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can you do inside it.
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Written by: Lionel Cons <Lionel.Cons@cern.ch> (original author)
4c79b5 |
Karl Berry <karl@freefriends.org>
4c79b5 |
Olaf Bachmann <obachman@mathematik.uni-kl.de>
4c79b5 |
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<title>CentOS Artwork Repository: 3.44 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Verify</title>
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3.44 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Verify
54264c |
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081970 |
3.44.1 Goals
4c79b5 |
2c8180 |
This section exists to organize files related to "verify"
2c8180 |
functionality of <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script. The "verify"
2c8180 |
functionality of <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script helps you to prepare the
2c8180 |
workstation you are planning to use <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script.
2c8180 |
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081970 |
3.44.2 Description
6aec21 |
2c8180 |
The first time you download CentOS Artwork Repository you need to
2c8180 |
configure your workstation in order to use <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>
2c8180 |
script. These preliminar configurations are based mainly on auxiliar
2c8180 |
RPM packages installation, symbolic links creations, and environment
2c8180 |
variables definitions. The "verify" functionality of
2c8180 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script guides you through this preliminar
2c8180 |
configuration process.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
If this is the first time you run centos-art command, the
2c8180 |
appropriate way to use its "verify" functionality is not using the
2c8180 |
centos-art command directly, but the absolute path to
2c8180 |
centos-art.sh script instead (i.e.,
2c8180 |
<tt>`~/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/centos-art.sh'</tt>). This is necessary
2c8180 |
because centos-art symbolic link, under <tt>`~/bin/'</tt>
2c8180 |
directory, has not been created yet.
2c8180 |
6aec21 |
12494b |
2c8180 | Packages
6aec21 |
2c8180 |
Installation of auxiliar RPM packages provides the software required
2c8180 |
to manipulate files inside the repository (e.g., image files,
2c8180 |
documentation files, translation files, script files, etc.). Most of
2c8180 |
RPM packages centos-art.sh script uses are shipped with
2c8180 |
CentOS distribution, and can be installed from CentOS base repository.
2c8180 |
The only exception is <samp>`inkscape'</samp>, the package we use to
2c8180 |
manipulate SVG files. The <samp>`inkscape'</samp> package is not inside
2c8180 |
CentOS distribution so it needs to be installed from third party
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Note Configuration of third party repositories inside CentOS
2c8180 |
distribution is described in CentOS wiki, specifically in the
2c8180 |
following URL:
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
38bcd9 |
2c8180 |
Before installing packages, the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses
2c8180 |
sudo to request root privileges to execute yum 's
2c8180 |
installation functionality. If your user isn't defined as a
2c8180 |
privileged user--at least to run yum commands-- inside
2c8180 |
<tt>`/etc/sudoers'</tt> configuration file, you will not be able to
2c8180 |
perform package installation tasks as set in <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>
2c8180 |
script "verify" functionality.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Setting sudo privileges to users is an administrative task you have to
2c8180 |
do by yourself. If you don't have experience with sudo
2c8180 |
command, please read its man page running the command: man
2c8180 |
sudo. This reading will be very useful, and with some practice, you
2c8180 |
will be able to configure your users to have sudo
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
6aec21 |
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2c8180 | Links
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Creation of symbolic links helps us to alternate between different
2c8180 |
implementations of centos-art command-line (e.g.,
2c8180 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>, for Bash implementation; <tt>`centos-art.py'</tt>,
2c8180 |
for Python implementation; <tt>`centos-art.pl'</tt>, for Perl
2c8180 |
implementation; and so on for other implementations). The
2c8180 |
centos-art command-line definition takes place inside your
2c8180 |
personal binary (<tt>`~/bin/'</tt>) directory in order to make the script
2c8180 |
implementation --the one that centos-art links to--
2c8180 |
available to PATH environment variable.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Creation of symbolic links helps us to reuse components from repository
2c8180 |
working copy. For example, color information files maintained inside
2c8180 |
your working copy must never be duplicated inside program-specific
2c8180 |
configuration directories that uses them in your workstation (e.g.,
2c8180 |
Gimp, Inkscape, etc.). Instead, a symbolic link must be created for
2c8180 |
each one of them, from program-specific configuration directories to
2c8180 |
files in the working copy. In this configuration, when someone
2c8180 |
commits changes to color information files up to central repository,
2c8180 |
they--the changes committed-- will be immediatly available to your
2c8180 |
programs the next time you update your working copy --the place
2c8180 |
inside your workstation those color information files are stored--.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Creation of symbolic links helps us to make <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>
2c8180 |
script functionalities available outside <tt>`trunk/'</tt> repository
2c8180 |
directory structure, but at its same level in repository tree. This is
2c8180 |
useful if you need to use the "render" functionality of
2c8180 |
centos-art.sh under <tt>`branches/'</tt> repository directory
2c8180 |
structure as you usually do inside <tt>`trunk/'</tt> repository directory
2c8180 |
structure. As consequence of this configuration, automation scripts
2c8180 |
cannot be branched under <tt>`branches/Scripts'</tt> directory structure.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 | Environment variables
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Definition of environemnt variables helps us to set default values to
2c8180 |
our user session life. The user session environment variable defintion
2c8180 |
takes place in the user's <tt>`~/.bash_profile'</tt> file. The "verify"
2c8180 |
functionality of <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script doesn't modify your
2c8180 |
<tt>`~/.bash_profile'</tt> file.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
The "verify" functionality of <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script evaluates
2c8180 |
the following environment variables:
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Default text editor (EDITOR)
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
The EDITOR environment variable defines your user session
2c8180 |
default text editor.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
If EDITOR environment variable is not set --or it uses one
2c8180 |
value other than <tt>`/usr/bin/vim'</tt>, <tt>`/usr/bin/emacs'</tt>, or
2c8180 |
<tt>`/usr/bin/nano'</tt>-- the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses
2c8180 |
<tt>`/usr/bin/vim'</tt> as default text editor.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Default text editor is used by <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script whenever it
2c8180 |
needs to edit text-based files (e.g., subversion's pre-commit
2c8180 |
messages, translation files, configuration files, script files, etc.)
