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% CentOS Redistribution License.
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\chapter{CentOS Redistribution License}
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\noindent Revision 1.0, March 2010\\
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\noindent Copyright \copyright\ 2010 The CentOS Project.\\
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\noindent The \texttt{redhat-logos} and \texttt{redhat-artwork}
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packages (the ``Packages'') contain image files which incorporate the
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CentOS trademark, and CentOS logo (the ``Marks'').
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The CentOS Project grants you the right to use the Packages during the
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normal operation of other software programs that call upon the
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Packages. The CentOS Project grants to you the right and license to
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copy and redistribute the unaltered Packages for both commerical and
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non-commercial purposes.
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If you are rebranding or modifying the underlying distribution, or the
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Packages, you must remove ``the Marks'' and rename the distribution
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something other than CentOS.
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When redistributing using this license, the following applies:
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\item The above copyright notice and this license are included with
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each copy you make, and they remain intact and are not altered,
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deleted, or modified in any way;
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\item You do not modify the appearance of any or all of the Logos in
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any manner; and
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\item You do not use any or all of the Logos as, or as part of, a
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trademark, trade name, or trade identifier; or in any other fashion
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except as set forth in this license.
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\item No Warranty. The Packages are provided ``as are'' and any
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express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the
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implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
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purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the CentOS Project be liable
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for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or
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consequential damages ---including, but not limited to, procurement of
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substitute goods or services; loss of use, data or profits; or
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business interruption--- however caused and on any theory of
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liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort ---including
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negligence or otherwise--- arising in any way out of the use of this
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package, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
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