4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# cli_printMessage.sh -- This function outputs information in
4c79b5 |
# predifined formats. This function (cli_printMessage) is the standard
4c79b5 |
# way to output information inside centos-art.sh script.
4c79b5 |
7cd8e9 |
# cli_printMessage $1 $2
7cd8e9 |
# $1 --> The message you want to output.
7cd8e9 |
# $2 --> The message format.
4c79b5 |
7cd8e9 |
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Alain Reguera Delgado
4c79b5 |
7cd8e9 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7cd8e9 |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7cd8e9 |
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
7cd8e9 |
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
4c79b5 |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# General Public License for more details.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
4c79b5 |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
4c79b5 |
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
4c79b5 |
# USA.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
418249 |
# $Id$
4c79b5 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
function cli_printMessage {
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# Define variables as local to avoid conflicts outside.
4c79b5 |
local MESSAGE="$1"
4c79b5 |
local FORMAT="$2"
cdebd1 |
local Y=''
cdebd1 |
local N=''
cdebd1 |
local ANSWER=''
cdebd1 |
4c79b5 |
# Reduce paths inside output messages. The main purpose for this
4c79b5 |
# is to free horizontal space in output messages.
841480 |
841480 |
| sed -r 's!/home/centos/artwork/(trunk|branches|tags)/!\1/!')
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# Remove blank spaces from lines' begining.
4c79b5 |
MESSAGE=$(echo "$MESSAGE" | sed -r 's!^[[:space:]]+!!')
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# Define message formats.
4c79b5 |
case $FORMAT in
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsHeadingLine' )
4c79b5 |
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
4c79b5 |
echo "$MESSAGE" | fmt --width=70
4c79b5 |
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsWarningLine' )
4c79b5 |
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
4c79b5 |
echo "`gettext "WARNING"`: $MESSAGE" | fmt --width=70
4c79b5 |
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsNoteLine' )
4c79b5 |
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
4c79b5 |
echo "`gettext "NOTE"`: $MESSAGE" | fmt --width=70
4c79b5 |
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsUpdatingLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Updating"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsRemovingLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Removing"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsCheckingLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Checking"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsCreatingLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Creating"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsSavedAsLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Saved as"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsLinkToLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Linked to"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
6253fc |
6253fc |
6253fc |
'AsMovedToLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Moved to"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsTranslationLine' )
6253fc |
echo "`gettext "Translation"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
e92b23 |
e92b23 |
e92b23 |
'AsConfigurationLine' )
e92b23 |
echo "`gettext "Configuration"`: $MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsResponseLine' )
4c79b5 |
echo "--> $MESSAGE"
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsRequestLine' )
0f2e1f |
echo -n "${MESSAGE}: "
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsYesOrNoRequestLine' )
cdebd1 |
# Define positive answer.
cdebd1 |
Y="`gettext "y"`"
cdebd1 |
cdebd1 |
# Define negative answer.
cdebd1 |
N="`gettext "N"`"
cdebd1 |
cdebd1 |
# Define default answer to questions.
cdebd1 |
cdebd1 |
cdebd1 |
# Define `yes or no' confirmation question.
4c79b5 |
echo -n "$MESSAGE [${Y}/${N}]: "
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
if [[ ! $ANSWER =~ "^${Y}" ]];then
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
'AsToKnowMoreLine' )
1f1b3c |
# This option receives the output of bash's caller builtin
1f1b3c |
# as message value, in order to produce the documentation
ced9f7 |
# entry automatically.
ced9f7 |
MESSAGE=$(dirname $(echo $MESSAGE | cut -d ' ' -f2-))
be93f6 |
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
bcde3a |
echo "`gettext "To know more, run the following command"`:"
bcde3a |
echo "centos-art help --read='$MESSAGE'"
be93f6 |
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
6253fc |
exit # <-- ATTENTION: Do not remove this line. We use this
6253fc |
# case as convenction to end script
6253fc |
# execution.
6253fc |
6253fc |
6253fc |
'AsRegularLine' )
6253fc |
echo "$MESSAGE" \
e92b23 |
| awk -f /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Styles/output_forTwoColumns.awk
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
6253fc |
* )
4c79b5 |
echo "$MESSAGE"
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |