1fdb5c Update directory structure and file names for palettes of colors.

Authored and Committed by Alain Reguera Delgado 11 years ago
    Update directory structure and file names for palettes of colors.
    - Previously, palettes of colors were stored directly in the root
      directory of tcar-palettes branch. This is inappropriate when the
      tcar-palettes branch is merged into the tcar branch. In order to
      provide a better organization, this update creates the Palettes
      directory and moves palettes of colors files into it.
    - Previously, palettes of colors file name didn't include the centos
      word in their names. Now they do.
    - Previously, the CentOS default palette didn't include the
      hexadecimal representation of the color. This update combines colors
      from Ubuntu and Tango palettes provided by Inkscape-0.47 into CentOS
      default palette and adds the hexadecimal representation of them.
file renamed
+1 -1
file renamed
+1 -1
file removed