msgid "The recommended way to install or upgrade CentOS is to use <flowSpan id=\"flowSpan8689\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">Yum</flowSpan> (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified)."
msgstr "The recommended way to install or upgrade CentOS is to use <flowSpan id=\"flowSpan8689\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">Yum</flowSpan> (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified)."
msgid "<flowSpan id=\"flowSpan8699\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">YumEx</flowSpan>, a graphical front end for Yum, is also available from the CentOS Extras repository."
msgstr "<flowSpan id=\"flowSpan8699\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">YumEx</flowSpan>, a graphical front end for Yum, is also available from the CentOS Extras repository."