47b64b Reorganize directory structure of mantis-1.1.8-5.el5 theme.

Authored and Committed by Alain Reguera Delgado 11 years ago
    Reorganize directory structure of mantis-1.1.8-5.el5 theme.
    - Previously, the files of this customization were put directly inside
      /usr/share/mantis directory structure without any specific order
      except that specified by mantis' directory structure itself.  For
      example, images in this customization were copied into the images/
      directory, html files were put directly in mantis' root directory
      and stylesheets under css/ directory. This distribution is very
      difficult to maintain, specially if more than one customization is
      copied inside the mantis' root directory. This commit fixes the
      maintainability issue by creating a themes/ directory inside mantis'
      root directory where customizations will be all stored and organized
      by name.
    - This commit reorganizes file names, making them shorter. It also
      updates references inside HTML and CSS files to use the new names
    - The README file was updated to better describe the process through
      which this customization can be installed. It also provides an
      introduction describing what this customization is intended for.
    - This commit adds a customized version of mantis_offline.php file, too. So
      mantis application and its maintenance page share both the same visual
    - Standardize CSS writing style.
Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/bottom.html Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/centos-bottom.html
file renamed
+2 -2
Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/images/h2.png Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/images/h2-background.png
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/images/header.png Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/images/header-background.png
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/top.html Artworks/Webenv/Mantis/1.1.8-5.el5/centos-header.html
file renamed
+1 -1