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The CentOS Artwork Repository exists to organize and automate The
09d4f2 |
CentOS Project corporate visual identity (, to
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start on).
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Copyright C 2009, 2010 Alain Reguera Delgado. All rights
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Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
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under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
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copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free
4c79b5 |
Documentation License.
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Written by: Lionel Cons <Lionel.Cons@cern.ch> (original author)
4c79b5 |
Karl Berry <karl@freefriends.org>
4c79b5 |
Olaf Bachmann <obachman@mathematik.uni-kl.de>
4c79b5 |
and many others.
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<title>CentOS Artwork Repository: 3.43 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg</title>
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3.43 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Svg
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300762 |
09d4f2 |
fe989b |
3.43.1 Goals
fe989b |
915635 |
This section exists to organize files related to svg
915635 |
functionality of <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script.
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cb2a5d |
09d4f2 |
fe989b |
3.43.2 Description
cb2a5d |
915635 |
The svg functionality of <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script helps you
915635 |
to maintain scalable vector graphics (SVG) inside repository. For
915635 |
example, suppose you've been working in CentOS default design models
915635 |
under <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/'</tt>, and you want to set common
915635 |
metadata to all of them, and later remove all unused SVG defintions
915635 |
from <samp>`*.svg'</samp> files. Doing so file by file may be a tedious task,
915635 |
so the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script provides the svg
915635 |
functionality to aid you maintain such actions.
2c8180 |
97552b |
915635 |
09d4f2 |
915635 | Metadata maintainance
915635 |
915635 |
The metadata used is defined by Inkscape 0.46 using the SVG standard
915635 |
markup. The <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script replaces everything
915635 |
in-between <metadata and </metadata> tags with a
915635 |
predefined metadata template we've set for this purpose.
915635 |
915635 |
The metadata template was created using the metadata information of a
915635 |
file which, using Inkscape 0.46, all metadata fields were set. This
915635 |
created a complete markup representation of how SVG metadata would
915635 |
look like. Later, we replaced every single static value with a
915635 |
translation marker in the form <samp>`=SOMETEXT='</samp>, where
915635 |
SOMETEXT is the name of its main opening tag. Later, we
915635 |
transform the metadata template into a sed replacement set of commads
915635 |
escaping new lines at the end of each line.
915635 |
915635 |
With metadata template in place, the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses
915635 |
it to create a metadata template instance for the file being processed
915635 |
currently. The metadata template instance contains the metadata
915635 |
portion of sed replacement commands with translation markers already
915635 |
traduced. In this action, instance creation, is where we take
915635 |
advantage of automation and generate metadata values like title, date,
915635 |
keywords, source, identifier, and relation dynamically, based on the
915635 |
file path <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script is currently creating metadata
915635 |
information for.
915635 |
915635 |
With metadata template instance in place, the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>
915635 |
script uses it to replace real values inside all <samp>`.svg'</samp> files
915635 |
under the current location you're running the <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt>
915635 |
script on. Default behaviour is to ask user to enter each metadatum
915635 |
required, one by one. If user leaves metadatum empty, by pressing
915635 |
RET key, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> uses its default value.
915635 |
915635 |
The <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script modifies the following metadata:
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Name by which this document is formally known. If no value is set
915635 |
here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses the file name as title.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Date associated with the creation of this document (YYYY-MM-DD). If no
915635 |
value is set here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses the current date
915635 |
information as in date +%Y-%m-%d .
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Name of entity primarily responsible for making the content of this
915635 |
document. If no value is set here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses
915635 |
the string <samp>`The CentOS Project'</samp>.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Name of entity with rights to the intellectual Property of this
915635 |
document. If no value is set here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses
915635 |
the string <samp>`The CentOS Project'</samp>.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Name of entity responsible for making this document available. If no
915635 |
value is set here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses the string
915635 |
<samp>`The CentOS Project'</samp>.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Unique URI to reference this document. If no value is set here,
915635 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses the current file path to build the
915635 |
related url that points to current file location inside repository
915635 |
central server.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Unique URI to reference the source of this document. If no value is
915635 |
set here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses current file path to build
915635 |
the related url that points to current file location inside repository
915635 |
central server.
2c8180 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Unique URI to a related document. If no value is set here,
915635 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses current file path to build the
915635 |
related url that points to current file location inside repository
915635 |
central server.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Two-letter language tag with optional subtags for the language of this
915635 |
document. (e.g. <samp>`en-GB'</samp>). If no value is set here,
915635 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses the current locale information as in
915635 |
cli_getCurrentLocale function.
