a37c26 Upate Makefile.

Authored and Committed by Alain Reguera Delgado 11 years ago
1 file changed. 6 lines added. 21 lines removed.
    Upate Makefile.
    - Previously, variable expansion related to loops were using one
      single dollar while they should use two. This update fixes variable
      expansion related to loops inside the Makefile.
    - The archive rule was removed from the Makefile. This kind of actions
      should be in a different place (e.g., ~/rpmbuild/Makefile). It makes
      no much sense to store the rule used to download the source files as
      part of the source files themselves. Since you are downloading
      source files, the rule for downloading source files should not be
      in the same repository of source files.
file modified
+6 -21