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Default time representation (TZ)
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
The TZ environment variable defines your user session default
2c8180 |
time zone representation.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Time representation inside repository server is set to Coordinated
2c8180 |
Universal Time (UTC). Time represetation inside repository working
2c8180 |
copies is set as their administrators personally define.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
When repository working copies time representation be defined, it
2c8180 |
would be a very good convention to follow if working copies
2c8180 |
administrators would set their systems clock to use UTC. Otherwise it
2c8180 |
would be difficult for working copies users to find out when changes
2c8180 |
were committed up to repository server exactly in time.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Tip Coordinated Univeral Time (UTC) representation can be
2c8180 |
configured when you install CentOS distribution, or later in your
2c8180 |
graphical interface using the following command:
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
Note If you set your system clock to use UTC representation,
2c8180 |
you also need to set the TZ environment variable inside
2c8180 |
<tt>`~/.bash_profile'</tt> as follows:
2c8180 |
export TZ=UTC
2c8180 |
This is required in order for your terminal to display the correct
2c8180 |
time information of your zone, taking UTC representation as reference.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
3.44.3 Usage
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
<samp>`centos-art verify --packages'</samp>
2c8180 |
This command verifies required packages your workstation needs in
2c8180 |
order to run the centos-art command correctly. If there are
2c8180 |
missing packages, the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script asks you to confirm
2c8180 |
their installation. When installing packages, the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>
2c8180 |
script uses the yum application in order to achieve the
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
b17ce8 |
In case all packages required by <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script are
b17ce8 |
already installed in your workstation, the message <samp>`The required
b17ce8 |
packages are already installed.'</samp> is output for you to know.
b17ce8 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
<samp>`centos-art verify --links'</samp>
1c7bf6 |
This function verifies required links your workstation needs in order
1c7bf6 |
to run the centos-art command correctly. If any required link is
1c7bf6 |
missing, the centos-art.sh script asks you to confirm their
1c7bf6 |
installation. To install required links, the centos-art.sh
1c7bf6 |
script uses the ln command.
2c8180 |
b17ce8 |
In case all links required by <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script are already
b17ce8 |
created in your workstation, the message <samp>`The required links are
b17ce8 |
already installed.'</samp> is output for you to know.
b17ce8 |
1c7bf6 |
In case a reuglar file exists with the same name of a required link,
1c7bf6 |
the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script outputs the <samp>`already exists as
1c7bf6 |
regular file.'</samp> message when listing required links that will be
1c7bf6 |
installed. Of course, as there is already a regular file where must be
1c7bf6 |
a link, no link is created. In such cases the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>
1c7bf6 |
script will fall into a continue installation request for that missing
1c7bf6 |
link. To end this continue request you can answer <samp>`No'</samp>, or just
1c7bf6 |
remove the existent regular file to let <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script
1c7bf6 |
install the link.
1c7bf6 |
1c7bf6 |
Tip Avoid regular file duplications inside your workstation.
1c7bf6 |
1c7bf6 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
<samp>`centos-art verify --environment'</samp>
2c8180 |
This command verifies required environment variables your workstation
2c8180 |
needs in order to run centos-art command correctly. If
2c8180 |
environment variables evaluated by <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script are
2c8180 |
emtpy, the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script informs you about it and
2c8180 |
nothing else happens.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
4c79b5 |
3.44.4 See also
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2c8180 |
2c8180 |
3.35 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions
2c8180 |
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