4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4ed980 |
# render_svg_convertPngToSyslinux.sh -- This function provides post-rendition
8fc04a |
# action used to produce LSS16 images, the images used by isolinux.
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# This function uses three different formats to handle the same color
8fc04a |
# information. Initially, the color information is defined with GIMP
8fc04a |
# (The GNU Image Manipulation Program) as a palette of color. This
8fc04a |
# palette of colors contains 16 colors only and is saved in a file
8fc04a |
# named `syslinux.gpl.
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# The `syslinux.gpl' file is used to build two other files: the
8fc04a |
# `syslinux.ppm' file and the `syslinux.hex' file. The `syslinux.ppm'
8fc04a |
# file is used to reduce a full color PNG image to the amount of
8fc04a |
# colors it specifies (i.e., 16 colors). Later, with the 16 color
8fc04a |
# image already created, the `syslinux.hex' file is used to build the
8fc04a |
# LSS16 image.
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# In order to produce images in LSS16 format correctly, it is needed
8fc04a |
# that both the `syslinux.ppm' and `syslinux.hex' files contain the
8fc04a |
# same color information. This is, both `syslinux.ppm' and
8fc04a |
# `syslinux.hex' shoud represent the same color values and the same
8fc04a |
# color index.
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# This function save you the work of preparing both `syslinux.ppm' and
8fc04a |
# `syslinux.hex'. Instead, you only need to prepare the `syslinux.gpl'
8fc04a |
# file with the color information you want to produce images.
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# In order for this function to work, the `syslinux.gpl' file should
8fc04a |
# have a format similar to the following:
8fc04a |
fa95b1 |
# GIMP Palette
fa95b1 |
# Name: TreeFlower-4-Syslinux
fa95b1 |
# Columns: 16
fa95b1 |
# #
fa95b1 |
# 10 22 40 0a1628
fa95b1 |
# 9 28 52 091c34
fa95b1 |
# 16 34 63 10223f
fa95b1 |
# 20 37 67 142543
fa95b1 |
# 15 39 74 0f274a
fa95b1 |
# 12 45 85 0c2d55
fa95b1 |
# 20 43 78 142b4e
fa95b1 |
# 255 255 255 ffffff
fa95b1 |
# 21 51 95 15335f
fa95b1 |
# 41 52 70 293446
fa95b1 |
# 32 76 141 204c8d
fa95b1 |
# 77 90 107 4d5a6b
fa95b1 |
# 143 154 167 8f9aa7
fa95b1 |
# 128 179 255 80b3ff
fa95b1 |
# 194 200 202 c2c8ca
fa95b1 |
# 231 241 255 e7f1ff
4c79b5 |
2d3646 |
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 The CentOS Project
fa95b1 |
fa95b1 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
fa95b1 |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
dcd347 |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
dcd347 |
# your option) any later version.
fa95b1 |
74a058 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
74a058 |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# General Public License for more details.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
4c79b5 |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
dcd347 |
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
7ac5a5 |
4c79b5 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
418249 |
# $Id$
4c79b5 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
4ed980 |
function render_svg_convertPngToSyslinux {
4c79b5 |
8fc04a |
# Define number of colors the images will be produced on.
4b1274 |
local COLORS='16'
f16762 |
15b1d2 |
# Define options using those passed to actions from pre-rendition
f16762 |
# configuration script. These options are applied to pnmremap when
f16762 |
# doing color reduction, so any option available for pnmremap
f16762 |
# command can be passed to renderSyslinux functionality.
ab1d67 |
local OPTIONS=$(render_getConfigOption "$ACTION" '2-')
f16762 |
f16762 |
# Check options passed to action. This is required in order to
8fc04a |
# aviod using options already used in this script. For example
f16762 |
# -verbose and -mapfile options.
f16762 |
f16762 |
# Remove anything after equal sign inside option.
f16762 |
OPTION=$(echo $OPTION | cut -d'=' -f1)
f16762 |
if [[ "$OPTION" =~ "-(mapfile|verbose)" ]];then
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "`eval_gettext "The \\\"\\\$OPTION\\\" option is already used."`" --as-error-line
f16762 |
f16762 |
4c79b5 |
8fc04a |
# Define default file name prefix for 16 colors images.
4b1274 |
local PREFIX="-${COLORS}c"
8fc04a |
379ebf |
# Re-define 16 colors images default file name prefix using
379ebf |
# options as reference. This is useful to differenciate final
379ebf |
# files produced using Floyd-Steinberg dithering and final files
379ebf |
# which are not.
379ebf |
if [[ "$OPTIONS" =~ '-floyd' ]];then
379ebf |
379ebf |
379ebf |
8fc04a |
# Define absolute path to GPL palette. The GPL palette defines the
8fc04a |
# color information used to build syslinux images. This palette
8fc04a |
# should be set to 16 colors and, as specified in isolinux
8fc04a |
# documentation, the background color should be indexed on
8fc04a |
# position 0 and the forground in position 7 (see
8fc04a |
# /usr/share/doc/syslinux-X.XX/isolinux.doc, for more
8fc04a |
# information.)
4b1274 |
local PALETTE_GPL=${MOTIF_DIR}/Palettes/syslinux.gpl
8fc04a |
4b1274 |
# Verify GPL palette existence. If it doesn't exist copy the one
4b1274 |
# provided by the design model and expand translation markers in
4b1274 |
# it.
4b1274 |
if [[ ! -f $PALETTE_GPL ]];then
4b1274 |
cp ${MODEL_BASEDIR}/${FLAG_THEME_MODEL}/Palettes/syslinux.gpl ${PALETTE_GPL}
4b1274 |
cli_replaceTMarkers ${PALETTE_GPL}
4b1274 |
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# Define absolute path to PPM palette. The PPM palette is built
8fc04a |
# from source palette (PALETTE_GPL) and provides the color
8fc04a |
# information understood by `ppmremap', the program used to
8fc04a |
# produce images in a specific amount of colors.
8fc04a |
local PALETTE_PPM=$(cli_getTemporalFile "syslinux.ppm")
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# Define the HEX palette. The HEX palette is built from source
8fc04a |
# palette (PALETTE_GPL) and provides the color information in the
8fc04a |
# format understood by `ppmtolss16', the program used to produce
8fc04a |
# images in LSS16 format. The HEX palette stores just one line
8fc04a |
# with the color information as described in isolinux
8fc04a |
# documentation (i.e #RRGGBB=0 #RRGGBB=1 ... [all values in the
8fc04a |
# same line])
8fc04a |
local PALETTE_HEX=$(cli_getTemporalFile "syslinux.hex")
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# Create image in Netpbm superformat (PNM). The PNM image file is
8fc04a |
# created from the PNG image rendered previously as centos-art
8fc04a |
# base-rendition output. The PNM image is an intermediate format
8fc04a |
# used to manipulate images through Netpbm tools.
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "${FILE}.pnm" --as-savedas-line
9b4d7d |
pngtopnm -verbose \
9b4d7d |
< ${FILE}.png 2>${FILE}.log > ${FILE}.pnm
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# Print the path to GPL palette.
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "$PALETTE_GPL" --as-palette-line
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# Create PPM palette using GPL palette.
4b1274 |
render_svg_convertGplToPpm "$PALETTE_GPL" "$PALETTE_PPM" "$COLORS"
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# Create HEX palette using GPL palette.
4b1274 |
render_svg_convertGplToHex "$PALETTE_GPL" "$PALETTE_HEX" "$COLORS"
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
# Reduce colors as specified in PPM palette. Here we use the PPM
8fc04a |
# palette to enforce the color position in the image index and the
4c79b5 |
# Floyd-Steinberg dithering in order to improve color reduction.
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "${FILE}${PREFIX}.pnm" --as-savedas-line
379ebf |
pnmremap -verbose -mapfile=$PALETTE_PPM $OPTIONS \
9b4d7d |
< ${FILE}.pnm 2>> ${FILE}.log > ${FILE}${PREFIX}.pnm
f16762 |
8fc04a |
# Create LSS16 image.
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "${FILE}${PREFIX}.lss" --as-savedas-line
8fc04a |
ppmtolss16 $(cat $PALETTE_HEX) \
9b4d7d |
< ${FILE}${PREFIX}.pnm 2>>${FILE}.log > ${FILE}${PREFIX}.lss
4c79b5 |
8fc04a |
# Remove HEX palette. It is no longer needed.
8fc04a |
if [[ -f ${PALETTE_HEX} ]];then
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
4c79b5 |
# Create the PPM image indexed to 16 colors. Also the colormap
9b4d7d |
# used in the LSS16 image is saved on ${FILE}.log; this is useful to
4c79b5 |
# verify the correct order of colors in the image index.
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "${FILE}${PREFIX}.ppm" --as-savedas-line
9b4d7d |
lss16toppm -map \
9b4d7d |
< ${FILE}${PREFIX}.lss 2>>${FILE}.log > ${FILE}${PREFIX}.ppm
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# Create the 16 colors PNG image.
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "${FILE}${PREFIX}.png" --as-savedas-line
4c79b5 |
pnmtopng -verbose -palette=$PALETTE_PPM \
9b4d7d |
< ${FILE}${PREFIX}.pnm 2>>${FILE}.log > ${FILE}${PREFIX}.png
4c79b5 |
8fc04a |
# Remove PPM palette. It is no longer needed.
8fc04a |
if [[ -f ${PALETTE_PPM} ]];then
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
8fc04a |
4c79b5 |