4c79b5 |
% Part : Concepts
4c79b5 |
% Chapter: Corporate Identity
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% $Id: themes.tex 6207 2010-08-05 13:11:13Z al $
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4c79b5 |
\item[framework:] trunk/Identity/Themes/
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\noindent Here is where themes are produced. In the above framework
4c79b5 |
location, themes are organized in ``Models'' ---to store common
4c79b5 |
information--- and ``Motifs''---to store unique information. At
4c79b5 |
rendering time, both motifs and models are combined to produce the
4c79b5 |
final CentOS themes. CentOS themes can be tagged as ``default'' or
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
CentOS themes are maintained by CentOS community.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{CentOS Default Theme}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
The CentOS default theme is used in all visual manifestations of
4c79b5 |
CentOS Project's corporate visual identity (e.g., distributions, web
4c79b5 |
sites, promotion, etc.).
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Changing CentOS default theme is not very convenient because that
4c79b5 |
affects the ``recognition'' of CentOS Project. Nevertheless, we are
4c79b5 |
interested on seeing your art work propositions. Specially if your
4c79b5 |
art work is an improvement to the base idea behind CentOS default theme
4c79b5 |
(\textbf{Modern}, squares and circles flowing up.).
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
If you are not happy with CentOS default theme, you can look inside
4c79b5 |
CentOS alternative themes and download the one you are interested in.
4c79b5 |
If you are not happy with any of the CentOS alternative themes
4c79b5 |
available, then go and design your own CentOS alternative theme as
4c79b5 |
described in ``\hyperlink{sec:Concepts:Identity:Themes:Motifs}{Theme
4c79b5 |
Motifs}'' (\autoref{sec:Concepts:Identity:Themes:Motifs}).
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{CentOS Alternative Themes}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
CentOS alternative themes exist for people how want to use a different
4c79b5 |
visual style on their installations of CentOS distribution. As the
4c79b5 |
visual style is needed for a system already installed components like
4c79b5 |
Anaconda are not required inside alternative themes. Inside
4c79b5 |
alternative themes you find post-installation visual style only (i.e.
4c79b5 |
Backgrounds, Display Managers, Grub, etc.). CentOS alternative themes
4c79b5 |
are maintained by CentOS Community.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{Theme Transition}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Theme transition is the action of moving a theme from alternative to
4c79b5 |
default. This transition begins when an alternative theme gets
4c79b5 |
popular enough inside CentOS Comminity, and both CentOS Administrators
4c79b5 |
and CentOS Comunity Members want to extend it to all CentOS Visual
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Once the popular alternative theme has been extended through all
4c79b5 |
CentOS visual manifestations, the alternative theme implementation
4c79b5 |
phase starts. The alternative theme implementation phase is where
4c79b5 |
default theme art work is replaced with alternative theme ones. After
4c79b5 |
the implementation phase, the previous default theme is tagged as
4c79b5 |
alternative and the implemented alternative as default.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Theme Transition has a huge impact in CentOS Corporate Visual
4c79b5 |
Identity, it should be done only if absolutly necessary. Generally, it
4c79b5 |
is better to improve the current default theme, based on its concept,
4c79b5 |
than create a completly new one.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{Theme Models}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item[framework:] trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\noindent Here is where theme models are stored. Theme models let you
4c79b5 |
modeling characteristics (e.g., dimensions, translation markers,
4c79b5 |
position of each element on the display area, etc.) common to all
4c79b5 |
themes. Theme models let you reduce the time needed when propagating
4c79b5 |
artistic motifs to different visual manifestations.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
|-- Models
4c79b5 |
| |-- Default <-- theme's model name.
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Distro
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- Anaconda
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Header
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Progress
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Prompt
4c79b5 |
| | | | `-- Splash
4c79b5 |
| | | `-- BootUp
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- Firstboot
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- GDM
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- GRUB
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- GSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- KDM
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- KSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- RHGB
4c79b5 |
| | | `-- Plymouth
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Promo
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Web
4c79b5 |
| |-- Alternative <-- theme's model name.
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Distro
4c79b5 |
| | | `-- BootUp
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- Firstboot
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- GDM
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- GRUB
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- GSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- KDM
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- KSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- RHGB
4c79b5 |
| | | `-- Plymouth
4c79b5 |
| |-- ... more theme models.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{Theme models structure.%
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Theme models serves as a central pool of design templates for themes
4c79b5 |
to use. This way you can produce themes with different artistic motifs
4c79b5 |
but same characteristics.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Inside the framework location above, you find theme models organized
4c79b5 |
by name. You can add your own theme models to the structure by adding
4c79b5 |
a directory to the list. By default you have the following
4c79b5 |
ready-to-use theme models:
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item \textbf{Default:} Stores the theme model used to produce
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Default Theme}''
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item \textbf{Alternative:} Stores the theme model used to produce
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Alternative Themes}''
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{Anaconda theme model producing three different visual
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{Firstboot theme model producing three different visual
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{Theme Motifs}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item[framework:] trunk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\noindent Here is where the themes' artistic motifs are produced. The
4c79b5 |
artistic motif is a graphic design used as common pattern to connect
4c79b5 |
all CentOS Project's visual manifestations inside the same theme.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Inside the framework location above, artistic motifs are organized by
4c79b5 |
names inside the standard file structure illustrated in
4c79b5 |
\autoref{fig:Concepts:Identity:Themes:Motifs:Default} and
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
|-- Motifs
4c79b5 |
| |-- Modern <-- theme name.
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Backgrounds
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Distro
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- Anaconda
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Header
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Progress
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Prompt
4c79b5 |
| | | | `-- Splash
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- BootUp
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Firstboot
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- GDM
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- GRUB
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- GSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- KDM
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- KSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- RHGB
4c79b5 |
| | | | `-- Plymouth
4c79b5 |
| | | `-- Desktop
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Info
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Palettes
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Promo
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Screenshots
4c79b5 |
| | `-- Web
4c79b5 |
| |-- ... more theme names.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{Theme motifs default structure.%
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
|-- Motifs
4c79b5 |
| |-- TreeFlower <-- theme name.
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Backgrounds
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Distro
4c79b5 |
| | | |-- BootUp
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- Firstboot
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- GDM
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- GRUB
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- GSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- KDM
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- KSplash
4c79b5 |
| | | | |-- RHGB
4c79b5 |
| | | | `-- Plymouth
4c79b5 |
| | | `-- Desktop
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Info
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Palettes
4c79b5 |
| | |-- Screenshots
4c79b5 |
| |-- ... more theme names.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{Theme motifs alternative structure.%
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
When designing artistic motifs for CentOS, consider the following
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Give a unique (case-sensitive) name to your Motif. This name is
4c79b5 |
used as value wherever theme variable (\$THEME) or translation marker
4c79b5 |
(\texttt{=THEME=}) is. Optionally, you can add a description about
4c79b5 |
inspiration and concepts behind your work.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Use the location trunk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/\$THEME/ to store
4c79b5 |
your work. If it doesn't exist create it. Note that this require you
4c79b5 |
to have previous commit access in CentOS Artwork Repository.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item The CentOS Project is using the blue color (\texttt{\#204c8d})
4c79b5 |
as base for its corporate visual identity. Use the CentOS Project's
4c79b5 |
base corporate color as much as possible in your artistic motif
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Try to make your design fit one of the
4c79b5 |
``\hyperlink{sec:Concepts:Identity:Themes:Models}{Theme Models}''
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Feel free to make your art enterprise-level and beautiful.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Add the following information on your art work (both in a visible
