74c0c0 |
The CentOS Artwork Repository is supported by Subversion
74c0c0 |
(@url{http://subversion.tigris.org/}), a version control system which
74c0c0 |
allows you to keep old versions of files and directories (usually
74c0c0 |
source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc.,
513258 |
like CVS, RCS or SCCS.
513258 |
513258 |
When using Subversion there is one @emph{source repository} and many
513258 |
@emph{working copies} of that source repository. The working copies
513258 |
are independent one another, can be distributed all around the world
513258 |
and provide a local place for designers, documentors, translators and
513258 |
programmers to perform their works in a descentralized way. The
513258 |
source repository, on the other hand, provides a central place for all
513258 |
independent working copies to interchange data and provides the
74c0c0 |
information required to permit extracting previous versions of files
74c0c0 |
at any time.
74c0c0 |
0c08ea |
@subsection Repository policy
41622d |
@cindex Repository policy
74c0c0 |
32f4f2 |
The CentOS Artwork Repository is a collaborative tool that anyone can
32f4f2 |
have access to. However, changing that tool in any form is something
32f4f2 |
that should be requested in @email{centos-devel@@centos.org} mailing
32f4f2 |
list. Generally, people download working copies from CentOS Artwork
32f4f2 |
Repository, study the repository organization, make some changes in
513258 |
their working copies, make some tests to verify such changes do work
513258 |
the way expected and finally request access to commit them up to the
513258 |
CentOS Artwork Repository (i.e., the source repository) for others to
513258 |
benefit from them.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
Once you've received access to commit your changes, there is no need
74c0c0 |
for you to request permission again to commit other changes from your
74c0c0 |
working copy to CentOS Artwork Repository as long as you behave as a
74c0c0 |
@emph{good community citizen}.
74c0c0 |
513258 |
As a good community citizen one understand of a person who respects
74c0c0 |
the work already done for others and share ideas with authors before
74c0c0 |
changing relevant parts of their work, specially in situations when
513258 |
the access required to realize the changes has been granted already.
74c0c0 |
Of course, there is a time when conversation has taken place, the
74c0c0 |
paths has been traced and changing the work is so obvious that there
513258 |
is no need for you to talk about it; that's because you already did,
513258 |
you already built the trust to keep going. Anyway, the mailing list
74c0c0 |
mentioned above is available for sharing ideas in a way that good
74c0c0 |
relationship between community citizens could be constantly balanced.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
The relationship between community citizens is monitored by repository
74c0c0 |
administrators. Repository administrators are responsible of granting
74c0c0 |
everything goes the way it needs to go in order for the CentOS Artwork
74c0c0 |
Repository to comply its mission which is: to provide a colaborative
74c0c0 |
tool for The CentOS Community where The CentOS Project Corporate
74c0c0 |
Identity is built and maintained from The CentOS Community itself.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
It is also important to remember that all source files inside CentOS
74c0c0 |
Artwork Repository should comply the terms of GNU General Public
b81f10 |
License (@pxref{GNU General Public License}) in order for them to
b81f10 |
remain inside the repository.
74c0c0 |
0c08ea |
@subsection Repository organization
41622d |
@cindex Repository organization
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
The CentOS Artwork Repository uses a @file{trunk}, @file{branches},
74c0c0 |
and @file{tags} organization.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
@table @file
74c0c0 |
@item trunk
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
The @file{trunk} directory organizes the main development line of
74c0c0 |
CentOS Artwork Repository. @xref{Directories trunk}, for more
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
@item branches
74c0c0 |
513258 |
The @file{branches} directory oranizes intermediate development lines
74c0c0 |
taken from the main development line. @xref{Directories branches},
74c0c0 |
for more information.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
@item tags
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
The @file{tags} directory organizes frozen development lines taken
513258 |
either from the main or the intermediate lines of development.
74c0c0 |
@xref{Directories tags}, for more information.
