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/* CentOS Cascading Style Sheet
 * -----------------------------------------------
 * File		: stylesheet.css
 * Category	: root
 * Theme	: Modern
 * Description	: This is the main CentOS Web Visual Style definition.
 *		  CSS defined here are common for the whole CentOS Web
 *		  Environment.
 *		  Specific CSS definitions, like those used in
 *		  specific web applications, are declared using the
 *		  HTML link element in the head section of the
 *		  specific web application who needs it. Specific CSS
 *		  definitions extend CentOS common CSS definition.
 *		  Specific CSS definitions do not overlap CentOS
 *		  common CSS definitions. For more information visit:
 * -----------------------------------------------
 * Author	: CentOS Artwork SIG
 * License	: GPL (
 * -----------------------------------------------

/* Common:
 * CSS definitions used to build the base CentOS Web Visual Style. It
 * should always be loaded in first place.

@import url("/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Models/Css/Default/common.css") screen, projection; 
@import url("/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Models/Css/Default/print.css") print;

/* Miscellaneous:
 * CSS definitions used to build visual effects. New definitions may
 * be added as time goes by. 

@import url("/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Models/Css/Default/tabs.css") screen, projection;