6c8fd8 Update label-cd media default design models:

Authored and Committed by areguera 13 years ago
    Update label-cd media default design models:
        - The CentOS symbol is centered on top, precisely at 76.119mm on X
          and 123.049mm on Y. Dimensions of CentOS symbol are 15x15mm. 
        - `=TEXT=' and `=ARCH=' dimensions are the same used in sleeve
          design (i.e., we use the same typography and the same separation
          between them). This way a visual connection is created between
          the cd sleeve and the cd label.  This visual connection is also
          applied to CentOS symbol which dimensions are the same both in
          sleeve and cd label design.
        - `=TEXT=' uses DejaVu LGC at 24 points, center on bottom,
          precisely at 70.102mm on X and 58.912mm on Y.
        - `=ARCH=' uses DejaVu LGC at 14 points, center on bottom,
          precisely at 23.619mm on X and 32.00mm on Y. Separation between
          `=TEXT=' and `=ARCH=' is 5mm.
        - The `=RELEASE=', `=COPYRIGHT=', `=LICENSE=', and `=URL='
          translation markers were also added. They were attached to a
          circular path on label's bottom. The text information is aligned
          to center.
    Update sleeve-cd media default design models:
        - Start using release brand as in r472.
        - Stop using Serif style, start using Sans instead.
        - Add CentOS Release Brand to sleeve's front. Use the same
          dimensions from sleeve's back, in fact sleeve's front release
          brand is a clone of release brand at sleeve's back.