74c0c0 |
@end table
87b0e4 |
0c08ea |
@subsection Repository file names
41622d |
@cindex Repository file names
87b0e4 |
513258 |
Inside the CentOS Artwork Repository, file names are all written in
513258 |
lowercase (e.g., @samp{01-welcome.png}, @samp{splash.png},
87b0e4 |
@samp{anaconda_header.png}, etc.) and directory names are all written
87b0e4 |
capitalized (e.g., @samp{Identity}, @samp{Themes}, @samp{Motifs},
87b0e4 |
@samp{TreeFlower}, etc.).
87b0e4 |
0c08ea |
@subsection Repository work lines
c2929c |
513258 |
Inside CentOS Artwork Repository there are four major work lines of
513258 |
production which are: @emph{graphic design}, @emph{documentation},
32f4f2 |
@emph{localization} and @emph{automation}. These work lines describe
32f4f2 |
different areas of content production. Content production inside these
32f4f2 |
specific areas may vary as much as persons be working on them.
32f4f2 |
Producing content in too many different ways may result innapropriate
32f4f2 |
in a collaborative environment like CentOS Artwork Repository where
32f4f2 |
content produced in one area depends somehow from content produced in
513258 |
another different area. So, a @emph{content production standard} is
f67de1 |
required for each available work line.
87b0e4 |
0c08ea |
@subsubsection Graphic design
41622d |
@cindex Graphic design work line
798844 |
74c0c0 |
The graphic design work line exists to cover brand design, typography
513258 |
design and themes design mainly. Additionally, some auxiliar areas
f67de1 |
like icon design, illustration design, brushes design, patterns
f67de1 |
designs and palettes of colors are also included here for
f67de1 |
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
Inside CentOS Artwork Repository graphic design is performed through
74c0c0 |
Inkscape (@url{http://www.inkscape.org/}) and GIMP
513258 |
(@url{http://www.gimp.org/}). The Inkscape tool is used to create and
74c0c0 |
manipulate scalable vector graphics and export them to PNG format; it
74c0c0 |
also provides a command-line interface that we use to perform massive
513258 |
exportation from SVG files to PNG files in automation scripts. On the
513258 |
other hand, GIMP is used to create and manipulate rastered images,
513258 |
create brushes, patterns and palettes of colors.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
513258 |
@strong{Tip} Combine both Inkscape and GIMP specific functionalities
513258 |
and possibilities to produce very beautiful images.
74c0c0 |
@end quotation
74c0c0 |
513258 |
The CentOS Project Corporate Visual Identity is made of different
513258 |
visual manifestations (e.g., Distributions, Web sites, Stationery,
513258 |
etc.). Visual manifestations implement the corporate identity
513258 |
concepts by mean of images. To produce these images, we decompose
513258 |
image production in @emph{design models} and @emph{artistic motifs}.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
Design models provide the structural information of images (i.e.,
513258 |
dimension, position of common elements in the visible area,
513258 |
translation markers, etc.) and they are generally produced as scalable
513258 |
vector graphics to take advantage of SVG standard, an XML-based
f67de1 |
513258 |
513258 |
Artistic motifs provide the visual style (i.e., the background
513258 |
information, the look and feel) some design models need to complete
513258 |
the final image produced by automation scripts. Artistic motifs are
513258 |
generally produced as rastered images.
