Redesign initialization script.
- Previously, automation scripts were initiated by executing the script. The name of this script diverges from tcar,
The CentOS Artwork Repository abbreviation, that is being used to
name variables inside the script and function files related to it.
This update renames the initialization script from to in order to retain the name relation as much as possible.
- Previously, definition of global variables, related to script
initialization, were stored in the file.
Configuration options are no longer managed inside automation
scripts. Instad, they are moved to configuration files that are
read by automation scripts at demand. In order for users to
customize these configuration options, the configuration file is
stored in ${HOME}/.tcar.conf file when the workplace is prepared by
automation scripts. This update moves global variable definitions
from file to file and removes file.
- Previously, automation scripts were conceived to work as integral
part of the repository itself. It was difficult to produce final
content for a directory structures outside The CentOS Artwork
Repository itself. This update changes path information inside the
initialization script to consider the script a standalone
application that you install in your workstation (e.g., using an rpm
package) and can execute over arbitrary number of places in your
workstation in order to produce final content inside them.
- The script version was set to 0.8 internally.