878a2b |
878a2b |
e89945 |
# cli_printUrl.sh -- This function standardizes the way URLs are
e89945 |
# printed by centos-art.sh script. This function describes the
878a2b |
# domain organization of The CentOS Project through its URLs and
878a2b |
# provides a way to print them out when needed.
878a2b |
03486a |
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 The CentOS Project
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
878a2b |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
878a2b |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
878a2b |
# your option) any later version.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
878a2b |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
878a2b |
878a2b |
# General Public License for more details.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
878a2b |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
878a2b |
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
878a2b |
# $Id$
878a2b |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
878a2b |
878a2b |
function cli_printUrl {
878a2b |
878a2b |
local URL=''
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define short options.
878a2b |
local ARGSS=''
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define long options.
c32b48 |
local ARGSL='domain,home,lists,wiki,forums,bugs,planet,docs,mirrors,projects,svn,trac,irc,cc-sharealike,with-locale,as-html-link'
878a2b |
c03943 |
# Initialize arguments with an empty value and set it as local
c03943 |
# variable to this function scope. Doing this is very important to
c03943 |
# avoid any clash with higher execution environments.
878a2b |
local ARGUMENTS=''
878a2b |
c03943 |
# Prepare ARGUMENTS for getopt.
878a2b |
cli_parseArgumentsReDef "$@"
878a2b |
c03943 |
# Redefine ARGUMENTS using getopt(1) command parser.
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Redefine positional parameters using ARGUMENTS variable.
878a2b |
eval set -- "$ARGUMENTS"
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Look for options passed through command-line.
878a2b |
while true; do
878a2b |
case "$1" in
878a2b |
cf6e2e |
--domain )
cf6e2e |
cf6e2e |
shift 1
cf6e2e |
cf6e2e |
878a2b |
--home )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://www.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--lists )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://lists.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--wiki )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://wiki.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--forums )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://forums.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--bugs )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://bugs.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--projects )
c32b48 |
URL="https://projects.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
c32b48 |
--svn )
c32b48 |
URL="$(cli_printUrl --projects)svn/"
c32b48 |
shift 1
c32b48 |
c32b48 |
c32b48 |
--trac )
c32b48 |
URL="$(cli_printUrl --projects)trac/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--planet )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://planet.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--docs )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://docs.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--mirrors )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://mirrors.$(cli_printUrl --domain)/"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--irc )
cf6e2e |
URL="http://$(cli_printUrl --home)modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=8"
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--cc-sharealike )
878a2b |
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--with-locale )
9f72d8 |
if [[ ! ${LANG} =~ '^en' ]];then
c03943 |
878a2b |
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-html-link )
878a2b |
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
-- )
878a2b |
878a2b |
shift 1
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Print Url.
878a2b |
echo "$URL"
878a2b |
878a2b |