b33753 Update tcar directory structure and files.

Authored and Committed by Alain Reguera Delgado 11 years ago
34 files changed. 700 lines added. 759 lines removed.
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    Update tcar directory structure and files.
    - Previously, automation scripts were stored in tcar-scripts
      directory. This update moves automation scripts from tcar-scripts to
      Scripts directory.
    - Previously, function top comments included the function's purpose, a
      written by section, a copyright line and the license section, in
      this order.  This update removes the written by section and
      rearranges the function's purpose, copyright line and license
      Now, the function purpose is out of the top comment and placed on
      top of function definition. The top comment includes the script name
      (not the function name) and a description of what it does, all in
      one line. Later, it is the copyright line and the license section,
      and my personal contact information both electronic and paper, in
      this order.  The distinctive comment block is surrounded by one line
      made of 70 number characters (#).
      The distinctive comment block is separated from non-distinctive
      block explaining the function's purpose using a white line.
    - Previously, environment variables definitions related to paths were
      set inside the tcar.sh file. This made difficult to customize the
      source files location required to execute automation scripts in its
      pristine state without installing it using RPM (see bug #152). This
      actualization moves the environment variables definitions from
      tcar.sh file to tcar.conf file.
      The tcar.sh script reads the tcar.conf file from /etc/tcar/tcar.conf
      and ~/.tcar.conf locations. By default, only the first one is
      installed in the system and provides the default values tcar.sh
      script needs to work with The CentOS Artwork Repository installed
      through RPM under /usr/share/tcar directory.  However, if you are a
      developer and want to make changes to tcar automation scripts and
      also test them quickly, you must not use the source files installed
      at /usr/share/tcar, which are installed as read-only files for
      regular users. You must not use root user for such things either.
      Instead, to make changes and quick tests over automation scripts,
      download The CentOS Artwork Repository in its pristine state, store
      it somewhere in your workstation where you have write access (e.g.,
      your home directory), make changes and tests there and, when you
      have something functional, copy the files you changed to the
      appropriate development branch for further committing and pushing
      them to the central repository. In order for all this to work, you
      must copy the tcar.conf file to ~/.tcar.conf and change the path
      values inside it to point to the writable location you have The
      CentOS Artwork Repository pristine state.
    - Previously, when the tcar.sh script was executed without any
      argument or option, there was no default actions for it. This update
      adds tcar_printUsage function and sets tcar.sh script to use it as
      default action when no argument or option is provided to tcar
    - Previously, the 'tcar --help' was conceived to print the tcar manual
      page. This is too much information to digest at first time.
      Specially in situations when just a usage message would be enough.
      This update changes tcar.sh file to make the 'tcar --help' command
      to print tcar usage, instead of its manual page.
    - Previously, TEXTDOMAIN environment variable was set to
      TCAR_SCRIPT_PACKAGE value. The TCAR_SCRIPT_PACKAGE variable is no
      longer defined and make TEXTDOMAIN environment variable to have an
      empty value. This update changes TEXTDOMAIN value from
    - Previously, the release year was set using rpm. This made tcar
      script to print no release year in situations where the automation
      scripts were executed directly from its pristine state without being
      installed through rpm first. This update changes
      tcar_printCopyrightInfo function to use 2014 as the last release
    - Optimize tcar_printVersion function. There is not need to define
      copyright year and copyright holder here. Use the
      tcar_printCopyrightInfo function without argument to print the
      copyright sentence using the default year and holder.
Scripts/tcar.sh tcar-scripts/tcar.sh
file renamed
+37 -104
Scripts/tcar_checkFiles.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_checkFiles.sh
file renamed
+22 -23
Scripts/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_checkRepoDirSource.sh
file renamed
+30 -31
Scripts/tcar_checkWorkDirSource.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_checkWorkDirSource.sh
file renamed
+19 -20
Scripts/tcar_getConfigLines.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_getConfigLines.sh
file renamed
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Scripts/tcar_getConfigSectionNames.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_getConfigSectionNames.sh
file renamed
+18 -19
Scripts/tcar_getConfigValue.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_getConfigValue.sh
file renamed
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Scripts/tcar_getFilesList.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_getFilesList.sh
file renamed
+18 -19
Scripts/tcar_getPathComponent.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_getPathComponent.sh
file renamed
+19 -20
Scripts/tcar_getRepoName.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_getRepoName.sh
file renamed
+20 -21
Scripts/tcar_getTemporalFile.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_getTemporalFile.sh
file renamed
+19 -20
Scripts/tcar_printCaller.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_printCaller.sh
file renamed
+16 -17
Scripts/tcar_printCopyrightInfo.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_printCopyrightInfo.sh
file renamed
+31 -34
Scripts/tcar_printFile.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_printFile.sh
file renamed
+16 -17
Scripts/tcar_printHelp.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_printHelp.sh
file renamed
+17 -18
Scripts/tcar_printMailingList.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_printMailingList.sh
file renamed
+17 -18
Scripts/tcar_printMessage.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_printMessage.sh
file renamed
+20 -21
Scripts/tcar_printUrl.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_printUrl.sh
file renamed
+18 -19
Scripts/tcar_setModuleArguments.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_setModuleArguments.sh
file renamed
+33 -35
Scripts/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_setModuleEnvironment.sh
file renamed
+16 -17
Scripts/tcar_setModuleEnvironmentScripts.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_setModuleEnvironmentScripts.sh
file renamed
+18 -19
Scripts/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_setTranslationMarkers.sh
file renamed
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Scripts/tcar_unsetModuleEnvironment.sh tcar-scripts/tcar_unsetModuleEnvironment.sh
file renamed
+17 -18