Update `tuneup' functionality:
- Previous to this commmit, a regular expression was defined to
set the file extensions supported as pattern. Then, one list of
files was built using both the action value and the file
extension regular expression pattern. Later, when processing the
list of files, backend-specific functionalities were exported
and unset for each file in the list based on the file extension.
- In this commit, the supported file extensions are no longer
defined as a regular expression pattern. Instead, we use a
simple list of values (e.g., `TUNEUP_EXTENSIONS="svg xhtml
sh"') and loop through it to create one list of files to process
for each supported extension individually. Then, if the list of
files is not empty, we export backend-specific functionalities
and then loop through the list of files to process to apply
backend-specific maintaince tasks to each file in the list,
individually. Once all files in the list has been processed,
backend-specific functionalities are unset and the next
supported extension is evaluated in the same way described here.
This commit is much more optimized than previous one. Specially
for environmnets where many different files need to be processed
in just one run of `centos-art.sh' script. In this commit, we've
organized the list of files to process by extension, in order to
export/unset only the backend-specific functionalities needed
for extension-specific processing. Nice, doesn't it? :)