513258 |
513258 |
The result produced from combining one design model with one artistic
c2929c |
motif is what we know as a @emph{theme}. Inside themes directory
d8d967 |
structure (@pxref{Directories trunk Identity Images Themes}), you can find
513258 |
several design models and several artistic motifs independently one
513258 |
another that can be albitrarily combined through @emph{theme
c2929c |
rendition}, a flexible way to produce images for different visual
513258 |
manifestations in very specific visual styles. Inside themes directory
513258 |
structure, theme rendition is performed in
d8d967 |
@file{trunk/Identity/Images/Themes} directory structure, the required
d8d967 |
design models are taken from @file{trunk/Identity/Models/Themes}
513258 |
directory structure and the action itself is controlled by the
513258 |
@code{render} functionality of @command{centos-art.sh} script.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
In addition to theme rendition you can find @emph{direct rendition},
513258 |
too. Direct rendition is another way of image production where there
513258 |
is no artistic motif at all but design models only. Direct rendition
f67de1 |
is very useful to produce simple content that doesn't need specific
f67de1 |
background information. Some of these contents are brands, icons and
f67de1 |
illustrations. Direct rendition is performed in
513258 |
@file{trunk/Identity/Images}, the required design models are taken
513258 |
from @file{trunk/Identity/Models} directory structure and the action
513258 |
itself is controlled by the @code{render} functionality of
513258 |
@command{centos-art.sh} script.
513258 |
513258 |
@xref{Directories trunk Identity}, for more information about The
513258 |
CentOS Corporate Identity and how graphic design fits on it.
798844 |
0c08ea |
@subsubsection Documentation
41622d |
@cindex Documentation work line
2b93ca |
74c0c0 |
The documentation work line exists to describe what each directory
513258 |
inside the CentOS Artwork Repository is for, the conceptual ideas
513258 |
behind them and, if possible, how automation scripts make use of them.
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
The CentOS Artwork Repository documentation is supported by Texinfo, a
74c0c0 |
documentation system that uses a single source file to produce both
513258 |
online information and printed output.
513258 |
513258 |
The repository documentation is organized under @file{trunk/Manual}
e09f1f |
directory and uses the repository directory structre as reference.
e09f1f |
Each directory in the repository has a documentation entry associated
e09f1f |
in the documentation manual. Documentation entries are stored under
e09f1f |
@file{trunk/Manual/Directories} directory and the action itself is
e09f1f |
controlled by the @code{help} functionality of @command{centos-art.sh}
e09f1f |
513258 |
513258 |
The @code{help} functionality let you create, edit and delete
513258 |
documentation entries in a way that you don't need to take care of
74c0c0 |
updating menus, nodes and cross reference information inside the
74c0c0 |
manual structure; the functionality takes care of it for you.
74c0c0 |
However, if you need to write repository documentation that have
74c0c0 |
nothing to do with repository directories (e.g., Preface, Introduction
74c0c0 |
and similar) you need to do it manually, there is no functionality to
74c0c0 |
automate such process yet.
87b230 |
c2594a |
@xref{Directories trunk Manuals}, for more information on
87b230 |
2b93ca |
0c08ea |
@subsubsection Localization
41622d |
@cindex Localization work line
87b0e4 |
74c0c0 |
The localization work line exists to provide the translation messages
513258 |
required to produce content in different languages. Translation
513258 |
messages inside the repository are stored as portable objects (e.g.,
513258 |
.po, .pot) and machine objects (.mo) under @file{trunk/Locales}
513258 |
directory structure.
87b0e4 |
74c0c0 |
The procedure used to localize content is taken from @command{gettext}
513258 |
standard specification. Basically, translatable strings are retrived
f67de1 |
from source files in order to create portable objects and machine
f67de1 |
objects for them. These portable objects are editable files that
f67de1 |
contain the information used by translators to localize the
f67de1 |
translatable strings retrived from source files. On the other hand,
f67de1 |
machine objects are produced to be machine-redable only, as its name
f67de1 |
implies, and are produced from portable objects.
87b0e4 |
87b0e4 |
Since @command{gettext} needs to extract translatable strings form
513258 |
source files in order to let translators to localize them, we are
513258 |
limitted to use source files supported by @command{gettext} program.
513258 |
This is not a limitation at all since @command{gettext} supports most
513258 |
popular programming laguages (e.g., C, C++, Java, Bash, Python, Perl,
f67de1 |
PHP and GNU Awk just to mention a few ones). Nevertheless, formats
f67de1 |
like SVG, XHTML and Docbook don't figure as supported formats in the
f67de1 |
list of @command{gettext} supported source files.
87b230 |
87b230 |
To translate XML based source files like SVG, XHTML and Docbook we use
513258 |
the @command{xml2po} program instead. The @command{xml2po} comes with
513258 |
the @file{gnome-doc-utils} package and retrives translatable strings
f67de1 |
from one XML file to produce portable objects for them.
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
Portable objects produced by @command{xml2po} have the same format
f67de1 |
that portable objects produced by @command{gettext}. This make the
f67de1 |
localization process quite consistent from translators' point of view.
f67de1 |
No matter what the source file be, the translator will always face the
f67de1 |
same translation file format (i.e., the portable object format).
f67de1 |
@end quotation
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
With the portable object in place, the @command{xml2po} program is
f67de1 |
used again to create the final translated XML, just with the same
f67de1 |
definition of the source file where translatable strings were taken
f67de1 |
from (e.g., if we extract translatable strings from a SVG file, as
f67de1 |
result we get the same SVG file but with translatable strings already
f67de1 |
localized ---obviously, for this to happen translators need to
f67de1 |
localize translatable strings inside the portable object first,
f67de1 |
localization won't appear as art of magic---). When using
f67de1 |
@command{xml2po}, the machine object is used as temporal file to
f67de1 |
produce the final translated XML file.
87b0e4 |
87b0e4 |
87b0e4 |
@strong{Tip} If you want to have your content localized inside CentOS
74c0c0 |
Artwork Repository be sure to use source files supported either by
74c0c0 |
@command{gettext} or @command{xml2po} programs.
87b0e4 |
@end quotation
87b0e4 |
8e4e50 |
@xref{Directories trunk Locales}, for more information.
87b0e4 |
0c08ea |
@subsubsection Automation
41622d |
@cindex Automation work line
2b93ca |
513258 |
The automation work line exists to standardize content production in
513258 |
CentOS Artwork Repository. There is no need to type several tasks,
f67de1 |
time after time, if they can be programmed into just one executable
f67de1 |
87b0e4 |
32f4f2 |
The automation work line takes place under @file{trunk/Scripts}
74c0c0 |
directory structure. Here is developed the @command{centos-art.sh}
87b0e4 |
script, a bash script specially designed to automate most frequent
513258 |
tasks (e.g., rendition, documentation and localization) inside the
513258 |
repository. Basically, the @command{centos-art.sh} script is divided
513258 |
in several functionalities independent one another that perform
f67de1 |
specific tasks and relay on repository organization to work as
513258 |
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
74c0c0 |
@strong{Tip} If you need to improve the way content is produced, look
32f4f2 |
inside automation scripts and make your improvement there for everyone
32f4f2 |
to benefit.
87b0e4 |
@end quotation
87b0e4 |
c2929c |
@xref{Directories trunk Scripts}, for more information on automation.
8e4e50 |
0c08ea |
@subsection Connection between directories
41622d |
@cindex Connection between directories
41622d |
@cindex Master paths
41622d |
@cindex Auxiliar paths
87b230 |
513258 |
In order to produce content in CentOS Artwork Repository, it is
513258 |
required that all work lines be connected somehow. This is the way
513258 |
automation scripts can know where to retrive the information they need
513258 |
to work with (e.g., design model, translation messages, output
513258 |
location, etc.). We build this kind of connection using two path
513258 |
constructions named @emph{master paths} and @emph{auxiliar paths}.
32f4f2 |
513258 |
The master path points only to directories that contain the source
513258 |
files (e.g., SVG files) required to produce base content (e.g., PNG
513258 |
files) through automation scripts. Each master path inside the
513258 |
repository may have several auxiliar paths associated, but auxiliar
513258 |
paths can only have one master path associated.
