script. Because of such high scope, parent +modules are frequently used to define module's global variables, +interpret module-specific options passed through the command-line and +execute the appropriate actions based on them. + +In <>, we have executed the *hello* module with +the *--greeting=hi* and *--debug* options through the command-line. In +this example, ** script executes a parent module named +*hello*, processes the module-specific options passed through the +command-line, prints a greeting message to standard output and exits +successfully. + +[[debug-parent-modules]] +.Debugging execution of parent modules +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --greeting=hi +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --greeting=hi +hi +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <------------------------- hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +====================================================================== + +<> describes an entire module environment in +action. With this information you can create your own module +environment, already. However, when your module is getting too much +complicated you probably want to divide it in smaller pieces that you +can execute accordingly, based on the purpose you defined for it. Such +kind of division can be implemented as described in +<>. + +Summary +~~~~~~~ + +This section has covered basic concepts related to module environment +inside ** script. The next section takes these concepts +and focuses on the implementation of them. Once you finish it, you +should be able of writing your own module environments from scratch +inside ** script. + +[[module-implementation]] +Module Implementation +--------------------- + +The ** script implements module environments inside the +``+Modules+'' directory, as described in <>. + +[[module-implementation-parent]] +Parent Modules +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +For example, consider the creation of a module named *hello*. The +purpose of this module is to print a greeting message to standard +output and then exit successfully. To create such a module, we need to +create a directory named ``Hello'' inside the ``Modules'' directory +and put an initialization file named ``'' inside it. Because +we want to execute the *hello* module from ** script +command-line, we put it in the first level of directories of +Modules+ +directory. See <>. + +[[parent-module-layout]] +.Directory layout used by parent modules +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +. +|-- COPYING <1> +|-- Locales/ <2> +|-- Manuals/ <3> +|-- Modules/ <4> +| `-- Hello/ <5> +| |-- <6> +| `-- <7> +|-- Scripts/ <8> +|-- <9> +`-- <10> +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +<1> Script's copying conditions. +<2> Script's localization files. +<3> Script's documentation files. +<4> Script's modules. Here is where you store parent modules. +<5> Parent directory of module named hello. +<6> Initialization file of module named hello. +<7> Function related to module named hello. +<8> Script's global functions. +<9> Script's configuration file. +<10> Script's initialization file. +====================================================================== + +<> presents a complete module layout you can use +as reference to create your own module implementations. However, it is +not complete yet. At this point, when you execute **, it +is able to find out *hello* module's initialization file and execute +it but that prints an error message because the initialization file +doesn't have a function definition inside. It is completely empty. In +order for ** script to do something useful, you need to +write a function definition inside the initialization file, as +described in <>. + +[[module-init-file]] +The Initialization File +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The module's initialization file contains the module's main function +definition and a comment describing what it does on top of it. This +comment includes a small description about what the function does, a +written by section, the copyright note and the legal status of the +file. The function definition is set later and must be written using +the long definition format (i.e., it must begin with the word +``+function+,'' then the function name, and finally the ``+{+'' +character). The name of the function is exactly the same of the +initialization file but without the extension. These conditions +are required in order for ** script to execute the +function definition and destroy it when it is no longer used. See +<>. + +The function definition is where you write all the commands you want +the module runs, once executed. The function definition can be as +simple as just one single line of code or as complex as you can +imagine. It is the place where you express your solutions. However, +when writing initialization files, it is considered a good practice to +avoid any sort of complexity. Instead, try to write small and simple +initialization files. In case you notice the initialization file is +growing up inevitably, you can reduce its code by refactoring it. To +do this, you can use resources like module related functions and child +modules. These resources are described in <>, and +they help you to keep the initialization file in a clean state, easy +to understand, maintain and debug. + +[[initialization-file]] +.Initialization file used by hello module +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +#!/bin/bash +###################################################################### +# +# -- Print out greetings to standard output and exit +# successfully. +# +# Written by: +# * Alain Reguera Delgado , 2013 +# +# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +# your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +# +###################################################################### + +function hello { + + tcar_printMessage "`gettext "Hello, World!"`" --as-stdout-line + +} +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +====================================================================== + +The function definition described in <> uses the +*tcar_printMessage* global function to print localized versions of the +string ``Hello, World!'' to standard output. Because there isn't no +other command in the function definition, when the greeting message is +printed out, ** destroys the *hello* module and exit +successfully. This process is more visible when also pass the +*--debug* option. See <>. + +Summary +~~~~~~~ + +Congratulations! You've implemented a module environment inside +** script. With the information you have so far, you are +able to create your own module environment implementations. The next +section delves into available resources you can use to simplify module +environments when the initialization file starts growing inevitably +and complexity daemons begin hammering your head. + +[[module-optimization]] +Module Optimization +------------------- + +The ** script provides four resources you can use to +optimize your module implementations. These resources are ``related +functions,'' ``child modules,'' ``sibling modules'' and ``recursive +modules''. + +[[related-functions]] +Related Functions +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Related functions are very useful when you need to simplify the +function definition of one initialization file. For example, consider +extending the *hello* module so it is able to interpret arguments +passed through the command-line. Now, inside the initialization file, +we have some variable definitions, one function call to a module +related function named *hello_getOptions*, and a decision on how the +greeting message must be printed out based on the collected actions. +See <>. + +[[initialization-file-extended]] +.Initialization file used by hello module (extended) +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +function hello { + + # Define default greeting message. + local HELLO_WORLD="`gettext "Hello, World!"`" + + # Define actions variable. Here is where actions related to + # module-specific options are stored in for further processing. + local ACTIONS='' + + # Interpret module-specific options and store related actions. + hello_getOptions + + # Print greeting message + if [[ -z ${ACTIONS} ]];then + # Using parent module. + tcar_printMessage "${HELLO_WORLD}" --as-stdout-line + else + # Using child module. + tcar_setModuleEnvironment -m 'output' -t 'child' + fi + +} +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +====================================================================== + +When you execute the command * hello* with the +*--greeting=hi* argument, ** stores module-specific +arguments inside the +TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT+ variable, creates a list +of all function definitions inside the module directory and exports +them. This includes the function definition of the initialization +file itself. Then ** executes the function definition +set inside the initialization file and leaves all other function +definitions, already in memory, waiting for further execution. At this +point, the *hello* initialization function sets some default values +and execute the *hello_getOptions* function to parse all the arguments +passed through the command-line and redefines the +ACTIONS+ variable +based on them. Using the +ACTIONS+ variables it decides whether to +print the greeting message immediately or execute the child modules +named *output* so it decides what to do with the information collected +so far. + +<> defines the options you can pass to +*hello* module and the associated actions they must perform for each +of them. Actions aren't immediately executed here. Instead, they are +stored in the +ACTIONS+ variable for further processing (e.g., we +store the names of the modules we want to execute later). The ++ACTIONS+ variable was defined in the initialization file so it has a +global scope inside the module environment and is reachable from any +related function executed inside it. Storing the actions this way +lets the *hello* module to collect information about different actions +and execute them all in just one command. When all options have been +parsed, only non-option arguments remain in the +TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT+ +variable. + +[[hello_getOptions-definition]] +.Related function definition (hello_getOptions) +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +function hello_getOptions { + + # Define short options we want to support. + local ARGSS="h::,v,g:,l,u,c,r" + + # Define long options we want to support. + local ARGSL="help::,version,greeting:,lower,upper,camel,random" + + # Redefine arguments using getopt(1) command parser. + tcar_setModuleArguments + + # Reset positional parameters on this function, using output + # produced from (getopt) arguments parser. + eval set -- "${TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT}" + + # Look for options passed through command-line. + while true; do + case "${1}" in + + -h | --help ) + tcar_printHelp "${2}" + ;; + + -v | --version ) + tcar_printVersion "${TCAR_MODULE_NAME}" + ;; + + -g | --greeting ) + HELLO_WORLD="${2:-${HELLO_WORLD}}" + shift 2 + ;; + + -l | --lower ) + ACTIONS="lower ${ACTIONS}" + shift 1 + ;; + + -u | --upper ) + ACTIONS="upper ${ACTIONS}" + shift 1 + ;; + + -c | --camel ) + ACTIONS="camel ${ACTIONS}" + shift 1 + ;; + + -r | --random ) + ACTIONS="random ${ACTIONS}" + shift 1 + ;; + + -- ) + shift 1 + break + ;; + esac + done + + # Redefine arguments using current positional parameters. Only + # paths should remain as arguments, at this point. + TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT="${@}" + +} +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +====================================================================== + +[IMPORTANT] +<> presents the standard construction we +use inside ** script for parsing arguments passed through +the command-line in a per-module basis. As convention, all the parent +modules you write must be able to interpret the *--help* and +*--version* options using the construction described here. + +Related functions are very useful when you are refactoring the +initialization file of a module. However, they aren't so efficient +when you need to execute them at demand (e.g., based on specific +conditions). When a module is executed, related functions are exported +to ** script execution environment. They remain there, +consuming memory, until the module they belong to is destroyed. If you +create a related function and never execute it, it will consume +memory, as well. So, use related functions when you are absolutely +sure they will be executed at some point, in one single iteration of +** script. If you need to execute functions at demand, +use child modules, instead. + +[[child-modules]] +Child Modules +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Child modules are initiated by executing the +*tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function with the *-t child* option set on +it. Child modules have the characteristic of being nested modules. +They cannot be executed from the command-line. Normally, child modules +are executed from parent modules but they can be executed from other +child modules, too. When several child modules are executed in one +single iteration of **, they create a chain of modules. +A chain of modules is very useful in situations where you want to +divide one large task into smaller tasks and also control which of +these smaller tasks is executed based on specific conditions (e.g., +you may want to render images or documentation, but not both, in one +single iteration of ** script). In a chain of modules, +lower modules in the chain (those started last) have access to +information set by modules higher in the chain (those started first), +but not the opposite. When processing information this way, modules +aren't destroyed until the last module executed in the chain has +finished its work (e.g., all the commands inside it have been +executed). At that point, child modules are destroyed in the reverse +order they were executed. + +For example, when you execute the *hello* module with both *--debug* +and *--upper* option, ** script creates a chain of three +modules to produce the greeting message. Firstly, it begins by +executing the parent module named *hello*, then it continues with the +child module named *output* which in turn executes the child module +name *lower* to finally print the expected greeting message. In this +example, the module named *lower* is the last module in the chain of +executed modules. It has access to all information defined by earlier +modules (e.g., in *hello* and *output* modules) and none of its earlier +modules will be destroyed until it has finished its work. This process +becomes more visible when you take a look at <>. + +[[debug-child-modules]] +.Debugging execution of child modules +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --upper --greeting=hi +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --upper --greeting=hi +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT export -f upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT -------------------------> upper +HI +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +====================================================================== + +The module environment described in <> shows the +child modules' ability of reducing scope as they get deeper in the +chain of executed modules. However, child modules lack the possibility +of nest modules that share the same scope. For example, in the *hello* +module described above, you cannot execute the modules *lower* or +*upper* from *camel* module, as if they were child modules of it. +That is not possible because they all have the same scope, which is, +to print the greeting message to standard output. Child modules are +conceived to reduce the module scope as new child modules are +executed. When you need to execute new module environments and, also, +retain the last scope from which the new module is executed, you need +to use ``_sibling modules_,'' instead. + +[[sibling-modules]] +Sibling Modules +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Sibling modules are initiated by executing the +*tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function with the *-t sibling* option set +on it. Sibling modules are another type of nested modules but, in +contrast with child modules, sibling modules cannot be executed from +parent modules. Normally, sibling modules are executed from other +sibling modules but, considering the context, they can be executed +from child module too, to initiate sibling processing. When several +siblings modules are executed, they also build a chain of modules. In +contrast with the chain of child modules, the chain of sibling modules +destroys the last sibling module executed before executing the next +sibling module. This make the chain to stop its growing at sibling +module processing, unless you call a child module from a sibling +module. In this case, the chain expansion would continue as long as +the number of child modules you execute. This process becomes more +visible when you take a look at <>. + +In <>, we've executed the *hello* module with +the *--greeting=hi*, *--camel*, and *--debug* options. In this +example, ** script executes the *hello* module then the +*output* module which in turn executes the *camel* module. At this +point, can appreciate how the chain of modules stop growing. Observe +that *camel* module has gained the position 2 in the chain of modules +and executes the *upper* module which takes the position 3, as +expected. Now, when *upper* module finishes its work it is destroyed +and the module's counter is reset to its previous value which is 2 +(the one set by *camel* module). Then, *camel* executes the *lower* +module which take position 3 at the chain of modules until it +finishes. When it finishes, the *camel* module finishes its work and +is destroyed, then *output*, then *hello*. + +[[debug-sibling-modules]] +.Debugging execution of sibling modules +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --camel --greeting=hi +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --camel --greeting=hi +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> upper +H +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <------------------------- upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT unset -f upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=lower +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT export -f lower +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT -------------------------> lower +i +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- lower +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f lower +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f camel +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +====================================================================== + +<> shows a single iteration of ** +script executing different types of modules. Normally, one module is +executed at some point and destroyed at the same point when it has +finished its work, however, what if the next immediate module you are +about to execute is the same module you are about to destroyed? This +is, you need to execute the last module in the chain of executed +modules again, but, this time, from itself. In cases like this, the +** script doesn't destroy the last module. It cannot, +because you are certainly executing a new module from itself, so it +has to wait for this new call to finish in order to be destroyed. This +kind of processing is known as _processing modules recursively._ + +[[recursive-modules]] +Recursive Modules +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +When one module environment executes itself we are in presence of a +recursive module execution. The execution of modules recursively +doesn't destroy the last module in the chain of executed modules and +doesn't increment or decrement the module counter either. The module +counter is somehow frozen until a different module environment is +executed. In these cases, the last module environment remains in +memory for the new module execution to make use of. This process +becomes more visible when you take a look at +<>. + +[CAUTION] +When you execute modules recursively, you should be very careful not +to get trapped into an endless loop. + +In <>, we've executed the *hello* module with +the *--greeting=hello*, *--random*, and *--debug* options. In this +example, ** script executes a parent module named *hello* +which in turn executes a child module named *output* which in turn +executes a child module named *random*. At this point, the *random* +modules executes itself five times (the number of characters passed as +value to greeting option) to print out random letters from the +greeting message. The output may have no much sense on itself but the +related debugging information helps to understand the execution of +modules recursively. + +[[debug-recursive-modules]] +.Processing execution of modules recursively +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --random --greeting=Hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --random --greeting=Hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=random +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Modules +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Manuals +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Configs +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/ +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f random +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> random +H +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random +H +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random +l +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random +l +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random +H +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- random +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT unset -f random +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f output +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <------------------------- hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions +Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +====================================================================== + +Recursive execution of modules occurs only when the module you are +executing is considered sibling of the last module executed in the +chain of executed modules and they both have the same name. The fact +that no variable name is printed out in <> +means that they were not created. The arrows change from +->+ to +~>+, +means that module's related functions weren't exported for the new +module execution either. It also means that the initialization script +is reusing both related functions and variables from the last module +environment in the chain of executed modules. In this case the +*random* module. + +Summary +~~~~~~~ + +This section covered the resources you can use to optimize module +environments inside ** script. The next section +summarizes the base files and directories you might find inside one +module environment. + +[[module-structure]] +Module Structure +---------------- + +The module structure takes place at the root location of +** script, specifically, in a directory named +Modules+. +The +Modules+ directory at ** root location is the +highest level which you can store modules in. Modules stored in this +location are known as parent modules. Parent modules can optimize +their structure by using related functions, child modules, sibling +modules and recursive modules. Basically, all these types of modules +share the same structure. They all have function files and, +optionally, module related stuff like locales, documentation, +configuration and dependent modules. See <>. + +[IMPORTANT] +From version 0.7 on, child modules no longer have +Locales+, +Manuals+ +and +Configs+ directories inside. Only initialization files, related +functions and +Modules+ directory are supported inside child modules. +See[Bug 114]. + +[[module-directory-layout]] +.The directory structure of hello module +====================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +. +|-- COPYING +|-- Locales/ +|-- Manuals/ +|-- Modules/ +| `-- Hello/ <1> +| |-- Locales +| | |-- es_ES +| | | |-- LC_MESSAGES +| | | | `-- <2> +| | | `-- +| | `-- +| |-- Manuals +| | |-- hello.asciidoc +| | |-- man1 +| | | `-- hello.1 <3> +| | `-- render.conf <4> +| |-- Modules +| | `-- Output <5> +| | |-- Modules +| | | |-- Camel +| | | | `-- +| | | |-- Lower <6> +| | | | `-- <7> +| | | |-- Random +| | | | `-- +| | | `-- Upper +| | | `-- +| | `-- <8> +| |-- <9> +| `-- <10> +|-- Scripts/ +|-- +`-- +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +<1> Child module of ** script and parent module of +*output* module. +<2> Spanish translated strings of *hello* module. +<3> Manpage shown when you request help of *hello* module. +<4> Configuration file used to produce the manpage of *hello* module. +<5> Child module of *hello* module and parent module of *camel,* +*lower,* *random* and *upper* modules. +<6> Child module of *output* module and sibling module of *camel,* +*random* and *upper* module. +<7> Initialization file of *lower* module. +<8> Initialization file of *output* module. +<9> Initialization file of *hello* module. +<10> Function file related to *hello* module. +====================================================================== + +<> presents a complete structure for module +environments you can use as reference for writing your own modules. It +begins with a parent module directory named ``Hello'' which contains +an initialization file (``'') and one related function file +(``''). These files work together with a child +module named *output* which in turn has four child modules inside +named *camel,* *lower,* *random,* and *upper.* The +Locales+ directory +contains the required information to print *hello* messages in +different languages (e.g., it only supports Spanish language in our +example, but it can be extended to other languages as needed). The ++Manuals+ directory contains all the files required to produce +documentation for the *hello* module (e.g., the information you read +when provide the *--help* option in the command-line). + +The Function Files +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The function files are used to create the initialization file of a +module and the related functions of it. As convention, both +initialization file and related function files are stored in the +module's directory, see <>. + +At execution time, the definition of related function are exported to +** execution environment before executing the function +definition set inside the initialization file, so related functions +are always available for you to use in the initialization file file +and other related functions as well. This is rather useful when you +are refactoring your initialization scripts and probably related +functions as well. + +As naming convention, related function files are written using the +module's name, then an underscore (``_''), then a descriptive name +and, finally, the ``'' extension. The function definition inside +the function file also follows this convention but excludes the +``'' extension from name (e.g., the function file +``'' has a function definition named +``+hello_getOptions+'' inside). The ** script relays in +these conventions to export and destroy related functions when new +module environments are created and destroyed. If you create related +function files with a pattern different from that described here, they +will not be executed nor available inside the initialization file of +the module environment being currently executed. + +See also: <> and <>. + +[[module-directory-modules]] +The +Modules+ Directory +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This directory contains nested modules (e.g., child modules) and is +used for extending the current module functionality in a modular way. +There isn't a visible limitation in the number of +Modules+ directory +you can nest inside one module to achieve certain functionality so, +you can create as many levels of +Modules+ directories as you need. + +[[module-directory-locales]] +The +Locales+ Directory +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This directory contains module-specific localization files. The +content of this directory is automatically generated by *locale* +module of ** script, when you execute it using the +initialization file as source and the *--update --sibling* options. +Once the localization files have been created, you need to edit PO +files to translate the strings from English to your preferred +language. If the translatable strings inside the module's source +files change, you need to run the *locale* module again to update the +PO files and repeat the localization process all over again. + +[[module-directory-manuals]] +The +Manuals+ Directory +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This directory contains module-specific documentation. Documentation +in this directory is written in asciidoc format and produced through +the *render* module of ** script to different formats, +including man pages and html. + +[[module-directory-configs]] +The +Configs+ Directory +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This directory contains module-specific configuration. Some modules +(e.g., ``tuneup'') need to store auxiliary files required to achieve +its main goal (e.g., the ``tuneup'' module uses sed files to transform +the top-comment of scripts each time it is executed, the sed file +itself is stored in this directory). Whenever you need to make +reference to a file inside this directory, use the +``TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS'' variable. This variable provides the +absolute path of module-related configuration file. + +Summary +~~~~~~~ + +This section has covered the directories and files a module is made of +inside the ** script. + +// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/Scripts/Locales/es_ES/tcar.po b/Scripts/Locales/es_ES/tcar.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..362fb80 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scripts/Locales/es_ES/tcar.po @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: tcar 0.6\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-07 14:11-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-07 14:11-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" +"Language-Team: Spanish\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +#: Automation/ +msgid "has not execution rights." +msgstr "no tiene permiso de ejecución." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "isn't a directory." +msgstr "no es un directorio." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "doesn't exist." +msgstr "no existe." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "isn't a regular file." +msgstr "no es un fichero regular." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "isn't a symbolic link." +msgstr "no es un enlace simbólico." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "isn't an executable file." +msgstr "no es un fichero ejecutable." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +#, sh-format +msgid "isn't a \"$MIME\" file." +msgstr "no es un fichero \"$MIME\"." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "doesn't match its pattern." +msgstr "no coincide con su patrón." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "isn't installed in the system." +msgstr "no está instalado en el sistema." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "No file for processing found." +msgstr "Ningún fichero encontrado para procesar." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "The condition command provided isn't supported." +msgstr "El comando condición suministrado no está soportado." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "The first argument cannot be empty." +msgstr "El primer argumento no puede estar vacío." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License" +msgstr "Licencia Creativa Común de Atribución-Compartida 3.0." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "All rights reserved." +msgstr "Todos los derechos reservados." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "The message cannot be empty." +msgstr "El mensaje no puede estar vacío." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "To know more, run" +msgstr "Para conocer más, ejecuta" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "yes" +msgstr "sí" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "no" +msgstr "no" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Processing" +msgstr "Procesando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Cropping from" +msgstr "Recortando desde" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Tuning-up" +msgstr "Ajustando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Checking" +msgstr "Comprobando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Combining" +msgstr "Combinando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Editing" +msgstr "Editando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Updating" +msgstr "Actualizando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Creating" +msgstr "Creando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Deleting" +msgstr "Borrando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Reading" +msgstr "Leyendo" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Saved as" +msgstr "Salvado como" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Linked to" +msgstr "Enlazado como" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Moved to" +msgstr "Movido a" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Translation" +msgstr "Traducción" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Translating" +msgstr "Traduciendo" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Validating" +msgstr "Validando" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Template" +msgstr "Plantilla" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Configuration" +msgstr "Configuración" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Palette" +msgstr "Paleta" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +#, sh-format +msgid "" +"$PROGRAM_NAME comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You " +"may redistribute copies of $PROGRAM_NAME under the terms of the GNU General " +"Public License. For more information about these matters, see the files " +"named COPYING." +msgstr "" +"$PROGRAM_NAME viene SIN GARANTÍAS, a todo el alcance permitido por la ley. " +"Usted puede distribuir copias de $PROGRAM_NAME bajo los términos de la " +"Licencia Pública General de GNU. Para más información sobre estos asuntos, " +"vea el fichero COPYING." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "The argument verification failed." +msgstr "La verificación de argumento falló." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "No function file was found." +msgstr "Ningún fichero de función fue encontrado." + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconocido" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Opening module" +msgstr "Abriendo módulo" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Closing module" +msgstr "Cerrando módulo" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "Closing variables" +msgstr "Cerrando variables" + +#: Automation/Scripts/ +msgid "The export id was not provided." +msgstr "El identificador de exportación no fue suministrado." diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4daf2be..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,296 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "The CentOS artwork repository automation tool." -msgstr "The CentOS artwork repository automation tool." - -msgid "" -" [--help|--version]" -msgstr "" -" [--help|--version]" - -msgid "" -"Print information about " -"script itself." -msgstr "" -"Print information about " -"script itself." - -msgid "" -"centos-art.shMODULE [--help|--version]" -msgstr "" -"centos-art.shMODULE [--help|--version]" - -msgid "" -"Print information about the specified module. See below to see which modules script supports." -msgstr "" -"Print information about the specified module. See below to see which modules script supports." - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "" -" exists to standardize " -"frequent tasks inside the CentOS artwork repository. Inside script, frequent tasks are organized " -"inside modules." -msgstr "" -" exists to standardize " -"frequent tasks inside the CentOS artwork repository. Inside script, frequent tasks are organized " -"inside modules." - -msgid "" -"When you execute the " -"script in a terminal, it requests you to enter the absolute path of CentOS " -"artwork repository in your workstation. This information is required in " -"order for to know where " -"the repository directory structure you want to work with is stored in. " -"Later, once knows where " -"your copy of CentOS artwork repository is stored in, it initializes " -"configuration variables and global functions. At this point, it continues " -"reading the command-line arguments to retrieve the module's name, process " -"common options next to it, store module-specific options and initiates the " -"module's environment by executing the module's initialization script, based " -"on the module's name retrieved from the command-line." -msgstr "" -"When you execute the " -"script in a terminal, it requests you to enter the absolute path of CentOS " -"artwork repository in your workstation. This information is required in " -"order for to know where " -"the repository directory structure you want to work with is stored in. " -"Later, once knows where " -"your copy of CentOS artwork repository is stored in, it initializes " -"configuration variables and global functions. At this point, it continues " -"reading the command-line arguments to retrieve the module's name, process " -"common options next to it, store module-specific options and initiates the " -"module's environment by executing the module's initialization script, based " -"on the module's name retrieved from the command-line." - -msgid "Modules" -msgstr "Modules" - -msgid "" -"The script supports the " -"following modules:" -msgstr "" -"The script supports the " -"following modules:" - -msgid "prepare" -msgstr "prepare" - -msgid "" -"Standardize configuration tasks needed by your working copy (e.g., verify " -"whether required packages are installed or not in your workstation, calls " -"render module to produce images and manuals in the correct order). This is " -"the first task you should run in your workstation, just after downloading a " -"fresh working copy of CentOS artwork repository." -msgstr "" -"Standardize configuration tasks needed by your working copy (e.g., verify " -"whether required packages are installed or not in your workstation, calls " -"render module to produce images and manuals in the correct order). This is " -"the first task you should run in your workstation, just after downloading a " -"fresh working copy of CentOS artwork repository." - -msgid "render" -msgstr "render" - -msgid "" -"Standardize the way content is produced inside the repository. This function " -"relies on configuration files to do its work. Whenever you need to produce " -"images, documentation or localized content this is the module you'll need to " -"use." -msgstr "" -"Standardize the way content is produced inside the repository. This function " -"relies on configuration files to do its work. Whenever you need to produce " -"images, documentation or localized content this is the module you'll need to " -"use." - -msgid "locale" -msgstr "locale" - -msgid "" -"Standardize the way translatable strings are retrieved from source files and " -"put into portable objects for you to edit. Portable objects produced by this " -"module are used by render module to " -"produce localized content. Whenever you need to produce the intermediate " -"files holding the translatable strings required to produce localized " -"content, use this module." -msgstr "" -"Standardize the way translatable strings are retrieved from source files and " -"put into portable objects for you to edit. Portable objects produced by this " -"module are used by render module to " -"produce localized content. Whenever you need to produce the intermediate " -"files holding the translatable strings required to produce localized " -"content, use this module." - -msgid "tuneup" -msgstr "tuneup" - -msgid "" -"Standardize maintenance tasks frequently run inside the repository (e.g., " -"reset written by, copyright and license information inside shell script's " -"top-comments; transform probably malformed HTML documents into valid " -"documents, and remove unused tags inside SVG documents.)." -msgstr "" -"Standardize maintenance tasks frequently run inside the repository (e.g., " -"reset written by, copyright and license information inside shell script's " -"top-comments; transform probably malformed HTML documents into valid " -"documents, and remove unused tags inside SVG documents.)." - -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Options" - -msgid "" -"The script supports the " -"following options:" -msgstr "" -"The script supports the " -"following options:" - -msgid "--help" -msgstr "--help" - -msgid "Print script documentation." -msgstr "Print script documentation." - -msgid "--version" -msgstr "--version" - -msgid "Print script version." -msgstr "Print script version." - -msgid "--debug" -msgstr "--debug" - -msgid "" -"Run the script in debugging mode. This option is very useful if you want to " -"get a closer look to the way modules are opened and closed inside script." -msgstr "" -"Run the script in debugging mode. This option is very useful if you want to " -"get a closer look to the way modules are opened and closed inside script." - -msgid "--quiet" -msgstr "--quiet" - -msgid "" -"Run the script quietly. This option reduces the amount of information the " -" script prints out when " -"processing source files." -msgstr "" -"Run the script quietly. This option reduces the amount of information the " -" script prints out when " -"processing source files." - -msgid "--yes" -msgstr "--yes" - -msgid "" -"Run the script in affirmative mode. This is answering “yes” to all “yes or " -"no” questions. This option is useful when you run with the --quiet option." -msgstr "" -"Run the script in affirmative mode. This is answering “yes” to all “yes or " -"no” questions. This option is useful when you run with the --quiet option." - -msgid "Exit Status" -msgstr "Exit Status" - -msgid "0 — Exit successfully without errors." -msgstr "0 — Exit successfully without errors." - -msgid "1 — Exit with errors." -msgstr "1 — Exit with errors." - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Author" - -msgid "" -"The script has received " -"contribution from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The script has received " -"contribution from the following people:" - -msgid "" -"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." -">, 2009-2013" -msgstr "" -"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." -">, 2009-2013" - -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -msgid "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" -msgstr "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index 585629d..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,296 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "tcar_checkfiles" -msgstr "tcar_checkfiles" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "tcar_checkFiles" -msgstr "tcar_checkFiles" - -msgid "Standardize constructions for file verifications." -msgstr "Standardize constructions for file verifications." - -msgid "cli_checkFiles [-d|-e|-f|-h|-x] LOCATION" -msgstr "cli_checkFiles [-d|-e|-f|-h|-x] LOCATION" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "" -"The cli_checkFiles exists to answer " -"basic questions like “Is LOCATION is a regular file?” and " -"“Is LOCATION a directory?”. The answer to such questions " -"affects the script execution flow in the following way: when the answer " -"positive (e.g., LOCATION is a regular file), the script " -"passes the test silently and continues its execution. When the answer is " -"negative(e.g., LOCATION is not a regular file), the " -"script finishes its execution immediately with an error message." -msgstr "" -"The cli_checkFiles exists to answer " -"basic questions like “Is LOCATION is a regular file?” and " -"“Is LOCATION a directory?”. The answer to such questions " -"affects the script execution flow in the following way: when the answer " -"positive (e.g., LOCATION is a regular file), the script " -"passes the test silently and continues its execution. When the answer is " -"negative(e.g., LOCATION is not a regular file), the " -"script finishes its execution immediately with an error message." - -msgid "" -"The cli_checkFiles function is exported " -"to script environment in " -"the very beginning of its execution and will be available all along its " -"execution lifetime. You can use this function inside common and specific " -"functions whenever you need to verify files inside the The CentOS Artwork " -"Repository." -msgstr "" -"The cli_checkFiles function is exported " -"to script environment in " -"the very beginning of its execution and will be available all along its " -"execution lifetime. You can use this function inside common and specific " -"functions whenever you need to verify files inside the The CentOS Artwork " -"Repository." - -msgid "" -"The cli_checkFiles function is " -"available inside the " -"script only as part of its execution environment. This function is exported " -"to script just after " -"executing the script from the command-line and will be available all along " -"the script lifetime. So, you can use this function both in common and " -"specific functionalities of script." -msgstr "" -"The cli_checkFiles function is " -"available inside the " -"script only as part of its execution environment. This function is exported " -"to script just after " -"executing the script from the command-line and will be available all along " -"the script lifetime. So, you can use this function both in common and " -"specific functionalities of script." - -msgid "" -"The cli_checkFiles function doesn't " -"create subsequent execution environments." -msgstr "" -"The cli_checkFiles function doesn't " -"create subsequent execution environments." - -msgid "Usage" -msgstr "Usage" - -msgid "" -"Use the cli_checkFiles function inside " -" script whenever you need " -"to control the script execution flow based on file type (e.g., regular " -"files, directories, links, etc.) verifications." -msgstr "" -"Use the cli_checkFiles function inside " -" script whenever you need " -"to control the script execution flow based on file type (e.g., regular " -"files, directories, links, etc.) verifications." - -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Options" - -msgid "" -"The cli_checkFiles function accepts the " -"following options:" -msgstr "" -"The cli_checkFiles function accepts the " -"following options:" - -msgid "-d" -msgstr "-d" - -msgid "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a directory. If " -"it doesn't exists or isn't a directory, an error message is printed and the " -"script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a directory, " -"the script continues its execution normally." -msgstr "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a directory. If " -"it doesn't exists or isn't a directory, an error message is printed and the " -"script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a directory, " -"the script continues its execution normally." - -msgid "-e" -msgstr "-e" - -msgid "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists or not. If it doesn't " -"exist, an error message is printed and the script finishes its execution. " -"Otherwise, if it does exists, the script continues its execution normally." -msgstr "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists or not. If it doesn't " -"exist, an error message is printed and the script finishes its execution. " -"Otherwise, if it does exists, the script continues its execution normally." - -msgid "-f" -msgstr "-f" - -msgid "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a regular file. " -"If it doesn't exists or isn't a regular file, an error message is printed " -"and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a " -"regular file, the script continues its execution normally." -msgstr "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a regular file. " -"If it doesn't exists or isn't a regular file, an error message is printed " -"and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists and is a " -"regular file, the script continues its execution normally." - -msgid "-h" -msgstr "-h" - -msgid "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a symbolic link. " -"If it doesn't exists or isn't a symbolic link, an error message is printed " -"and the script finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it does " -"exist and is a symbolic link, the script continue its execution normally." -msgstr "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and is a symbolic link. " -"If it doesn't exists or isn't a symbolic link, an error message is printed " -"and the script finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it does " -"exist and is a symbolic link, the script continue its execution normally." - -msgid "-x" -msgstr "-x" - -msgid "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and execution permission " -"is granted. If it doesn't exist or hasn't execution permission, the script " -"finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it exists and has " -"execution permissions, the script continues its execution normally." -msgstr "" -"Verifies whether LOCATION exists and execution permission " -"is granted. If it doesn't exist or hasn't execution permission, the script " -"finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it exists and has " -"execution permissions, the script continues its execution normally." - -msgid "" -"The value of the LOCATION argument must be an absolute " -"path to the file you want to verify. If such file doesn't exists in any " -"supported form, the script finishes its execution with an error message." -msgstr "" -"The value of the LOCATION argument must be an absolute " -"path to the file you want to verify. If such file doesn't exists in any " -"supported form, the script finishes its execution with an error message." - -msgid "Examples" -msgstr "Examples" - -msgid "" -"The following example was taken from centos-art." -"sh script initialization phase. Notice the position of cli_checkFiles function inside the loop. If some " -"of the function files we need to export doesn't have execution rights, " -"cli_checkFiles will finish the script " -"execution immediately with an error message." -msgstr "" -"The following example was taken from centos-art." -"sh script initialization phase. Notice the position of cli_checkFiles function inside the loop. If some " -"of the function files we need to export doesn't have execution rights, " -"cli_checkFiles will finish the script " -"execution immediately with an error message." - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"for FUNCFILE in ${FUNCFILES};do\n" -"\n" -" # Verify the execution rights for function file.\n" -" cli_checkFiles -x ${FUNCFILE}\n" -"\n" -" # Initialize the function file.\n" -" . ${FUNCFILE}\n" -"\n" -" # Export the function names inside the file to current shell\n" -" # script environment.\n" -" export -f $(egrep \"${PATTERN}\" ${FUNCFILE} | gawk '{ print $2 }')\n" -"\n" -"done" -msgstr "" -"for FUNCFILE in ${FUNCFILES};do\n" -"\n" -" # Verify the execution rights for function file.\n" -" cli_checkFiles -x ${FUNCFILE}\n" -"\n" -" # Initialize the function file.\n" -" . ${FUNCFILE}\n" -"\n" -" # Export the function names inside the file to current shell\n" -" # script environment.\n" -" export -f $(egrep \"${PATTERN}\" ${FUNCFILE} | gawk '{ print $2 }')\n" -"\n" -"done" - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid "See" -msgstr "See" - -msgid "Authors" -msgstr "Authors" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_checkFiles function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_checkFiles function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" - -msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" -msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" - -msgid "License" -msgstr "License" - -msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" -msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3e3f609..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "tcar_checkRepoDirSource" -msgstr "tcar_checkRepoDirSource" - -msgid "Standardize the working copy's absolute path construction." -msgstr "Standardize the working copy's absolute path construction." - -msgid "tcar_checkRepoDirSource \"LOCATION\"" -msgstr "tcar_checkRepoDirSource \"LOCATION\"" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " -"standardizes the path construction to directories inside it the working " -"copy, using absolute paths. This function transforms relative paths passed " -"as non-option arguments to script command-line into absolute paths inside the working copy " -"and verifies whether they really exist as directories inside the working " -"copy or not. If the path provided doesn't exist as directory inside the " -"working copy, the script will finish its execution immediately with an error " -"message. Otherwise, if the directory exists, the variable " -"TCAR_ARGUMENTS is redefined with the related absolute " -"path for further use." -msgstr "" -"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " -"standardizes the path construction to directories inside it the working " -"copy, using absolute paths. This function transforms relative paths passed " -"as non-option arguments to script command-line into absolute paths inside the working copy " -"and verifies whether they really exist as directories inside the working " -"copy or not. If the path provided doesn't exist as directory inside the " -"working copy, the script will finish its execution immediately with an error " -"message. Otherwise, if the directory exists, the variable " -"TCAR_ARGUMENTS is redefined with the related absolute " -"path for further use." - -msgid "" -"Use the tcar_checkRepoDirSource " -"function whenever you need to be sure that non-option arguments passed to " -" script command-line will " -"always point to directories inside the working copy." -msgstr "" -"Use the tcar_checkRepoDirSource " -"function whenever you need to be sure that non-option arguments passed to " -" script command-line will " -"always point to directories inside the working copy." - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid "See" -msgstr "See" - -msgid "Authors" -msgstr "Authors" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " -"has received contributions from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_checkRepoDirSource function " -"has received contributions from the following people:" - -msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" -msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" - -msgid "License" -msgstr "License" - -msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" -msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index 442eca5..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "tcar_getConfigValue" -msgstr "tcar_getConfigValue" - -msgid "Standardize options retrieval from configuration files." -msgstr "Standardize options retrieval from configuration files." - -msgid "tcar_getConfigValue FILE SECTION OPTION" -msgstr "tcar_getConfigValue FILE SECTION OPTION" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_getConfigValue function " -"standardizes the way option values are retrieved from configuration files. " -"As convention, tcar_getConfigValue uses " -"the output produced by tcar_getConfigLines as input to retrieve the option values. As convention, in " -"option = \"value\" lines, the values retrieved are always " -"on the right side. The values retrieved are also output without quotation " -"and translation markers already expanded." -msgstr "" -"The tcar_getConfigValue function " -"standardizes the way option values are retrieved from configuration files. " -"As convention, tcar_getConfigValue uses " -"the output produced by tcar_getConfigLines as input to retrieve the option values. As convention, in " -"option = \"value\" lines, the values retrieved are always " -"on the right side. The values retrieved are also output without quotation " -"and translation markers already expanded." - -msgid "" -"The tcar_getConfigValue function " -"accepts the following arguments:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_getConfigValue function " -"accepts the following arguments:" - -msgid "FILE" -msgstr "FILE" - -msgid "" -"This argument specifies the absolute path to the configuration file you want " -"to retrieve the value from. For example," -msgstr "" -"This argument specifies the absolute path to the configuration file you want " -"to retrieve the value from. For example," - -msgid "SECTION" -msgstr "SECTION" - -msgid "" -"This argument specifies the name of the section related to the configuration " -"line you want to retrieve the value from. For example, “symbols” without " -"brackets." -msgstr "" -"This argument specifies the name of the section related to the configuration " -"line you want to retrieve the value from. For example, “symbols” without " -"brackets." - -msgid "OPTION" -msgstr "OPTION" - -msgid "" -"This argument specifies the name of the option you want to retrieve the " -"value from." -msgstr "" -"This argument specifies the name of the option you want to retrieve the " -"value from." - -msgid "" -"Use the tcar_getConfigValue function " -"whenever you want to retrieve values from configuration files in a " -"controlled way." -msgstr "" -"Use the tcar_getConfigValue function " -"whenever you want to retrieve values from configuration files in a " -"controlled way." - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid "See" -msgstr "See" - -msgid "Authors" -msgstr "Authors" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_checkFiles function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_checkFiles function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" - -msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" -msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" - -msgid "License" -msgstr "License" - -msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" -msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index ba5bdfc..