6150a1 Update `help' functionality:

Authored and Committed by areguera 12 years ago
    Update `help' functionality:
        - Reorganize functionality to work with texinfo files from
          `branches/Manuals/Texinfo' directory structure and permit
          creation of more than one documentation manual in this
          directory through `--manual' option.
        - The `--manual' option defines the documentation manual which all
          documentation actions are applied to. You can use this option
          when more than one documentation manual is available to specify
          the manual location you want to work with.
        - In this commit, new manuals are created with two chapters only
          and localization is based on templates.
          The first chapter is named `1. The repository directories' and
          the second one is named `2. Licenses'.  Additionally the Index
          appendix was added too.
          From these two chapters, the first chapter is used by `help'
          functionality to store all documentation entries when you use
          documentation actions (e.g., `--edit', `--update', `--delete').
          On the other hand, the second chapter is not editable through
          `help' functionlity. It links its content from templates used to
          build texinfo manuals. So, if you need to change something in
          the Licenses chapter, you need to go to
          `trunk/Scripts/Functions/Help/Texinfo/Templates' directory and
          change things there.
        - In this commit, the `help' functionality doesn't provide control
          to modify texinfo definitions of manual's main file and manual's
          chapter files.
        - Fix newline definition before list items created when
          `=TEXINFO_SEEALSO=' translation marker is expanded.
        - Fix path location to template files used to build texinfo
file modified
+19 -17