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\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
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@c $Id$
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@c -- Header --------------------------------------------------
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@setfilename =MANUAL_NAME=.info
bdeacf |
@settitle =MANUAL_TITLE=
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@documentlanguage es
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e1e9a6 |
@c -- Variables -----------------------------------------------
e1e9a6 |
e1e9a6 |
@set TCENTOS The Community Enterprise Operating System
e1e9a6 |
@set TCPROJ @url{http://www.centos.org/, The CentOS Project}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCWIKI @url{http://wiki.centos.org/, The CentOS Wiki}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCMLISTS @url{http://lists.centos.org/, The CentOS Mailing Lists}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCBUGS @url{http://bugs.centos.org/, The CentOS Bugs}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCMIRRORS @url{http://mirrors.centos.org/, The CentOS Mirrors}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCPLANET @url{http://planet.centos.org/, The CentOS Planet}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCFORUMS @url{http://forums.centos.org/, The CentOS Forums}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCINFOML @email{centos-info@@centos.org, The CentOS Information Mailing List}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCDEVSML @email{centos-devel@@centos.org, The CentOS Developers Mailing List}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCDOCSML @email{centos-docs@@centos.org, The CentOS Documentation Mailing List}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCARTWML @email{centos-artwork@@centos.org, The CentOS Artwork Mailing List}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCL10NML @email{centos-l10n@@centos.org, The CentOS Localization Mailing List}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCAR @url{https://projects.centos.org/svn/artwork/, The CentOS Artwork Repository}
e1e9a6 |
@set TCAS @url{https://projects.centos.org/trac/artwork/, The CentOS Artwork SIG}
e1e9a6 |
cacb9c |
@c -- Summary description and copyright -----------------------
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28b679 |
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4469be |
Se otorga permiso para copiar, distribuir y/o modificar este documento
333f44 |
bajo los términos de la Licencia de Documentación Libre de GNU,
4f887b |
Versión 1.1 o cualquier otra versión posterior publicada por la Free
4f887b |
Software Foundation; con las Secciones Invariantes, con Textos de
4f887b |
Cubierta Delantera, y con los Textos de Cubierta Trasera. Una copia de
4f887b |
la licencia está incluida en la sección titulada @ref{GNU Free
268990 |
Documentation License}.
cacb9c |
@end copying
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cacb9c |
@c -- Titlepage, contents, copyright ---------------------------
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28b679 |
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@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
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@end titlepage
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@c -- `Top' node and master menu -------------------------------
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@node Top
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@end ifnottex
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@include =MANUAL_NAME=-menu.texinfo
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@c -- The body of the document --------------------------------
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@include =MANUAL_NAME=-nodes.texinfo
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@c -- The end of the document ---------------------------------
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e692fb |
@include Licenses/chapter.texinfo
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@include =MANUAL_NAME=-index.texinfo
ef6a25 |
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