2c8180 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
The topic of this document as comma-separated key words, prhases, or
915635 |
classifications. If no value is set here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script
915635 |
uses file path to build
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Extent or scope of this document. If no value is set here,
915635 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses the string <samp>`The CentOS Project'</samp>.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
Description about the document. If no value is set here,
915635 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses uses empty value as default.
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
915635 |
People that contributes in the creation/maintainance of the document.
915635 |
If no value is set here, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses uses empty
915635 |
value as default.
915635 |
915635 |
cb2a5d |
915635 |
The <samp>`License'</samp> metadatum is not set as a choise, by now. It is
09d4f2 |
fixed Creative Common Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. This is done in order to
915635 |
grant license consistency among all SVG files we manage inside CentOS
915635 |
Artwork Repository.
915635 |
97552b |
915635 |
09d4f2 |
915635 | Unused definitions
915635 |
915635 |
As SVG files grow they may end up with unused definitions inside. For
915635 |
example, if you stop using a pattern or gradient, tags used to define
915635 |
them are considered unused definitions then. Inkscape 0.46 brings the
915635 |
<samp>`Vaccum Defs'</samp> feature to remove those unused definitions from SVG
915635 |
files. The <samp>`Vaccum Defs'</samp> feature is available both at graphical
915635 |
interface and command line interface.
915635 |
915635 |
If you have one or two couple of files, removing unused SVG
915635 |
definitions using graphical interface may be enough to you. In
915635 |
contrast, if you have houndred of files to maintain it is not a fun
915635 |
task to use the gui interface to remove unused SVG definitions editing
915635 |
those files one by one.
915635 |
915635 |
To remove unused SVG definitions from several SVG files, the
915635 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses Inkscape's command-line interface,
915635 |
specifically with the <samp>`--vaccum-defs'</samp> option.
915635 |
915635 |
09d4f2 |
081970 |
3.43.3 Usage
081970 |
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
centos-art svg --update-metadata='path/to/dir'
915635 |
centos-art svg --update-metadata='path/to/dir' --filter='regex'
915635 |
Use these commands to update metadata information to <samp>`.svg'</samp> files
915635 |
under <samp>`path/to/dir'</samp> directory.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
915635 |
centos-art svg --vacuum-defs='path/to/dir'
915635 |
centos-art svg --vacuum-defs='path/to/dir' --filter='regex'
915635 |
Use these commands to remove unused definitions inside <samp>`.svg'</samp>
915635 |
files under <samp>`path/to/dir'</samp> directory.
2c8180 |
2c8180 |
081970 |
915635 |
When you provide <samp>`--filter='regex''</samp> argument, the list of files
915635 |
to process is reduced as specified in <samp>`regex'</samp> regular expression.
915635 |
Inside <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script, the <samp>`regex'</samp> regular
915635 |
expression is used in combination with find command to look
915635 |
for files matching the regular expression path pattern.
915635 |
915635 |
 Warning In order for <samp>`regex'</samp> regular expression to match
915635 |
a file, the <samp>`regex'</samp> regular expresion must match the whole file
915635 |
path not just the file name.
915635 |
081970 |
915635 |
For example, if you want to match all <tt>`summary.svg'</tt> files inside
915635 |
<tt>`path/to/dir'</tt>, use the .+/summary regular expression.
915635 |
Later, <tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses this value inside
915635 |
^$REGEX\.svg$ expression in order to build the final regular
915635 |
expression (i.e., ^.+/summary\.svg$ ) that is evaluated against
915635 |
available file paths inside the list of files to process.
915635 |
915635 |
Exceptionally, when you provide <samp>`--filter='regex''</samp> in the way
915635 |
that <samp>`regex'</samp>, appended to <samp>`path/to/dir/'</samp> (i.e.
915635 |
<samp>`path/to/dir/regex'</samp>), matches a regular file; the
915635 |
<tt>`centos-art.sh'</tt> script uses the file matching as only file in the
915635 |
list of files to process.
915635 |
915635 |
09d4f2 |
4c79b5 |
3.43.4 See also
4c79b5 |
915635 |
915635 |
3.34 trunk/Scripts/Bash
915635 |
915635 |
3.35 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions
915635 |
915635 |
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