4c79b5 |
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4c79b5 |
# cli_getRepoName.sh -- This function sets naming convenction. Inside
4c79b5 |
# CentOS Artowrk Repository, regular files are written in lower case
4c79b5 |
# and directories are written in lower case but with the first letter
ae8a10 |
# in upper case. Use this function to sanitate the name of regular
b1bcf2 |
# files and directory components of paths you work with.
4c79b5 |
f8b9b4 |
# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Alain Reguera Delgado
4c79b5 |
7cd8e9 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7cd8e9 |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7cd8e9 |
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
7cd8e9 |
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
4c79b5 |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# General Public License for more details.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
4c79b5 |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
4c79b5 |
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
4c79b5 |
# USA.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
418249 |
# $Id$
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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4c79b5 |
function cli_getRepoName {
4c79b5 |
b1bcf2 |
local NAME="$1"
b1bcf2 |
local TYPE="$2"
b1bcf2 |
local DIRS=''
b1bcf2 |
local DIR=''
b1bcf2 |
local CLEANDIRS=''
b1bcf2 |
local PREFIXDIR=''
4c79b5 |
b1bcf2 |
case $TYPE in
4c79b5 |
2ad5f6 |
'f' | 'basename' )
4c79b5 |
b1bcf2 |
# Reduce the path passed to use just the non-directory
b1bcf2 |
# part of it (i.e., the last component in the path; _not_
b1bcf2 |
# the last "real" directory in the path).
b1bcf2 |
NAME=$(basename $NAME)
4c79b5 |
b1bcf2 |
# Clean value.
b1bcf2 |
NAME=$(echo $NAME \
b1bcf2 |
| tr -s ' ' '_' \
b1bcf2 |
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
b1bcf2 |
4c79b5 |
2ad5f6 |
'd' | 'dirname' )
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Reduce path information passed to use just the directory
b1bcf2 |
# part of it. Of course, this is applied only if there is
b1bcf2 |
# a directory part in the path. However, if there is no
b1bcf2 |
# directory part but there is a non-empty value in the
b1bcf2 |
# path, assume that value as directory part and clean it
b1bcf2 |
# up.
2ad5f6 |
if [[ $NAME =~ '.+/.+' ]];then
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# When path information is reduced, we need to take
b1bcf2 |
# into account that absolute path may be provided.
b1bcf2 |
# Absolute paths include directory structures outside
b1bcf2 |
# the repository directory structure we don't want to
b1bcf2 |
# sanitate (e.g., /home/, /home/centos/,
b1bcf2 |
# /home/centos/artwork, /home/centos/artwork/turnk/,
b1bcf2 |
# trunk/, etc.). In these cases, it is required that
b1bcf2 |
# those path component remain untouched. So, in the
b1bcf2 |
# sake of keeping path components, outside repository
b1bcf2 |
# directory structure untouched, we use the PREFIXDIR
b1bcf2 |
# variable to temporarly store the prefix directory
b1bcf2 |
# structure we don't want to sanitate.
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
| sed -r "s,^((${HOME}/artwork/)?(trunk|branches|tags)/).+$,\1,")
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# ... and remove it from the path information we do
b1bcf2 |
# want to sanitate.
b1bcf2 |
DIRS=$(dirname "$NAME" \
b1bcf2 |
| sed -r "s!^${PREFIXDIR}!!" \
b1bcf2 |
| tr '/' ' ')
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# At this point, there is not directory part in the
b1bcf2 |
# information passed, so use the value passed as
b1bcf2 |
# directory part as such.
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
for DIR in $DIRS;do
b1bcf2 |
978462 |
# Sanitate directory component.
2ad5f6 |
if [[ $DIR =~ '^[a-z]' ]];then
978462 |
DIR=$(echo ${DIR} \
978462 |
| tr -s ' ' '_' \
978462 |
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
978462 |
| sed -r 's/^([[:alpha:]])/\u\1/')
978462 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Rebuild path using sanitated values.
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Redefine path using sanitated values.
b1bcf2 |
NAME=$(echo ${CLEANDIRS} | sed -r "s!^/!!")
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Add prefix directory information to sanitated path
b1bcf2 |
# information.
b1bcf2 |
if [[ "$PREFIXDIR" != '' ]];then
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
2ad5f6 |
'fd' | 'basename-to-dirname' )
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Retrive non-directory part.
b1bcf2 |
NAME=$(cli_getRepoName $NAME 'f')
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Retrive cleaned directory part from non-directory part.
b1bcf2 |
NAME=$(cli_getRepoName $NAME 'd')
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
2ad5f6 |
'df' | 'dirname-to-basename' )
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Retrive cleaned directory part from non-directory part.
b1bcf2 |
NAME=$(cli_getRepoName $NAME 'd')
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Retrive non-directory part.
b1bcf2 |
NAME=$(cli_getRepoName $NAME 'f')
2ad5f6 |
b1bcf2 |
2ad5f6 |
'dfd' | 'dirname-to-basename-to-dirname' )
2ad5f6 |
2ad5f6 |
# Retrive cleaned directory part from non-directory part.
2ad5f6 |
NAME=$(cli_getRepoName $NAME 'd')
2ad5f6 |
2ad5f6 |
# Retrive non-directory part.
2ad5f6 |
NAME=$(cli_getRepoName $NAME 'f')
2ad5f6 |
2ad5f6 |
# Retrive cleaned directory part from non-directory part.
2ad5f6 |
NAME=$(cli_getRepoName $NAME 'd')
2ad5f6 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
b1bcf2 |
# Output clean path information.
b1bcf2 |
echo $NAME
4c79b5 |
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