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,236 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "tcar_getFilesList" -msgstr "tcar_getFilesList" - -msgid "Create customized list of files for further processing." -msgstr "Create customized list of files for further processing." - -msgid "" -"tcar_getFilesList [--pattern|--mindepth|--maxdepth|--type|--uid] LOCATION" -msgstr "" -"tcar_getFilesList [--pattern|--mindepth|--maxdepth|--type|--uid] LOCATION" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_getFilesList standardizes the " -"way list of files are built inside the centos-art." -"sh script. This function outputs a sorted and unique list of " -"files based on the options and location provided as argument. This function " -"is an interface to the find command. " -"Don't use find command directly inside " -"the script. Instead, use the tcar_getFilesList function." -msgstr "" -"The tcar_getFilesList standardizes the " -"way list of files are built inside the centos-art." -"sh script. This function outputs a sorted and unique list of " -"files based on the options and location provided as argument. This function " -"is an interface to the find command. " -"Don't use find command directly inside " -"the script. Instead, use the tcar_getFilesList function." - -msgid "" -"The LOCATION arguments must be the absolute path to a " -"directory and specifies where the search of files in any form (e.g., " -"directories, links, etc.) will take place in. If LOCATION " -"isn't a directory, the script finishes its execution with an error message." -msgstr "" -"The LOCATION arguments must be the absolute path to a " -"directory and specifies where the search of files in any form (e.g., " -"directories, links, etc.) will take place in. If LOCATION " -"isn't a directory, the script finishes its execution with an error message." - -msgid "" -"The tcar_getFilesList accepts the " -"following options:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_getFilesList accepts the " -"following options:" - -msgid "--pattern=\"REGEX\"" -msgstr "--pattern=\"REGEX\"" - -msgid "" -"This option specifies a posix-egrep type regular expression as value. This " -"regular expression is applied to path specified in LOCATION argument. Only file paths that match this regular expression inside " -"LOCATION directory will be included in the final list of " -"files. By default, if this option is not provided, the “^/.*[[:" -"alnum:]_/-]$+” regular expression is used." -msgstr "" -"This option specifies a posix-egrep type regular expression as value. This " -"regular expression is applied to path specified in LOCATION argument. Only file paths that match this regular expression inside " -"LOCATION directory will be included in the final list of " -"files. By default, if this option is not provided, the “^/.*[[:" -"alnum:]_/-]$+” regular expression is used." - -msgid "" -"When you use the tcar_getFilesList you " -"don't need to specified the absolute path of files you want to look for. " -"This is something tcar_getFilesList " -"already does for you. When you use this function, the value you pass as " -"regular expression isn't the final regular expression used. Instead, the " -"regular expression you pass is used to build the final regular expression " -"passed to find command. The REGEX." -msgstr "" -"When you use the tcar_getFilesList you " -"don't need to specified the absolute path of files you want to look for. " -"This is something tcar_getFilesList " -"already does for you. When you use this function, the value you pass as " -"regular expression isn't the final regular expression used. Instead, the " -"regular expression you pass is used to build the final regular expression " -"passed to find command. The REGEX." - -msgid "--mindepth=\"NUMBER\"" -msgstr "--mindepth=\"NUMBER\"" - -msgid "" -"This option specifies the minimal NUMBER of levels deep " -"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " -"specified. For example, if you specify --mindepth=" -"\"2\" the search will start two levels deep considering the path " -"provided as section." -msgstr "" -"This option specifies the minimal NUMBER of levels deep " -"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " -"specified. For example, if you specify --mindepth=" -"\"2\" the search will start two levels deep considering the path " -"provided as section." - -msgid "--maxdepth=\"NUMBER\"" -msgstr "--maxdepth=\"NUMBER\"" - -msgid "" -"This option specifies the maximum NUMBER of levels deep " -"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " -"specified. For example, if you specify --maxdepth=" -"\"2\" the search will begin in the very same directory path you " -"provided as LOCATION and stop two levels deep using it as " -"section." -msgstr "" -"This option specifies the maximum NUMBER of levels deep " -"the search should go under the directory LOCATION " -"specified. For example, if you specify --maxdepth=" -"\"2\" the search will begin in the very same directory path you " -"provided as LOCATION and stop two levels deep using it as " -"section." - -msgid "--type=\"STRING\"" -msgstr "--type=\"STRING\"" - -msgid "" -"This option specifies the type of files being searched. This option accepts " -"the same values the find-type option does. However, the following " -"STRING values are the most used inside the script so far:" -msgstr "" -"This option specifies the type of files being searched. This option accepts " -"the same values the find-type option does. However, the following " -"STRING values are the most used inside the script so far:" - -msgid "d &mdash; directory." -msgstr "d &mdash; directory." - -msgid "f &mdash; regular file." -msgstr "f &mdash; regular file." - -msgid "--uid=\"NUMBER\"" -msgstr "--uid=\"NUMBER\"" - -msgid "" -"This option specifies the numeric user id of the files you want to search. " -"Only files that match this numeric user id will be added to the final list " -"of files." -msgstr "" -"This option specifies the numeric user id of the files you want to search. " -"Only files that match this numeric user id will be added to the final list " -"of files." - -msgid "" -"Use the tcar_getFilesList whenever you " -"need to build list of files for further processing." -msgstr "" -"Use the tcar_getFilesList whenever you " -"need to build list of files for further processing." - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid "See" -msgstr "See" - -msgid "Authors" -msgstr "Authors" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_checkFiles function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_checkFiles function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" - -msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" -msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" - -msgid "License" -msgstr "License" - -msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" -msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4ee9f19..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,437 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Print customized messages in standard ways." -msgstr "Print customized messages in standard ways." - -msgid "" -"tcar_printMessage \"MESSAGE\" [--as-separator-line|--as-banner-line|--as-" -"cropping-line|--as-tuningup-line|--as-checking-line|--as-combining-line|--as-" -"creating-line|--as-reading-line|--as-savedas-line|--as-linkto-line|--as-" -"movedto-line|--as-validating-line|--as-template-line|--as-configuration-" -"line|--as-palette-line|--as-reponse-line|--as-request-line|--as-selection-" -"line|--as-error-line|--as-toknowmore-line|--as-yesornorequest-line|--as-" -"notrailingnew-line|--as-stdout-line|--as-stderr-line]" -msgstr "" -"tcar_printMessage \"MESSAGE\" [--as-separator-line|--as-banner-line|--as-" -"cropping-line|--as-tuningup-line|--as-checking-line|--as-combining-line|--as-" -"creating-line|--as-reading-line|--as-savedas-line|--as-linkto-line|--as-" -"movedto-line|--as-validating-line|--as-template-line|--as-configuration-" -"line|--as-palette-line|--as-reponse-line|--as-request-line|--as-selection-" -"line|--as-error-line|--as-toknowmore-line|--as-yesornorequest-line|--as-" -"notrailingnew-line|--as-stdout-line|--as-stderr-line]" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_printMessage function " -"standardizes the way scirpt prints messages. By default, " -" script prints all messages to the standard output with the " -"exception of those messages printed with the --as-" -"stderr-line option, which are printed to standard error output " -"instead." -msgstr "" -"The tcar_printMessage function " -"standardizes the way scirpt prints messages. By default, " -" script prints all messages to the standard output with the " -"exception of those messages printed with the --as-" -"stderr-line option, which are printed to standard error output " -"instead." - -msgid "" -"The tcar_printMessage function requires " -"two arguments. The first argument specifies the message you want to print " -"and the second argument specifies the format you'll use to print that " -"message. Because this function is so used inside the script, " -"it is convenient to provide localization to strings passed as " -"MESSAGE using gettext constructions when they aren't paths." -msgstr "" -"The tcar_printMessage function requires " -"two arguments. The first argument specifies the message you want to print " -"and the second argument specifies the format you'll use to print that " -"message. Because this function is so used inside the script, " -"it is convenient to provide localization to strings passed as " -"MESSAGE using gettext constructions when they aren't paths." - -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Options" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_printMessage function accepts " -"the following format options as second argument:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_printMessage function accepts " -"the following format options as second argument:" - -msgid "--as-separator-line" -msgstr "--as-separator-line" - -msgid "" -"This format takes the first character passed as MESSAGE " -"and repeats it horizontally to build a separator line. Use this format " -"whenever you need to create a logical separation between different actions." -msgstr "" -"This format takes the first character passed as MESSAGE " -"and repeats it horizontally to build a separator line. Use this format " -"whenever you need to create a logical separation between different actions." - -msgid "--as-banner-line" -msgstr "--as-banner-line" - -msgid "" -"This format takes the string passed as MESSAGE and puts " -"it inside two horizontal separator lines. Use this format whenever you need " -"to print header information for following lines." -msgstr "" -"This format takes the string passed as MESSAGE and puts " -"it inside two horizontal separator lines. Use this format whenever you need " -"to print header information for following lines." - -msgid "--as-cropping-line" -msgstr "--as-cropping-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been cropped." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been cropped." - -msgid "--as-tuningup-line" -msgstr "--as-tuningup-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been tuned-up." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been tuned-up." - -msgid "--as-checking-line" -msgstr "--as-checking-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been checked or verified (e." -"g., through tcar_checkFiles " -"functionality)." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been checked or verified (e." -"g., through tcar_checkFiles " -"functionality)." - -msgid "--as-combining-line" -msgstr "--as-combining-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been combined." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been combined." - -msgid "--as-creating-line" -msgstr "--as-creating-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been created." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been created." - -msgid "--as-reading-line" -msgstr "--as-reading-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been read." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been read." - -msgid "--as-savedas-line" -msgstr "--as-savedas-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been saved." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been saved." - -msgid "--as-linkto-line" -msgstr "--as-linkto-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been linked." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been linked." - -msgid "--as-movedto-line" -msgstr "--as-movedto-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been moved." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been moved." - -msgid "--as-validating-line" -msgstr "--as-validating-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been validated." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file has been validated." - -msgid "--as-template-line" -msgstr "--as-template-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a template or design model." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a template or design model." - -msgid "--as-configuration-line" -msgstr "--as-configuration-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a configuration file." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a configuration file." - -msgid "--as-palette-line" -msgstr "--as-palette-line" - -msgid "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a palette of colors." -msgstr "" -"This format is for two columns messages where MESSAGE " -"generally refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever " -"you need to imply the fact that certain file is a palette of colors." - -msgid "--as-response-line" -msgstr "--as-response-line" - -msgid "" -"This format adds --> at the beginning of the string " -"passed as MESSAGE. Use this format whenever you need to " -"imply the fact that certain file is considered part of a response. For " -"example, when you need to express that a group of files will take certain " -"action, you can use this option to doing so." -msgstr "" -"This format adds --> at the beginning of the string " -"passed as MESSAGE. Use this format whenever you need to " -"imply the fact that certain file is considered part of a response. For " -"example, when you need to express that a group of files will take certain " -"action, you can use this option to doing so." - -msgid "--as-request-line" -msgstr "--as-request-line" - -msgid "" -"This format prints MESSAGE without trailing new line. Use " -"this format whenever you need to imply a question or yes or no request." -msgstr "" -"This format prints MESSAGE without trailing new line. Use " -"this format whenever you need to imply a question or yes or no request." - -msgid "--as-selection-line" -msgstr "--as-selection-line" - -msgid "" -"This format uses each word in MESSAGE as item of a " -"selection list. Use this format whenever you need to select one of the items " -"provided as MESSAGE." -msgstr "" -"This format uses each word in MESSAGE as item of a " -"selection list. Use this format whenever you need to select one of the items " -"provided as MESSAGE." - -msgid "--as-error-line" -msgstr "--as-error-line" - -msgid "" -"This format prints error messages produced by script. It uses " -"the caller built-in command to display " -"the line number and the filename where such error was triggered. Later, it " -"prints where to find more information by using the --as-toknowmore-line option." -msgstr "" -"This format prints error messages produced by script. It uses " -"the caller built-in command to display " -"the line number and the filename where such error was triggered. Later, it " -"prints where to find more information by using the --as-toknowmore-line option." - -msgid "--as-toknowmore-line" -msgstr "--as-toknowmore-line" - -msgid "" -"This format takes a function name as MESSAGE and prints " -"the command you can use to find more information about it. When this option " -"is passed the script finishes its execution immediately. This option is used " -"in combination with --as-error-line to " -"finish the script execution after an error." -msgstr "" -"This format takes a function name as MESSAGE and prints " -"the command you can use to find more information about it. When this option " -"is passed the script finishes its execution immediately. This option is used " -"in combination with --as-error-line to " -"finish the script execution after an error." - -msgid "--as-yesornorequest-line" -msgstr "--as-yesornorequest-line" - -msgid "" -"This format takes a question as MESSAGE and reads a yes " -"or no answer. When answer is negative, the script finishes its execution " -"immediately. When answer is affirmative, the script continues its execution " -"normally." -msgstr "" -"This format takes a question as MESSAGE and reads a yes " -"or no answer. When answer is negative, the script finishes its execution " -"immediately. When answer is affirmative, the script continues its execution " -"normally." - -msgid "--as-notrailingnew-line" -msgstr "--as-notrailingnew-line" - -msgid "Print MESSAGE without any trailing newline." -msgstr "Print MESSAGE without any trailing newline." - -msgid "--as-stdout-line" -msgstr "--as-stdout-line" - -msgid "Print MESSAGE to standard output." -msgstr "Print MESSAGE to standard output." - -msgid "--as-stderr-line" -msgstr "--as-stderr-line" - -msgid "Print MESSAGE to standard error output." -msgstr "Print MESSAGE to standard error output." - -msgid "Examples" -msgstr "Examples" - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid ".." -msgstr ".." - -msgid "See" -msgstr "See" - -msgid "Authors" -msgstr "Authors" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_printMessage function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_printMessage function has " -"received contributions from the following people:" - -msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" -msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" - -msgid "License" -msgstr "License" - -msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" -msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index 286f0dc..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Initiate module environments." -msgstr "Initiate module environments." - -msgid "" -"tcar_setModuleEnvironment [-m \"MODULE_NAME\"] [-t \"MODULE_TYPE\"] [-g " -"MODULE_ARGUMENT] …" -msgstr "" -"tcar_setModuleEnvironment [-m \"MODULE_NAME\"] [-t \"MODULE_TYPE\"] [-g " -"MODULE_ARGUMENT] …" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Options" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function " -"accepts the following options:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function " -"accepts the following options:" - -msgid "-m" -msgstr "-m" - -msgid "This option specifies the name of the module you want to load." -msgstr "This option specifies the name of the module you want to load." - -msgid "-t" -msgstr "-t" - -msgid "" -"This option specifies the type of the module you want to load. Modules can " -"be one of the following types:" -msgstr "" -"This option specifies the type of the module you want to load. Modules can " -"be one of the following types:" - -msgid "top-module" -msgstr "top-module" - -msgid "" -"This modules are stored in the first level of Modules directory. This type " -"of modules initiate module environments for specific tasks so it can be " -"called from anywhere inside script." -msgstr "" -"This modules are stored in the first level of Modules directory. This type " -"of modules initiate module environments for specific tasks so it can be " -"called from anywhere inside script." - -msgid "sub-module" -msgstr "sub-module" - -msgid "" -"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " -"type of modules can be executed from top-modules, sub-modules, or sib-" -"modules but never the " -"file itself." -msgstr "" -"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " -"type of modules can be executed from top-modules, sub-modules, or sib-" -"modules but never the " -"file itself." - -msgid "sib-module" -msgstr "sib-module" - -msgid "" -"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " -"type of modules can be executed from sub-modules or sib-modules, but never " -"top-modules or the file " -"itself." -msgstr "" -"This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory on. This " -"type of modules can be executed from sub-modules or sib-modules, but never " -"top-modules or the file " -"itself." - -msgid "-g" -msgstr "-g" - -msgid "" -"This option specifies the module-specific option you want to pass for " -"processing in the module environment you are about to execute. Generally, " -"module-specific options are passed through centos-" -" command-line but you may need to pass them internally in " -"some cases (e.g., you are executing a top-module from a sub-module). If you " -"need to pass more than one option, then you need to put the -g option before " -"each option you want to pass." -msgstr "" -"This option specifies the module-specific option you want to pass for " -"processing in the module environment you are about to execute. Generally, " -"module-specific options are passed through centos-" -" command-line but you may need to pass them internally in " -"some cases (e.g., you are executing a top-module from a sub-module). If you " -"need to pass more than one option, then you need to put the -g option before " -"each option you want to pass." - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid "" -"In the very beginning of tcar_setModuleEnvironment function, it used just non-array " -"variables and it worked fine for top-module and sub-module processing, " -"however when it was needed to do sibling processing, it didn't work as " -"expected. The failure was produced because a wrong variable assignment when " -"tried to set the path of the next module to load. There was not a clean way " -"to “remember” what was the base directory of the parent directory, so it " -"ended up using the last loaded module base directory which made impossible " -"to load a sibling module. The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function as implemented in version " -"0.5 of The CentOS Artwork Repository, fixes this issue replacing non-array " -"variables by array variables which can remember module information." -msgstr "" -"In the very beginning of tcar_setModuleEnvironment function, it used just non-array " -"variables and it worked fine for top-module and sub-module processing, " -"however when it was needed to do sibling processing, it didn't work as " -"expected. The failure was produced because a wrong variable assignment when " -"tried to set the path of the next module to load. There was not a clean way " -"to “remember” what was the base directory of the parent directory, so it " -"ended up using the last loaded module base directory which made impossible " -"to load a sibling module. The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function as implemented in version " -"0.5 of The CentOS Artwork Repository, fixes this issue replacing non-array " -"variables by array variables which can remember module information." - -msgid "" -"See also:" -"bugs/" -msgstr "" -"See also:" -"bugs/" - -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Author" - -msgid "" -"The script has received " -"contribution from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The script has received " -"contribution from the following people:" - -msgid "" -"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." -">, 2009-2013" -msgstr "" -"Alain Reguera Delgado <al@centos." -">, 2009-2013" - -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -msgid "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" -msgstr "Copyright © 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ deleted file mode 100644 index adddc15..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/Locales/en_US/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,445 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 10:20-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "tcar_settranslationmarkers" -msgstr "tcar_settranslationmarkers" - -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "tcar_setTranslationMarkers" -msgstr "tcar_setTranslationMarkers" - -msgid "Expands translation markers." -msgstr "Expands translation markers." - -msgid "tcar_setTranslationMarkers \"FILE\"" -msgstr "tcar_setTranslationMarkers \"FILE\"" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -msgid "" -"The cli_setTranslationMarkers " -"standardizes construction of translation markers and their related " -"expansion. As convention, translation markers are set inside source files (e." -"g., DocBook, SVG) and expanded inside temporal instances used to produce " -"final contents. The FILE argument should point to the " -"temporal file where translation markers expansion takes place in." -msgstr "" -"The cli_setTranslationMarkers " -"standardizes construction of translation markers and their related " -"expansion. As convention, translation markers are set inside source files (e." -"g., DocBook, SVG) and expanded inside temporal instances used to produce " -"final contents. The FILE argument should point to the " -"temporal file where translation markers expansion takes place in." - -msgid "" -"Translation markers written in source files must comply the " -"== regular expression pattern. For example, =UNKNOWN_MARKER= is a valid translation marker without any " -"replacement. To prevent " -"script from expanding translation markers, add a backslash (+) " -"between the first equal sign and the following letter. For example, +=...=+ " -"won't be expanded." -msgstr "" -"Translation markers written in source files must comply the " -"== regular expression pattern. For example, =UNKNOWN_MARKER= is a valid translation marker without any " -"replacement. To prevent " -"script from expanding translation markers, add a backslash (+) " -"between the first equal sign and the following letter. For example, +=...=+ " -"won't be expanded." - -msgid "" -"The cli_setTranslationMarkers supports " -"the following translation markers:" -msgstr "" -"The cli_setTranslationMarkers supports " -"the following translation markers:" - -msgid "" -"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=, =\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR=" -msgstr "" -"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=, =\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR=" - -msgid "" -"These translation markers expand to the last year used in copyright notes. " -"For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=." -msgstr "" -"These translation markers expand to the last year used in copyright notes. " -"For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=." - -msgid "" -"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=, =" -"\\COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=" -msgstr "" -"=\\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=, =" -"\\COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=" - -msgid "" -"This translation markers expand to the list of years used in copyright " -"notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=. The first " -"year represents the time we began to work on The CentOS Artwork Repository." -msgstr "" -"This translation markers expand to the list of years used in copyright " -"notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=. The first " -"year represents the time we began to work on The CentOS Artwork Repository." - -msgid "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" -msgstr "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the holder used in copyright notes. For " -"example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the holder used in copyright notes. For " -"example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=." - -msgid "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=" -msgstr "=\\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands both the holder and the predicate used in " -"copyright notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands both the holder and the predicate used in " -"copyright notes. For example, =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=." - -msgid "=\\BRAND=" -msgstr "=\\BRAND=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the brand name used on files names and " -"URLs inside The CentOS Artwork Repository. For example, =BRAND=." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the brand name used on files names and " -"URLs inside The CentOS Artwork Repository. For example, =BRAND=." - -msgid "=\\LICENSE=" -msgstr "=\\LICENSE=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the license information used in files " -"created by script. For " -"example, =LICENSE=." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the license information used in files " -"created by script. For " -"example, =LICENSE=." - -msgid "=\\LICENSE_URL=" -msgstr "=\\LICENSE_URL=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the license URL used in files created by " -" script. For example, " -"=LICENSE_URL=." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the license URL used in files created by " -" script. For example, " -"=LICENSE_URL=." - -msgid "=\\THEME=" -msgstr "=\\THEME=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the theme portion of path you are " -"producing through script. As consequence, this translation " -"marker should be used in situations where you are producing theme components " -"only. This translation marker expands its value by retrieving the theme part " -"of the path you provide as non-option argument to script. For example, if you provide the path " -"Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, this " -"translation will expand to the Modern/2/ value." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the theme portion of path you are " -"producing through script. As consequence, this translation " -"marker should be used in situations where you are producing theme components " -"only. This translation marker expands its value by retrieving the theme part " -"of the path you provide as non-option argument to script. For example, if you provide the path " -"Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, this " -"translation will expand to the Modern/2/ value." - -msgid "" -"In case you need to retrieve the theme name or version separately one " -"another, then you can use the =\\THEMENAME= and =" -"\\THEMERELEASE= translation markers, respectively. When you use " -"these translation markers, forward slashes are removed from result. So, if " -"you provide the path Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, =\\THEMENAME= will expand to Modern and =THEMERELEASE= will expand to 2." -msgstr "" -"In case you need to retrieve the theme name or version separately one " -"another, then you can use the =\\THEMENAME= and =" -"\\THEMERELEASE= translation markers, respectively. When you use " -"these translation markers, forward slashes are removed from result. So, if " -"you provide the path Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5, =\\THEMENAME= will expand to Modern and =THEMERELEASE= will expand to 2." - -msgid "=\\RELEASE=" -msgstr "=\\RELEASE=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the current release information of your " -"CentOS distribution. By default this information is retrieved from /" -"etc/redhat-release. In case the option --" -"release be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the " -"default value and will be this the one used as section for this translation " -"marker to retrieve the release information. So, for example, if you are " -"running a CentOS-5.8 distribution and no --" -"release option is passed to centos-art." -"sh script, this translation marker expands to 5.8. On the other hand, if you are still running a CentOS-5.8 " -"distribution but provide the --release=6.3 option to " -"script, this translation marker expands to 6.3 instead." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the current release information of your " -"CentOS distribution. By default this information is retrieved from /" -"etc/redhat-release. In case the option --" -"release be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the " -"default value and will be this the one used as section for this translation " -"marker to retrieve the release information. So, for example, if you are " -"running a CentOS-5.8 distribution and no --" -"release option is passed to centos-art." -"sh script, this translation marker expands to 5.8. On the other hand, if you are still running a CentOS-5.8 " -"distribution but provide the --release=6.3 option to " -"script, this translation marker expands to 6.3 instead." - -msgid "" -"In case you need to retrieve minor and major release numbers separately one " -"another, then you can use the =\\MINOR_RELEASE= and " -"=\\MAJOR_RELEASE= translation makers, respectively." -msgstr "" -"In case you need to retrieve minor and major release numbers separately one " -"another, then you can use the =\\MINOR_RELEASE= and " -"=\\MAJOR_RELEASE= translation makers, respectively." - -msgid "=\\ARCH=" -msgstr "=\\ARCH=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the current architecture of your CentOS " -"Distribution. By default this information is retrieved from uname -i. In case the option --arch be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite " -"the default value and will be the one used as section. For example, if the " -"uname -i outputs the line <" -"computeroutput>i386</computeroutput>, this translation marker will " -"expand to i386. On the other hand, if you pass the " -"--arch=x86_64 option to script, this translation marker will " -"expand to x86_64 instead." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the current architecture of your CentOS " -"Distribution. By default this information is retrieved from uname -i. In case the option --arch be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite " -"the default value and will be the one used as section. For example, if the " -"uname -i outputs the line <" -"computeroutput>i386</computeroutput>, this translation marker will " -"expand to i386. On the other hand, if you pass the " -"--arch=x86_64 option to script, this translation marker will " -"expand to x86_64 instead." - -msgid "=\\URL=" -msgstr "=\\URL=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the URL which points to The CentOS " -"Project home page. For example, =URL=. In case you are " -"using the script in a different locale but English " -"(en_US.UTF-8), this translation marker expands as usual " -"but with the language information appended to the end of the string. For " -"example, if you are executing the centos-art.shscript for Spanish locale (e." -"g., es_ES.UTF-8), this translation marker expands to " -"=URL=es/." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the URL which points to The CentOS " -"Project home page. For example, =URL=. In case you are " -"using the script in a different locale but English " -"(en_US.UTF-8), this translation marker expands as usual " -"but with the language information appended to the end of the string. For " -"example, if you are executing the centos-art.shscript for Spanish locale (e." -"g., es_ES.UTF-8), this translation marker expands to " -"=URL=es/." - -msgid "" -"In case you need to expand other URL related to The CentOS Project domain, " -"use translation markers described in . Likewise =\\URL=, translation markers described in does append the current " -"language information to the end of the URL string based on the locale " -"information you are currently executing the centos-" -" script." -msgstr "" -"In case you need to expand other URL related to The CentOS Project domain, " -"use translation markers described in . Likewise =\\URL=, translation markers described in does append the current " -"language information to the end of the URL string based on the locale " -"information you are currently executing the centos-" -" script." - -msgid "URL-related translation markers" -msgstr "URL-related translation markers" - -msgid "-------------------`----------------- Translation Marker Expands To" -msgstr "-------------------`----------------- Translation Marker Expands To" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"=\\URL_WIKI= =URL_WIKI=\n" -"=\\URL_LISTS= =URL_LISTS=\n" -"=\\URL_FORUMS= =URL_FORUMS=\n" -"=\\URL_MIRRORS= =URL_MIRRORS=\n" -"=\\URL_DOCS= =URL_DOCS=\n" -"=\\URL_PROJECTS= =URL_PROJECTS=\n" -"=\\URL_SVN= =URL_SVN=\n" -"=\\URL_TRAC= =URL_TRAC=\n" -"=\\URL_PLANET= =URL_PLANET=" -msgstr "" -"=\\URL_WIKI= =URL_WIKI=\n" -"=\\URL_LISTS= =URL_LISTS=\n" -"=\\URL_FORUMS= =URL_FORUMS=\n" -"=\\URL_MIRRORS= =URL_MIRRORS=\n" -"=\\URL_DOCS= =URL_DOCS=\n" -"=\\URL_PROJECTS= =URL_PROJECTS=\n" -"=\\URL_SVN= =URL_SVN=\n" -"=\\URL_TRAC= =URL_TRAC=\n" -"=\\URL_PLANET= =URL_PLANET=" - -msgid "=\\MAIL_DOCS=" -msgstr "=\\MAIL_DOCS=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to CentOS documentation mailing list " -"address. For example, =MAIL_DOCS=." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to CentOS documentation mailing list " -"address. For example, =MAIL_DOCS=." - -msgid "=\\LOCALE=" -msgstr "=\\LOCALE=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the current locale information used by " -" script. This value is " -"retrieved from the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable and " -"should look like =LOCALE=. In case you need to retrieve " -"the language and country part separately one another, you can use the " -"=\\LOCALE_LL= and =\\LOCALE_CC=, " -"respectively." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the current locale information used by " -" script. This value is " -"retrieved from the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable and " -"should look like =LOCALE=. In case you need to retrieve " -"the language and country part separately one another, you can use the " -"=\\LOCALE_LL= and =\\LOCALE_CC=, " -"respectively." - -msgid "=\\REPO_TLDIR=" -msgstr "=\\REPO_TLDIR=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the absolute path to <filename class=" -"\"directory\"> directory inside your workstation. For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork/trunk+." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the absolute path to <filename class=" -"\"directory\"> directory inside your workstation. For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork/trunk+." - -msgid "=\\REPO_HOME=, =\\TCAR_WORKDIR=" -msgstr "=\\REPO_HOME=, =\\TCAR_WORKDIR=" - -msgid "" -"This translation marker expands to the absolute path of your working copy. " -"For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork." -msgstr "" -"This translation marker expands to the absolute path of your working copy. " -"For example, /home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork." - -msgid "Bugs" -msgstr "Bugs" - -msgid "See" -msgstr "See" - -msgid "Authors" -msgstr "Authors" - -msgid "" -"The tcar_setTranslationMarkers function " -"has received contributions from the following people:" -msgstr "" -"The tcar_setTranslationMarkers function " -"has received contributions from the following people:" - -msgid "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" -msgstr "Alain Reguera Delgado <>, =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=" - -msgid "License" -msgstr "License" - -msgid "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" -msgstr "Copyright © =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=" - -msgid "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." -msgstr "" -"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " -"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " -"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " -"any later version." - -msgid "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." -msgstr "" -"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT " -"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or " -"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for " -"more details." - -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." -msgstr "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " -"Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index 482bde1..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -================ - -Name ----- - - The CentOS artwork repository automation tool. - -Synopsis --------- - -** [*--help*|*--version*]:: - Print information about ** script itself. - -** *MODULE* [*--help|--version*]:: - Print information about the specified module. See <> - below to see which modules ** script supports. - -Description ------------ - -** exists to standardize frequent tasks inside the CentOS -artwork repository. Inside ** script, frequent tasks are -organized inside modules. - -When you execute the ** script in a terminal, it requests -you to enter the absolute path of CentOS artwork repository in your -workstation. This information is required in order for ** -to know where the repository directory structure you want to work with -is stored in. Later, once ** knows where your copy of -CentOS artwork repository is stored in, it initializes configuration -variables and global functions. At this point, it continues reading -the command-line arguments to retrieve the module's name, process -common options next to it, store module-specific options and initiates -the module's environment by executing the module's initialization -script, based on the module's name retrieved from the command-line. - -[[modules]] -Modules -------- - -The ** script supports the following modules: - -*prepare*:: - Standardize configuration tasks needed by your working copy (e.g., - verify whether required packages are installed or not in your - workstation, calls render module to produce images and manuals in - the correct order). This is the first task you should run in your - workstation, just after downloading a fresh working copy of CentOS - artwork repository. - -*render*:: - Standardize the way content is produced inside the repository. - This function relies on configuration files to do its work. - Whenever you need to produce images, documentation or localized - content this is the module you'll need to use. - -*locale*:: - Standardize the way translatable strings are retrieved from source - files and put into portable objects for you to edit. Portable - objects produced by this module are used by *render* module to - produce localized content. Whenever you need to produce the - intermediate files holding the translatable strings required to - produce localized content, use this module. - -*tuneup*:: - Standardize maintenance tasks frequently run inside the repository - (e.g., reset written by, copyright and license information inside - shell script's top-comments; transform probably malformed HTML - documents into valid documents, and remove unused tags inside SVG - documents.). - -[[options]] -Options -------- - -The ** script supports the following options: - -*--help*:: - Print script documentation. - -*--version*:: - Print script version. - -*--debug*:: - Run the script in debugging mode. This option is very useful if - you want to get a closer look to the way modules are opened and - closed inside ** script. - -*--quiet*:: - Run the script quietly. This option reduces the amount of - information the ** script prints out when processing - source files. - -*--yes*:: - Run the script in affirmative mode. This is answering ``yes'' to - all ``yes or no'' questions. This option is useful when you run - ** with the *--quiet* option. - -[[exit-status]] -Exit Status ------------ - -* 0 -- Exit successfully without errors. -* 1 -- Exit with errors. - -[[bugs]] -Bugs ----- - -*[] - -Author ------- - -The ** script has received contribution from the -following people: - -* Alain Reguera Delgado , 2009-2013 - -Copyright ---------- - -Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/render.conf b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/render.conf deleted file mode 100644 index fef2aa6..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/render.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" - -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" - -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" - -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" - -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" - -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" - -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" - -[] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "manpage" -render-from = "" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/" -formats = "xhtml manpage" -mansect = "1" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7a0de6e..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -tcar_checkFiles(1) -================== - -== Name - -tcar_checkFiles - Standardize constructions for file verifications. - -== Synopsis - -*cli_checkFiles [-d|-e|-f|-h|-x] LOCATION* - -== Description - -The *cli_checkFiles* exists to answer basic questions like ``Is -+LOCATION+ is a regular file?'' and ``Is +LOCATION+ a directory?''. -The answer to such questions affects the script execution flow in the -following way: when the answer positive (e.g., +LOCATION+ is a regular -file), the script passes the test silently and continues its -execution. When the answer is negative(e.g., +LOCATION+ is not a -regular file), the script finishes its execution immediately with an -error message. - -The *cli_checkFiles* function is exported to ** script -environment in the very beginning of its execution and will be -available all along its execution lifetime. You can use this function -inside common and specific functions whenever you need to verify files -inside the The CentOS Artwork Repository. - -The *cli_checkFiles* function is available inside the ** -script only as part of its execution environment. This function is -exported to ** script just after executing the script -from the command-line and will be available all along the script -lifetime. So, you can use this function both in common and specific -functionalities of script. - -The *cli_checkFiles* function doesn't create -subsequent execution environments. - -== Usage - -Use the *cli_checkFiles* function inside ** script -whenever you need to control the script execution flow based on file -type (e.g., regular files, directories, links, etc.) verifications. - -== Options - -The *cli_checkFiles* function accepts the following options: - --d:: - Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and is a directory. If it - doesn't exists or isn't a directory, an error message is printed - and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it exists - and is a directory, the script continues its execution normally. --e:: - Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists or not. If it doesn't exist, an - error message is printed and the script finishes its execution. - Otherwise, if it does exists, the script continues its execution - normally. --f:: - Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and is a regular file. If it - doesn't exists or isn't a regular file, an error message is - printed and the script finishes its execution. Otherwise, if it - exists and is a regular file, the script continues its execution - normally. --h:: - Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and is a symbolic link. If it - doesn't exists or isn't a symbolic link, an error message is - printed and the script finishes its execution immediately. - Otherwise, if it does exist and is a symbolic link, the script - continue its execution normally. --x:: - Verifies whether +LOCATION+ exists and execution permission is - granted. If it doesn't exist or hasn't execution permission, the - script finishes its execution immediately. Otherwise, if it exists - and has execution permissions, the script continues its execution - normally. - -The value of the +LOCATION+ argument must be an absolute path to the -file you want to verify. If such file doesn't exists in any supported -form, the script finishes its execution with an error message. - -== Examples - -The following example was taken from ** script -initialization phase. Notice the position of *cli_checkFiles* -function inside the loop. If some of the function files we need to -export doesn't have execution rights, *cli_checkFiles* will finish the -script execution immediately with an error message. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -for FUNCFILE in ${FUNCFILES};do - - # Verify the execution rights for function file. - cli_checkFiles -x ${FUNCFILE} - - # Initialize the function file. - . ${FUNCFILE} - - # Export the function names inside the file to current shell - # script environment. - export -f $(egrep "${PATTERN}" ${FUNCFILE} | gawk '{ print $2 }') - -done ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - -== Bugs - -See - -== Authors - -The *tcar_checkFiles* function has received contributions from the -following people: - -- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= - -== License - -Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index 412d4e6..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -============================= - -== Name - -tcar_checkRepoDirSource - Standardize the working copy's absolute path -construction. - -== Synopsis - -tcar_checkRepoDirSource "LOCATION" - -== Description - -The *tcar_checkRepoDirSource* function standardizes the path -construction to directories inside it the working copy, using absolute -paths. This function transforms relative paths passed as non-option -arguments to ** script command-line into absolute paths -inside the working copy and verifies whether they really exist as -directories inside the working copy or not. If the path provided -doesn't exist as directory inside the working copy, the script will -finish its execution immediately with an error message. Otherwise, if -the directory exists, the variable +TCAR_ARGUMENTS+ is redefined with -the related absolute path for further use. - -Use the *tcar_checkRepoDirSource* function whenever you need to be -sure that non-option arguments passed to ** script -command-line will always point to directories inside the working copy. - -== Bugs - -See - -== Authors - -The *tcar_checkRepoDirSource* function has received contributions from -the following people: - -- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= - -== License - -Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index bd5002e..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -========================= - -== Name - -tcar_getConfigValue - Standardize options retrieval from configuration -files. - -== Synopsis - -*tcar_getConfigValue FILE SECTION OPTION* - -== Description - -The *tcar_getConfigValue* function standardizes the way option values -are retrieved from configuration files. As convention, -*tcar_getConfigValue* uses the output produced by -*tcar_getConfigLines* as input to retrieve the option values. As -convention, in +option = "value"+ lines, the values retrieved are -always on the right side. The values retrieved are also output without -quotation and translation markers already expanded. - -The *tcar_getConfigValue* function accepts the -following arguments: - -FILE:: - This argument specifies the absolute path to the configuration - file you want to retrieve the value from. For example, - ``+${TCAR_WORKDIR}/Identity/Models/Themes/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda/branding.conf+''. - -SECTION:: - This argument specifies the name of the section related to the - configuration line you want to retrieve the value from. For - example, ``symbols'' without brackets. - -OPTION:: - This argument specifies the name of the option you want to - retrieve the value from. - -Use the *tcar_getConfigValue* function whenever you want to retrieve -values from configuration files in a controlled way. - -== Bugs - -See - -== Authors - -The *tcar_checkFiles* function has received contributions from the -following people: - -- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= - -== License - -Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8ca537d..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -======================= - -== Name - -tcar_getFilesList - Create customized list of files for further -processing. - -== Synopsis - -*tcar_getFilesList [--pattern|--mindepth|--maxdepth|--type|--uid] LOCATION* - -== Description - -The *tcar_getFilesList* standardizes the way list of files are built -inside the ** script. This function outputs a sorted and -unique list of files based on the options and location provided as -argument. This function is an interface to the *find* command. Don't -use *find* command directly inside the script. Instead, -use the *tcar_getFilesList* function. - -The +LOCATION+ arguments must be the absolute path to a directory and -specifies where the search of files in any form (e.g., directories, -links, etc.) will take place in. If +LOCATION+ isn't a directory, the -script finishes its execution with an error message. - -The *tcar_getFilesList* accepts the following options: - ---pattern="REGEX":: - This option specifies a posix-egrep type regular expression as - value. This regular expression is applied to path specified in - +LOCATION+ argument. Only file paths that match this regular - expression inside +LOCATION+ directory will be included in the - final list of files. By default, if this option is not provided, - the ``+^/.*[[:alnum:]_/-]+$+'' regular expression - is used. -+ -When you use the *tcar_getFilesList* you don't need to specified the -absolute path of files you want to look for. This is something -*tcar_getFilesList* already does for you. When you use this function, -the value you pass as regular expression isn't the final regular -expression used. Instead, the regular expression you pass is used to -build the final regular expression passed to *find* command. The -final regular expression passed to find is ``+^/.*${PATTERN}$+'', -where +${PATTERN}+ is the value you passed to *--pattern* option as -REGEX. - ---mindepth="NUMBER":: - This option specifies the minimal +NUMBER+ of levels deep the - search should go under the directory +LOCATION+ specified. For - example, if you specify *--mindepth="2"* the search will start two - levels deep considering the path provided as section. - ---maxdepth="NUMBER":: - This option specifies the maximum +NUMBER+ of levels deep the - search should go under the directory +LOCATION+ specified. For - example, if you specify *--maxdepth="2"* the search will begin in - the very same directory path you provided as +LOCATION+ and stop - two levels deep using it as section. - ---type="STRING":: - This option specifies the type of files being searched. This - option accepts the same values the *find* *-type* option does. - However, the following +STRING+ values are the most used inside - the script so far: -+ -- d — directory. -- f — regular file. - ---uid="NUMBER":: - This option specifies the numeric user id of the files you want to - search. Only files that match this numeric user id will be added - to the final list of files. - -Use the *tcar_getFilesList* whenever you need to build list of files -for further processing. - -== Bugs - -See - -== Authors - -The *tcar_checkFiles* function has received contributions from the -following people: - -- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= - -== License - -Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7db2ed8..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -======================= - -== Name - - Print customized messages in standard ways. - -== Synopsis - -*tcar_printMessage "MESSAGE" [--as-separator-line|--as-banner-line|--as-cropping-line|--as-tuningup-line|--as-checking-line|--as-combining-line|--as-creating-line|--as-reading-line|--as-savedas-line|--as-linkto-line|--as-movedto-line|--as-validating-line|--as-template-line|--as-configuration-line|--as-palette-line|--as-reponse-line|--as-request-line|--as-selection-line|--as-error-line|--as-toknowmore-line|--as-yesornorequest-line|--as-notrailingnew-line|--as-stdout-line|--as-stderr-line]* - -== Description - -The *tcar_printMessage* function standardizes the way -scirpt prints messages. By default, script prints all -messages to the standard output with the exception of those messages -printed with the *--as-stderr-line* option, which are printed to -standard error output instead. - -The *tcar_printMessage* function requires two arguments. The first -argument specifies the message you want to print and the second -argument specifies the format you'll use to print that message. -Because this function is so used inside the script, it -is convenient to provide localization to strings passed as +MESSAGE+ -using *gettext* constructions when they aren't paths. - -== Options - -The *tcar_printMessage* function accepts the following format options -as second argument: - ---as-separator-line:: - This format takes the first character passed as +MESSAGE+ and - repeats it horizontally to build a separator line. Use this - format whenever you need to create a logical separation between - different actions. - ---as-banner-line:: - This format takes the string passed as +MESSAGE+ and puts it - inside two horizontal separator lines. Use this format whenever - you need to print header information for following lines. - ---as-cropping-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been cropped. - ---as-tuningup-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been tuned-up. - ---as-checking-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been checked or - verified (e.g., through *tcar_checkFiles* functionality). - ---as-combining-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been combined. - ---as-creating-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been created. - ---as-reading-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been read. - ---as-savedas-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been saved. - ---as-linkto-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been linked. - ---as-movedto-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been moved. - ---as-validating-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file has been validated. - ---as-template-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file is a template or - design model. - ---as-configuration-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file is a configuration - file. - ---as-palette-line:: - This format is for two columns messages where +MESSAGE+ generally - refers to a file inside the repository. Use this format whenever - you need to imply the fact that certain file is a palette of - colors. - ---as-response-line:: - This format adds +-->+ at the beginning of the string passed as - +MESSAGE+. Use this format whenever you need to imply the fact - that certain file is considered part of a response. For example, - when you need to express that a group of files will take certain - action, you can use this option to doing so. - ---as-request-line:: - This format prints +MESSAGE+ without trailing new line. Use this - format whenever you need to imply a question or yes or no request. - ---as-selection-line:: - This format uses each word in +MESSAGE+ as item of a selection - list. Use this format whenever you need to select one of the items - provided as +MESSAGE+. - ---as-error-line:: - This format prints error messages produced by - script. It uses the *caller* built-in command to display the line - number and the filename where such error was triggered. Later, it - prints where to find more information by using the - *--as-toknowmore-line* option. - ---as-toknowmore-line:: - This format takes a function name as +MESSAGE+ and prints the - command you can use to find more information about it. When this - option is passed the script finishes its execution immediately. - This option is used in combination with *--as-error-line* to - finish the script execution after an error. - ---as-yesornorequest-line:: - This format takes a question as +MESSAGE+ and reads a yes or no - answer. When answer is negative, the script finishes its execution - immediately. When answer is affirmative, the script continues its - execution normally. - ---as-notrailingnew-line:: - Print +MESSAGE+ without any trailing - newline. - ---as-stdout-line:: - Print +MESSAGE+ to standard output. - ---as-stderr-line:: - Print +MESSAGE+ to standard error output. - -== Examples - -... - -== Bugs - -See - -== Authors - -The *tcar_printMessage* function has received contributions from the -following people: - -- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= - -== License - -Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index cc0ebef..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -=============================== - -Name ----- - - Initiate module environments. - -Synopsis --------- - -*tcar_setModuleEnvironment [-m "MODULE_NAME"] [-t "MODULE_TYPE"] [-g MODULE_ARGUMENT] ...* - -Description ------------ - -[[options]] -Options -------- - -The *tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function accepts the following -options: - --m :: - This option specifies the name of the module you want to load. --t:: - This option specifies the type of the module you want to load. - Modules can be one of the following types: -+ -top-module;; - This modules are stored in the first level of Modules directory. - This type of modules initiate module environments for specific - tasks so it can be called from anywhere inside ** - script. -sub-module;; - This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory - on. This type of modules can be executed from top-modules, - sub-modules, or sib-modules but never the ** file - itself. -sib-module;; - This modules are stored from the second-level of Modules directory - on. This type of modules can be executed from sub-modules or - sib-modules, but never top-modules or the ** file - itself. --g:: - This option specifies the module-specific option you want to pass - for processing in the module environment you are about to execute. - Generally, module-specific options are passed through - ** command-line but you may need to pass them - internally in some cases (e.g., you are executing a top-module - from a sub-module). If you need to pass more than one option, then - you need to put the -g option before each option you want to pass. - -Bugs ----- - -In the very beginning of *tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function, it used -just non-array variables and it worked fine for top-module and sub-module -processing, however when it was needed to do sibling processing, it -didn't work as expected. The failure was produced because a wrong -variable assignment when tried to set the path of the next module to -load. There was not a clean way to ``remember'' what was the base -directory of the parent directory, so it ended up using the last -loaded module base directory which made impossible to load a sibling -module. The *tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function as implemented in -version 0.5 of The CentOS Artwork Repository, fixes this issue -replacing non-array variables by array variables which can remember -module information. - -See also:[] - -Author ------- - -The ** script has received contribution from the -following people: - -* Alain Reguera Delgado , 2009-2013 - -Copyright ---------- - -Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ b/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3474df9..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Manpages/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -tcar_setTranslationMarkers(1) -============================= - -== Name - -tcar_setTranslationMarkers - Expands translation markers. - -== Synopsis - -*tcar_setTranslationMarkers "FILE"* - -== Description - -The *cli_setTranslationMarkers* standardizes construction of -translation markers and their related expansion. As convention, -translation markers are set inside source files (e.g., DocBook, SVG) -and expanded inside temporal instances used to produce final contents. -The +FILE+ argument should point to the temporal file where -translation markers expansion takes place in. - -Translation markers written in source files must comply the -++=[A-Z_]+=++ regular expression pattern. For example, -+=UNKNOWN_MARKER=+ is a valid translation marker without any -replacement. To prevent ** script from -expanding translation markers, add a backslash (+\+) between the first -equal sign and the following letter. For example, +=\...=+ won't be -expanded. - -The *cli_setTranslationMarkers* supports the following translation -markers: - -+=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=+, +=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR=+:: - These translation markers expand to the last year used in - copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=+. - -+=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=+, +=\COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=+:: - This translation markers expand to the list of years used in - copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=+. The first - year represents the time we began to work on The CentOS Artwork - Repository. - -+=\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=+:: - This translation marker expands to the holder used in copyright - notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=+. - -+=\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=+:: - This translation marker expands both the holder and the predicate - used in copyright notes. For example, - +=COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=+. - -+=\BRAND=+:: - This translation marker expands to the brand name used on files - names and URLs inside The CentOS Artwork Repository. For example, - +=BRAND=+. - -+=\LICENSE=+:: - This translation marker expands to the license information used in - files created by ** script. For - example, +=LICENSE=+. - -+=\LICENSE_URL=+:: - This translation marker expands to the license URL used in files - created by ** script. For example, - +=LICENSE_URL=+. - -+=\THEME=+:: - This translation marker expands to the theme portion of path you - are producing through script. As consequence, this - translation marker should be used in situations where you are - producing theme components only. This translation marker expands - its value by retrieving the theme part of the path you provide as - non-option argument to ** script. - For example, if you provide the path - +Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5+, - this translation will expand to the +Modern/2/+ value. -+ -In case you need to retrieve the theme name or version separately one -another, then you can use the +=\THEMENAME=+ and +=\THEMERELEASE=+ -translation markers, respectively. When you use these translation -markers, forward slashes are removed from result. So, if you provide -the path -+Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5+, -+=\THEMENAME=+ will expand to +Modern+ and +=THEMERELEASE=+ will -expand to +2+. - -+=\RELEASE=+:: - This translation marker expands to the current release information - of your CentOS distribution. By default this information is - retrieved from +/etc/redhat-release+. In case - the option *--release* be passed, the value specified with it will - overwrite the default value and will be this the one used as - section for this translation marker to retrieve the release - information. So, for example, if you are running a CentOS-5.8 - distribution and no *--release* option is passed to - ** script, this translation marker - expands to +5.8+. On the other hand, if you are still running a - CentOS-5.8 distribution but provide the *--release=6.3* option to - ** script, this translation marker - expands to +6.3+ instead. -+ -In case you need to retrieve minor and major release numbers -separately one another, then you can use the +=\MINOR_RELEASE=+ and -+=\MAJOR_RELEASE=+ translation makers, respectively. - -+=\ARCH=+:: - This translation marker expands to the current architecture of - your CentOS Distribution. By default this information is retrieved - from *uname -i*. In case the option *--arch* be - passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the default - value and will be the one used as section. For example, if the - *uname -i* outputs the line - i386, this translation marker - will expand to +i386+. On the other hand, if you pass the - *--arch=x86_64* option to ** script, - this translation marker will expand to +x86_64+ instead. - -+=\URL=+:: This translation marker expands to the URL which points to -The CentOS Project home page. For example, +=URL=+. In case you are -using the script in a different locale but English -(+en_US.UTF-8+), this translation marker expands as usual but with the -language information appended to the end of the string. For example, -if you are executing the centos-art.shscript for Spanish locale (e.g., -+es_ES.UTF-8+), this translation marker expands to +=URL=es/+. -+ -In case you need to expand other URL related to The CentOS Project -domain, use translation markers described in -<>. Likewise =\URL=, translation -markers described in <> does append -the current language information to the end of the URL string based on -the locale information you are currently executing the ** -script. - -[[url-related-translation-markers]] -.URL-related translation markers --------------------`----------------- -Translation Marker Expands To -------------------------------------- -=\URL_WIKI= =URL_WIKI= -=\URL_LISTS= =URL_LISTS= -=\URL_FORUMS= =URL_FORUMS= -=\URL_MIRRORS= =URL_MIRRORS= -=\URL_DOCS= =URL_DOCS= -=\URL_PROJECTS= =URL_PROJECTS= -=\URL_SVN= =URL_SVN= -=\URL_TRAC= =URL_TRAC= -=\URL_PLANET= =URL_PLANET= -------------------------------------- - -+=\MAIL_DOCS=+:: - This translation marker expands to CentOS documentation mailing - list address. For example, +=MAIL_DOCS=+. - -+=\LOCALE=+:: - This translation marker expands to the current locale information - used by ** script. This value is - retrieved from the LANG environment variable and - should look like +=LOCALE=+. In case you need to retrieve the - language and country part separately one another, you can use the - +=\LOCALE_LL=+ and +=\LOCALE_CC=+, respectively. - -+=\REPO_TLDIR=+:: - This translation marker expands to the absolute path to + directory inside your workstation. For - example, +/home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork/trunk+. - -+=\REPO_HOME=+, +=\TCAR_WORKDIR=+:: - This translation marker expands to the absolute path of your - working copy. For example, +/home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork+. - -== Bugs - -See - -== Authors - -The *tcar_setTranslationMarkers* function has received contributions -from the following people: - -- Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= - -== License - -Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/Locales/en_US/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po b/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/Locales/en_US/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po deleted file mode 100644 index 8e5cef6..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/Locales/en_US/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2127 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: understanding_modules.asciidoc 0.6\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-07 14:18-0500\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-07 14:18-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: English\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgid "Understanding Modules" -msgstr "Understanding Modules" - -msgid "Oct 2013" -msgstr "Oct 2013" - -msgid "Alain" -msgstr "Alain" - -msgid "Reguera" -msgstr "Reguera" - -msgid "Delgado" -msgstr "Delgado" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "ARD" -msgstr "ARD" - -msgid "0.1" -msgstr "0.1" - -msgid "Overview" -msgstr "Overview" - -msgid "" -"From version 0.5, the script introduces the idea of modules to its base design. " -"Modules are a collection of functions written in Bash that can call " -"one another to create individual execution environments. They may " -"be nested to achieve high levels of maintainability and " -"extensibility. This make possible for modules writers to divide " -"complicated tasks into smaller tasks that can be easier to debug, " -"maintain and share with other modules efficiently (e.g., instead of " -"loading modules all at once, they are only loaded at demand and " -"unset once they conclude their execution)." -msgstr "" -"From version 0.5, the script introduces the idea of modules to its base design. " -"Modules are a collection of functions written in Bash that can call " -"one another to create individual execution environments. They may " -"be nested to achieve high levels of maintainability and " -"extensibility. This make possible for modules writers to divide " -"complicated tasks into smaller tasks that can be easier to debug, " -"maintain and share with other modules efficiently (e.g., instead of " -"loading modules all at once, they are only loaded at demand and " -"unset once they conclude their execution)." - -msgid "" -"This article describes the modular design of script. It is a good place for you to " -"start if you are planning to contribute new module environments to " -" script or want " -"to know more about how it works. The next section delves into what " -"a module environment is, the three module types you can find in it " -"and the correct way of execute each one of them." -msgstr "" -"This article describes the modular design of script. It is a good place for you to " -"start if you are planning to contribute new module environments to " -" script or want " -"to know more about how it works. The next section delves into what " -"a module environment is, the three module types you can find in it " -"and the correct way of execute each one of them." - -msgid "Module Environment" -msgstr "Module Environment" - -msgid "" -"When you execute the script you create an execution environment in which " -"variables and functions are defined. The execution environment is " -"the higher environment inside centos-art." -"sh script. It is considered to have a “global” scope, so " -"variables and functions defined in it are always available for any " -"function execution made from it. You can control the execution " -"environment of " -"script through files and " -" These files don't provide " -"too much functionality so module environments are executed from " -", to extend its functionality." -msgstr "" -"When you execute the script you create an execution environment in which " -"variables and functions are defined. The execution environment is " -"the higher environment inside centos-art." -"sh script. It is considered to have a “global” scope, so " -"variables and functions defined in it are always available for any " -"function execution made from it. You can control the execution " -"environment of " -"script through files and " -" These files don't provide " -"too much functionality so module environments are executed from " -", to extend its functionality." - -msgid "" -"Module environments are made of small functions that perform small " -"tasks and can be further executed in a specific order to produce " -"the desired result. Module environments are executed and destroyed " -"at demand. Inside, module environments can be either “parent modules,” " -"“child modules,” or “sibling modules.”" -msgstr "" -"Module environments are made of small functions that perform small " -"tasks and can be further executed in a specific order to produce " -"the desired result. Module environments are executed and destroyed " -"at demand. Inside, module environments can be either “parent modules,” " -"“child modules,” or “sibling modules.”" - -msgid "Parent Modules" -msgstr "Parent Modules" - -msgid "" -"Parent modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " -"-t parent option set on it. " -"Parent modules are very simple in design and you can use them to " -"implement simple solutions quickly. Normally, when you execute a " -"parent module, you initiate the highest module environment possible " -"inside script. " -"Because of such high scope, parent modules are frequently used to " -"define module's global variables, interpret module-specific options " -"passed through the command-line and execute the appropriate actions " -"based on them." -msgstr "" -"Parent modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " -"-t parent option set on it. " -"Parent modules are very simple in design and you can use them to " -"implement simple solutions quickly. Normally, when you execute a " -"parent module, you initiate the highest module environment possible " -"inside script. " -"Because of such high scope, parent modules are frequently used to " -"define module's global variables, interpret module-specific options " -"passed through the command-line and execute the appropriate actions " -"based on them." - -msgid "" -"In , we have executed the " -"hello module with the " -"—greeting=hi and —debug options through the command-line. " -"In this example, " -"script executes a parent module named hello, processes the module-specific options passed " -"through the command-line, prints a greeting message to standard " -"output and exits successfully." -msgstr "" -"In , we have executed the " -"hello module with the " -"—greeting=hi and —debug options through the command-line. " -"In this example, " -"script executes a parent module named hello, processes the module-specific options passed " -"through the command-line, prints a greeting message to standard " -"output and exits successfully." - -msgid "Debugging execution of parent modules" -msgstr "Debugging execution of parent modules" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --greeting=hi\n" -"hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" -msgstr "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --greeting=hi\n" -"hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" - -msgid "" -" describes an entire module " -"environment in action. With this information you can create your " -"own module environment, already. However, when your module is " -"getting too much complicated you probably want to divide it in " -"smaller pieces that you can execute accordingly, based on the " -"purpose you defined for it. Such kind of division can be " -"implemented as described in ." -msgstr "" -" describes an entire module " -"environment in action. With this information you can create your " -"own module environment, already. However, when your module is " -"getting too much complicated you probably want to divide it in " -"smaller pieces that you can execute accordingly, based on the " -"purpose you defined for it. Such kind of division can be " -"implemented as described in ." - -msgid "Summary" -msgstr "Summary" - -msgid "" -"This section has covered basic concepts related to module " -"environment inside script. The next section takes these concepts and focuses " -"on the implementation of them. Once you finish it, you should be " -"able of writing your own module environments from scratch inside " -" script." -msgstr "" -"This section has covered basic concepts related to module " -"environment inside script. The next section takes these concepts and focuses " -"on the implementation of them. Once you finish it, you should be " -"able of writing your own module environments from scratch inside " -" script." - -msgid "Module Implementation" -msgstr "Module Implementation" - -msgid "" -"The script " -"implements module environments inside the “Modules” directory, as described in ." -msgstr "" -"The script " -"implements module environments inside the “Modules” directory, as described in ." - -msgid "" -"For example, consider the creation of a module named hello. The purpose of this module is to print " -"a greeting message to standard output and then exit successfully. " -"To create such a module, we need to create a directory named " -"“Hello” inside the “Modules” directory and put an initialization " -"file named “” inside it. Because we want to execute the " -"hello module from script command-line, we " -"put it in the first level of directories of Modules directory. See ." -msgstr "" -"For example, consider the creation of a module named hello. The purpose of this module is to print " -"a greeting message to standard output and then exit successfully. " -"To create such a module, we need to create a directory named " -"“Hello” inside the “Modules” directory and put an initialization " -"file named “” inside it. Because we want to execute the " -"hello module from script command-line, we " -"put it in the first level of directories of Modules directory. See ." - -msgid "Directory layout used by parent modules" -msgstr "Directory layout used by parent modules" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -".\n" -"|-- COPYING \n" -"|-- Locales/ \n" -"|-- Manuals/ \n" -"|-- Modules/ \n" -"| `-- Hello/ \n" -"| |-- \n" -"| `-- \n" -"|-- Scripts/ \n" -"|-- \n" -"`-- " -msgstr "" -".\n" -"|-- COPYING \n" -"|-- Locales/ \n" -"|-- Manuals/ \n" -"|-- Modules/ \n" -"| `-- Hello/ \n" -"| |-- \n" -"| `-- \n" -"|-- Scripts/ \n" -"|-- \n" -"`-- " - -msgid "Script's copying conditions." -msgstr "Script's copying conditions." - -msgid "Script's localization files." -msgstr "Script's localization files." - -msgid "Script's documentation files." -msgstr "Script's documentation files." - -msgid "Script's modules. Here is where you store parent modules." -msgstr "Script's modules. Here is where you store parent modules." - -msgid "Parent directory of module named hello." -msgstr "Parent directory of module named hello." - -msgid "Initialization file of module named hello." -msgstr "Initialization file of module named hello." - -msgid "Function related to module named hello." -msgstr "Function related to module named hello." - -msgid "Script's global functions." -msgstr "Script's global functions." - -msgid "Script's configuration file." -msgstr "Script's configuration file." - -msgid "Script's initialization file." -msgstr "Script's initialization file." - -msgid "" -" presents a complete module " -"layout you can use as reference to create your own module " -"implementations. However, it is not complete yet. At this point, " -"when you execute, it is able to find out hello module's initialization file and execute it but that " -"prints an error message because the initialization file doesn't " -"have a function definition inside. It is completely empty. In order " -"for script to do " -"something useful, you need to write a function definition inside " -"the initialization file, as described in ." -msgstr "" -" presents a complete module " -"layout you can use as reference to create your own module " -"implementations. However, it is not complete yet. At this point, " -"when you execute, it is able to find out hello module's initialization file and execute it but that " -"prints an error message because the initialization file doesn't " -"have a function definition inside. It is completely empty. In order " -"for script to do " -"something useful, you need to write a function definition inside " -"the initialization file, as described in ." - -msgid "The Initialization File" -msgstr "The Initialization File" - -msgid "" -"The module's initialization file contains the module's main " -"function definition and a comment describing what it does on top of " -"it. This comment includes a small description about what the " -"function does, a written by section, the copyright note and the " -"legal status of the file. The function definition is set later and " -"must be written using the long definition format (i.e., it must " -"begin with the word “function,” then the " -"function name, and finally the “{” character). " -"The name of the function is exactly the same of the initialization " -"file but without the .sh extension. These " -"conditions are required in order for script to execute the function " -"definition and destroy it when it is no longer used. See ." -msgstr "" -"The module's initialization file contains the module's main " -"function definition and a comment describing what it does on top of " -"it. This comment includes a small description about what the " -"function does, a written by section, the copyright note and the " -"legal status of the file. The function definition is set later and " -"must be written using the long definition format (i.e., it must " -"begin with the word “function,” then the " -"function name, and finally the “{” character). " -"The name of the function is exactly the same of the initialization " -"file but without the .sh extension. These " -"conditions are required in order for script to execute the function " -"definition and destroy it when it is no longer used. See ." - -msgid "" -"The function definition is where you write all the commands you " -"want the module runs, once executed. The function definition can be " -"as simple as just one single line of code or as complex as you can " -"imagine. It is the place where you express your solutions. However, " -"when writing initialization files, it is considered a good practice " -"to avoid any sort of complexity. Instead, try to write small and " -"simple initialization files. In case you notice the initialization " -"file is growing up inevitably, you can reduce its code by " -"refactoring it. To do this, you can use resources like module " -"related functions and child modules. These resources are described " -"in , and they help you to " -"keep the initialization file in a clean state, easy to understand, " -"maintain and debug." -msgstr "" -"The function definition is where you write all the commands you " -"want the module runs, once executed. The function definition can be " -"as simple as just one single line of code or as complex as you can " -"imagine. It is the place where you express your solutions. However, " -"when writing initialization files, it is considered a good practice " -"to avoid any sort of complexity. Instead, try to write small and " -"simple initialization files. In case you notice the initialization " -"file is growing up inevitably, you can reduce its code by " -"refactoring it. To do this, you can use resources like module " -"related functions and child modules. These resources are described " -"in , and they help you to " -"keep the initialization file in a clean state, easy to understand, " -"maintain and debug." - -msgid "Initialization file used by hello module" -msgstr "Initialization file used by hello module" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"#!/bin/bash\n" -"######################################################################\n" -"#\n" -"# -- Print out greetings to standard output and exit\n" -"# successfully.\n" -"#\n" -"# Written by:\n" -"# * Alain Reguera Delgado <>, 2013\n" -"#\n" -"# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG\n" -"#\n" -"# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" -"# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" -"# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at\n" -"# your option) any later version.\n" -"#\n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n" -"# General Public License for more details.\n" -"#\n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" -"# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" -"# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n" -"#\n" -"######################################################################\n" -"\n" -"function hello {\n" -"\n" -" tcar_printMessage \"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\" --as-stdout-line\n" -"\n" -"}" -msgstr "" -"#!/bin/bash\n" -"######################################################################\n" -"#\n" -"# -- Print out greetings to standard output and exit\n" -"# successfully.\n" -"#\n" -"# Written by:\n" -"# * Alain Reguera Delgado <>, 2013\n" -"#\n" -"# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG\n" -"#\n" -"# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" -"# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" -"# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at\n" -"# your option) any later version.\n" -"#\n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n" -"# General Public License for more details.