4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
b76c02 |
# cli_checkFiles.sh -- This function standardizes file verifications
b76c02 |
# inside centos-art.sh script. If file verification fails in anyway,
b76c02 |
# centos-art.sh script complains about it and ends up script
b76c02 |
# execution.
b76c02 |
7cd8e9 |
# Usage:
b76c02 |
7cd8e9 |
# cli_checkFiles FILE [TYPE]
4c79b5 |
7cd8e9 |
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Alain Reguera Delgado
4c79b5 |
7cd8e9 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7cd8e9 |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7cd8e9 |
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
7cd8e9 |
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
4c79b5 |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# General Public License for more details.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
4c79b5 |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
4c79b5 |
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
4c79b5 |
# USA.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
418249 |
# $Id$
4c79b5 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
function cli_checkFiles {
4c79b5 |
b76c02 |
# Get absolute path to file/directory.
18d741 |
local FILE="$1"
b76c02 |
b76c02 |
# Get verification type.
4c79b5 |
local TYPE="$2"
b76c02 |
b76c02 |
# Initialize message output.
4c79b5 |
local MESSAGE=''
4c79b5 |
b76c02 |
# Check number of paramaters passed to cli_checkFiles function. At
b76c02 |
# least one argument should be passed.
4c79b5 |
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]];then
c8158d |
cli_printMessage "cli_checkFiles: `gettext "You need to provide one argument at least."`" 'AsErrorLine'
76ad94 |
cli_printMessage "$(caller)" "AsToKnowMoreLine"
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
b76c02 |
# Check value passed as file to cli_checkFiles function. The file
b76c02 |
# value cannot be empty.
18d741 |
if [[ $FILE == '' ]];then
c8158d |
cli_printMessage "cli_checkFiles: `gettext "The first argument cannot be empty."`" 'AsErrorLine'
76ad94 |
cli_printMessage "$(caller)" "AsToKnowMoreLine"
18d741 |
4c79b5 |
b76c02 |
# Perform file verification using FILE and TYPE variables.
18d741 |
case $TYPE in
4c79b5 |
18d741 |
d | directory )
18d741 |
# File exists and is a directory
18d741 |
if [[ ! -d $FILE ]];then
b76c02 |
cli_printMessage "`eval_gettext "The directory \\\"\\\$FILE\\\" doesn't exist."`"
b76c02 |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Do you want to create it now?"`" 'AsYesOrNoRequestLine'
b76c02 |
mkdir -p $FILE
18d741 |
18d741 |
4c79b5 |
18d741 |
f | regular-file )
18d741 |
# File exists and is a regular file.
18d741 |
if [[ ! -f $FILE ]];then
18d741 |
MESSAGE="`eval_gettext "The file \\\"\\\$FILE\\\" is not a regular file."`"
18d741 |
18d741 |
4c79b5 |
18d741 |
h | symbolic-link )
18d741 |
# File exists and is a symbolic link.
18d741 |
if [[ ! -h $FILE ]];then
18d741 |
MESSAGE="`eval_gettext "The file \\\"\\\$FILE\\\" is not a symbolic link."`"
18d741 |
18d741 |
4c79b5 |
b76c02 |
x | execution )
b76c02 |
# To exist, file should be executable.
b76c02 |
if [[ ! -x $FILE ]];then
b76c02 |
MESSAGE="`eval_gettext "The file \\\"\\\$FILE\\\" is not executable."`"
b76c02 |
b76c02 |
b76c02 |
18d741 |
fh )
18d741 |
# To exist, file should be a regular file or a symbolic link.
b76c02 |
if [[ ! -f $FILE ]];then
b76c02 |
if [[ ! -h $FILE ]];then
c8158d |
MESSAGE="`eval_gettext "The path \\\"\\\$FILE\\\" doesn't exist."`"
4c79b5 |
18d741 |
18d741 |
4c79b5 |
0f02c4 |
fd )
0f02c4 |
# To exist, file should be a regular file or a directory.
0f02c4 |
if [[ ! -f $FILE ]];then
0f02c4 |
if [[ ! -d $FILE ]];then
0f02c4 |
MESSAGE="`eval_gettext "The path \\\"\\\$FILE\\\" doesn't exist."`"
0f02c4 |
0f02c4 |
0f02c4 |
0f02c4 |
18d741 |
* )
18d741 |
# File exists.
18d741 |
if [[ ! -a $FILE ]];then
c8158d |
MESSAGE="`eval_gettext "The path \\\"\\\$FILE\\\" doesn't exist."`"
18d741 |
4c79b5 |
18d741 |
4c79b5 |
b76c02 |
# If file verification fails in anyway, output message information
b76c02 |
# and end up script execution. Otherwise, continue with script
b76c02 |
# normal flow.
b76c02 |
if [[ "$MESSAGE" != '' ]];then
c8158d |
cli_printMessage "$MESSAGE" "AsErrorLine"
76ad94 |
cli_printMessage "$(caller)" "AsToKnowMoreLine"
6253fc |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |