1971b4 |
1971b4 |
1971b4 |
# cli_getCopyrightInfo.sh -- This function outputs copyright
1d5701 |
# information defined by design model the artistic motif images are
1d5701 |
# produced from. As convenction, we use the file `copyright.txt' to
1d5701 |
# store design model copyright information, in the root directory of
1d5701 |
# design model directory structure.
1971b4 |
1d5701 |
# The copyright information is printed to show the fact that the
93aaae |
# person how creates something has the creation rights over that
1d5701 |
# something he/she creates. An so, the legal power to release his/her
93aaae |
# creation under the ethical terms of whatever license he/she
93aaae |
# considers more appropriate, in order to distribute his/her creation.
93aaae |
93aaae |
# Inside CentOS Artwork Repository, we print copyright information in
93aaae |
# the following image-related components:
93aaae |
93aaae |
# 1. The artistic motifs, to define the visual style of themes.
93aaae |
93aaae |
# The copyright information of artistic motifs is owned by the
93aaae |
# person who creates the artistic motif (i.e., the artistic motif
93aaae |
# author). The copyright information of artistic motifs is
93aaae |
# specified in the `authors.txt' file placed inside the artistic
93aaae |
# motif directory structure. The copyright information of
93aaae |
# artistic motifs is printed in imagesunder
93aaae |
# trunk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/$THEME/Concept directory structure
93aaae |
# only.
93aaae |
93aaae |
# 2. The design models, to define the characteristics of themes.
93aaae |
93aaae |
# The copyright information of design models is owned by the
93aaae |
# person who creates the design model (i.e., the design model
93aaae |
# author). The copyright information of design models is
93aaae |
# specified in the metadata of each scalable vector graphic that
93aaae |
# make a design model on its own. The copyright information of
93aaae |
# design models is not printed in images.
93aaae |
93aaae |
# 3. The CentOS themes, to cover each visual manifestation of The
93aaae |
# CentOS Project corporate visual identity. A CentOS theme is
93aaae |
# made of many different images connected among themselves by
93aaae |
# mean of a uniform visual pattern (artistic motif + design
93aaae |
# model).
93aaae |
93aaae |
# The copyright information of CentOS themes is owned by The
93aaae |
# CentOS Project. Instead of printing the copyright information
93aaae |
# over all images inside one CentOS theme, the copyright
93aaae |
# information of CentOS themes is printed only on images related
93aaae |
# to Anaconda progress first slides.
606e4c |
606e4c |
# The copyright information printed on Anaconda progress first
606e4c |
# slides is used to print the creation rights of The CentOS
606e4c |
# Project over its creation (i.e., The CentOS Distribution) not
606e4c |
# The CentOS Theme itself.
93aaae |
1d5701 |
# At this point, we've defined who owns the creation rights of image
606e4c |
# components. Now, it is important to remark that if we need to show
606e4c |
# one creation copyright, in different places, all references to the
606e4c |
# same cration copyright information should be the same. Cannot be any
606e4c |
# ambiguity among them. The best way to reach this is having just one
606e4c |
# unique definition, and build images using that unique copyright
606e4c |
# definition as reference.
93aaae |
606e4c |
# Another relevant point, we need to be aware of, is that related to
606e4c |
# the licenses. As creators has the creation rights, they have the
606e4c |
# right to distribute their work as their consideration. If creators
606e4c |
# release their creations under the terms of a privatizing license,
606e4c |
# that creation will be almost useless for The CentOS Community. So,
606e4c |
# in order for creations to be useful in The CentOS Community,
606e4c |
# creators should distribution their creations under the terms of a
606e4c |
# license that grants the freedom of using, studying, changing and
606e4c |
# releasing improved versions of them. Likewise, the license should
606e4c |
# prevent any privatizing practice or any kind of darkness that put in
606e4c |
# risk the freedom of The CentOS Community.
93aaae |
606e4c |
# What license should be used to distribute images (and the components
606e4c |
# used to build them) is a decision for The CentOS Community to take.
606e4c |
# The license adopted, by The CentOS Community, specifies the ethical
606e4c |
# terms The CentOS Community is agree to work with. It is a reference
606e4c |
# we all have to agree with and follow in the sake of our community
606e4c |
# and ourselves freedom. That's why license selection has to be a
606e4c |
# collective decision, and also be constantly in question.
93aaae |
93aaae |
# I'm not a lawyer. So, I can't give details of something I don't know
606e4c |
# certainly. All I've done so far is using my intuition and basic
606e4c |
# understanding of what copyright and license is. So, if you have a
606e4c |
# deeper understanding and experience in such legal topics, please
606e4c |
# feel free to make your own revisions to ideas described here.
93aaae |
606e4c |
# In the sake of covering copyright information and license needs
93aaae |
# inside centos-art.sh script, all images produced by `centos-art.sh'
606e4c |
# script will be released using the copyright information of his/her
606e4c |
# creator (see above) and the license Creative Common
93aaae |
# Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
606e4c |
# (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
606e4c |
606e4c |
# The Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License has been
606e4c |
# adopted in The CentOS Wiki (http://wiki.centos.org/) and seems to be
606e4c |
# good as well to distribute image-specific creations under CentOS
606e4c |
# Artwork Repository. Of course, as licenses are always questionable,
606e4c |
# the one we've choosed could be changed in the future after a
606e4c |
# collective discussion in the CentOS mailing list, in order to better
606e4c |
# reflect the ethical feelings of our community.
93aaae |
1971b4 |
# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Alain Reguera Delgado
1971b4 |
1971b4 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
1971b4 |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
1971b4 |
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
1971b4 |
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
1971b4 |
1971b4 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
1971b4 |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
1971b4 |
1971b4 |
# General Public License for more details.
1971b4 |
1971b4 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
1971b4 |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
1971b4 |
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
1971b4 |
# USA.
1971b4 |
1971b4 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1971b4 |
# $Id$
1971b4 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1971b4 |
1971b4 |
function cli_getCopyrightInfo {
1971b4 |
93aaae |
case "$1" in
93aaae |
93aaae |
'--license' )
93aaae |
1d5701 |
# Output default license name used by all image-based
1d5701 |
# creations inside CentOS Artwork Repository.
1d5701 |
echo "Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0"
93aaae |
1d5701 |
f1f97d |
'--license-url' )
f1f97d |
1d5701 |
# Ouput default license url used by all image-based
f1f97d |
# creations inside CentOS Artwork Repository.
1d5701 |
echo "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/"
f1f97d |
1971b4 |
1d5701 |
'--copyright-year' )
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
local FILE=''
1d5701 |
local YEAR=''
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
# Define default copyright file. The place the copyright
1d5701 |
# information is retrived from.
1d5701 |
FILE="$(echo $TEMPLATE \
1d5701 |
| sed -r "s!(Themes/Models/${THEMEMODEL}).+!\1/copyright.txt!")"
1971b4 |
1d5701 |
# Define default copyright year.
1d5701 |
if [[ -f $FILE ]];then
1d5701 |
YEAR=$(cli_readFileContent "${FILE}" '--copyright-year')
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
YEAR=$(date +%Y)
606e4c |
1971b4 |
1d5701 |
# Output default copyright year.
1d5701 |
echo $YEAR
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
'--copyright-holder' | * )
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
local FILE=''
1d5701 |
local HOLDER=''
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
# Define default copyright file. The place the copyright
1d5701 |
# information is retrived from.
1d5701 |
FILE="$(echo $TEMPLATE \
1d5701 |
| sed -r "s!(Themes/Models/${THEMEMODEL}).+!\1/copyright.txt!")"
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
# Define default copyright holder.
1d5701 |
if [[ -f $FILE ]];then
1d5701 |
HOLDER=$(cli_readFileContent "${FILE}" '--copyright-holder')
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
HOLDER="The CentOS Project. `gettext "All rights reserved."`"
93aaae |
1971b4 |
1d5701 |
# Output default copyright holder.
1d5701 |
echo $HOLDER
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
1d5701 |
1971b4 |
1971b4 |