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% Describe The CentOS Motif.
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\title{The CentOS Motif}
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\author{Alain Reguera Delgado}
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This manual describes the workplace, design, and rendering of CentOS
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Artistic Motifs, both default and alternatives.
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The CentOS Artistic Motif is an image used to enforce the CentOS
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Project Visual Identity. The Artistic Motif is a pattern design used
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to define the CentOS Visual Style.
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Due to our Monolithic Visual Structure, the CentOS Project's Visual
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Identity is attached to one unique Visual Style, that is the CentOS
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Default Visual Style. CentOS Default Visual Style is based on one
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unique CentOS Artistic Motif, that is the CentOS Default Artistic
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Changing the CentOS Default Visual Style is not very convenient
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because that affects the ``recognition'' of CentOS Project.
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Nevertheless, we want to see what do you have. Specially if your work
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is an improvement to the base idea of CentOS Default Visual Style
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(\emph{\textbf{Modern}, squares and circles flowing up.}).
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Additionally to the CentOS Default Artistic Motif, there are CentOS
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Alternative Motifs. CentOS Alternative Motifs may or may not be
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related with the current CentOS Default Artistic Motif. CentOS
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Alternative Motfis are an space for new art creation, for designing
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new and completely exiting artistic ideas. This place doesn't pretend
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to replace sites like devianart.org, but to collect Artistic Motifs
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focused on The CentOS Project and what it is.
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If you are not happy with the actual CentOS Default Artistic Motif,
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you can look inside CentOS Alternative Motifs and if someone is
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interesting enough you can download it from the CentOS Artwork
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Repository and test it. If it turns popular enough it has posibilities
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of become the CentOS Default Artistic Motif and by extension the
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CentOS Default Visual Style.
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If you are not happy with CentOS Alternative Motifs either, then go an
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design your own CentOS Alternative Artistic Moif and propose it in
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CentOS Default Artistic Motif and CentOS Alternative Motifs are
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maintain by CentOS Community People. Generally, one person proposes
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the first idea, later others join the effort to make that idea better.
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The first person who proposes the idea is known as the Motif Author
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and is she/he who owns the copyright of that work. People joinning the
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effort are known as Motif Contributors.
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The CentOS Project is using the Creative Common Share-Alike
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License\footnote{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/} in
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both CentOS Default Artistic Motif and CentOS Alternative Motifs. This
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is, in order to brand an Artistic Motif as CentOS Motif, her/his
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author should release her/his work under the previously mentioned
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Only Artistic Motifs branded as CentOS Motif, both Default and
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Alternatives, are hosted on CentOS Artwork Repository.
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\item SVN:trunk/Identity/Themes/\$THEME/Motif/
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\item SVN:trunk/Manuals/Identity/Themes/Motif/
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\subsection{The CentOS Motif Brand}
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When designing Motifs for CentOS, consider the following
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\item Give a unique (case-sensitive) name to your Motif. This name is
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used as value wherever \$THEME variable is. Optionally, you can add a
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description about inspiration and concepts behind your work.
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\item Use the location SVN:trunk/Identity/Themes/\$THEME/Motif/ to
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store your work. If it doesn't exist create it. Note that this require
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you to have previous commit access in CentOS Artwork Repository.
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\item Use the CentOS Default Artistic Motif's Palette as base to your
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work. CentOS Palette is available at
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\item Make your work completely vectorial. Do not add raster images
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inside it.
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\item Feel free to make your art enterprise-level and beautiful.
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\item Add the following information on your artwork (both in a visible
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design area, and inside inkscape document metadata section wherever it
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be possible):
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\item The CentOS Motif Brand.
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\item The name of your artistic motif.
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\item The copyright sentence: \texttt{Copyright (C) YEAR YOURNAME}
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\item The license under which the work is released.
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