49237e Remove cli_doParseArgumentsCommon.sh:

Authored and Committed by areguera 14 years ago
    Remove cli_doParseArgumentsCommon.sh:
        - This function was created to move common option from specific
          functionalities to a previous place where they could be
          processed and removed from arguments before processing specific
          This configuration is no longer supported and functionalities
          need to be updated to process options that previously were
          consider "common" as their own. We said "common" options because
          they were able to be used in more than one functionality. But,
          some functionalities like `help' (which is not implemented yet)
          doesn't use arguments at all. This way, there is no such common
          option processing at all, just some options that can be present
          in various functionalities.
          The options that can be present in more than one functionality
          are interpreted in the file ${FUNCNAM}_getArguments.sh
          (previously ${FUNCNAM}_getActions.sh) like other options inside
          that function are processed. This configuration concentrates
          option processing in ${FUNCNAM}_getArguments.sh files only,
          which are available inside each functionality the centos-art
          script is made of. This way, option processing is done in a
          function basis. Each functionality, the centos-art is made of,
          takes care of processing options independently one another.
          Example of such options we have `--dont-commit-changes',
          `--quiet', `--answer' and `--filter'. These options are use to
          modify the value of the variables FLAG_DONT_COMMIT_CHANGES,
          FLAG_QUIET, FLAG_ANSWER and FLAG_FILTER respectively. These
          variables are initialized in cli.sh file and can be redefined
          inside specific functionalities to control them in a
          functionality basis (i.e., to let different functionalities
          initialize these variables based on their own needs).
    Update cli_printMessages:
        - Remove all internal verifications of `--quiet' option and put
          just one verification at the very top of the function. This
          imply using the `--dont-commit-changes' option.  When the option
          `--quiet' is used, the option `--dont-commit-changes' is assumed
          in order to avoid committing changes since there is no
          confirmation question output for you to decide what to do.
    Remove ACTIONNAM variable, it is no longer used. 
        - Each functionality should do one thing and one thing only. So,
          there is no problem in call that thing explicitly at the correct
          moment. Such definition is not variable but fixed insted.
    Update `--dont-commit-changes' verification logic in