\n" -"#\n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" -"# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" -"# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n" -"#\n" -"######################################################################\n" -"\n" -"function hello {\n" -"\n" -" tcar_printMessage \"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\" --as-stdout-line\n" -"\n" -"}" - -msgid "" -"The function definition described in uses the tcar_printMessage global function to print localized versions of the string " -"“Hello, World!” to standard output. Because there isn't no other " -"command in the function definition, when the greeting message is " -"printed out, " -"destroys the hello module and " -"exit successfully. This process is more visible when also pass the " -"—debug option. See ." -msgstr "" -"The function definition described in uses the tcar_printMessage global function to print localized versions of the string " -"“Hello, World!” to standard output. Because there isn't no other " -"command in the function definition, when the greeting message is " -"printed out, " -"destroys the hello module and " -"exit successfully. This process is more visible when also pass the " -"—debug option. See ." - -msgid "" -"Congratulations! You've implemented a module environment inside " -" script. With the " -"information you have so far, you are able to create your own module " -"environment implementations. The next section delves into available " -"resources you can use to simplify module environments when the " -"initialization file starts growing inevitably and complexity " -"daemons begin hammering your head." -msgstr "" -"Congratulations! You've implemented a module environment inside " -" script. With the " -"information you have so far, you are able to create your own module " -"environment implementations. The next section delves into available " -"resources you can use to simplify module environments when the " -"initialization file starts growing inevitably and complexity " -"daemons begin hammering your head." - -msgid "Module Optimization" -msgstr "Module Optimization" - -msgid "" -"The script " -"provides four resources you can use to optimize your module " -"implementations. These resources are “related functions,” “child " -"modules,” “sibling modules” and “recursive modules”." -msgstr "" -"The script " -"provides four resources you can use to optimize your module " -"implementations. These resources are “related functions,” “child " -"modules,” “sibling modules” and “recursive modules”." - -msgid "Related Functions" -msgstr "Related Functions" - -msgid "" -"Related functions are very useful when you need to simplify the " -"function definition of one initialization file. For example, " -"consider extending the hello " -"module so it is able to interpret arguments passed through the " -"command-line. Now, inside the initialization file, we have some " -"variable definitions, one function call to a module related " -"function named hello_getOptions, and a decision on how the greeting message must be " -"printed out based on the collected actions. See ." -msgstr "" -"Related functions are very useful when you need to simplify the " -"function definition of one initialization file. For example, " -"consider extending the hello " -"module so it is able to interpret arguments passed through the " -"command-line. Now, inside the initialization file, we have some " -"variable definitions, one function call to a module related " -"function named hello_getOptions, and a decision on how the greeting message must be " -"printed out based on the collected actions. See ." - -msgid "Initialization file used by hello module (extended)" -msgstr "Initialization file used by hello module (extended)" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"function hello {\n" -"\n" -" # Define default greeting message.\n" -" local HELLO_WORLD=\"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\"\n" -"\n" -" # Define actions variable. Here is where actions related to\n" -" # module-specific options are stored in for further processing.\n" -" local ACTIONS=''\n" -"\n" -" # Interpret module-specific options and store related actions.\n" -" hello_getOptions\n" -"\n" -" # Print greeting message\n" -" if [[ -z ${ACTIONS} ]];then\n" -" # Using parent module.\n" -" tcar_printMessage \"${HELLO_WORLD}\" --as-stdout-line\n" -" else\n" -" # Using child module.\n" -" tcar_setModuleEnvironment -m 'output' -t 'child'\n" -" fi\n" -"\n" -"}" -msgstr "" -"function hello {\n" -"\n" -" # Define default greeting message.\n" -" local HELLO_WORLD=\"`gettext \"Hello, World!\"`\"\n" -"\n" -" # Define actions variable. Here is where actions related to\n" -" # module-specific options are stored in for further processing.\n" -" local ACTIONS=''\n" -"\n" -" # Interpret module-specific options and store related actions.\n" -" hello_getOptions\n" -"\n" -" # Print greeting message\n" -" if [[ -z ${ACTIONS} ]];then\n" -" # Using parent module.\n" -" tcar_printMessage \"${HELLO_WORLD}\" --as-stdout-line\n" -" else\n" -" # Using child module.\n" -" tcar_setModuleEnvironment -m 'output' -t 'child'\n" -" fi\n" -"\n" -"}" - -msgid "" -"When you execute the command centos-art." -"sh hello with the —" -"greeting=hi argument, centos-" -" stores module-specific arguments inside the " -"TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable, creates a list of " -"all function definitions inside the module directory and exports " -"them. This includes the function definition of the initialization " -"file itself. Then executes the function definition set inside the " -"initialization file and leaves all other function definitions, " -"already in memory, waiting for further execution. At this point, " -"the hello initialization " -"function sets some default values and execute the hello_getOptions function to parse all the " -"arguments passed through the command-line and redefines the " -"ACTIONS variable based on them. Using the " -"ACTIONS variables it decides whether to print " -"the greeting message immediately or execute the child modules named " -"output so it decides what to " -"do with the information collected so far." -msgstr "" -"When you execute the command centos-art." -"sh hello with the —" -"greeting=hi argument, centos-" -" stores module-specific arguments inside the " -"TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable, creates a list of " -"all function definitions inside the module directory and exports " -"them. This includes the function definition of the initialization " -"file itself. Then executes the function definition set inside the " -"initialization file and leaves all other function definitions, " -"already in memory, waiting for further execution. At this point, " -"the hello initialization " -"function sets some default values and execute the hello_getOptions function to parse all the " -"arguments passed through the command-line and redefines the " -"ACTIONS variable based on them. Using the " -"ACTIONS variables it decides whether to print " -"the greeting message immediately or execute the child modules named " -"output so it decides what to " -"do with the information collected so far." - -msgid "" -" defines the options " -"you can pass to hello module " -"and the associated actions they must perform for each of them. " -"Actions aren't immediately executed here. Instead, they are stored " -"in the ACTIONS variable for further processing " -"(e.g., we store the names of the modules we want to execute later). " -"The ACTIONS variable was defined in the " -"initialization file so it has a global scope inside the module " -"environment and is reachable from any related function executed " -"inside it. Storing the actions this way lets the hello module to collect information about " -"different actions and execute them all in just one command. When " -"all options have been parsed, only non-option arguments remain in " -"the TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable." -msgstr "" -" defines the options " -"you can pass to hello module " -"and the associated actions they must perform for each of them. " -"Actions aren't immediately executed here. Instead, they are stored " -"in the ACTIONS variable for further processing " -"(e.g., we store the names of the modules we want to execute later). " -"The ACTIONS variable was defined in the " -"initialization file so it has a global scope inside the module " -"environment and is reachable from any related function executed " -"inside it. Storing the actions this way lets the hello module to collect information about " -"different actions and execute them all in just one command. When " -"all options have been parsed, only non-option arguments remain in " -"the TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT variable." - -msgid "Related function definition (hello_getOptions)" -msgstr "Related function definition (hello_getOptions)" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"function hello_getOptions {\n" -"\n" -" # Define short options we want to support.\n" -" local ARGSS=\"h::,v,g:,l,u,c,r\"\n" -"\n" -" # Define long options we want to support.\n" -" local ARGSL=\"help::,version,greeting:,lower,upper,camel,random\"\n" -"\n" -" # Redefine arguments using getopt(1) command parser.\n" -" tcar_setModuleArguments\n" -"\n" -" # Reset positional parameters on this function, using output\n" -" # produced from (getopt) arguments parser.\n" -" eval set -- \"${TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT}\"\n" -"\n" -" # Look for options passed through command-line.\n" -" while true; do\n" -" case \"${1}\" in\n" -"\n" -" -h | --help )\n" -" tcar_printHelp \"${2}\"\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -v | --version )\n" -" tcar_printVersion \"${TCAR_MODULE_NAME}\"\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -g | --greeting )\n" -" HELLO_WORLD=\"${2:-${HELLO_WORLD}}\"\n" -" shift 2\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -l | --lower )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"lower ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -u | --upper )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"upper ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -c | --camel )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"camel ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -r | --random )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"random ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -- )\n" -" shift 1\n" -" break\n" -" ;;\n" -" esac\n" -" done\n" -"\n" -" # Redefine arguments using current positional parameters. Only\n" -" # paths should remain as arguments, at this point.\n" -" TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT=\"${@}\"\n" -"\n" -"}" -msgstr "" -"function hello_getOptions {\n" -"\n" -" # Define short options we want to support.\n" -" local ARGSS=\"h::,v,g:,l,u,c,r\"\n" -"\n" -" # Define long options we want to support.\n" -" local ARGSL=\"help::,version,greeting:,lower,upper,camel,random\"\n" -"\n" -" # Redefine arguments using getopt(1) command parser.\n" -" tcar_setModuleArguments\n" -"\n" -" # Reset positional parameters on this function, using output\n" -" # produced from (getopt) arguments parser.\n" -" eval set -- \"${TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT}\"\n" -"\n" -" # Look for options passed through command-line.\n" -" while true; do\n" -" case \"${1}\" in\n" -"\n" -" -h | --help )\n" -" tcar_printHelp \"${2}\"\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -v | --version )\n" -" tcar_printVersion \"${TCAR_MODULE_NAME}\"\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -g | --greeting )\n" -" HELLO_WORLD=\"${2:-${HELLO_WORLD}}\"\n" -" shift 2\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -l | --lower )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"lower ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -u | --upper )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"upper ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -c | --camel )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"camel ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -r | --random )\n" -" ACTIONS=\"random ${ACTIONS}\"\n" -" shift 1\n" -" ;;\n" -"\n" -" -- )\n" -" shift 1\n" -" break\n" -" ;;\n" -" esac\n" -" done\n" -"\n" -" # Redefine arguments using current positional parameters. Only\n" -" # paths should remain as arguments, at this point.\n" -" TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT=\"${@}\"\n" -"\n" -"}" - -msgid "" -" presents the " -"standard construction we use inside script for parsing arguments passed " -"through the command-line in a per-module basis. As convention, all " -"the parent modules you write must be able to interpret the " -"—help and —version options using the construction " -"described here." -msgstr "" -" presents the " -"standard construction we use inside script for parsing arguments passed " -"through the command-line in a per-module basis. As convention, all " -"the parent modules you write must be able to interpret the " -"—help and —version options using the construction " -"described here." - -msgid "" -"Related functions are very useful when you are refactoring the " -"initialization file of a module. However, they aren't so efficient " -"when you need to execute them at demand (e.g., based on specific " -"conditions). When a module is executed, related functions are " -"exported to " -"script execution environment. They remain there, consuming memory, " -"until the module they belong to is destroyed. If you create a " -"related function and never execute it, it will consume memory, as " -"well. So, use related functions when you are absolutely sure they " -"will be executed at some point, in one single iteration of " -" script. If you " -"need to execute functions at demand, use child modules, instead." -msgstr "" -"Related functions are very useful when you are refactoring the " -"initialization file of a module. However, they aren't so efficient " -"when you need to execute them at demand (e.g., based on specific " -"conditions). When a module is executed, related functions are " -"exported to " -"script execution environment. They remain there, consuming memory, " -"until the module they belong to is destroyed. If you create a " -"related function and never execute it, it will consume memory, as " -"well. So, use related functions when you are absolutely sure they " -"will be executed at some point, in one single iteration of " -" script. If you " -"need to execute functions at demand, use child modules, instead." - -msgid "Child Modules" -msgstr "Child Modules" - -msgid "" -"Child modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the -t child option set on it. Child modules " -"have the characteristic of being nested modules. They cannot be " -"executed from the command-line. Normally, child modules are " -"executed from parent modules but they can be executed from other " -"child modules, too. When several child modules are executed in one " -"single iteration of, they create a chain of modules. A chain of modules is " -"very useful in situations where you want to divide one large task " -"into smaller tasks and also control which of these smaller tasks is " -"executed based on specific conditions (e.g., you may want to render " -"images or documentation, but not both, in one single iteration of " -" script). In a " -"chain of modules, lower modules in the chain (those started last) " -"have access to information set by modules higher in the chain " -"(those started first), but not the opposite. When processing " -"information this way, modules aren't destroyed until the last " -"module executed in the chain has finished its work (e.g., all the " -"commands inside it have been executed). At that point, child " -"modules are destroyed in the reverse order they were executed." -msgstr "" -"Child modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the -t child option set on it. Child modules " -"have the characteristic of being nested modules. They cannot be " -"executed from the command-line. Normally, child modules are " -"executed from parent modules but they can be executed from other " -"child modules, too. When several child modules are executed in one " -"single iteration of, they create a chain of modules. A chain of modules is " -"very useful in situations where you want to divide one large task " -"into smaller tasks and also control which of these smaller tasks is " -"executed based on specific conditions (e.g., you may want to render " -"images or documentation, but not both, in one single iteration of " -" script). In a " -"chain of modules, lower modules in the chain (those started last) " -"have access to information set by modules higher in the chain " -"(those started first), but not the opposite. When processing " -"information this way, modules aren't destroyed until the last " -"module executed in the chain has finished its work (e.g., all the " -"commands inside it have been executed). At that point, child " -"modules are destroyed in the reverse order they were executed." - -msgid "" -"For example, when you execute the hello module with both —debug and —upper option, " -" script creates a " -"chain of three modules to produce the greeting message. Firstly, it " -"begins by executing the parent module named hello, then it continues with the child module named " -"output which in turn executes " -"the child module name lower to " -"finally print the expected greeting message. In this example, the " -"module named lower is the last " -"module in the chain of executed modules. It has access to all " -"information defined by earlier modules (e.g., in hello and output modules) and none of its earlier modules will be " -"destroyed until it has finished its work. This process becomes more " -"visible when you take a look at ." -msgstr "" -"For example, when you execute the hello module with both —debug and —upper option, " -" script creates a " -"chain of three modules to produce the greeting message. Firstly, it " -"begins by executing the parent module named hello, then it continues with the child module named " -"output which in turn executes " -"the child module name lower to " -"finally print the expected greeting message. In this example, the " -"module named lower is the last " -"module in the chain of executed modules. It has access to all " -"information defined by earlier modules (e.g., in hello and output modules) and none of its earlier modules will be " -"destroyed until it has finished its work. This process becomes more " -"visible when you take a look at ." - -msgid "Debugging execution of child modules" -msgstr "Debugging execution of child modules" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --upper --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --upper --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT export -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" -"HI\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" -msgstr "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --upper --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --upper --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT export -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" -"HI\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" - -msgid "" -"The module environment described in shows the child modules' ability of reducing scope as " -"they get deeper in the chain of executed modules. However, child " -"modules lack the possibility of nest modules that share the same " -"scope. For example, in the hello module described above, you cannot execute the modules " -"lower or upper from camel module, as if they were child modules of it. That is not " -"possible because they all have the same scope, which is, to print " -"the greeting message to standard output. Child modules are " -"conceived to reduce the module scope as new child modules are " -"executed. When you need to execute new module environments and, " -"also, retain the last scope from which the new module is executed, " -"you need to use “sibling modules,” instead." -msgstr "" -"The module environment described in shows the child modules' ability of reducing scope as " -"they get deeper in the chain of executed modules. However, child " -"modules lack the possibility of nest modules that share the same " -"scope. For example, in the hello module described above, you cannot execute the modules " -"lower or upper from camel module, as if they were child modules of it. That is not " -"possible because they all have the same scope, which is, to print " -"the greeting message to standard output. Child modules are " -"conceived to reduce the module scope as new child modules are " -"executed. When you need to execute new module environments and, " -"also, retain the last scope from which the new module is executed, " -"you need to use “sibling modules,” instead." - -msgid "Sibling Modules" -msgstr "Sibling Modules" - -msgid "" -"Sibling modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " -"-t sibling option set on it. " -"Sibling modules are another type of nested modules but, in contrast " -"with child modules, sibling modules cannot be executed from parent " -"modules. Normally, sibling modules are executed from other sibling " -"modules but, considering the context, they can be executed from " -"child module too, to initiate sibling processing. When several " -"siblings modules are executed, they also build a chain of modules. " -"In contrast with the chain of child modules, the chain of sibling " -"modules destroys the last sibling module executed before executing " -"the next sibling module. This make the chain to stop its growing at " -"sibling module processing, unless you call a child module from a " -"sibling module. In this case, the chain expansion would continue as " -"long as the number of child modules you execute. This process " -"becomes more visible when you take a look at ." -msgstr "" -"Sibling modules are initiated by executing the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function with the " -"-t sibling option set on it. " -"Sibling modules are another type of nested modules but, in contrast " -"with child modules, sibling modules cannot be executed from parent " -"modules. Normally, sibling modules are executed from other sibling " -"modules but, considering the context, they can be executed from " -"child module too, to initiate sibling processing. When several " -"siblings modules are executed, they also build a chain of modules. " -"In contrast with the chain of child modules, the chain of sibling " -"modules destroys the last sibling module executed before executing " -"the next sibling module. This make the chain to stop its growing at " -"sibling module processing, unless you call a child module from a " -"sibling module. In this case, the chain expansion would continue as " -"long as the number of child modules you execute. This process " -"becomes more visible when you take a look at ." - -msgid "" -"In , we've executed the " -"hello module with the " -"—greeting=hi, —camel, and —debug options. In this example, script executes the hello module then the output module which in turn executes the camel module. At this point, can " -"appreciate how the chain of modules stop growing. Observe that " -"camel module has gained the " -"position 2 in the chain of modules and executes the upper module which takes the position 3, as " -"expected. Now, when upper " -"module finishes its work it is destroyed and the module's counter " -"is reset to its previous value which is 2 (the one set by camel module). Then, camel executes the lower module which take position 3 at the chain of " -"modules until it finishes. When it finishes, the camel module finishes its work and is " -"destroyed, then output, then " -"hello." -msgstr "" -"In , we've executed the " -"hello module with the " -"—greeting=hi, —camel, and —debug options. In this example, script executes the hello module then the output module which in turn executes the camel module. At this point, can " -"appreciate how the chain of modules stop growing. Observe that " -"camel module has gained the " -"position 2 in the chain of modules and executes the upper module which takes the position 3, as " -"expected. Now, when upper " -"module finishes its work it is destroyed and the module's counter " -"is reset to its previous value which is 2 (the one set by camel module). Then, camel executes the lower module which take position 3 at the chain of " -"modules until it finishes. When it finishes, the camel module finishes its work and is " -"destroyed, then output, then " -"hello." - -msgid "Debugging execution of sibling modules" -msgstr "Debugging execution of sibling modules" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --camel --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --camel --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT export -f lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT -------------------------> lower\n" -"i\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" -msgstr "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --camel --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --camel --greeting=hi\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> upper\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <------------------------- upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT unset -f upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT export -f lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT -------------------------> lower\n" -"i\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f lower\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f camel\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" - -msgid "" -" shows a single iteration " -"of script " -"executing different types of modules. Normally, one module is " -"executed at some point and destroyed at the same point when it has " -"finished its work, however, what if the next immediate module you " -"are about to execute is the same module you are about to destroyed? " -"This is, you need to execute the last module in the chain of " -"executed modules again, but, this time, from itself. In cases like " -"this, the script " -"doesn't destroy the last module. It cannot, because you are " -"certainly executing a new module from itself, so it has to wait for " -"this new call to finish in order to be destroyed. This kind of " -"processing is known as processing modules recursively." -msgstr "" -" shows a single iteration " -"of script " -"executing different types of modules. Normally, one module is " -"executed at some point and destroyed at the same point when it has " -"finished its work, however, what if the next immediate module you " -"are about to execute is the same module you are about to destroyed? " -"This is, you need to execute the last module in the chain of " -"executed modules again, but, this time, from itself. In cases like " -"this, the script " -"doesn't destroy the last module. It cannot, because you are " -"certainly executing a new module from itself, so it has to wait for " -"this new call to finish in order to be destroyed. This kind of " -"processing is known as processing modules recursively." - -msgid "Recursive Modules" -msgstr "Recursive Modules" - -msgid "" -"When one module environment executes itself we are in presence of a " -"recursive module execution. The execution of modules recursively " -"doesn't destroy the last module in the chain of executed modules " -"and doesn't increment or decrement the module counter either. The " -"module counter is somehow frozen until a different module " -"environment is executed. In these cases, the last module " -"environment remains in memory for the new module execution to make " -"use of. This process becomes more visible when you take a look at " -"." -msgstr "" -"When one module environment executes itself we are in presence of a " -"recursive module execution. The execution of modules recursively " -"doesn't destroy the last module in the chain of executed modules " -"and doesn't increment or decrement the module counter either. The " -"module counter is somehow frozen until a different module " -"environment is executed. In these cases, the last module " -"environment remains in memory for the new module execution to make " -"use of. This process becomes more visible when you take a look at " -"." - -msgid "" -"When you execute modules recursively, you should be very careful " -"not to get trapped into an endless loop." -msgstr "" -"When you execute modules recursively, you should be very careful " -"not to get trapped into an endless loop." - -msgid "" -"In , we've executed the " -"hello module with the " -"—greeting=hello, —random, and —" -"debug options. In this example, script executes a parent module named " -"hello which in turn executes a " -"child module named output " -"which in turn executes a child module named random. At this point, the random modules executes itself five times (the number " -"of characters passed as value to greeting option) to print out " -"random letters from the greeting message. The output may have no " -"much sense on itself but the related debugging information helps to " -"understand the execution of modules recursively." -msgstr "" -"In , we've executed the " -"hello module with the " -"—greeting=hello, —random, and —" -"debug options. In this example, script executes a parent module named " -"hello which in turn executes a " -"child module named output " -"which in turn executes a child module named random. At this point, the random modules executes itself