32f4f2 |
32f4f2 |
The auxiliar paths can point either to directories or files. When an
32f4f2 |
auxiliar path points to a directory, that directory contains
513258 |
information that modifies somehow the content produced from master
f67de1 |
paths (e.g., translation messages) or provides the output information
f67de1 |
required to know where to store the content produced from master path.
f67de1 |
When an auxiliar path points to a file, that file has no other purpose
f67de1 |
but to document the master path it refers to.
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
The relation between auxiliar paths and master paths is realized
f67de1 |
combining two path informations which are: the master path itself and
f67de1 |
one second level directory structure from the repository. Generally,
f67de1 |
the master path is considered the path identifier and the second level
f67de1 |
directory structure taken from the repository is considered the common
f67de1 |
part of the path where the identifier is appended.
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
@float Figure, Path construction
32f4f2 |
513258 |
513258 |
Path | Suffix | Identifier |Prefix| Type
513258 |
513258 |
A | |trunk/Identity/Models/Brands| | Directory
513258 |
22d8a0 |
B | trunk/Manual/|trunk/Identity/Models/Brands|.texinfo | File
513258 |
513258 |
C | trunk/Locales/|trunk/Identity/Models/Brands| | Directory
513258 |
513258 |
D | |trunk/Identity/Images/Brands| | Directory
513258 |
22d8a0 |
E | trunk/Locales/|trunk/Identity/Images/Brands|.texinfo | File
513258 |
513258 |
f67de1 |
A = Master path.
f67de1 |
B = Auxiliar path to documentation entry.
f67de1 |
C = Auxiliar path to translation messages.
f67de1 |
D = Auxiliar path to final content output.
f67de1 |
E = Auxiliar path to documentation entry.
32f4f2 |
@end verbatim
f67de1 |
@caption{Path construction.}
513258 |
@end float
513258 |
f67de1 |
The path information described above (@pxref{Path construction}) is
f67de1 |
used by direct rendition and can be taken as reference to add other
f67de1 |
components that are equally produced in the repository. To add new
513258 |
components that make use of direct rendition inside the repository,
513258 |
change just the component name used above (e.g., @file{Brands}) to
f67de1 |
that one you want to add, without changing the path structure around
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
The file organization used by theme rendition extends direct rendition
f67de1 |
by separating design models information from backgrounds information.
f67de1 |
To better understand this configuration, you can consider it as two
f67de1 |
independent lists, one of design models and one of artistic motifs,
f67de1 |
which are arbitrary combined between themselves in order to render
f67de1 |
images in specific ways. The possibilities of this configuration are
f67de1 |
endless and let us describe visual manifestations very well. For
f67de1 |
example, consider the organization used to produce @file{Anaconda}
f67de1 |
images; for CentOS distribution major release 5; using @file{Default}
f67de1 |
design models and version @file{3} of @file{Flame} artistic motif:
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
@float Figure, Path construction extended
32f4f2 |
513258 |
513258 |
Path | Suffix | Identifier |Prefix| Type
513258 |
d8d967 |
A | |trunk/Identity/Models/Themes/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda| | Directory
513258 |
22d8a0 |
B | trunk/Manual/|trunk/Identity/Models/Themes/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda|.texinfo | File
513258 |
d8d967 |
C | trunk/Locales/|trunk/Identity/Models/Themes/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda| | Directory
513258 |
d8d967 |
D | |trunk/Identity/Images/Themes/Flame/3/Distro/5/Anaconda| | Directory
513258 |
22d8a0 |
E | trunk/Locales/|trunk/Identity/Images/Themes/Flame/3/Distro/5/Anaconda|.texinfo | File
513258 |
513258 |
f67de1 |
A = Master path.
f67de1 |
B = Auxiliar path to documentation entry.
f67de1 |
C = Auxiliar path to translation messages.
f67de1 |
D = Auxiliar path to final content output.
f67de1 |
E = Auxiliar path to documentation entry.
