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The CentOS Artwork Repository exists to organize and automate The
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CentOS Project corporate visual identity (, to
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start on).
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Copyright C 2009, 2010 Alain Reguera Delgado. All rights
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Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
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under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
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any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
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Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A
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copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free
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Documentation License.
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Written by: Lionel Cons <Lionel.Cons@cern.ch> (original author)
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Karl Berry <karl@freefriends.org>
4c79b5 |
Olaf Bachmann <obachman@mathematik.uni-kl.de>
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and many others.
4c79b5 |
Maintained by: Many creative people <dev@texi2html.cvshome.org>
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Send bugs and suggestions to <users@texi2html.cvshome.org>
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<title>CentOS Artwork Repository: 3.3 trunk/Identity/Fonts</title>
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3.3 trunk/Identity/Fonts
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3.3.1 Goals
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5eb4a2 |
This section exists to organize digital typographies used by the
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CentOS project.
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3.3.2 Description
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3.3.3 Usage
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5eb4a2 |
The CentOS corporate identity is attached to <samp>`DejaVu LGC'</samp>
5eb4a2 |
font-family. Whatever artwork you design for CentOS project, that
5eb4a2 |
requires typography usage, must be done using <samp>`DejaVu LGC'</samp>
5eb4a2 |
3b63ff |
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3b63ff |
3b63ff |
For screen desings (e.g., anything that final destination will never
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be printed on paper or any medium outside computer screens) use
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<samp>`DejaVu LGC Sans'</samp> font-family.
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3b63ff |
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3b63ff |
3b63ff |
For non-screen designs (e.g., anything that final desition will be
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printed on paper or any other medium outside computer screens) use
5eb4a2 |
<samp>`DejaVu LGC Serif'</samp> font-family. As convenction files described in
5eb4a2 |
this rule are stored under <samp>`Stationery'</samp> directories.
3b63ff |
3b63ff |
3b63ff |
5eb4a2 |
The only execption for the two recommendations above is the typography
5eb4a2 |
used inside CentOS logo. The CentOS logo is the main visual
5eb4a2 |
representation of the CentOS project so the typography used in it must
5eb4a2 |
be the same always, no matter where it be shown. It also has to be
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clear enough to dismiss any confussion between similar typefaces
5eb4a2 |
(e.g., the number one (1) sometimes is confuesed with the letter
5eb4a2 |
<samp>`el'</samp> (l) or letter <samp>`ai'</samp> (i)).
3b63ff |
3b63ff |
As CentOS logo typography convenction, the word <samp>`CentOS'</samp> uses
3b63ff |
<samp>`Denmark'</samp> typography as base, both for the word <samp>`CentOS'</samp> and
3b63ff |
the phrase <samp>`Community Enterprise Operating System'</samp>. The size of
3b63ff |
CentOS logo's phrase is half the size in poits the word <samp>`CentOS'</samp>
3b63ff |
has and it below <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and aligned with it on the left.
3b63ff |
The distance between <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and phrase <samp>`Community
38bcd9 |
Enterprise Operating System'</samp> have the size in points the phrase has.
3b63ff |
5eb4a2 |
When the CentOS release brand is built, use <samp>`Denmark'</samp> typography
5eb4a2 |
for the release number. The release number size is two times larger
5eb4a2 |
(in height) than default <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word. The separation between
38bcd9 |
release number and <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word is twice the size in points of
3b63ff |
separation between <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and phrase <samp>`Community
3b63ff |
Enterprise Operating System'</samp>.
3b63ff |
3b63ff |
Another component inside CentOS logo is the trademark symbol (TM).
3b63ff |
This symbol specifies that the CentOS logo must be consider a product
3b63ff |
brand, even it is not a registered one. The trademark symbol uses
3b63ff |
DejaVu LGC Sans Regular typography. The trademark symbol is aligned
3b63ff |
right-top on the outter side of <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word. The trademark
3b63ff |
symbol must not exceed haf the distance, in points, between
3b63ff |
<samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and the release number on its right.
3b63ff |
3b63ff |
It would be very convenient for the CentOS Project and its community
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to to make a registered trademark (®) of CentOS logo. To make a
38bcd9 |
register trademark of CentOS Logo prevents legal complications in the
38bcd9 |
market place of brands. It grants the consistency, through time, of
38bcd9 |
CentOS project corporate visual identity.
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3b63ff |
 Note The information about trademarks and corporate identity
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is my personal interpretation of
09d4f2 |
http://en.wikipedia.org/Corporate_identity and
09d4f2 |
http://en.wikipedia.org/Trademark description. If you have
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practical experiences with these affairs, please serve yourself to
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improve this section with your reasons.
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3b63ff |
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Figure 3.1: The CentOS Type.
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Figure 3.2: The CentOS Type plus release information (i.e., CentOS Release Brand).
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Figure 3.3: The CentOS Type plus release information plus description (i.e., CentOS Release Brand with description).
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3.3.4 See also
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