five times (the number " -"of characters passed as value to greeting option) to print out " -"random letters from the greeting message. The output may have no " -"much sense on itself but the related debugging information helps to " -"understand the execution of modules recursively." - -msgid "Processing execution of modules recursively" -msgstr "Processing execution of modules recursively" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --random --greeting=Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --random --greeting=Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> random\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"l\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"l\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT unset -f random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" -msgstr "" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --random --greeting=Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --random --greeting=Hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Modules\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Manuals\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Configs\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> random\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"l\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"l\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random\n" -"H\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT unset -f random\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f output\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <------------------------- hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions\n" -"Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main" - -msgid "" -"Recursive execution of modules occurs only when the module you are " -"executing is considered sibling of the last module executed in the " -"chain of executed modules and they both have the same name. The " -"fact that no variable name is printed out in means that they were not created. The arrows " -"change from -> to ~>, " -"means that module's related functions weren't exported for the new " -"module execution either. It also means that the initialization " -"script is reusing both related functions and variables from the " -"last module environment in the chain of executed modules. In this " -"case the random module." -msgstr "" -"Recursive execution of modules occurs only when the module you are " -"executing is considered sibling of the last module executed in the " -"chain of executed modules and they both have the same name. The " -"fact that no variable name is printed out in means that they were not created. The arrows " -"change from -> to ~>, " -"means that module's related functions weren't exported for the new " -"module execution either. It also means that the initialization " -"script is reusing both related functions and variables from the " -"last module environment in the chain of executed modules. In this " -"case the random module." - -msgid "" -"This section covered the resources you can use to optimize module " -"environments inside script. The next section summarizes the base files and " -"directories you might find inside one module environment." -msgstr "" -"This section covered the resources you can use to optimize module " -"environments inside script. The next section summarizes the base files and " -"directories you might find inside one module environment." - -msgid "Module Structure" -msgstr "Module Structure" - -msgid "" -"The module structure takes place at the root location of script, specifically, in a " -"directory named Modules. The Modules directory at root location is the highest level which you can store " -"modules in. Modules stored in this location are known as parent " -"modules. Parent modules can optimize their structure by using " -"related functions, child modules, sibling modules and recursive " -"modules. Basically, all these types of modules share the same " -"structure. They all have function files and, optionally, module " -"related stuff like locales, documentation, configuration and " -"dependent modules. See ." -msgstr "" -"The module structure takes place at the root location of script, specifically, in a " -"directory named Modules. The Modules directory at root location is the highest level which you can store " -"modules in. Modules stored in this location are known as parent " -"modules. Parent modules can optimize their structure by using " -"related functions, child modules, sibling modules and recursive " -"modules. Basically, all these types of modules share the same " -"structure. They all have function files and, optionally, module " -"related stuff like locales, documentation, configuration and " -"dependent modules. See ." - -msgid "" -"From version 0.7 on, child modules no longer have Locales, Manuals and Configs " -"directories inside. Only initialization files, related functions " -"and Modules directory are supported inside child " -"modules. See Bug 114." -msgstr "" -"From version 0.7 on, child modules no longer have Locales, Manuals and Configs " -"directories inside. Only initialization files, related functions " -"and Modules directory are supported inside child " -"modules. See Bug 114." - -msgid "The directory structure of hello module" -msgstr "The directory structure of hello module" - -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -".\n" -"|-- COPYING\n" -"|-- Locales/\n" -"|-- Manuals/\n" -"|-- Modules/\n" -"| `-- Hello/ \n" -"| |-- Locales\n" -"| | |-- es_ES\n" -"| | | |-- LC_MESSAGES\n" -"| | | | `-- \n" -"| | | `--\n" -"| | `--\n" -"| |-- Manuals\n" -"| | |-- hello.asciidoc\n" -"| | |-- man1\n" -"| | | `-- hello.1 \n" -"| | `-- render.conf \n" -"| |-- Modules\n" -"| | `-- Output \n" -"| | |-- Modules\n" -"| | | |-- Camel\n" -"| | | | `--\n" -"| | | |-- Lower \n" -"| | | | `-- \n" -"| | | |-- Random\n" -"| | | | `--\n" -"| | | `-- Upper\n" -"| | | `--\n" -"| | `-- \n" -"| |-- \n" -"| `-- \n" -"|-- Scripts/\n" -"|--\n" -"`--" -msgstr "" -".\n" -"|-- COPYING\n" -"|-- Locales/\n" -"|-- Manuals/\n" -"|-- Modules/\n" -"| `-- Hello/ \n" -"| |-- Locales\n" -"| | |-- es_ES\n" -"| | | |-- LC_MESSAGES\n" -"| | | | `-- \n" -"| | | `--\n" -"| | `--\n" -"| |-- Manuals\n" -"| | |-- hello.asciidoc\n" -"| | |-- man1\n" -"| | | `-- hello.1 \n" -"| | `-- render.conf \n" -"| |-- Modules\n" -"| | `-- Output \n" -"| | |-- Modules\n" -"| | | |-- Camel\n" -"| | | | `--\n" -"| | | |-- Lower \n" -"| | | | `-- \n" -"| | | |-- Random\n" -"| | | | `--\n" -"| | | `-- Upper\n" -"| | | `--\n" -"| | `-- \n" -"| |-- \n" -"| `-- \n" -"|-- Scripts/\n" -"|--\n" -"`--" - -msgid "" -"Child module of " -"script and parent module of output module." -msgstr "" -"Child module of " -"script and parent module of output module." - -msgid "" -"Spanish translated strings of hello module." -msgstr "" -"Spanish translated strings of hello module." - -msgid "" -"Manpage shown when you request help of hello module." -msgstr "" -"Manpage shown when you request help of hello module." - -msgid "" -"Configuration file used to produce the manpage of hello module." -msgstr "" -"Configuration file used to produce the manpage of hello module." - -msgid "" -"Child module of hello module " -"and parent module of camel,lower,random and upper modules." -msgstr "" -"Child module of hello module " -"and parent module of camel,lower,random and upper modules." - -msgid "" -"Child module of output module " -"and sibling module of camel,random and upper module." -msgstr "" -"Child module of output module " -"and sibling module of camel,random and upper module." - -msgid "" -"Initialization file of lower " -"module." -msgstr "" -"Initialization file of lower " -"module." - -msgid "" -"Initialization file of output " -"module." -msgstr "" -"Initialization file of output " -"module." - -msgid "" -"Initialization file of hello " -"module." -msgstr "" -"Initialization file of hello " -"module." - -msgid "" -"Function file related to hello " -"module." -msgstr "" -"Function file related to hello " -"module." - -msgid "" -" presents a complete " -"structure for module environments you can use as reference for " -"writing your own modules. It begins with a parent module directory " -"named “Hello” which contains an initialization file (“”) " -"and one related function file (“”). These files " -"work together with a child module named output which in turn has four child modules inside " -"named camel,lower,random, and upper. The " -"Locales directory contains the required " -"information to print hello " -"messages in different languages (e.g., it only supports Spanish " -"language in our example, but it can be extended to other languages " -"as needed). The Manuals directory contains all " -"the files required to produce documentation for the hello module (e.g., the information you read " -"when provide the —help option " -"in the command-line)." -msgstr "" -" presents a complete " -"structure for module environments you can use as reference for " -"writing your own modules. It begins with a parent module directory " -"named “Hello” which contains an initialization file (“”) " -"and one related function file (“”). These files " -"work together with a child module named output which in turn has four child modules inside " -"named camel,lower,random, and upper. The " -"Locales directory contains the required " -"information to print hello " -"messages in different languages (e.g., it only supports Spanish " -"language in our example, but it can be extended to other languages " -"as needed). The Manuals directory contains all " -"the files required to produce documentation for the hello module (e.g., the information you read " -"when provide the —help option " -"in the command-line)." - -msgid "The Function Files" -msgstr "The Function Files" - -msgid "" -"The function files are used to create the initialization file of a " -"module and the related functions of it. As convention, both " -"initialization file and related function files are stored in the " -"module's directory, see ." -msgstr "" -"The function files are used to create the initialization file of a " -"module and the related functions of it. As convention, both " -"initialization file and related function files are stored in the " -"module's directory, see ." - -msgid "" -"At execution time, the definition of related function are exported " -"to execution " -"environment before executing the function definition set inside the " -"initialization file, so related functions are always available for " -"you to use in the initialization file file and other related " -"functions as well. This is rather useful when you are refactoring " -"your initialization scripts and probably related functions as well." -msgstr "" -"At execution time, the definition of related function are exported " -"to execution " -"environment before executing the function definition set inside the " -"initialization file, so related functions are always available for " -"you to use in the initialization file file and other related " -"functions as well. This is rather useful when you are refactoring " -"your initialization scripts and probably related functions as well." - -msgid "" -"As naming convention, related function files are written using the " -"module's name, then an underscore (“_”), then a descriptive name " -"and, finally, the “.sh” extension. The function " -"definition inside the function file also follows this convention " -"but excludes the “.sh” extension from name (e." -"g., the function file “” has " -"a function definition named “hello_getOptions” " -"inside). The " -"script relays in these conventions to export and destroy related " -"functions when new module environments are created and destroyed. " -"If you create related function files with a pattern different from " -"that described here, they will not be executed nor available inside " -"the initialization file of the module environment being currently " -"executed." -msgstr "" -"As naming convention, related function files are written using the " -"module's name, then an underscore (“_”), then a descriptive name " -"and, finally, the “.sh” extension. The function " -"definition inside the function file also follows this convention " -"but excludes the “.sh” extension from name (e." -"g., the function file “” has " -"a function definition named “hello_getOptions” " -"inside). The " -"script relays in these conventions to export and destroy related " -"functions when new module environments are created and destroyed. " -"If you create related function files with a pattern different from " -"that described here, they will not be executed nor available inside " -"the initialization file of the module environment being currently " -"executed." - -msgid "" -"See also: and ." -msgstr "" -"See also: and ." - -msgid "The Modules Directory" -msgstr "The Modules Directory" - -msgid "" -"This directory contains nested modules (e.g., child modules) and is " -"used for extending the current module functionality in a modular " -"way. There isn't a visible limitation in the number of " -"Modules directory you can nest inside one module " -"to achieve certain functionality so, you can create as many levels " -"of Modules directories as you need." -msgstr "" -"This directory contains nested modules (e.g., child modules) and is " -"used for extending the current module functionality in a modular " -"way. There isn't a visible limitation in the number of " -"Modules directory you can nest inside one module " -"to achieve certain functionality so, you can create as many levels " -"of Modules directories as you need." - -msgid "The Locales Directory" -msgstr "The Locales Directory" - -msgid "" -"This directory contains module-specific localization files. The " -"content of this directory is automatically generated by locale module of script, when you execute it using the " -"initialization file as source and the —" -"update —sibling options. Once the localization files " -"have been created, you need to edit PO files to translate the " -"strings from English to your preferred language. If the " -"translatable strings inside the module's source files change, you " -"need to run the locale module " -"again to update the PO files and repeat the localization process " -"all over again." -msgstr "" -"This directory contains module-specific localization files. The " -"content of this directory is automatically generated by locale module of script, when you execute it using the " -"initialization file as source and the —" -"update —sibling options. Once the localization files " -"have been created, you need to edit PO files to translate the " -"strings from English to your preferred language. If the " -"translatable strings inside the module's source files change, you " -"need to run the locale module " -"again to update the PO files and repeat the localization process " -"all over again." - -msgid "The Manuals Directory" -msgstr "The Manuals Directory" - -msgid "" -"This directory contains module-specific documentation. " -"Documentation in this directory is written in asciidoc format and " -"produced through the render " -"module of script " -"to different formats, including man pages and html." -msgstr "" -"This directory contains module-specific documentation. " -"Documentation in this directory is written in asciidoc format and " -"produced through the render " -"module of script " -"to different formats, including man pages and html." - -msgid "The Configs Directory" -msgstr "The Configs Directory" - -msgid "" -"This directory contains module-specific configuration. Some modules " -"(e.g., “tuneup”) need to store auxiliary files required to achieve " -"its main goal (e.g., the “tuneup” module uses sed files to " -"transform the top-comment of scripts each time it is executed, the " -"sed file itself is stored in this directory). Whenever you need to " -"make reference to a file inside this directory, use the " -"“TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS” variable. This variable provides the " -"absolute path of module-related configuration file." -msgstr "" -"This directory contains module-specific configuration. Some modules " -"(e.g., “tuneup”) need to store auxiliary files required to achieve " -"its main goal (e.g., the “tuneup” module uses sed files to " -"transform the top-comment of scripts each time it is executed, the " -"sed file itself is stored in this directory). Whenever you need to " -"make reference to a file inside this directory, use the " -"“TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS” variable. This variable provides the " -"absolute path of module-related configuration file." - -msgid "" -"This section has covered the directories and files a module is made " -"of inside the " -"script." -msgstr "" -"This section has covered the directories and files a module is made " -"of inside the " -"script." - -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2. -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "translator-credits" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/render.conf b/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/render.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 046b3dd..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/render.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[understanding_modules.html] -render-type = "asciidoc" -render-flow = "article" -render-from = "understanding_modules.asciidoc" -locale-from = "Locales/${TCAR_SCRIPT_LANG_LC}/understanding_modules.asciidoc.po" -images-from = "${TCAR_BASEDIR}/Artworks/Icons/Webenv/Final" -styles-from = "${TCAR_BASEDIR}/Artworks/Webenv/Docbook/1.69.1/Css" -formats = "xhtml" -render-page = "single chunks" diff --git a/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/understanding_modules.asciidoc b/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/understanding_modules.asciidoc deleted file mode 100644 index 6b2f156..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts-docs/Understanding_Modules/understanding_modules.asciidoc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,994 +0,0 @@ -Understanding Modules -===================== -Alain Reguera Delgado -v0.1, Oct 2013 - -Overview --------- - -From version 0.5, ** script implements the idea of -modules to its base design. Modules are a collection of functions -written in Bash that can call themselves one another to create -individual execution environments. They may be nested to achieve high -levels of maintainability and extensibility. This make possible for -modules writers to divide complicated tasks into smaller tasks that -can be easier to debug, maintain and share with other modules -efficiently (e.g., instead of loading modules all at once, they are -only loaded at demand and unset once they conclude their execution). - -This article describes the modular design of ** script. -It is a good place for you to start if you are planning to contribute -new module environments to ** script or want to know more -about how they work. The next section delves into what a module -environment is, the three module types you can find in it and the -correct way of execute each one of them. - -[[module-environment]] -Module Environment ------------------- - -When you execute the ** script you create an execution -environment in which variables and functions are defined. This -execution environment is the higher environment inside ** -script. It is considered to have a ``global'' scope, so variables and -functions defined inside it are always available for any function -execution made from it. You can control the execution environment of -** script through and files. These files don't provide too much -functionality so specific module environments are executed from at demand, to extend its functionality. - -Module environments are made of small functions that perform small -tasks and can be further executed in a specific order to produce a -desired result. Module environments are executed and destroyed at -demand. Inside **, module environments can be either -``parent modules,'' ``child modules,'' or ``sibling modules.'' - -[[parent-modules-environment]] -Parent Modules -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Parent modules are initiated by executing the -*tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function with the *-t parent* option set -on it. Parent modules are very simple in design and you can use them -to implement simple solutions quickly. Normally, when you execute a -parent module, you initiate the highest module environment possible -inside ** script. Because of such high scope, parent -modules are frequently used to define module's global variables, -interpret module-specific options passed through the command-line and -execute the appropriate actions based on them. - -In <>, we have executed the *hello* module with -the *--greeting=hi* and *--debug* options through the command-line. In -this example, ** script executes a parent module named -*hello*, processes the module-specific options passed through the -command-line, prints a greeting message to standard output and exits -successfully. - -[[debug-parent-modules]] -.Debugging execution of parent modules -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --greeting=hi -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --greeting=hi -hi -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <------------------------- hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:53:28 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -====================================================================== - -<> describes an entire module environment in -action. With this information you can create your own module -environment, already. However, when your module is getting too much -complicated you probably want to divide it in smaller pieces that you -can execute accordingly, based on the purpose you defined for it. Such -kind of division can be implemented as described in -<>. - -Summary -~~~~~~~ - -This section has covered basic concepts related to module environment -inside ** script. The next section takes these concepts -and focuses on the implementation of them. Once you finish it, you -should be able of writing your own module environments from scratch -inside ** script. - -[[module-implementation]] -Module Implementation ---------------------- - -The ** script implements module environments inside the -``+Modules+'' directory, as described in <>. - -[[module-implementation-parent]] -Parent Modules -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -For example, consider the creation of a module named *hello*. The -purpose of this module is to print a greeting message to standard -output and then exit successfully. To create such a module, we need to -create a directory named ``Hello'' inside the ``Modules'' directory -and put an initialization file named ``'' inside it. Because -we want to execute the *hello* module from ** script -command-line, we put it in the first level of directories of +Modules+ -directory. See <>. - -[[parent-module-layout]] -.Directory layout used by parent modules -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -. -|-- COPYING <1> -|-- Locales/ <2> -|-- Manuals/ <3> -|-- Modules/ <4> -| `-- Hello/ <5> -| |-- <6> -| `-- <7> -|-- Scripts/ <8> -|-- <9> -`-- <10> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - -<1> Script's copying conditions. -<2> Script's localization files. -<3> Script's documentation files. -<4> Script's modules. Here is where you store parent modules. -<5> Parent directory of module named hello. -<6> Initialization file of module named hello. -<7> Function related to module named hello. -<8> Script's global functions. -<9> Script's configuration file. -<10> Script's initialization file. -====================================================================== - -<> presents a complete module layout you can use -as reference to create your own module implementations. However, it is -not complete yet. At this point, when you execute **, it -is able to find out *hello* module's initialization file and execute -it but that prints an error message because the initialization file -doesn't have a function definition inside. It is completely empty. In -order for ** script to do something useful, you need to -write a function definition inside the initialization file, as -described in <>. - -[[module-init-file]] -The Initialization File -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The module's initialization file contains the module's main function -definition and a comment describing what it does on top of it. This -comment includes a small description about what the function does, a -written by section, the copyright note and the legal status of the -file. The function definition is set later and must be written using -the long definition format (i.e., it must begin with the word -``+function+,'' then the function name, and finally the ``+{+'' -character). The name of the function is exactly the same of the -initialization file but without the extension. These conditions -are required in order for ** script to execute the -function definition and destroy it when it is no longer used. See -<>. - -The function definition is where you write all the commands you want -the module runs, once executed. The function definition can be as -simple as just one single line of code or as complex as you can -imagine. It is the place where you express your solutions. However, -when writing initialization files, it is considered a good practice to -avoid any sort of complexity. Instead, try to write small and simple -initialization files. In case you notice the initialization file is -growing up inevitably, you can reduce its code by refactoring it. To -do this, you can use resources like module related functions and child -modules. These resources are described in <>, and -they help you to keep the initialization file in a clean state, easy -to understand, maintain and debug. - -[[initialization-file]] -.Initialization file used by hello module -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -#!/bin/bash -###################################################################### -# -# -- Print out greetings to standard output and exit -# successfully. -# -# Written by: -# * Alain Reguera Delgado , 2013 -# -# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Artwork SIG -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -# your option) any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. -# -###################################################################### - -function hello { - - tcar_printMessage "`gettext "Hello, World!"`" --as-stdout-line - -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -====================================================================== - -The function definition described in <> uses the -*tcar_printMessage* global function to print localized versions of the -string ``Hello, World!'' to standard output. Because there isn't no -other command in the function definition, when the greeting message is -printed out, ** destroys the *hello* module and exit -successfully. This process is more visible when also pass the -*--debug* option. See <>. - -Summary -~~~~~~~ - -Congratulations! You've implemented a module environment inside -** script. With the information you have so far, you are -able to create your own module environment implementations. The next -section delves into available resources you can use to simplify module -environments when the initialization file starts growing inevitably -and complexity daemons begin hammering your head. - -[[module-optimization]] -Module Optimization -------------------- - -The ** script provides four resources you can use to -optimize your module implementations. These resources are ``related -functions,'' ``child modules,'' ``sibling modules'' and ``recursive -modules''. - -[[related-functions]] -Related Functions -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Related functions are very useful when you need to simplify the -function definition of one initialization file. For example, consider -extending the *hello* module so it is able to interpret arguments -passed through the command-line. Now, inside the initialization file, -we have some variable definitions, one function call to a module -related function named *hello_getOptions*, and a decision on how the -greeting message must be printed out based on the collected actions. -See <>. - -[[initialization-file-extended]] -.Initialization file used by hello module (extended) -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -function hello { - - # Define default greeting message. - local HELLO_WORLD="`gettext "Hello, World!"`" - - # Define actions variable. Here is where actions related to - # module-specific options are stored in for further processing. - local ACTIONS='' - - # Interpret module-specific options and store related actions. - hello_getOptions - - # Print greeting message - if [[ -z ${ACTIONS} ]];then - # Using parent module. - tcar_printMessage "${HELLO_WORLD}" --as-stdout-line - else - # Using child module. - tcar_setModuleEnvironment -m 'output' -t 'child' - fi - -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -====================================================================== - -When you execute the command * hello* with the -*--greeting=hi* argument, ** stores module-specific -arguments inside the +TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT+ variable, creates a list -of all function definitions inside the module directory and exports -them. This includes the function definition of the initialization -file itself. Then ** executes the function definition -set inside the initialization file and leaves all other function -definitions, already in memory, waiting for further execution. At this -point, the *hello* initialization function sets some default values -and execute the *hello_getOptions* function to parse all the arguments -passed through the command-line and redefines the +ACTIONS+ variable -based on them. Using the +ACTIONS+ variables it decides whether to -print the greeting message immediately or execute the child modules -named *output* so it decides what to do with the information collected -so far. - -<> defines the options you can pass to -*hello* module and the associated actions they must perform for each -of them. Actions aren't immediately executed here. Instead, they are -stored in the +ACTIONS+ variable for further processing (e.g., we -store the names of the modules we want to execute later). The -+ACTIONS+ variable was defined in the initialization file so it has a -global scope inside the module environment and is reachable from any -related function executed inside it. Storing the actions this way -lets the *hello* module to collect information about different actions -and execute them all in just one command. When all options have been -parsed, only non-option arguments remain in the +TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT+ -variable. - -[[hello_getOptions-definition]] -.Related function definition (hello_getOptions) -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -function hello_getOptions { - - # Define short options we want to support. - local ARGSS="h::,v,g:,l,u,c,r" - - # Define long options we want to support. - local ARGSL="help::,version,greeting:,lower,upper,camel,random" - - # Redefine arguments using getopt(1) command parser. - tcar_setModuleArguments - - # Reset positional parameters on this function, using output - # produced from (getopt) arguments parser. - eval set -- "${TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT}" - - # Look for options passed through command-line. - while true; do - case "${1}" in - - -h | --help ) - tcar_printHelp "${2}" - ;; - - -v | --version ) - tcar_printVersion "${TCAR_MODULE_NAME}" - ;; - - -g | --greeting ) - HELLO_WORLD="${2:-${HELLO_WORLD}}" - shift 2 - ;; - - -l | --lower ) - ACTIONS="lower ${ACTIONS}" - shift 1 - ;; - - -u | --upper ) - ACTIONS="upper ${ACTIONS}" - shift 1 - ;; - - -c | --camel ) - ACTIONS="camel ${ACTIONS}" - shift 1 - ;; - - -r | --random ) - ACTIONS="random ${ACTIONS}" - shift 1 - ;; - - -- ) - shift 1 - break - ;; - esac - done - - # Redefine arguments using current positional parameters. Only - # paths should remain as arguments, at this point. - TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT="${@}" - -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -====================================================================== - -[IMPORTANT] -<> presents the standard construction we -use inside ** script for parsing arguments passed through -the command-line in a per-module basis. As convention, all the parent -modules you write must be able to interpret the *--help* and -*--version* options using the construction described here. - -Related functions are very useful when you are refactoring the -initialization file of a module. However, they aren't so efficient -when you need to execute them at demand (e.g., based on specific -conditions). When a module is executed, related functions are exported -to ** script execution environment. They remain there, -consuming memory, until the module they belong to is destroyed. If you -create a related function and never execute it, it will consume -memory, as well. So, use related functions when you are absolutely -sure they will be executed at some point, in one single iteration of -** script. If you need to execute functions at demand, -use child modules, instead. - -[[child-modules]] -Child Modules -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Child modules are initiated by executing the -*tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function with the *-t child* option set on -it. Child modules have the characteristic of being nested modules. -They cannot be executed from the command-line. Normally, child modules -are executed from parent modules but they can be executed from other -child modules, too. When several child modules are executed in one -single iteration of **, they create a chain of modules. -A chain of modules is very useful in situations where you want to -divide one large task into smaller tasks and also control which of -these smaller tasks is executed based on specific conditions (e.g., -you may want to render images or documentation, but not both, in one -single iteration of ** script). In a chain of modules, -lower modules in the chain (those started last) have access to -information set by modules higher in the chain (those started first), -but not the opposite. When processing information this way, modules -aren't destroyed until the last module executed in the chain has -finished its work (e.g., all the commands inside it have been -executed). At that point, child modules are destroyed in the reverse -order they were executed. - -For example, when you execute the *hello* module with both *--debug* -and *--upper* option, ** script creates a chain of three -modules to produce the greeting message. Firstly, it begins by -executing the parent module named *hello*, then it continues with the -child module named *output* which in turn executes the child module -name *lower* to finally print the expected greeting message. In this -example, the module named *lower* is the last module in the chain of -executed modules. It has access to all information defined by earlier -modules (e.g., in *hello* and *output* modules) and none of its earlier -modules will be destroyed until it has finished its work. This process -becomes more visible when you take a look at <>. - -[[debug-child-modules]] -.Debugging execution of child modules -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --upper --greeting=hi -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --upper --greeting=hi -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT export -f output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT -------------------------> output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:41 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT export -f upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT -------------------------> upper -HI -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <------------------------- hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:52:42 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -====================================================================== - -The module environment described in <> shows the -child modules' ability of reducing scope as they get deeper in the -chain of executed modules. However, child modules lack the possibility -of nest modules that share the same scope. For example, in the *hello* -module described above, you cannot execute the modules *lower* or -*upper* from *camel* module, as if they were child modules of it. -That is not possible because they all have the same scope, which is, -to print the greeting message to standard output. Child modules are -conceived to reduce the module scope as new child modules are -executed. When you need to execute new module environments and, also, -retain the last scope from which the new module is executed, you need -to use ``_sibling modules_,'' instead. - -[[sibling-modules]] -Sibling Modules -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Sibling modules are initiated by executing the -*tcar_setModuleEnvironment* function with the *-t sibling* option set -on it. Sibling modules are another type of nested modules but, in -contrast with child modules, sibling modules cannot be executed from -parent modules. Normally, sibling modules are executed from other -sibling modules but, considering the context, they can be executed -from child module too, to initiate sibling processing. When several -siblings modules are executed, they also build a chain of modules. In -contrast with the chain of child modules, the chain of sibling modules -destroys the last sibling module executed before executing the next -sibling module. This make the chain to stop its growing at sibling -module processing, unless you call a child module from a sibling -module. In this case, the chain expansion would continue as long as -the number of child modules you execute. This process becomes more -visible when you take a look at <>. - -In <>, we've executed the *hello* module with -the *--greeting=hi*, *--camel*, and *--debug* options. In this -example, ** script executes the *hello* module then the -*output* module which in turn executes the *camel* module. At this -point, can appreciate how the chain of modules stop growing. Observe -that *camel* module has gained the position 2 in the chain of modules -and executes the *upper* module which takes the position 3, as -expected. Now, when *upper* module finishes its work it is destroyed -and the module's counter is reset to its previous value which is 2 -(the one set by *camel* module). Then, *camel* executes the *lower* -module which take position 3 at the chain of modules until it -finishes. When it finishes, the *camel* module finishes its work and -is destroyed, then *output*, then *hello*. - -[[debug-sibling-modules]] -.Debugging execution of sibling modules -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --camel --greeting=hi -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:42 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --camel --greeting=hi -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Camel/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Upper/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT export -f upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT -------------------------> upper -H -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <------------------------- upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT unset -f upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT =========================> [3] | camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [3]=lower -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE sibling -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:43 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Lower/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT export -f lower -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT -------------------------> lower -i -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- lower -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f lower -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [3] | camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f camel -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <------------------------- hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:51:44 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -====================================================================== - -<> shows a single iteration of ** -script executing different types of modules. Normally, one module is -executed at some point and destroyed at the same point when it has -finished its work, however, what if the next immediate module you are -about to execute is the same module you are about to destroyed? This -is, you need to execute the last module in the chain of executed -modules again, but, this time, from itself. In cases like this, the -** script doesn't destroy the last module. It cannot, -because you are certainly executing a new module from itself, so it -has to wait for this new call to finish in order to be destroyed. This -kind of processing is known as _processing modules recursively._ - -[[recursive-modules]] -Recursive Modules -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -When one module environment executes itself we are in presence of a -recursive module execution. The execution of modules recursively -doesn't destroy the last module in the chain of executed modules and -doesn't increment or decrement the module counter either. The module -counter is somehow frozen until a different module environment is -executed. In these cases, the last module environment remains in -memory for the new module execution to make use of. This process -becomes more visible when you take a look at -<>. - -[CAUTION] -When you execute modules recursively, you should be very careful not -to get trapped into an endless loop. - -In <>, we've executed the *hello* module with -the *--greeting=hello*, *--random*, and *--debug* options. In this -example, ** script executes a parent module named *hello* -which in turn executes a child module named *output* which in turn -executes a child module named *random*. At this point, the *random* -modules executes itself five times (the number of characters passed as -value to greeting option) to print out random letters from the -greeting message. The output may have no much sense on itself but the -related debugging information helps to understand the execution of -modules recursively. - -[[debug-recursive-modules]] -.Processing execution of modules recursively -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT =========================> [0] | main -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [0]=hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE parent -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT --random --greeting=Hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST hello|help|locale|prepare|render|tuneup|vcs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:03 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> hello --random --greeting=Hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [1] | hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [1]=output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT =========================> [2] | output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_BASEDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_NAME [2]=random -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_TYPE child -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_ARGUMENT -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_LIST camel|lower|random|upper -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MODULES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Modules -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_MANUALS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Manuals -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_LOCALES Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Configs -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TCAR_MODULE_INIT_FILE Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/ -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAIN -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT TEXTDOMAINDIR Automation/Modules/Hello/Modules/Output/Modules/Random/Locales -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT export -f random -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT -------------------------> random -H -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random -H -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random -l -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random -l -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> random -H -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- random -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT unset -f random -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <========================= [2] | output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:04 PM CDT <------------------------- output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f output -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [1] | hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <------------------------- hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT unset -f hello_getOptions -Thu 10 Oct 2013 11:50:05 PM CDT <========================= [0] | main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -====================================================================== - -Recursive execution of modules occurs only when the module you are -executing is considered sibling of the last module executed in the -chain of executed modules and they both have the same name. The fact -that no variable name is printed out in <> -means that they were not created. The arrows change from +->+ to +~>+, -means that module's related functions weren't exported for the new -module execution either. It also means that the initialization script -is reusing both related functions and variables from the last module -environment in the chain of executed modules. In this case the -*random* module. - -Summary -~~~~~~~ - -This section covered the resources you can use to optimize module -environments inside ** script. The next section -summarizes the base files and directories you might find inside one -module environment. - -[[module-structure]] -Module Structure ----------------- - -The module structure takes place at the root location of -** script, specifically, in a directory named +Modules+. -The +Modules+ directory at ** root location is the -highest level which you can store modules in. Modules stored in this -location are known as parent modules. Parent modules can optimize -their structure by using related functions, child modules, sibling -modules and recursive modules. Basically, all these types of modules -share the same structure. They all have function files and, -optionally, module related stuff like locales, documentation, -configuration and dependent modules. See <>. - -[IMPORTANT] -From version 0.7 on, child modules no longer have +Locales+, +Manuals+ -and +Configs+ directories inside. Only initialization files, related -functions and +Modules+ directory are supported inside child modules. -See[Bug 114]. - -[[module-directory-layout]] -.The directory structure of hello module -====================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -. -|-- COPYING -|-- Locales/ -|-- Manuals/ -|-- Modules/ -| `-- Hello/ <1> -| |-- Locales -| | |-- es_ES -| | | |-- LC_MESSAGES -| | | | `-- <2> -| | | `-- -| | `-- -| |-- Manuals -| | |-- hello.asciidoc -| | |-- man1 -| | | `-- hello.1 <3> -| | `-- render.conf <4> -| |-- Modules -| | `-- Output <5> -| | |-- Modules -| | | |-- Camel -| | | | `-- -| | | |-- Lower <6> -| | | | `-- <7> -| | | |-- Random -| | | | `-- -| | | `-- Upper -| | | `-- -| | `-- <8> -| |-- <9> -| `-- <10> -|-- Scripts/ -|-- -`-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - -<1> Child module of ** script and parent module of -*output* module. -<2> Spanish translated strings of *hello* module. -<3> Manpage shown when you request help of *hello* module. -<4> Configuration file used to produce the manpage of *hello* module. -<5> Child module of *hello* module and parent module of *camel,* -*lower,* *random* and *upper* modules. -<6> Child module of *output* module and sibling module of *camel,* -*random* and *upper* module. -<7> Initialization file of *lower* module. -<8> Initialization file of *output* module. -<9> Initialization file of *hello* module. -<10> Function file related to *hello* module. -====================================================================== - -<> presents a complete structure for module -environments you can use as reference for writing your own modules. It -begins with a parent module directory named ``Hello'' which contains -an initialization file (``'') and one related function file -(``''). These files work together with a child -module named *output* which in turn has four child modules inside -named *camel,* *lower,* *random,* and *upper.* The +Locales+ directory -contains the required information to print *hello* messages in -different languages (e.g., it only supports Spanish language in our -example, but it can be extended to other languages as needed). The -+Manuals+ directory contains all the files required to produce -documentation for the *hello* module (e.g., the information you read -when provide the *--help* option in the command-line). - -The Function Files -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The function files are used to create the initialization file of a -module and the related functions of it. As convention, both -initialization file and related function files are stored in the -module's directory, see <>. - -At execution time, the definition of related function are exported to -** execution environment before executing the function -definition set inside the initialization file, so related functions -are always available for you to use in the initialization file file -and other related functions as well. This is rather useful when you -are refactoring your initialization scripts and probably related -functions as well. - -As naming convention, related function files are written using the -module's name, then an underscore (``_''), then a descriptive name -and, finally, the ``'' extension. The function definition inside -the function file also follows this convention but excludes the -``'' extension from name (e.g., the function file -``'' has a function definition named -``+hello_getOptions+'' inside). The ** script relays in -these conventions to export and destroy related functions when new -module environments are created and destroyed. If you create related -function files with a pattern different from that described here, they -will not be executed nor available inside the initialization file of -the module environment being currently executed. - -See also: <> and <>. - -[[module-directory-modules]] -The +Modules+ Directory -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This directory contains nested modules (e.g., child modules) and is -used for extending the current module functionality in a modular way. -There isn't a visible limitation in the number of +Modules+ directory -you can nest inside one module to achieve certain functionality so, -you can create as many levels of +Modules+ directories as you need. - -[[module-directory-locales]] -The +Locales+ Directory -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This directory contains module-specific localization files. The -content of this directory is automatically generated by *locale* -module of ** script, when you execute it using the -initialization file as source and the *--update --sibling* options. -Once the localization files have been created, you need to edit PO -files to translate the strings from English to your preferred -language. If the translatable strings inside the module's source -files change, you need to run the *locale* module again to update the -PO files and repeat the localization process all over again. - -[[module-directory-manuals]] -The +Manuals+ Directory -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This directory contains module-specific documentation. Documentation -in this directory is written in asciidoc format and produced through -the *render* module of ** script to different formats, -including man pages and html. - -[[module-directory-configs]] -The +Configs+ Directory -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This directory contains module-specific configuration. Some modules -(e.g., ``tuneup'') need to store auxiliary files required to achieve -its main goal (e.g., the ``tuneup'' module uses sed files to transform -the top-comment of scripts each time it is executed, the sed file -itself is stored in this directory). Whenever you need to make -reference to a file inside this directory, use the -``TCAR_MODULE_DIR_CONFIGS'' variable. This variable provides the -absolute path of module-related configuration file. - -Summary -~~~~~~~ - -This section has covered the directories and files a module is made of -inside the ** script. - -// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: diff --git a/tcar-scripts/Locales/es_ES/ b/tcar-scripts/Locales/es_ES/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3465a74..0000000 --- a/tcar-scripts/Locales/es_ES/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 0.6\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-07 14:11-0400\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-07 14:11-0400\n" -"Last-Translator: Localization SIG \n" -"Language-Team: Spanish\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -#: Automation/ -msgid "has not execution rights." -msgstr "no tiene permiso de ejecución." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "isn't a directory." -msgstr "no es un directorio." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "doesn't exist." -msgstr "no existe." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "isn't a regular file." -msgstr "no es un fichero regular." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "isn't a symbolic link." -msgstr "no es un enlace simbólico." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "isn't an executable file." -msgstr "no es un fichero ejecutable." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -#, sh-format -msgid "isn't a \"$MIME\" file." -msgstr "no es un fichero \"$MIME\"." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "doesn't match its pattern." -msgstr "no coincide con su patrón." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "isn't installed in the system." -msgstr "no está instalado en el sistema." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "No file for processing found." -msgstr "Ningún fichero encontrado para procesar." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "The condition command provided isn't supported." -msgstr "El comando condición suministrado no está soportado." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "The first argument cannot be empty." -msgstr "El primer argumento no puede estar vacío." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License" -msgstr "Licencia Creativa Común de Atribución-Compartida 3.0." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "All rights reserved." -msgstr "Todos los derechos reservados." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "The message cannot be empty." -msgstr "El mensaje no puede estar vacío." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "To know more, run" -msgstr "Para conocer más, ejecuta" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "yes" -msgstr "sí" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "no" -msgstr "no" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Processing" -msgstr "Procesando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Cropping from" -msgstr "Recortando desde" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Tuning-up" -msgstr "Ajustando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Checking" -msgstr "Comprobando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Combining" -msgstr "Combinando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Editing" -msgstr "Editando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Updating" -msgstr "Actualizando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Creating" -msgstr "Creando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Deleting" -msgstr "Borrando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Reading" -msgstr "Leyendo" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Saved as" -msgstr "Salvado como" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Linked to" -msgstr "Enlazado como" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Moved to" -msgstr "Movido a" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Translation" -msgstr "Traducción" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Translating" -msgstr "Traduciendo" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Validando" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Plantilla" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Configuration" -msgstr "Configuración" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Palette" -msgstr "Paleta" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -#, sh-format -msgid "" -"$PROGRAM_NAME comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You " -"may redistribute copies of $PROGRAM_NAME under the terms of the GNU General " -"Public License. For more information about these matters, see the files " -"named COPYING." -msgstr "" -"$PROGRAM_NAME viene SIN GARANTÍAS, a todo el alcance permitido por la ley. " -"Usted puede distribuir copias de $PROGRAM_NAME bajo los términos de la " -"Licencia Pública General de GNU. Para más información sobre estos asuntos, " -"vea el fichero COPYING." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "The argument verification failed." -msgstr "La verificación de argumento falló." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "No function file was found." -msgstr "Ningún fichero de función fue encontrado." - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconocido" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Opening module" -msgstr "Abriendo módulo" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Closing module" -msgstr "Cerrando módulo" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "Closing variables" -msgstr "Cerrando variables" - -#: Automation/Scripts/ -msgid "The export id was not provided." -msgstr "El identificador de exportación no fue suministrado."