32f4f2 |
@end verbatim
f67de1 |
@caption{Path construction extended.}
513258 |
@end float
87b230 |
f67de1 |
The path information described above (@pxref{Path construction
f67de1 |
extended}) is used by theme rendition and can be taken as reference to
f67de1 |
add other components that are equally produced in the repository.
87b230 |
f67de1 |
In this configuration we can change both design model name (e.g.,
f67de1 |
@file{Default}) and artistic motif name (e.g., @file{Flame/3}) to
f67de1 |
something else in order to achieve a different result. The only
f67de1 |
limitations impossed are the storage space provided in the server
f67de1 |
machine and your own creativeness as graphic designer.
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
A theme ready for implementation may consume from 100 MB to 400 MB of
f67de1 |
storage space. The exact space consumed by a theme depends on the
f67de1 |
amount of screen resolutions the theme supports. The more screen
f67de1 |
resolutions the theme supports, the more storage space demanded for
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
@end quotation
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
In this configuration we saw how to build the path information for
f67de1 |
@file{Anaconda} component as part of CentOS Distribution visual
f67de1 |
manifestation, but that is not the only component we have inside
f67de1 |
CentOS Distribution visual manifestation. There are other components
f67de1 |
like Syslinux, Grub, Rhgb, Gdm, Kdm, Gsplash and Ksplash that share a
f67de1 |
similar file organization to that described above for @file{Anaconda}
f67de1 |
87b0e4 |
0c08ea |
@subsection Syncronizing path information
41622d |
@cindex Syncronizing path information
87b0e4 |
f67de1 |
Syncronizing path information is the action that keeps all path
513258 |
information up to date in the repository. This action implies both
513258 |
@emph{file movement} and @emph{file content replacement} in this very
f67de1 |
specific order. File movement is related to duplicate, delete and
f67de1 |
rename files and directories in the repository. File content
f67de1 |
replacement is related to replace information, path information in
f67de1 |
this case, inside files in the repository.
513258 |
513258 |
The order followed to syncronize path information is relevant because
f67de1 |
the versioned nature of the files we are working with. We don't
f67de1 |
perform file content replacement first because that would imply a
f67de1 |
repository change which will immediatly demmand a commit in order for
f67de1 |
actions like duplicate, delete or rename to take place. However, if we
f67de1 |
perform file movement first, it is possible to commit both file moved
f67de1 |
and file content replacements as if they were just one change. In this
513258 |
case the file content replacement takes palce in the target location
f67de1 |
that have been duplicated or renamed, not the one use as source
f67de1 |
location. This configuration is specially useful when files are
f67de1 |
renamed (i.e., one file is copied from a source location to a target
f67de1 |
location and then the source location of it is removed from
f67de1 |
87b0e4 |
87b0e4 |
513258 |
@strong{Warning} There is no support for URLs actions inside
513258 |
@command{centos-art.sh} script. The @command{centos-art.sh} script is
513258 |
designed to work with local files inside the working copy only. If you
513258 |
need to perform URL actions directly, use Subversion commands instead.
87b0e4 |
@end quotation
87b0e4 |
f67de1 |
When one master path is changed it is required that all related
f67de1 |
auxiliar paths be changed, too. This is required in order for master
f67de1 |
paths to retain their relation with auxiliar paths. This way,
f67de1 |
automation scripts are able to know where to retrive translation
f67de1 |
messages from, where to store final output images to and where to look
f67de1 |
for documentation. If relation between master paths and auxiliar paths
f67de1 |
is lost, there is no way for automation scripts to know where to
f67de1 |
retrive the information they need.
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
The auxiliar paths should never be modified under any reason but to
f67de1 |
satisfy the relationship with the master path. Liberal change of
f67de1 |
auxiliar paths may suppress the conceptual idea they were initially
f67de1 |
created for; and certainly, automation scripts may stop working as
f67de1 |
expected. The update direction to rename path information must be from
f67de1 |
master path to auxiliar path and never the opposite.
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
The relation between master and auxiliar paths is useful to keep
f67de1 |
repository organized but introduce some complications when we work
f67de1 |
with files that use master path information as reference to build
f67de1 |
structural information. This is the case of repository documentation
f67de1 |
manual source files where inclusions, menus, nodes and cross
f67de1 |
references are built using master path information as reference. Now,
f67de1 |
to see what kind of complication we are talking about, consider what
f67de1 |
would happen to a structural definitions (i.e., inlusions, menus,
f67de1 |
nodes and cross refereces) already set in the manual from one master
f67de1 |
path that is suddenly renamed to something different. If the path
f67de1 |
information is not syncronized, at this point, we lose connection
f67de1 |
between the master path and the auxiliar path created to store the
f67de1 |
related documentation entry, as well as the related structural
f67de1 |
definitions that end up pointing to a master path that no longer
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
The syncronization of path information is aimed to solve these kind of
f67de1 |
f67de1 |
0c08ea |
@subsection Extending repository organization
41622d |
@cindex Extending repository organization
87b0e4 |
513258 |
Occasionly, you may find that new components of The CentOS Project
513258 |
Corporate Identity need to be added to the repository in order to work
513258 |
them out. If that is the case, the first question we need to ask
513258 |
ourselves, before start to create directories blindly all over, is:
513258 |
@emph{What is the right place to store it?}
87b0e4 |
87b230 |
The best place to find answers is in The CentOS Community (see page
87b230 |
@url{http://wiki.centos.org/GettingHelp}), but going there with hands
87b230 |
empty is not good idea. It may give the impression you don't really
87b230 |
care about. Instead, consider the following suggestions to find your
87b230 |
own comprehension in order to make your own propositions based on it.
87b230 |
513258 |
When extending respository structure it is very useful to bear in mind
513258 |
The CentOS Project Corporate Identity Structure (@pxref{Directories
513258 |
trunk Identity}) The CentOS Mission and The CentOS Release Schema. The
513258 |
rest is just matter of choosing appropriate names. It is also worth to
513258 |
know that each directory in the repository responds to a conceptual
513258 |
idea that justifies its existence.
513258 |
513258 |
To build a directory structure, you need to define the conceptual idea
513258 |
first and later create the directory. There are some locations inside
513258 |
the repository that already define some concepts you probably want to
d8d967 |
reuse. For example, @file{trunk/Identity/Images/Themes} to store theme
d8d967 |
artistic motifs, @file{trunk/Identity/Models/Themes} to store theme
513258 |
design models, @file{trunk/Manual} to store documentation files,
513258 |
@file{trunk/Locales} to store translation messages,
513258 |
@file{trunk/Scripts} to store automation scripts and so on.
87b230 |
87b230 |
To illustrate this desition process let's consider the
d8d967 |
@file{trunk/Identity/Images/Themes/TreeFlower/3} directory structure
513258 |
as example. This directory can be read as: the theme development line
513258 |
of version @file{3} of @file{TreeFlower} artistic motif. Additional,
513258 |
we can identify that artistic motifs are part of themes as well as
513258 |
themes are part of The CentOS Project Corporate Identity. These
513258 |
concepts are better described independently in each documentation
513258 |
entry related to the directory structure as it is respectively shown
513258 |
in the list of commands bellow.
87b0e4 |
87b0e4 |
74c0c0 |
centos-art help --read turnk
74c0c0 |
centos-art help --read turnk/Identity
74c0c0 |
centos-art help --read turnk/Identity/Themes
d8d967 |
centos-art help --read turnk/Identity/Images/Themes
d8d967 |
centos-art help --read turnk/Identity/Images/Themes/TreeFlower
d8d967 |
centos-art help --read turnk/Identity/Images/Themes/TreeFlower/3
87b0e4 |
@end verbatim
87b0e4 |
513258 |
The concepts behind other location can be found in the same way
513258 |
described above, just change the path information used above to the
87b230 |
one you are trying to know concepts for.