4c79b5 |
design area, and inside Inkscape's document metadata section wherever
4c79b5 |
it be possible):
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item The name (or logo) of your artistic motif.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item The copyright sentence: \texttt{Copyright (C) YEAR YOURNAME}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item The license under which the work is released. All CentOS Art
4c79b5 |
works are released under
4c79b5 |
\href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}{Creative Common
4c79b5 |
Share-Alike License 3.0}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{Theme Palettes}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item[framework:] turnk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/\$THEME/Palettes/\\
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\noindent Here is where graphic designers define theme palettes for
4c79b5 |
color-limited art works. Theme palettes contain the color information
4c79b5 |
that rendering functions need, in order to produce images with color
4c79b5 |
limitations. Theme palettes contain theme's unique color information.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{Theme Palettes Creation}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Theme palettes are based on art works' specific color information you
4c79b5 |
are creating palettes for. As we write this section, there are two art
4c79b5 |
works that require color limitations. They are Grub and Syslinux art
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
This section describes a generic procedure you can use to create theme
4c79b5 |
palettes for art works which need to be produced with color
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item As first step, you need to produce a PNG file with the final
4c79b5 |
design of that art work you are creating palettes for. You can do
4c79b5 |
this by using the \texttt{render.sh} script available in the art
4c79b5 |
work's identity framework.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Secondly, you need to generate the limited color information for
4c79b5 |
that PNG file the three different file formats (See
4c79b5 |
\autoref{tab:Concepts:Identity:Themes:Palettes:Files}). You can do
4c79b5 |
this by using the Gimp as described below:
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\textbf{File} & \textbf{Description}\\
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\texttt{.gpl} & Gimp palette files.\\
4c79b5 |
\texttt{.ppm} & Portable Pixel Map palette files.\\
4c79b5 |
\texttt{.hex} & Hexadecimal auxiliar palette files.\\
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{Palette file types.%
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
To create the \texttt{.gpl} file:
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Open the Gimp (\textit{Applications / Graphics / The Gimp}).
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Open the PNG format file you want to generate the limited color
4c79b5 |
information for (\textit{File / Open ...}).
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Index the image (\textit{Image / Mode / Indexed...}). This will
4c79b5 |
open the window ``Indexed Color Conversion''. Use this window to
4c79b5 |
``Generate optimum palette'' by setting the maximum number of colors
4c79b5 |
you want to have in the final indexed image. In this window, by the
4c79b5 |
default, Gimp has set 255 as the maximum number of colors, you should
4c79b5 |
change this value to fit the art work color limitation requirements
4c79b5 |
(i.e. 14 colors for Grub's splash, and 16 colors for Syslinux splash,
4c79b5 |
etc.). Another option you can play with is ``Color dithering'' at the
4c79b5 |
window's bottom, particularly the ``Floyd-Steinberg (reduced color
4c79b5 |
dithering)'' option which seems to archive the best results.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item At this point you have reduced color information and indexed the
4c79b5 |
image. This let you save the color information as a Gimp palette file
4c79b5 |
(.gpl) for further using.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
To export the color information as Gimp palette you need to open the
4c79b5 |
palette window (\textit{Ctrl+P}) and go to the action ``Import
4c79b5 |
Palette...'' inside ``Palettes Menu''. This will open the window
4c79b5 |
``Import Palette''. In this window you need to specify the source from
4c79b5 |
where you will retrive color information and the name of the palette
4c79b5 |
file. Use ``Image'' as source to create your palette and the
4c79b5 |
appropriate name (e.g., \texttt{centos-\$themename-grub}).\footnote{in
4c79b5 |
\texttt{centos-\$themename-grub} file name, the \texttt{\$themename}
4c79b5 |
part is the theme's name you are working on (e.g., Modern, TreeFlower,
4c79b5 |
etc.) for Grub's palette, \texttt{centos-\$themename-syslinux} for
4c79b5 |
Syslinux palette, etc.}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
To create the \texttt{.ppm} file:
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Use the Gimp to create a new image (\textit{Ctrl+N}) of 16 x 1
4c79b5 |
pixels of dimension. That is 16 pixels width and 1 pixel height.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item That is a rather small image so you problably want to zoom it in
4c79b5 |
to better see what you are doing. In a 1024x768 screen resolution,
4c79b5 |
zoom the 16 x 1 pixel image to 4500\% makes things clear enough. If
4c79b5 |
you are using a different screen resolution you probably need to zoom
4c79b5 |
in to a different value.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Now it's time to fill up the empty image with the color
4c79b5 |
information we created previously. You do this using the pen tool
4c79b5 |
(\textit{N}) with a 1x1 brush (\textit{Shit+Ctrl+B}). At this point it
4c79b5 |
is a good time to open the ``Palette Editor'' window and use the Gimp
4c79b5 |
palette file with the color information we created (\textit{Ctrl+P /
4c79b5 |
doble click on the palette file}).
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\textbf{Caution!:} If you are creating \texttt{.ppm} palettes for
4c79b5 |
Anaconda prompt (syslinux), the order used to set the color
4c79b5 |
information is relevant. Relevant values in the image are positions: 0
4c79b5 |
and 7. Position 0 is used as background color, which is black
4c79b5 |
(\texttt{\#000000}) generally and position 7 is used as forground
4c79b5 |
color, which is white (\texttt{\#ffffff}) generally. This, in order to
4c79b5 |
grant the highest contrast. See
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
To create the (\texttt{.hex}) file:
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\item Create a plain text file and put the hexadecimal color
4c79b5 |
information and its index position defined in \texttt{.ppm} palette
4c79b5 |
inside the file, one definition by line. The format used to create
4c79b5 |
the \texttt{.hex} file is \texttt{\#rrbbgg=i \dots}. Where
4c79b5 |
\texttt{\#rrggbb=i} indicates that the color \texttt{\#rrggbb} (hex)
4c79b5 |
should be assigned index i (decimal).
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\textbf{Caution!:} In order to produce Anaconda prompt (syslinux)
4c79b5 |
images correctly, both \texttt{.hex} and \texttt{.ppm} color and index
4c79b5 |
information should match.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{Palette's background (A) and forground (B) color position.%
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\section{Theme File Structure}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Inside CentOS Artwork Repository, each theme has a name and a
4c79b5 |
directory for it. Inside each theme directory, the CentOS Project
4c79b5 |
visual style is organized in the directories: Distro, Info, Palettes,
4c79b5 |
Promo, Screenshots, and Web.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\subsection{The \texttt{Distro} Directory}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Here is where image files controlling CentOS Distribution visual style
4c79b5 |
are produced.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
|-- Anaconda
4c79b5 |
| |-- Header
4c79b5 |
| |-- Progress
4c79b5 |
| |-- Prompt
4c79b5 |
| `-- Splash
4c79b5 |
|-- BootUp
4c79b5 |
| |-- Firstboot
4c79b5 |
| |-- GDM
4c79b5 |
| |-- GRUB
4c79b5 |
| |-- GSplash
4c79b5 |
| |-- KDM
4c79b5 |
| |-- KSplash
4c79b5 |
| `-- RHGB
4c79b5 |
`-- Desktop
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
\caption{The CentOS distribution theme structure.}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\subsection{The \texttt{Palettes} Directory}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Here is where theme's palettes are sotred. Palettes are used to
4c79b5 |
automate image rendering in cases where a limited amount of color need
4c79b5 |
to be specified. Before you could render color-limited art works (e.g.
4c79b5 |
Grub, and Syslinux), you need to create their color-limited palettes
4c79b5 |
first. See
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Palette Creation}''
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
% ------------------------------------------------------------
4c79b5 |
\subsection{The \texttt{Promo} Directory}
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Here is where image files controlling CentOS promotion visual style
4c79b5 |
are produced.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
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\subsection{The \texttt{Screenshots} Directory}
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Here is where theme's screenshots are stored. The purpose of this
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directory is to collect theme's implementation graphical history
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through time. Inside this directory you can have distribution
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screenshots, web sites screenshtos, and promotion screenshots. If
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theme has been implemented out of computers like would be the case of
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events, stands, etc. those photos can be added here too, in the
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promotion screenshot section.
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\subsection{The \texttt{Web} Directory}
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Here is where image files controlling CentOS Web sites visual style
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are produced.