878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# cli_printMessage.sh -- This function standardizes the way messages
878a2b |
# are printed out from centos-art.sh script.
878a2b |
03486a |
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 The CentOS Project
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
878a2b |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
878a2b |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
878a2b |
# your option) any later version.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
878a2b |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
878a2b |
878a2b |
# General Public License for more details.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
878a2b |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
878a2b |
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
878a2b |
# $Id$
878a2b |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
878a2b |
878a2b |
function cli_printMessage {
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Verify `--quiet' option.
878a2b |
if [[ "$FLAG_QUIET" == 'true' ]];then
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
local MESSAGE="$1"
878a2b |
local FORMAT="$2"
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Verify message variable, it cannot have an empty value.
878a2b |
if [[ $MESSAGE == '' ]];then
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "The message cannot be empty."`" --as-error-line
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define message horizontal width. This is the max number of
878a2b |
# horizontal characters the message will use to be displayed on
878a2b |
# the screen.
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Reverse the codification performed on characters that may affect
878a2b |
# parsing options and non-option arguments. This codification is
878a2b |
# realized before building the ARGUMENTS variable, at
878a2b |
# cli_parseArgumentsReDef, and we need to reverse it back here
878a2b |
# in order to show the correct character when the message be
878a2b |
# printed out on the screen.
878a2b |
MESSAGE=$(echo $MESSAGE | sed -e "s/\\\0x27/'/g")
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Remove empty spaces from message.
878a2b |
MESSAGE=$(echo $MESSAGE | sed -e 's!^[[:space:]]+!!')
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Print out messages based on format.
878a2b |
case "$FORMAT" in
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-separator-line )
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Build the separator line.
878a2b |
878a2b |
until [[ $MESSAGE_WIDTH -eq 0 ]];do
878a2b |
echo -n "$MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Draw the separator line.
878a2b |
echo "$MESSAGE" > /dev/stderr
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-banner-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage '-' --as-separator-line
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "$MESSAGE"
878a2b |
cli_printMessage '-' --as-separator-line
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-cropping-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Cropping from"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-tuningup-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Tuning-up"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-checking-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Checking"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-creating-line | --as-updating-line )
878a2b |
if [[ -a "$MESSAGE" ]];then
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Updating"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Creating"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-deleting-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Deleting"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-reading-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Reading"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-savedas-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Saved as"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-linkto-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Linked to"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-movedto-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Moved to"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-translation-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Translation"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-validating-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Validating"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-template-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Template"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-configuration-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Configuration"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-palette-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "Palette"`: $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-response-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "--> $MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-request-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "${MESSAGE}:\040" --as-notrailingnew-line
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-selection-line )
878a2b |
local NAME=''
878a2b |
select NAME in ${MESSAGE};do
878a2b |
echo $NAME
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-error-line )
878a2b |
# Define where the error was originated inside the
878a2b |
# centos-art.sh script. Print out the function name and
878a2b |
# line from the caller.
878a2b |
local ORIGIN="$(caller 1 | gawk '{ print $2 " " $1 }')"
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Build the error message.
fb7c3e |
cli_printMessage "${CLI_NAME} (${ORIGIN}): $MESSAGE" --as-stderr-line
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "${CLI_FUNCDIRNAM}" --as-toknowmore-line
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-toknowmore-line )
878a2b |
cli_printMessage '-' --as-separator-line
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "To know more, run the following command"`:"
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "centos-art help --read trunk/Scripts/Functions/$MESSAGE"
878a2b |
cli_printMessage '-' --as-separator-line
878a2b |
exit # <-- ATTENTION: Do not remove this line. We use this
878a2b |
# option as convenction to end script
878a2b |
# execution.
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-yesornorequest-line )
878a2b |
# Define positive answer.
878a2b |
local Y="`gettext "yes"`"
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define negative answer.
878a2b |
local N="`gettext "no"`"
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define default answer.
878a2b |
local ANSWER=${N}
878a2b |
878a2b |
if [[ $FLAG_ANSWER == 'true' ]];then
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Print the question.
878a2b |
cli_printMessage "$MESSAGE [${Y}/${N}]:\040" --as-notrailingnew-line
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Redefine default answer based on user's input.
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Verify user's answer. Only positive answer let the
878a2b |
# script flow to continue. Otherwise, if something
878a2b |
# different from possitive answer is passed, the script
878a2b |
# terminates its execution immediatly.
878a2b |
if [[ ! ${ANSWER} =~ "^${Y}" ]];then
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-notrailingnew-line )
878a2b |
echo -e -n "$MESSAGE" > /dev/stderr
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-stdout-line )
878a2b |
echo "$MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--as-stderr-line )
878a2b |
echo "$MESSAGE"
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
* )
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Default printing format. This is the format used when no
878a2b |
# other specification is passed to this function. As
878a2b |
# convenience, we transform absolute paths into relative
878a2b |
# paths in order to free horizontal space on final output
878a2b |
# messages.
878a2b |
echo "$MESSAGE" | sed -r \
878a2b |
-e "s!${CLI_WRKCOPY}/(trunk|branches|tags)/!\1/!g" \
878a2b |
| awk 'BEGIN { FS=": " }
878a2b |
878a2b |
if ( $0 ~ /^-+$/ )
878a2b |
print $0
878a2b |
878a2b |
printf "%-15s\t%s\n", $1, $2
878a2b |
878a2b |
END {}' > /dev/stderr
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |