ae8a10 |
ae8a10 |
40f83f |
# svg_convertPngToDm.sh -- This function standardize production of
40f83f |
# display managers (e.g., Gdm and Kdm). This function copies all files
40f83f |
# needed into a temporal directory, realize expansion of translation
40f83f |
# markers and packs all the files into a tar.gz package that is used
40f83f |
# for installation. This function must be used as last-rendition
40f83f |
# action for Gdm and Kdm directory specific base-rendition actions.
ae8a10 |
3b0984 |
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 The CentOS Artwork SIG
fa95b1 |
fa95b1 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
fa95b1 |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
dcd347 |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
dcd347 |
# your option) any later version.
fa95b1 |
74a058 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
74a058 |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
ae8a10 |
ae8a10 |
# General Public License for more details.
ae8a10 |
ae8a10 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
ae8a10 |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
dcd347 |
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
7ac5a5 |
ae8a10 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ae8a10 |
# $Id$
ae8a10 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ae8a10 |
40f83f |
function svg_convertPngToDm {
ae8a10 |
8af4d8 |
# Print separator line.
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage '-' --as-separator-line
8af4d8 |
44b2ba |
# Initialize source and destination local variables.
44b2ba |
local SRC=''
44b2ba |
local DST=''
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Initialize display manager type.
44b2ba |
local DM=$(render_getConfigOption "${ACTION}" '2')
ae8a10 |
40f83f |
# Initialize screen resolutions used by display manager theme.
40f83f |
# These are the different screen resolutions a display manager
40f83f |
# theme is built for. The amount of screen resolution a display
40f83f |
# manager theme can be built for is limited to the amount of
40f83f |
# background files provided by the artistic motif used to build
40f83f |
# the display manager theme.
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
local RESOLUTIONS=$(render_getConfigOption "${ACTION}" '3')
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Verify screen resolutions. We cannot produce display manager
44b2ba |
# theme if no screen resolution has been specified.
44b2ba |
if [[ "$RESOLUTIONS" == '' ]];then
44b2ba |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "There is no resolution information to process."`" --as-error-line
44b2ba |
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Initialize theme information we are going to build the display
44b2ba |
# manager theme for.
334459 |
local THEME=$(cli_getPathComponent $ACTIONVAL --motif)
334459 |
local THEME_NAME=$(cli_getPathComponent $ACTIONVAL --motif-name)
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Initialize temporal directory where we collect all files needed
44b2ba |
# in order to create the tar.gz file. This intermediate step is
44b2ba |
# also needed in order to expand translation markers from XML and
44b2ba |
# Desktop definitions.
44b2ba |
local TMPDIR=$(cli_getTemporalFile 'dm')
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Initialize source location for brands. This is the place where
40f83f |
# brand information, needed to build the display manager theme, is
44b2ba |
# retrived from.
44b2ba |
local BRANDS=$(cli_getRepoTLDir)/Identity/Images/Brands
44b2ba |
40f83f |
# Initialize source location for artistic motif's backgrounds.
40f83f |
# This is the place where background information needed to ubild
40f83f |
# the display manager theme is retrived from.
44b2ba |
local BGS=$(cli_getRepoTLDir)/Identity/Images/Themes/${THEME}/Backgrounds/Img/Png
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Initialize file variables. File variables are used build and
44b2ba |
# process the file relation between source and target locations.
44b2ba |
local FILE=''
44b2ba |
local FILES=''
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Define file relation between source and target locations, based
40f83f |
# on whether we are producing GDM or KDM. Use the colon character
40f83f |
# (`:') as separator; on the left side we put the file's source
40f83f |
# location and in the right side the file's target location.
40f83f |
# Presently, both GDM and KDM are very similar on files with the
40f83f |
# exception that GDM does use icons near actions buttons (e.g.,
40f83f |
# shutdown, reboot, session, language) and KDM doesn't.
44b2ba |
case ${DM} in
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
Gdm )
44b2ba |
40f83f |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/GdmGreeterTheme.xml:${THEME_NAME}.xml
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/GdmGreeterTheme.desktop:GdmGreeterTheme.desktop
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/icon-language.png:icon-language.png
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/icon-reboot.png:icon-reboot.png
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/icon-session.png:icon-session.png
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/icon-shutdown.png:icon-shutdown.png
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
Kdm )
44b2ba |
f2b5b4 |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/GdmGreeterTheme.xml:${THEME_NAME}.xml
44b2ba |
$(dirname $TEMPLATE)/GdmGreeterTheme.desktop:GdmGreeterTheme.desktop
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
* )
44b2ba |
cli_printMessage "`eval_gettext "The \\\"\\\$DM\\\" display manager is not supported yet."`" --as-error-line
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
for FILE in $FILES;do
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Define source location.
44b2ba |
SRC=$(echo $FILE | cut -d: -f1)
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Define target location.
44b2ba |
DST=${TMPDIR}/${THEME_NAME}/$(echo $FILE | cut -d: -f2)
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Verify source files.
44b2ba |
cli_checkFiles $SRC
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
# Verify parent directory for target file.
44b2ba |
if [[ ! -d $(dirname $DST) ]];then
44b2ba |
mkdir -p $(dirname $DST)
44b2ba |
eb0e14 |
44b2ba |
# Copy files from source to target location.
44b2ba |
cp ${SRC} ${DST}
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Expand translation markers.
44b2ba |
if [[ ${DST} =~ "\.(xml|desktop)$" ]];then
44b2ba |
cli_replaceTMarkers "${DST}"
44b2ba |
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Move into temporal directory.
44b2ba |
pushd $TMPDIR > /dev/null
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Verify background information. If it doesn't exist go on
44b2ba |
# with the next one in the list.
44b2ba |
if [[ ! -f $BGS/${RESOLUTION}-final.png ]];then
44b2ba |
44b2ba |
ae8a10 |
643925 |
# Print action message.
44b2ba |
if [[ -f ${RESOLUTION}.tar.gz ]];then
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "${OUTPUT}/${RESOLUTION}.tar.gz" --as-updating-line
0ff158 |
0ff158 |
cli_printMessage "${OUTPUT}/${RESOLUTION}.tar.gz" --as-creating-line
0ff158 |
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Copy background information.
44b2ba |
cp $BGS/${RESOLUTION}-final.png ${THEME_NAME}/background.png
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Create tar.gz file.
44b2ba |
tar -czf ${RESOLUTION}.tar.gz ${THEME_NAME}
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
# Move from temporal directory to its final location.
44b2ba |
mv ${RESOLUTION}.tar.gz ${OUTPUT}
ae8a10 |
44b2ba |
ec641d |
d856c1 |
# Return to where we were initially.
d856c1 |
popd > /dev/null
d856c1 |
44b2ba |
# Remove temporal directory.
44b2ba |
rm -r ${TMPDIR}
44b2ba |
ae8a10 |